HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953_02_04 Town Board Minutes 179 I I i MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING THE TOWN BOARD of THE TOVS of MAMARONECK, HELD FEBRUARY 1953, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM of THE r WEAVER STREET FIRE HOUSE TOWN ' of MAM PL 11TECK a Supervisor Mandeville called the meeting to order at 8: 15 P ., Me PRESENT. Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen E bury Kane, Waterman and McKeever ABSENT:: one Presence was also noted of r. Gronberg., Town Clerk. The minutes of January 7thl 1953, were approved as submitted. The Clerk presented and read a letters dated February 2, 1953, from the County Transportation Company, Inc. , enclosing verified report r elati e to operation o buses of that Compaany in the Town of .Mamaroneck for the six months ended December 31 1952, together with a check in the amount of $130. '-3 covering gross earnings tax for ttiat period. The Clerk presented letter, dated anuarr53, rot E�ecu� tie epartent o -e state Building Code C = s n emote d g an invitation to attend a. conference to be held in the dotes New Yorker Wednesday February 1953 for the purpose of rg�g municipal officials throughout the State, up to date on the progress of the State Building Code Program and enclo irg a program indica- ting the subject matter to be formally covered. The Clerk stated that he had received reuets fro-. Mr. McEvoy and _ Mr. D.elius for permission to attend the above mentioned conference on February 11th and also a request from Mr. McEvoy for permission to attend the school.. conducted by the Eastern States Officials? Eed- erat o to be held at the Hotel New Yorker on February 12th and 13th. i On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously I RESOLVED that permission e and t hereby is granted to Mr e . .us o n Attorney and. Mr. McEvoy., u*ki ng Inspector, to attend a conference to be held at the Hotel New Yorkers on Wednesday, February 11th, 1953, and to Mr. McEvoy to attend the school. conducted the Eastern States ocalst Federation o e held at the te: order n February 12 and 13th,, . For the record, the Clerk submitted affidavits o publication and posting of notice of public hearing duly held in accordance with the Provisions of the Town Law and adoption of a resolution amending the General ordinance of the Town of Ma aro i-e c � The Clerk presented and read a letter, dated Janu arr 2)+, 193, fro- W ilium A. Donovan, E s . , attorney for Mr. 'Val ter E . Hager,, stating that the draft resolution, as drawn by Mr. Delius, ould - e accep . I After discussion, on motion by Councilman. McKeever, seconded by Coun- cilman Embury, it was unanimously RESOLVED that a permit be granted, prsuant to Chapter VI of t .e General Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck. to cut the curb and reconstruct a. sidewalk in front of _.... premises owned by Walter E. Hager, known as 1 e m re load, for the purpose of constructing . driveway c l _.-..., give access to the property for motor vehicles, said driveway to e generally. as shown on a reap entitled, "Sketch s owing proposed change in sidewalk grade for driveway to Hager property in the Town of Mamaroneck,. November 3, 1952, Sal Spinelli" , which plan was filed with this Board on January 21 1953 and corrected or amended on Febriaary 1953, such permit., however, being granted only upon the following conditions which are to e met by the applicant, Walter E . Hager', prior to the granting of such permit: (1) That Walter E. Hager enter into a contract to con- tr.uc t n a ccess drILve a to property including hiding the curb cut and alteration and/or reconstruction of the sidewalk and curb between his property and the street known as Keare Road, such contract to be with a .res- ponse contractor and accompanied by a performance or completion bond in the usual form., which bond shall be for tie perforanc-e of the work in accordance with the contract and run not only to t -e owner and/or con- tractor but also to the o of Mamaroneck and which contract and bond are to be approved by the Town Attorney. That the said owner, Wca to E. Hager and/or con- tractor s 11 o' ta'n public liability insurance to ro- t ect not only the owner and/or contractor also the Town of Mamaroneck for any damage to person or pro erty in not less than the following amount s Public Liabil For any one person $100,000 For any one accident 300 DOO Procery Damage For one accent 25,000 For all accidents 505000 Workmen' s Cow ensat -unlimited which insurance shall be 'n effect and continue during the life of the contract. That if it become necessary in connection with the work to be done under the contract, to blasts all blasting must be done by a licensed blaster and subject to the a -olica l rovisions of the re Prevention Code - 83 The Supervisor re o=e d.ed. and the B c. d agreed that the request should again be denied e d are the Clerk was instructed to so - notify Mr. Schapiro. Supervisor Mandeville submitted a letter, dated January 29., 1953 from. � r., C . e Quinn, eeretar� o tie Board o ce Co�'1 "l:�.ssio�ler stating that at a meeting of that Boar, field January 22nd, Chief er .ck had been directed to conduct a study of methods in use by ..__ CiLties, towns, and villages which do not liave sufficient police officers to maxi school crossings. He went on to suggest that in some neighboring communities, firemen are helping out in this situation,. The Su er isor stated that, iT1as uc a-s two of the school cross-ings are near the Fire House, he had discussed this matter with the Fire Chief ho reported that the Paid men o .c be happy to take over policing the crossings rear the Sts. John and Paul school. This arrangement has the complete approval of the Police Department and policemen will relieve the firemen the event of fire, Counc]'Liman McKeever reported that the pumps have been delivered to f. the pump station on Fenimore Road and are now being installed a n should be in operation in the near future. The supervisor announced that the Board would now hear from a dele- gation represented by Mr. Harry Afar, 12 Chatsworth. Avenue, appear- ing before the Board in nnection with a recreational plan, invol- vi g a swimming pool,, Mr. Aar thanked the Supervisor and members of the Board for their cooperation in the past and introduced Mr . B e C . Mega 21 Hazel Lane, ar o .t, who addressed the Board in behalf of the project are - requested teat a committee be appointed from the Unincorperated area of the Town, to -vork with the present committee from the Village of ar hmo .t, Mr. Alpiar also introduced Mr. Joseph B. Fond., 26 Forest Ilark Avenue., Mr. E . F. Quenan and Mr. Stepnen Stephen Hartley., -iih.o CaLlso spoke in behalf of the project.. Councilman McKeever said tetatve plans for a proposed pool an recreational facilities had been drawn by A. J. Foote, then Toy Engineer., in 190 W After discussion, on motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Counci.1man Embury, it a s u na.ni,o .sl (Councilmen Kane and Waterman � of voting) RESOLVED that .a committee, consisting of Cou Qilmen Waterman and Kane, Mr, Edmund B. Van Hook, President of the Larchmont Gardens C vi Association, or any association member he may choose to serve in his stead, and Mr. Edward J . Egan, be appointed to work with the Co -li ttee from the Village of Larchmo t The Supervisor said, however, in making the a-ppointments., he warted it clear that he was not , committing the Town in any Tay.. He said The Board took up the miat-ter of the 4p l at-io oJ[' Mr. Henry Dietz and wife, to re-zone property on the Boston Post Road., know. as Block J+ 0 Parcel and Block 410 Part of Parcels 463 and 473 on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town.. .-.--. e r and x er end Vice President of the Mamar e Chamber o Commerce, In,. , appeared and submitted a letter that �- gan zat .o stating that t is opposed to the gran t g o con-� e ssion. that Will Dermit the establishment of the so-called "First National stores Shope,-n.g Center" to the north oI the Boston Post Road., between Wearer street and. the Mamaroneck _l a e line, and giving number of reasons. The ie ttel was received and filed, The Town Clerk read a petition, emtted es, dts o ock i Ridge Road and Ho=ocks Road, sty ti ng that they are opposed to the re-zoning of this property as they feel it is a matter which should be decided by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Mamaroneck. Supervisor Mandeville suggested that Mr. Frank F. Palm .so , an attorney with an office in the Easte ester savings Bank lding Mount Vernon, N. Y.., representing Me s s s, �a n o and Pepe, the prospective builders of the stores-, might give the background and history oI ti. matter,,, After further discussion, on motion by Coune-ima McKeever,, seconded ;. by Councilman Waterman, it was, upon roll call (Supervisor Mandeville not voting) unanimously RESOLVED that the Amended Area District Map which is part of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck, -- is hereby amended and corrected so as to show the following - described prop e ty which is known Cas Block .410 Parcel 556 and parts of Parcels 63 axed 3 in Block J+iG on the Tam Assessment Ma.p of the Town of Mamaroneck, Use, Area, and Height DistrIct. C (Busi- ness) : D C PT IO o Lots 1,4, J51 16, 70p 71,E 72, part of Lot 13 and part of the Homestead Plot as shown on Map of Herbert T and Coat' s d s ion. A Town of Mamaroneck, West- chester County, Ne w York, mad Af Kirby and filed in the County Clerk' s Office, Division of Land Records- on May 28.p 1892 as Map No. 821,+ said piece or are of land being more parocularly bounded and described as follows, s, BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of 'er da .e street for=merly known as Fern Dale Place) as shown on above e - ted ? , said point being distant 100.30,115 feet otws- te l from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Ferndale Street. and the port e -1 side of Boston Post Road as widened., as shorn on Map No. 3430E thence running along the easterly side o ' rnda 'str e t. I i -187 times 100 feet distant from the Boston Post Road,, S , �. X+61 0" Y& 449.58 f-e-et to a. poi-nt on the easter-ly side of Ferndale Street and the point or place of beginning; said. piece or parcel of land being also known as Block . o, Parcel 556 and part of a. cels 4.63 and J+73 on the Tax AsseSsment Map of e Town of a .a o rye c ,& FURTHER RESOLVED that the f allo7,Ting i' ,Q- a map- showing the bound-caries the area re-zoned and included in - the Use area, a c .Height District , and that the .s.am - shall - ,.-e � �- of . v............._.... _ _..............-_......n.�w_. w.._ ,.____ .._ _...-.... _.-.......-.....-.._....--.....-..........vv-.-._..... ..... --...--... . 4140 46.E 4 7-3 SHARP- W A -- E.ZO NE40 I { The supervisor submitted a Petition which had been filed with the �. Board., signed by resiaents of Howell ParK petitioning the Tom Board to amend the Zoning ordinance of the said Town and, to I i I I There berg no further bias-i"ness to come before the meetings it . adjourned at o M, to meet again on ey 18, 19539 iAz To Clerk i i - r I i r