HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959_07_01 Town Board Minutes 5 67 1
PRESENT: Supervisor Burchell
Councilman Santoro
Councilman Kane
Councilman Brush
Councilwoman Helwig
ALSO PRESENT; Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk
Mr. Delius - Town Attorney
Mr. Friedlander - Town Engineer
Mr. Orsino - Comptroller
Mr. Finson - Accountant
Mr. O'Brien - Superintendent of Highways
Mrs. Brewer - Secretary
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
The minutes of the special meeting of April 27th, 1959 and
the regular meeting of May 6th, 1959 were approved as pre-
The Clerk presented the affidavit of publication of the Notice
of Hearing in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck,
The Daily Times, on June 20th, 1959.
The Supervisor declared the hearing open and inquired
whether any member of the Board wished to ask any question or
make any comment prior to hearing from the floor with regard
to this ordinance.
Whereupon Councilman Brush stated that the Police Commis-
sion had given great thought to this ordinance and that he felt it
was excellent and contained all necessary provisions and should
be passed as proposed.
Councilwoman Helwig then spoke stating that she observed
that the ordinance made no provision for any decal area and
asked whether the Board wished to consider this as such re-
quest had been made by some of the residents.
In reply, the Supervisor advised that the Board was now
studying this and was hopeful that it would be possible to
provide a decal area for some 30 to 40 cars.
Councilwoman Helwig then asked whether she was correct
in saying that if this improvement were to be amortized, an
income of some $8, 000.00 would have to be realized each
year for five years and the Supervisor answered that this was
The Supervisor then explained that if the cost of this im-
provement were charged to the taxpayers, it would have to
be a General Town charge and would include the residents of
the Village of Mamaroneck who certainly would not benefit
therefrom. He added that those who had used the facility in
addition to our own residents in the past were mainly from
New Rochelle and Scarsdale which was brought about by our
geographical set-up and he added that it did not seem right or
fair to charge all for the benefit of the few.
The Supervisor further stated that in view of the fact that
we were now in the summer season with its resultant fall-
off of commuters, it would seem advisable to wait until after
Labor Day to determine the actual demand on the parking
areas and then to make a decision on the provision of decal
areas. These could be provided, he explained, by amending
this ordinance at such time.
Councilman Kane stated that he was in complete agree-
ment with this thinking as did the other members of the
The Supervisor then inquired whether anyone present
wished to be heard on this ordinance and a Mrs. James Wel-
don of 257 Palmer Avenue asked whether there was any fee
for night parking. She was advised that there was no provi-
sion for such a charge in the ordinance.
Whereupon since no one else wished to be heard, on mo-
tion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Brush,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the hearing be and it hereby
is declared closed.
And thereupon Councilman Brush offered the following res-
olution, which was seconded by Councilman Santoro and unani-
mously adopted:
RESOLVED that the General Ordinances of the
Town of Mamaroneck be amended so as to add
thereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter
II-A entitled "Parking Meter Ordinance"
571 '
which shall read as follows --
Section 1.
a. The word "vehicle" shall mean any device by which
any person or property may be transported upon ahigh-
way except that operated upon rails or tracks.
b. The words "metered municipal parking field" shall
mean any land or area heretofore or hereafter acquired
by and/or leased by and operated by the Town of Ma-
maroneck as a public parking field for the parking of
motor vehicles off the streets of the Town and hereto-
fore or hereafter designated by the Town Board as
"metered municipal parking fields".
c. The word "person" shall mean and include a natural
person, firm, association, co-partnership or corpora-
d. The word "operator" shall mean and include every
individual who shall operate a vehicle as the owner there-
of or as the agent, employee or permittee of the owner,
e. The words "park", "parking" or "parked" shall
mean the stopping of a motor vehicle or motorcycle upon
any parking field designated as a "metered municipal
parking field", or streets or parts of streets referred to
in this ordinance and leaving such motor vehicle or motor-
cycle unattended by a person capable of operating it.
f. The words "parking meter zone" shall mean a space
set aside by appropriate marking and/or signs in a public
street or highway.
Section 2.
The Town Board hereby designates the following areas
adjacent to Wood Street and near the west-bound station and
tracks of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad at
Larchmont, New York, and more particularly described as
metered municipal parking fields 2 and 3:
Municipal Parking Field No. 2:
The area on the east side of Myrtle Boulevard approxi-
mately 228 feet between Vine Street and Wood Street extend-
ing southeast on Vine Street approximately 140 feet and
southeast on Wood Street approximately 400 feet.
Municipal Parking Field No. 3:
The area on the northeast side of Wood Street approxi-
mately 182 feet from Myrtle Boulevard and approximately
200 feet long between Wood Street and Cabot Road.
The above described areas are more particularly des-
cribed in a certain Lease between the Town of Mamaroneck
and the County of Westchester, dated April 16th, 1959, which
is on file in the Town Clerk's Office.
Section 3.
The Town Board may, from time to time, designate other
{` lots or areas owned and/or leased by the Town of Mamaro-
neck as metered municipal parking fields.
Section 4.
The Chief of Police shall provide for the installation, regu-
lating, control, operation and use of parking meters in "me-
tered municipal parking fields", shall cause said meters to be
maintained in good workable condition and shall place on the
surface of said fields, lines or marks designating the spaces
within which motor vehicles may park. Parking meters shall
be placed in such fields next to the individual parking spaces so
designated and the meters shall be so constructed as to display
a signal showing legal parking upon the deposit therein of the
sum of 25 , in the form of a coin of such denomination of the
United States, commonly known as a "quarter", as indicated
by instructions on said meters, and for a period of 12 consec-
utive hours thereafter, and in the alternative, a signal show-
ing legal parking upon the deposit therein of the sum of 5 , in
the form of a coin of such denomination of the United States
commonly known as a "nickel" as indicated by instructions on
said meters and for a period of 2 consecutive hours there-
after. Said signals to remain in evidence until expiration of
said period of 12 consecutive hours, or 2 hours, respectively,
at which time a change of signals or some other mechanical
operation shall indicate the expiration of the parking period.
Section 5.
The Town Board hereby establishes zones to be known as
"parking meter zones" upon the following portions of public
streets or highways in the Town of Mamaroneck outside of in-
corporated villages;
1. Northwest side of Myrtle Boulevard between Preston
Street and Cabot Road.
2. Myrtle Boulevard between Wood Street and Vine
3. South side of Myrtle Boulevard between North Chats-
worth Avenue and Madison Avenue, but parking on the
south side of Myrtle Boulevard between North Chatsworth
Avenue and Madison Avenue shall be angle parking.
Parking meters along such streets shall be placed upon the
curb immediately adjacent to the individual parking spaces here-
inafter described, each parking meter shall be placed or set in
such a manner as to show or display by signal that the parking
space adjacent to such meter is or is not legally in use. Each
parking meter in the parking meter zones numbered 2 to 3
inclusive shall be installed and set to display upon the de-
posit of a coin of the denomination of 5}` of the United States,
commonly called a "nickel", a signal indicating legal park-
ing for one hour for each nickel deposited and shall continue
to operate from the time of the deposit of such coin or coins
therein until the expiration of the time allowed for such re-
spective coins. The meters placed or installed in the park-
ing meter zones numbered 1, 2 and 3 above shall be so con-
structed as to display the signals showing legal parking upon
the deposit of the coins provided for in Section 4 of this or-
dinance pertaining to meters in "metered municipal parking
fields". Each meter shall also be so arranged that upon the
expiration of the allowed time it will indicate by a mechani-
cal operation and the exhibit of a lawful signal that the law-
ful parking period has expired.
Section 6.
The Chief of Police is instructed to have lines or mark-
ings painted or placed upon the curb or street adjacent to
each parking meter installed in the streets as herein pro-
vided for the purpose of designating the parking space for
which said meter is to be used, and each motor vehicle parked
along side of or next to any parking meter shall park within
the lines or markings so established. It shall be unlawfuland
a violation of this ordinance to park any motor vehicles across
any such line or parking or to park any motor vehicle in such
a position that the same shall not be entirely within the area
so designated by such lines or markings.
Section 7.
When any motor vehicle shall be parked next to a parking
meter in a "metered municipal parking field" or in any space
in a "parking meter zone" in a street designated in this ordi-
nance, the owner or operator of said vehicle shall park within
the area designated by the marking lines within, and upon en-
tering said parking space, shall immediately deposit in said
meter a 25 coin or a 5 coin and at once shall put said meter
in operation as thereon directed, and the said parking space
shall be lawfully occupied by such motor vehicle during the
period of time which has been prescribed for the amount de-
posited. If said motor vehicle shall remain parked in any
such parking space either in a "metered municipal parking
field" or in a "parking meter zone" in a street, as the case
may be, beyond the parking time limit allowed for the coin
inserted in said meter, the parking meter shall display a
sign or signal showing illegal parking and in that event, such
motor vehicle shall be considered to be parked overtime and
beyond the period of legal parking time and in violation of
this ordinance, except that nothing herein shall prevent the
operator of the vehicle from parking his vehicle in a parking
space without depositing a coin as aforesaid where it appears
that the maximum legal parking limit has not expired since
the deposit of the previous coin. It shall be unlawful for any
person to cause or permit any motor vehicle registered in
his name to be unlawfully parked as set out in this section or
to fail to park within the designated space or fail or neglect
to deposit the proper coin.
Section 8.
It shall be unlawful to deposit or cause to be deposited in
any parking meter, any slug, device or a metallic substitute
for a coin of the United States.
Section 9.
It shall be unlawful for any person to deface, injure, tam-
per with, open, willfully break or destroy any parking meter.
Section 10.
It shall be the duty of the patrolman or police officer as-
signed thereto to take the number of any meter in any "me-
tered municipal parking field" or along any streets in which
"parking meter zones" have been established by this ordinance
at which any motor vehicle is overparked as provided in this
ordinance, and the state motor vehicle tag number of such mo-
tor vehicle and make complaint therefor in the Police Court
having jurisdiction, together with the length of time during
which said motor vehicle is parked in violation of any provi-
sions of this ordinance, as well as any other facts, a know-
ledge of which is necessary to a thorough understanding of
the circumstances attending such violation. Such police of-
ficers or patrolmen shall attach to every motor vehicle park-
ing in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, a
notice that such motor vehicle has been parked in violationof
this ordinance and instructing the operator to appear in court.
Section 11.
The parking meters installed in the "municipal parking
fields" as provided in Section 2 shall control parking only be-
tween the hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily except Saturdays,
Sundays and legal holidays; and the parking meters to be in-
stalled in "parking meter zones" established in certain pub-
lic streets or highways as provided in Section 5 shall control
parking only between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. dailyex-
cept Sundays and legal holidays. When said parking meters
are not controlling parking as in this section provided, motor
vehicles may be parked without inserting any coins in said
meters but the parking lines adjacent to said meters shall be
adhered to in such parking in the same manner as is required
during other times.
Section 12.
Any person violating any provisions of this chapter shall
be guilty of a traffic infraction and may, upon conviction, be
punished as provided for in the Motor Vehicle and Traffic Law
of the State of New York.
Section 13.
This Article is intended to and shall be in addition to all
other chapters, rules and regulations concerning traffic and
the use of streets in the Ton of Mamaroneck, but the park-
ing meter ordinance heretofore adopted by this Board by
resolution adopted November 24, 1954 is hereby repealed.
Section 14.
Each separate section and each separate provision of
each section of this chapter shall be deemed independent and
separate from every other section and provision, and the in-
validity of any section or part of a section of this chapter shall
not affect the validity of the remainder of said section or the
remainder of this ordinance, it being the intention of the Town
Board of the Town of Mamaroneck to enact as a law separate
provision herein regardless of its relationship to any or all of
the other provisions, and regardless of the invalidity of any
other provision.
RESOLVED that Chapter II (use of streets and
highways etc) of the General Ordinances of the
Town of Mamaroneck as last amended March 4,
1959 is hereby amended by adding thereto a
new section to be known as "Section 4-A", to
read as follows
The following traffic control signals for the purpose of regu-
lating traffic are hereby authorized to be erected and maintained
in the Town of Mamaroneck outside of incorporated villages in
accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 1660 of
the Vehicle and Traffic Law:
a. At the intersection of Forest Avenue and Murray Ave-
nue, a green-yellow and red traffic control signal.
b. At the intersection of North Chatsworth Avenue and
Myrtle Boulevard, north side, a green-yellow and red
traffic control signal.
c. At the intersection of North Chatsworth Avenue and
Myrtle Boulevard, south side, a green-yellow and red
traffic control signal.
d. At the intersection of Murray Avenue and Myrtle
Boulevard, a green-yellow and red traffic control signal.
e. At the intersection of Palmer Avenue and Richbell
Road, a green-yellow and red traffic control signal.
f. At the intersection of Mountain Avenue and North
Chatsworth Avenue a red and yellow flashing light.
581 i
All such traffic control signals are to be in accordance
with the manual and specifications of the State Traffic Com-
mis s ion;
RESOLVED that Section 5 of Chapter II of
the General Ordinances of the Town of Ma-
maroneck as enacted by resolution of this
Board adopted on March 4, 1959, be
amended to read as follows:
Section 5.
Violations of Sections 1 to 4-A inclusive of this Chapter are
hereby declared to be traffic infractions and are punishable as
are provided in Section 1800 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law.
1. Report on Request to Erect Fence--Thomas P. MacDonnell
97 Madison Avenue, Town
The members of the Board having inspected the site of
the fence requested by Mr. MacDonnell, presented at the
last meeting of the Board, reported that they could see no
objection to granting this request, and on motion by Coun-
cilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Santoro, it was
RESOLVED that permission is hereby granted
to Thomas P. MacDonnell to erect a split rail
fence along the northwest property line of his
premises located at 97 Madison Avenue, Town,
and known as Block 130, Parcel 181 on the Tax
Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck
and to extend said fence from the hedge at the
end of his property line to within seven feet of
the curb , a distance of approximately eighteen
feet on Town-owned property.
The Board directed the Clerk to so notify Mr. MacDonnell.
I. Reappointment--Planning Board
Councilman Kane advised the Board that Mr. Rigano's term
of office as a member of the Planning Board would expire on
July 6th and recommended his reappointment, testifying to the
excellent service he has rendered to the Town as a member
of this Board, and on his motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Helwig with laudable commendation, it was unanimously
5 83
RESOLVED that Joseph J. Rigano of 15 Mardon
Road, Town, be and he hereby is reappointed a
member of the Town of Mamaroneck Planning
Board to serve for a term of five years, effec-
tive July 7th, 1959 and to expire on July 6th,
2. Approval of Apportionment of Funds--Village Owned Property
Acquired by Thruway
The Clerk read a memorandum addressed to the Town
Board by the Town Accountant under date of June 30th, 1959,
re: Village of Mamaroneck - Section 8, Block 54, Lots 1Al2 & 2
Town of Mamaroneck - Block 820, Parcels 187 & 85
advising that it was necessary for the Board to authorize the
Supervisor to execute the release and other necessary papers
in connection with this matter, which was received and filed
with the Town Clerk.
Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by
Councilman Kane, upon a roll call vote, the Board unanimously
adopted the following resolution:
RESOLVED that George D. Burchell, Supervisor
of the Town of Mamaroneck, is hereby authorized
to execute on behalf of the Town of Mamaroneck a
Release and other necessary papers to the State
of New York and the Village of Mamaroneck, re-
leasing a possible right, title or interest of the
Town of Mamaroneck in, upon and over properties
located in the Village of Mamaroneck, Town of
Mamaroneck, County of Westchester and State of
New York, known as
Map 1019, Parcel 1019,
Map 1050, Parcel 1050,
Map 1020, Parcels 1020, 1023 and 1030,
for the project entitled New York State Thruway,
New England Section, Subdivisions NE-3 and NE-4,
which properties were appropriated by the State of
New York on May 8, 1957 (Map 10504 and April25,
1958 (Maps 1019 and 1020) . and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall
take effect immediately.
For the Board's information, the Clerk reported receipt of a
letter from the Village of Mamaroneck requesting cancellation
of Town taxes on property known as Block 814, Parcel 458 on
the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, which had
been deeded to the Village of Mamaroneck by the Town for
highway purposes, together with a memorandum from the
Receiver of Taxes stating that there were no taxes out-
standing on this property.
No action was necessary on the part of the Board there-
fore and it was directed that the communication be received
[` and placed on file.
The Clerk presented the following reports which were re-
ceived and filed;
Report of the Building Inspector for the month of June,
Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for
the month of June, 1959.
Report of Receipts & Disbursements for the Town of
Mamaroneck for the period from January 1st - May 31st,
1. New Haven Fare Increase
The Supervisor reported that he was meeting with the
County Attorney prior to the next Monday Board of Su-
pervisors meeting to see whether anything further could
be done in connection with the granting of the commuter
fare increase by the Public Service Commission without
public hearing and by the Interstate Commerce Com-
mis s ion.
Councilman Santoro --
1. Authorization of Payment to Lee Perry
Councilman Santoro submitted Mr. Perry's bill for ser-
vices as consultant to the Board in connection with the
matter of 65 Palmer Avenue, and on his motion which was
seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that payment of the bill of Lee Perry,
Architect, in the amount of $250. 00 for services
rendered to the Town Board as consultant in the
matter of 65 Palmer Avenue.
2. Parking Lot Improvement
Councilman Santoro reported that the improvement of
the parking lots was progressing nicely and about ready
for the installation of bumpers, guard-rails, etc., and
that it looked as though the work would be completed and
the lots ready for use by August 1st.
He further reported that former Councilman Waterman
had been concerned about how people would get from the
parking areas to the station platform and that as a re-
sult, it had been suggested that a pedestrain walk be con-
structed on Thruway property along Mancinits Garage if
permission could be obtained from the Thruway.
Such permission had been requested and granted by the
Thruway Authority, he continued, and the Engineer had
advised that he could construct such a walk at a cost of
$818.00. Therefore, he recommended that the Supervi-
sor be authorized to execute the permit with the Thruway
Authority and the Engineer authorized to proceed with
this construction so that the walk would be ready as near
to the completion of the parking lots as possible, and on
his motion, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unan-
imous ly
RESOLVED that the Supervisor is hereby au-
thorized to execute the New York State Thru-
L way Permit No. 427 as granted to the Town of
Mamaroneck for the use of certain property
for the construction of a pedestrian walk and
the Town Engineer is hereby authorized to
proceed with the construction of such walk at
a total cost not to exceed the sum of $818. 00.
3. Palmer Avenue Sidewalk
In connection with the matter of the petition requesting the
construction of a safe, unobstructed walk for pedestrians
along the west side of Palmer Avenue from Richbell Road to
Weaver Street presented at the last meeting of the Board,
Councilman Santoro reported that he had been in touch with
the County Department of Public Works and that obstruc-
tions would be cleared away and a safe walkway maintained.
He further reported in connection with the same group's
request that the bus shelter opposite Richbell Road be relo-
cated in order to provide better vision at the walk light at
this location, that a meeting was arranged with the West-
Fordham Transportation Corp. and a member of this
group to discuss this matter.
Mrs. Walter Gruner of 253 Palmer Avenue, Town, ad-
dressed the Board in connection with this matter, thanking
the Board for its cooperation and inquiring as to the
maintenance of the walk. She was assured that the walk
would be maintained in clear and safe condition.
Councilman Kane --
1, Hearing on Zoning Ordinance
Councilman Kane requested the minutes of the hearing
on the adoption of the proposed Zoning Ordinance which
was held on June 29th forwarded to the Planning Board
together with all communications received at said hear-
ing so that the Board could study and consider same.
The Board directed the Clerk to forward the minutes
of this hearing to the Planning Board together with a
copy of each communication received at that time.
2. Apportionments
Councilman Kane presented the following petitions re-
ceived from the Assessor for the correction of the assess-
ment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes, and
on his motion, seconded by Councilman Brush, the follow-
ing resolution was adopted unanimously:
WHEREAS the Assessor has presented petitions
for the correction of the assessment roll for cer-
tain years pursuant to the provisions of Section
557, Article 16 of the Westchester County Ad-
ministrative Code, known as the Westchester
County Tax Law; and
WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board
finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the
correction of said assessment roll:
RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1958,
School Taxes of 1959, and the assessment roll
of 1959, taxes of 1960, which show property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
828 6 George Lacks & W $ 5, 000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
828 6 Kalter Ely Godfrey & W 2, 000
828 78 George Lacks & W 3, 000
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll
of 1958, School Taxes of 1959, and the assess-
5 91
ment roll of 1959, taxes of 1960, which show
property now appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
611 50 Claire Rabson $ 6, 000 $ 7, 500 $ 13, 500
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
611 50 Viggo Renbeck 2, 800 2,800
611 60 Claire Rabson 3, 200 7, 500 10, 700
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll
of 1958, School taxes of 1959, which shows
property now appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
807 20&502 Frank C. Mysak $ 2, 200
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
807 20 Frank G. Mysak 1, 100
807 502 Donald A. Weiss & W 1, 100
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll
of 1958, School taxes of 1959, which shows
property now appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
807 28&509 Garles Holdg Corp 4, 000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
807 28&516 Garles Holdg Corp 3, 000
807 509 John Q. Dales & W 1, 000
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll
of 1958, School taxes of 1959, which shows
property now appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
808 1 White Pis Develop Inc 8, 000
5 93
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
808 1 White Pls Develop Inc 7, 600
L 808 160 New York State Thruway 400
(Map #1063)
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll
of 1958, School taxes of 1959, and the assess-
ment roll of 1959, taxes of 1960, which show
property now appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
410 380 James Mancusi $ 2, 500 $ 6, 000 $ 8, 500
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
410 380 Eleanor B. Mancusi 1, 000 1, 000
410 385 James Mancusi 1, 500 6, 000 7, 500
L FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll
of 1958, School taxes of 1959, which shows
property now appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
934 347 Otto A. Harbach & W 13, 000 30, 000 43, 000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
934 347 Hy Zaret 8: W 7, 300 30,000 37, 300
934 601 Otto A, Harbach & W 5, 700 5, 700
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll
of 1959, taxes of 1960, which shows property
now appearing on the roll as follows:
L Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
934 347 Otto A. Harbach & W 25, 000 10, 000 35, 000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
934 347 Hy Zaret & W 14, 300 10, 000 24, 300
934 601 Otto A. Harbach & W 10, 700 10, 700
5 95
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll
of 1958, School taxes of 1959, and the assess-
ment roll of 1959, taxes of 1960, which show
property now appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
[ 812 93 Betty Cole $ 3, 200 $ 8, 900 $ 12, 100
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
812 93 Herman M. Cole & W 2, 600 8, 900 11, 500
812 103 Betty Cole 600 600
Councilman Brush --
Councilman Brush stated that he had no report other than
Fire matters.
Councilwoman Helwig --
1. Resolution of Appreciation
At the suggestion of Councilwoman Helwig and on her motion,
seconded by Councilman Santoro, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby expresses its
deep appreciation and sincere thanks to the mem-
bers of the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board,
Councilman Kane, liaison to the Planning Board,
and to the many civic groups and individuals, for
the time, effort, and thinking responsible for the
development of the revised, modern Zoning Or-
dinance of the Town of Mamaroneck;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolu-
tion be forwarded to the Planning Board of the
Town of Mamaroneck.
2. Progress Report--Summer Recreation Program
Councilwoman Helwig reported that a Progress Report on
the Summer Recreation Program had been received, partic-
ularly stressing the Music School and Pre School groups.
3. Jazz Concert
Councilwoman Helwig called to the Board's attention the
coming Jazz Concert to be held on July 27th at the Senior
High School.
1. Certiorari Proceeding--Black Property
The Town Attorney reviewed the certiorari proceedings
on the Black property located on Premium Point, Town,
and formerly owned by Tommy Manville, advising that
Benedict F. McGrath had served as appraisor for the
Board, and recommended that the Board approve settle-
ment at the figure proposed which Councilman Kane,
the Assessor and he agreed to be fair.
Whereupon, after some discussion, on motion by Coun-
cilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Brush, the Board
unanimously adopted the following resolution:
WHEREAS, heretofore writs of certiorari were
obtained by William Black and Elta Jean Black,
owners of property known and described as
Block 509, Parcel 26 on the Tax Assessment
Map and Assessment Roll of the Town of Ma-
maroneck for the following years: assessment
of 1956 for taxes of 1957; assessment of 1957
for taxes of 195: and assessment of 1958 for
taxes of 1959; and
WHEREAS, the Town Attorney on the basis of
an appraisal made by Benedict F. McGrath of
Larchmont, New York, and after conferences
with the Assessor recommends to the Board
that the proceedings be settled and discontinued
upon the reduction of these assessments;
RESOLVED, that the assessments for the year
1956, taxes of 1957; for the year 1957, taxes of
1958, and for the year 1958, taxes of 1959, up-
on property owned by William Black and Elta
Jean Black and described upon the Assessment
Map and Assessment Roll of the Town of Ma-
maroneck as Block 509, Parcel 26, be reduced
as follows:
Assmtt Tax
Year Year Land Improvement Total
1956 1957 $71, 000.00 $75, 000.00 $146, 000. 00
1957 1958 71, 000.00 75, 000.00 146, 000,00
1958 1959 71, 000. 00 75, 000.00 146, 000.00
Assmtt Tax
Year Year Land Improvement Total
19561 1957 $ 71, 000.00 $ 44, 000.00 $115, 000.00
1957 1958 71,000. 00 44, 000.00 115, 000.00
1958 1959 71, 000. 00 44, 000,00 115, 000,00
providing the certiorari proceedings now
pending in the name of V illiam Black and
Elta Jean Black for the year 1956, taxes
of 1957; for the year 1957, taxes of 1958,
and for the year 1958, taxes of 1959, be
discontinued without costs as against
either party; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED that all refunds of
taxes due by reason of such reductions be
paid without interest; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Attor-
ney is hereby authorized and directed to
sign the necessary stipulations to obtain an
order of the Supreme Court providing for
such reductions.
Upon the Supervisor's inquiry as to whether there was any
other business to be brought before the meeting, the following
persons addressed the Board as follows:
1. Mr. Lloyd Harris
Mr. Harris addressed the Board with reference to the
Building Inspector's denial of a building permit for the
construction of four houses on property fronting on Car-
gill Road, contending that this road was a public street
and not simply an "access" roadway to the Town Garages
as was the Building Inspector's contention and reason of
Following discussion, this matter was referred to the
Town Attorney for investigation and report thereon.
1. Mr. William H. Fernschild
Mr. Fernschild presented a letter with reference to
the Zoning Ordinance which the Board requested the
Clerk to receive officially. This communication, the
Board advised Mr. Fernschild, would be referred to the
Planning Board.
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
it was declared adjourned at 9:01 p.m. , to reconvene on Au-
gust 5th, 1959.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was con-
vened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board
1. Communications
Commissioner Brush reported that there were no com-
munications to be presented at this meeting.
2. Re ports
Commissioner Brush presented the following report
which was received and filed:
Fire Report for the month of June, 1959.
3. Claims
Commissioner Brush presented the following Fire Depart-
ment claims which had been audited by the Comptroller and
approved by the Fire Chief, and on his motion, seconded by
Commissioner Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following claims be and they
hereby are approved and the Supervisor and Comp-
troller be and they hereby are authorized to pay
the same out of the budget for the Fire Department:
R.G. Brewer, Inc. $ 70. 95
Franklin Cleaners 10.90
Charles Librett, Inc. 6.06
Ramon Martinez 22.50
Merson Uniform Co., Inc. 409.75
N.Y. Telephone Co. 97.09
Village of Larchmont 36.00
West. Joint Water Works 21.48
Total 674.33
4. Other Business
The Fire Chief, who was present, expressed the compli-
ments and tribute of the department to the liaison Council-
man from the Town Board, Commissioner Brush.
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
it was declared adjourned at 9:10, to reconvene on Au•/st 4, 1959.
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