HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960_02_17 Town Board Minutes 1 , MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD FEBRUARY 17th, 1960, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. Y� PRESENT: Supervisor Burchell Councilman Santoro Councilman Kane Councilman Brush Councilwoman Helwig ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mr. Delius - Town Attorney Mr. Friedlander - Engineer & Supt. of Highways Mr. Orsino - Comptroller Mrs. Brewer - Secretary OPENING OF BIDS FOR ONE 2-DOOR SEDAN The Clerk presented the affidavit of publication of notice for bids published in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, on February 9th, 1960, and opened and sub- mitted the following bids -- Bidder Bid Hory Chevrolet Go. $ 2, 076.00 (8 cylinder) 1, 987. 00 (6 cylinder) Flinn Motor Corp. 2, 062.00 (8 cylinder) 1, 976. 00 (6 cylinder) which were referred to the Town Attorney for examination and report thereon at the next meeting of the Board. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the meeting. NEW BUSINESS a. Reappointment of Sidney Bierman to Zoning Board of Appeals Councilman Kane strongly recommended the reappointment of Mr. Bierman to the Zoning Board of Appeals, pointing out that he was the only attorney serving on this Board and highly commending his service during his past term of of- fice with the Board, and on his motion which was seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that Sidney Bierman be and he hereby is reappointed a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Mamaroneck for a five- year term of office, effective as of February 20th, 1960 and expiring on February 19th, 1965. b. Approval of Sale of Property at Auction (Block 125, Parcel 384) The Supervisor informed the Board of the sale of certain Town-owned property known as Block 125, Parcel 384 on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck at public auction immediately prior to this meeting and re- quested the Board's approval of the sale. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Kane and seconded by Councilman Santoro, the following resolution was unanimously adopted; WHEREAS the Town of Mamaroneck, through the institution of actions in the County Court of West- chester County pursuant to Article VIg-A, Title 3 of the Tax Law, has become and now is the owner of a number of parcels of real estate situate in the unincorporated section of the Town of Mamar- oneck; and WHEREAS the Town of Mamaroneck advertised for bids and held a public auction on February 17, 1960, and received bids on certain parcels of real estate now owned by the Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS, since the receipt of said bids, this Board has given careful consideration thereto, af- ter due deliberation, it is RESOLVED that the bid hereinafter listed be ac- cepted at the price and terms therein set forth; BID ACCEPTED Block Parcel Purchaser Ass'd Value Sale Price Terms 125 384 Carl Mirande $ 1, 000. $ 2, 000. Cash FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor is au- thorized and directed to execute and deliver the deed to this parcel in accordance with the terms and contract of sale and the Town Attorney is au- thorized to take all steps necessary to complete the sale transfer of this parcel. 1 _d Request for Building Permit--Dominick Librandi (Not on Agenda) At this time, the Supervisor noting the presence of Dominick Li- brandi, read Mr. Librandi's letter requesting the granting of a Building Permit for the erection of a one family dwelling on the east side of Laurel Avenue which had been denied by the Building Inspector under Section 400.6 of the Zoning Ordinance and Sec- tion 280 of the Town Law, which at the last meeting of the Board had been referred to Mr. Friedlander for report in the absence of the Building Inspector, Mr. Paonessa. Mr. Friedlander reported that he had informed Mr. Librandi that the permit could be granted at the Board's discretion if he posted a bond in the amount of $1, 990.00 to cover the cost of the necessary street and utility improvements in that part of the street known as Laurel Avenue in front of and abutting his property, which, he said, Mr. Librandi was willing to do. Mr. Librandi then asked Mr. Friedlander whether this estimate would provide for the cost of paving from the northerly boundary of Thompson Street to the end of his property, and upon being assurred that it would, stated that he was agreeable to posting the bond. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Brush and seconded by Councilman Kane, the following resolution was adopted unani- mously WHEREAS, Dominick Librandi heretofore made applica- tion to the Building Inspector of the Town of Mamaroneck for the construction of a house on premises owned by him known as Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block D on "Map of Laurel Park", Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, made by A. J. Foote, Surveyor, September 18th, 1925, and filed in the County Clerk's Office of West- chester County, Division of Land Records on September 23rd, 1925, as Map (2889, and also described as Block 124, Part of Parcel 270 on the Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, which lot abuts or fronts on a street known as Laurel Avenue as shown on said map; and WHEREAS, the Building Inspector denied said permit on the grounds that said lot has no proper access to Laurel Avenue; and WHEREAS, the said Dominick Librandi has applied to this Board to void or modify the decision of the Building Inspector in this respect; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the decision of the Building Inspector is modified to the extent that he is authorized and directed to issue a building permit on the aforesaid application of Dominick Librandi upon the following conditions: A. That Dominick Librandi, at his own cost and expense complete certain street improvements on Laurel 1 � , Avenue in front of the premises for which the building permit is to be issued, such improvements to be as specified in Paragraph B of this resolution. B. That a bond be filed by Dominick Librandi for the completion of certain street improvements in Laurel Avenue, said bond to be for the sum of $1990.00 and which shall be for the term of one year from the date of its execution, which bond shall provide: 1. That Dominick Librandi shall rough grade the street known as Laurel Avenue to its full width of 50 feet at the established sub-grade elevation for a distance of 142 lineal feet from the easterly line of the pavement on Thompson Street. Z. That before final grading, the said Dominick Librandi shall construct a 6 inch cast iron water main extension from the easterly end of an exist- ing water main eastward, a distance of 72 lineal feet. 3. That the said Dominick Librandi shall pave the street known as Laurel Avenue for the distance of 142 lineal feet as specified in Paragraph 1, with bituminous macadam broken stone pavement (penetration method) 26 feet wide which is to be placed on the sub-grade after it has been fine graded, such pavement to be 5 inches thick after compaction and penetrated with 2-1/2 gallons of bituminous material per square yard and that such pavement shall be placed at the established grade elevation and that shoulders shall be fine graded for the full width of 50 feet and for the full length of the pavement. FURTHER RESOLVED that the bond shall be in a form ap- proved by the Town Attorney of the Town of Mamaroneck and issued by a surety company licensed to do business in the State of New York. COMMUNICATIONS a. Letter from William J. Ronan re New Haven Railroad The Clerk read a letter addressed to him by William J. Ronan, Secretary to Governor Rockefeller, under date of February 3rd, acknowledging receipt of his letter addres- sed to the Governor and enclosing certified copy of the resolution adopted by the Board pertaining to the New Haven Railroad, and stating that the matter was under active study by both the Office of Transportation and the Public Service Commission, which communication the Board ordered be received and placed on file. b. Notice re Rates and Charges of Con Edison for Electric Service -- Public Service Commission 1 The Clerk presented a notice from the Public Service Com- mission of the proceeding on motion of the Commission as to the rates and charges of Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc„ for electric service - (confirming order), which the Attorney advised pertained only to New York City and which the Board ordered be received and filed, c. Notice re Rates and Charges of Con Edison for Electric Service -- Public Service Commission The Clerk presented a notice from the Public Service Com- mission of the proceeding on motion of the Commission as to the rates and charges of Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. , for electric service, which the Attorney also advised pertained only to New York City and which was ordered received and placed on file. COMMUNICATIONS (Not on Agenda) 1. Requests to Use Election Equipment--Larchmont and Mamaroneck The Clerk informed the Board that the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck had requested the use of the usual voting equipment for Village registration and election purposes, and upon motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the request of the Village of Larch- mont and that of the Village of Mamaroneck for the use of the usual equipment for Village registration and election purposes be and they hereby aregranted. 2. Request for Authorization for Transfer of Funds--1959 Budget The Clerk presented a memorandum from the Comptroller, dated February 16th, 1960, requesting authorization for the transfer of funds indie 1959 budget, and on motion by Coun- cilman Brush, which was seconded by Councilwoman Hel- wig, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Comptroller and Supervisor be and they hereby are directed and authorized to make transfers within the 1959 budget as follows: GENERAL TOWN DISTRICT Department of Town Offices From To Office Supplies $ 355.21 , Office Equipment 14.00 Light $ 75. 00 Department of Supervisor Office Supplies . 16 - 12 # From To Department of Comptroller Office Supplies 90.00 ' Department of Town Clerk Office Supplies 130. 14 LDepartment of Elections Inspectors & Poll Clerks 72.00 ' Labor 22. 08 Supplies 288.75' Rentals 175.00 . Department of Receiver of Taxes Office Supplies 100.00 Department of Assessor Office Supplies 47. 04 ' Traveling Expense 12.06 ' Appraisals 140.00 ' Department of Law Stenographic Services 418. 00 ' Office Supplies 60,78 Traveling Expenses 200.00 ' Legal Costs 300. 00 ' Department of Justices of the Peace Clerical Assistance 7.00 ' Court Stenographer Services 221.20 Office Supplies 88.43 ' Department of Engineer Office Supplies 132. 32 Department of Recreation Wages 353.76 ' Field Maintenance Supplies 614. 10• Travel & Car Expense 175.00 • Pre School Play School 350.00 . Department of Miscellaneous Shade Tree Fund 690.33 • Bond & Coupon Services 6.79 Care of Town Cemetery 28.48• Social Security Taxes 220. 34 ' Humane Society Contract .06 ' Maintenance & Lighting - Parking Lots 849.41 • Hommocks Improvement Area 1, 417.70 - Publishing Notices 400.00 . Insurance 1, 425. 14 Contingency Fund 2, 620.00 ' OUTSIDE VILLAGES DISTRICT From To Department of Police Office Supplies $ $ _ 333.82 Light, Gas, Water 53. 70. Auto Maintenance 637. 53• Radio Maintenance 303. 33 ' Insurance 1, 328. 38• Department of Planning Board Publishing Notices 140.80 Department of Building & Plumbing Office Supplies 188. 34 Traveling Expense 188. 34 . Department of Board of Appeals Office Supplies 140.80 , GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 Department of Sanitation Gas & Oil 20. 21 Truck Repairs 435. 27 • Social Security Taxes 14.00' Insurance 455.48 • Rental - Equipment 14. 00 . FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 Fire Department Fire Truck Drivers 171. 14 Supplies 95. 58` Telephone & Alarm 124.71• Light, Gas, Water 183.42' Fuel 10. 16• Clothing 165. 10. Repairs & Maintenance of Building 599.72• Equipment Repairs 123. 12, Hydrant Rental 1. 33. Insurance 1, 474.28 • WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 1 Capital Construction Extension Costs 35. 54 Meters Installed 35. 54 PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 Department of Parks From To Laborers 163. 20• Gas, Oil & Equipment Repairs 176. 37, Insurance 339. 57 . 3. Voting Districts Upon the Clerk's request that the Board appoint a committee to study the matter of creating a new election district in the Town, on motion by Councilman Santoro and seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that Nils Hanson, Chairman of the Repub- lican Town Committee, Edward P. Meehan, Chair- man of the Democratic Town Committee, and Charles J. Gronberg, Town Clerk, be and they hereby are ap- pointed to serve on a committee to study the matter of creating a new election district in the Town of Ma- maroneck. REPORTS The Clerk presented the following reports which were received and placed on file: Report of the Town Clerk for the month of January, 1960. Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc. for the month of January, 1960. REPORT OF THE SUPERVISOR 1. Memorandum--Schedule of Office Hours The Supervisor called to the attention of the Press a schedule of the hours during which those officials of the Town whose duties take them out of the office a large part of the time would be in their respective offices and available daily. REPORTS OF THE COUNCILMEN Councilman Santoro -- 1. Building Inspector--Mr. Paonessa Councilman Santoro reported that the newly-appointed Building Inspector, Mr. Paonessa, had been operated on and was in good condition and expected to be home the end of this week. He further stated that it would be necessary for him to be at home some three weeks before returning to the office. The Board thanked Mr. Santoro and expressed its best wishes for Mr. Paonessa's quick recovery. i 2. Construction of Walk-way on Weaver Street Councilman Santoro reported that Mr. Friedlander was try- ing to find a certain blasting mat, needed in connection with the conferences now under way with Mr. Greer from the State concerning the proposed construction of a walk-way along Weaver Street between Palmer Avenue and the Post Road. He stated that he would report further on this at the next meeting of the Board. 3. Stairway at Station Councilman Santoro reported that the Board met at the site of the proposed stairway and found that it was necessary to move the location thereof some 16 feet which of course would necessitate the preparation of new drawings. He stated that he would keep the Board informed, reporting from meeting to meeting. 4. Erection of Canopy at Station Councilman Santoro stated that Mr. Friedlander had just advised him of notification by the Thruway that work would begin on the erection of the long-awaited canopy tomorrow. ■r Councilman Kane -- ■L 1. Study of Lighting on Post Road Councilman Kane advised the Board that Mr. Thomas Sweatt would assist in the lighting study now being made and stated that a full report thereon would be ready to submit at the next meeting of the Board. 2. Apportionments Councilman Kane presented the following petitions received from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes, and on motion by him and seconded by Councilman Santoro, the following resolution was adopted unanimously WHEREAS the Assessor has presented petitions for the correction of the assessment roll for certain years pursuant to the provisions of Section 557, Ar- ticle 16 of the Westchester County Administrative Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the cor- rection of said assessment roll; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1959, taxes of 1960, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total EE 951 45 Frida L. Eising $ 21, 800 $ 22, 000 $43, 800 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Im2 Total 951 44 Richard A. Eising 2, 800 2, 800 955 45 Robert E. Eising 19, 000 22, 000 41, 000 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1959, taxes of 1960, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 908 208 Adelaide A. Wilcox 3, 600 12, 200 15, 800 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 908 208 Nicholas Lapetina & W 2, 300 6, 100 8, 400 908 218 Adelaide A. Wilcox 1, 300 6, 100 7, 400 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1959, taxes of 1960, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land IMP Total 821 44 Village of Mamaroneck 7, 000 200 7, 200 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land !_M2 Total 821 44 Consolidated Edison Co 2, 500 200 2, 700 821 54 Village of Mamaroneck 4, 500 4, 500 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1959, taxes of 1960, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 121 505 R. W. Ehrenberg & W 5, 300 12, 500 17, 800 16 � be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- ' visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 121 505 Mrs. Minnie Schornstein $ 2, 300 $ $ 2, 300 121 511 R. W. Ehrenberg & W 3, 000 12, 500 15, 500 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1959, taxes of 1960, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land only 809 133 Rocco Dellaporta & or $ 1, 500 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land only 809 133 Joseph Germani & W 1, 000 809 146 Rocco Dellaporta & or 500 Councilman Brush -- 1. Bus Committee Councilman Brush informed that the Bus Committee would meet prior to the next meeting of this Board and that he would report on the Committee's meeting at that time. Z. Annual Meeting of Association of Towns Councilman Brush thanked the Board for the privilege of serving as Alternate Delegate of the Town at the recent an- nual meeting of the Association of Towns of New York State, held in New York City on February 8th, 9th, and 10th last. He stated that each of the sessions he had attended per- sonally was excellent and that all of the Town officials had reported that the sessions attended by them were highly informative and well worth-while. Councilwoman Helwig-- r 1. Report on Land and Outdoor Facility Recreation Study ` Councilwoman Helwig submitted a detailed written report on the status of the Land and Outdoor Facility Recreation Study, which was received and placed on file. The report outlined the history of the inception of the study, the formation of the Town-appointed Advisory Committee to 1 t c assist the County Survey Team, the expansion of said Ad- visory Committee to include representatives of both the Village of Larchmont and the Village of Mamaroneck, who will be appointed by the Villages, and the procedure to be followed in the determination of the duties and responsi- bilities of the participating municipalities. REPORT OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY 1. Notice for Bus Hearing, March 2nd meeting The Town Attorney reported that in accordance with the Board's direction, he had prepared the notice of public hearing to be held at the next regular meeting of this Board on March 2nd, 1960, to consider the application of William Gauthier for consent to operate a school bus in the unincor- porated area of the Town of Mamaroneck which would be published on February 19th, 1960. 2. Notice of Hearing on Amendment to General Ordinances The Town Attorney presented for the Board's approval a notice of public hearing at the March 2nd meeting to con- sider an amendment to Chapter VII, Section 1 of the General Ordinances (pertaining to permits issued for use of Town dump) which he had prepared at the Board's direction, and requested that the Clerk be authorized to publish same if it met with the Board's approval. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, a notice of public hearing to be held at the next regular meeting of the Town Board on March 2nd, 1960 for the pur- pose of considering an amendment to Chapter VII, Section 1 of the General Ordinances of the Town of Mamaroneck as prepared.and submitted by the Town Attorney and filed herewith. 3. Bill in Legislature The Attorney called to the Board's attention a bill to amend the General Municipal Law with regard to compensation for the taking of municipal property which had been introduced in the legislature and was presently in committee. He stated that passage of this bill would solve the Town's prob- lems in connection with the collection of compensation for park property taken by the Thruway and recommended that the Board approve this legislation and request Senator Meighan and Assemblyman Gioffre to do everything possible to secure passage of same. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, the following resolution was adopted unanimously WHEREAS, Senator Rulison has introduced a bill known as Senate Introductory 2028, Print No. 2077, and Assemblyman Goddard a companionbill known as Assembly Introductory 2713, Print No. 2764, amending article two of the General Munie- r ipal Law in relation to compensation for property [L of a municipal corporation taken by eminent do- main, which amendment would make it possible for municipal corporation property to be compen- sated for in the same manner and extent as though it were private property, and WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable for the Town of Mamaroneck to secure the passage of such amend- ment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board approves the legisla- tion and the bill known as Senate Introductory 2028, Print No. 2077, introduced by Mr. Rulison on Jan- uary 27, 1960, and the companion bill introducedin the Assembly by Mr. Goddard and known as Assem- bly Introductory 2713, Print No. 2764; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board urges and requests Senator Rulison and Assemblyman God- dard to use all honorable means to secure the pas- sage of this bill so that the same may be enacted into law; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk send certified copies of this resolution to Senator Rulison and As- semblyman Goddard. 4. Observance of Town's 300th Anniversary In connection with the proposed observance of the 300th anni- versary of the founding of the Town of Mamaroneck, the Su- pervisor explained that legislation was necessary authorizing the Town Board to appropriate funds for such purpose andthe Attorney presented the bill which had been introduced by Sen- ator Meighan and Assemblyman Gioffre, recommending that a resolution approving the legislation and requesting Senator Meighan and Assemblyman Gioffre to do all they could to se- cure passage of such bill, be adopted at this time. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Santoro and seconded by Councilman Kane, the following resolution was adopted unanimously WHEREAS, Senator Meighan has introduced a bill known as Senate Introductory 2877 and Assembly- man Gioffre has introduced the companion bill known as Assembly Introductory 3778 in the Assembly, which 's>A bsY tp bill would authorize the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck to appropriate not to exceed the sum of $7, 500. 00 for the observance of the 300th anniversary of the establishment of said Town; and WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable for the Town of Mamaroneck to secure the passage of this bill; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board hereby approves the legislation and the bill known as Senate Introduc- tory 2877, introduced by Senator Meighan and the companion bill introduced in the Assembly by As- semblyman Gioffre and known as Assembly Intro- ductory 3778; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board urges and requests Senator Meighan and Assemblyman Gioffre to use all honorable means to secure the passage of this bill so that the same may be en- acted into law; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk send certi- fied copies of this resolution to Senator Meighan and Assemblyman Gioffre. 5. Request for Acceptance of Streets (Portions of Split Tree Road and Salem Drive) In connection with these requests currently before the Board, the At torney reported that the title search had been com- pleted and that the Supervisor and he would be in touch with Mr. Grimmett and Mr. Butcher with respect to execution of the deeds. 6. 65 Palmer Avenue The Attorney reported that this case had been tried before Judge Doscher two weeks ago with no decision handed down as yet. 7. Alleged Zoning Violation ` (Property owned by H. Spadaro) The Town Attorney and Acting Building Inspector reported on an apparent violation of the Zoning Ordinance on the property owned by H. Spadaro located on the corner of Palmer Avenue and Burton Road insofar as the Spadaros allow cars belonging to tenants of Larchmont Acres to park on their lot. The At- torney stated that the Acting Building Inspector was still investigating the matter and that Detective Smith was tak- ing pictures at the present time. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Request to Purchase Town-owned Property--J. Rene Simon The Supervisor advised the Board of a request received from Meighan & Necarsulmer, Attorneys for J. Rene Simon of 4 Baldwin Place, Town, to purchase a certain portion (30 feet) of the unopened Town street known as Taylor Place so that he could build a house on his prop- erty located on Taylor Place without violation of the Town Zoning Ordinance. After some discussion, it was suggested that the Supervi- sor and Attorney meet with the applicant and his attorney to discuss the matter and any legal problems which might be involved and report thereon to the Board after such a meeting is held. 2. Request to Purchase Town-owned Property--Dr. Haralambie In connection with this request which has been before the r Board previously, the Supervisor suggested that since it has now been ascertained that the Town might not own a small triangular gore of land located within the property in question and which the Town would therefore be unable to sell, that a meeting be held with the Town Aj torney, Dr. Haralambi0s attorney and the attorney representing Mrs. Sarah Oliner, another applicant to purchase this same property, to determine whether either applicant would be interested in the purchase of this property sub- ject to the exclusion of this gore of land. The Board directed that such a meeting be held and that a report thereof be submitted to the Board following the meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was declared adjourned at 9:05 p.m. , to reconvene on March 2, 1960. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners convened im- mediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. 1 1. Opening of Bids--Two Way Radio System At Commissioner Brush's request, the Clerk presented the affidavit of publication of the notice for bids in The Daily Times on February 5th, 1960, and opened and presented the following bids: {` Bidder Bid L Shwedo Electronic Co. , Inc. $ 4699.00 Motorola 5052. 50 General Electric 3572. 22 The bids were referred to the Fire Chief and Fire Council for study and report at the next meeting of the Commission. 2. Communications Commissioner Brush presented a letter from the Fire De- partment under date of February 15th, 1960, requesting approval of the election of officers for the year 1960, and on his motion which was seconded by Commissioner San- toro, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Commission hereby approves the election of the following members of the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department to the following offices for the year 1960: Member Office Patsy M. Giacomo - Chief Hans Schmidt - First Deputy Chief Philip V. Librandi - Second Deputy Chief Arthur M. Brown - Secretary Leonard W. Ericson - Financial Secretary Augustus R. Funck - Treasurer Dr. Lincoln Stulik - Surgeon Msgr. John S. Flynn - Chaplain Louis Francella - Sergeant-at-Arms 3. Reports Commissioner Brush presented the following report which was received and placed on file: Report of the Fire Chief for the year 1959. 4. Claims Commissioner Brush presented the following Fire Depart- ment claims, which had been audited by the Comptroller and approved by the Fire Chief, and on his motion which was seconded by Commissioner Kane, it was unanimously 143 RESOLVED that the following claims be and they hereby are approved and the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are au- thorized to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire Department: Atlantic Service Center $ 126. 25 R. G. Brewer, Inc. 34.01 Chatsworth Oil & Heat Co. 135. 15 Con Edison 44.62 McGuire Bros. Inc. 5. 00 N. Y. Telephone Co. 7.78 Wm. Rickert, Locksmith 5.70 Total $ 358. 51 5. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. , to reconvene on March 2nd, 1960. L � o C1 k L