HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011_04_20 Town Board Minutes April 20, 2011 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2011 THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE – at 6:00PM in Conference Room A to discuss – Property Revaluation, Boards & Commissions, Commuter Tax Legislation REQUEST FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION – to discuss Certiorari THE TOWN BOARD WILL RECONVENE – at 8:00 PM in the Court Room. CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits PROCLAMATION – Tree City PUBLIC HEARING – Time Extension – Special Permit Byron Place Associates BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1.Fire Claims 2.Other Fire Department Business AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1.Update – Real Property Reassessment Project 2.Resolution – Westchester Joint Water Works Capital Projects 3.Report of Bids – TA-11-01 Catch Basin Inserts 4.Authorization – Capital Project 2011 – 14 Town Center Building Improvement 5.Update – Senior Center Renovation Project 6.Authorization – Westchester County Stop DWI Agreement 7.Salary Authorization - Recreation 8. Appointments to Boards and Commissions 9. Set Public Hearing – Enlargement of the Board of Assessment 10. Certiorari APPROVAL OF MINUTES – April 6, 2011 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR REPORTS REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL TOWN CLERK’S REPORT NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING – May 4, 2011 May 18, 2011 Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should call the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. 1 April 20, 2011 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING AND WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD ON APRIL 20, 2011, BEGINNING AT 6:00PM IN CONFERENCE ROOM A AND CONTINUING AT 8:00 PM IN THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN, 740 W. BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK PRESENT: Supervisor Valerie M. O’Keeffe Councilwoman Phyllis Wittner Councilman Ernest C. Odierna Councilwoman Nancy Seligson Councilman David J. Fishman ALSO PRESENT: Christina Battalia, Town Clerk Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator William Maker, Jr., Town Attorney CALL TO ORDER - WORK SESSION On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, the Work Session was unanimously opened at 6:00PM. Property Revaluation Thomas Frey, of Frey Appraisal & Consulting Services, Inc., was present to discuss the revaluation project and his potential role as the Project Administrator. The Town Assessor, Susan Thomas was also present. th The Town Board reviewed Mr. Altieri’s memo dated April 14 which outlined the most current revisions to the Request for Proposal (RFP). Mr. Altieri explained the role of the Project Manager, as being similar to a construction project manager. Councilwoman Seligson noted her concerns that this project would be a huge time commitment for the Assessor. Mr. Altieri noted that this is another reason for a Project Manager. Mr. Maker again stated his recommendation for a warranty provision in the RFP. Mr. Maker prepared a draft of such a warranty and explained it to the Board. Mr. Altieri, Mr. Maker, Mr. Frey and Ms. Thomas, will all meet to draft something along the lines of what Mr. Maker has drafted for the Town Board to review prior to the RFP being issued. Mr. Altieri informed the Town Board that State Law only allows for five year bonding for revaluation. Borrowing for only five years may be difficult for the Town, therefore Mr. Altieri would like to investigate the issuing of the project under three separate contracts, broken down by phases, thus enabling the Town to borrow over an eight or nine year period. Mr. Frey discussed his qualifications for being the Project Administrator. He was the Assessor during the revaluation for the Town of Thomson, as well as Project Manager for other successful revaluation projects. His role would be to relieve Ms. Thomas of the day to day contact with the contractor. Mr. Frey would review all reports, all models, as well as approve all invoices and staff changes. Mr. Frey stated that an important part of his role would be to “re-data” a percentage of the data already reviewed by the supervisor to the project. Mr. Frey would also coordinate and lead the seven public outreach sessions. The Town Board discussed how to handle unpermitted properties, especially those that are a safety violation. The Board concluded that, short of safety violations, there should be an amnesty of sorts on improvements not permitted that are discovered during data collection. 2 April 20, 2011 Commuter Tax Legislation The Town Board reviewed and discussed a request by Assemblyman George Latimer for the Town to issue a resolution in opposition to the proposed commuter tax. On motion of Councilman Fishman, seconded by Councilman Odierna, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve of the Town preparing a resolution in opposition to New York State’s proposed commuter tax. On motion of Supervisor O’Keeffe, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, the Board unanimously agreed to enter Executive Session to discuss employment history of a particular person. EXECUTIVE SESSION Employment History of a Particular Person On motion of Councilwoman Seligson, seconded by Councilman Fishman, the Board unanimously agreed to reenter Work Session. th 350 Anniversary Update th Councilwoman Seligson gave a brief update and noted the Committee’s last meeting on April 14. CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor O’Keeffe at 8:30 PM, she then pointed out the location of exits. Supervisor O’Keeffe noted the agenda items discussed during Work Session, reiterating to the audience that the Work Session is open to the public. PROCLAMATION – ARBOR DAY TREE CITY U.S.A. AWARD Councilman Odierna read the following Proclamation: ARBOR DAY TREE CITY U.S.A. AWARD WHEREAS, Friday April 29, 2010 is recognized by the Town of Mamaroneck as Arbor Day, a special day set aside for the celebration and planting of trees. th WHEREAS, This year marks the nineteenth (20) year the Town of Mamaroneck has been recognized as a “Tree City U.S.A.” by the National Arbor Day Foundation. The Tree City U.S.A. Award indicates that the Town of Mamaroneck takes its tree-care responsibilities seriously with an effective community forestry program; and 3 April 20, 2011 WHEREAS, Trees make a world of difference in our communities. Trees have long been recognized for the beauty and value they lend to homes, neighborhoods, parks and business areas. At the same time, those trees conserve energy, help clean the air, protect rivers and streams, and provide a home for wildlife in our towns and cities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Valerie Moore O’Keeffe, Supervisor, and the members of the Town Council of the Town of Mamaroneck urge all citizens to participate in programs and activities designed to furthering the establishment of trees in our community. PUBLIC HEARING (S) – Time Extension – Special Permit Byron Place Associates The following Notice of Public Hearing is entered into the record as follows: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at 8:00 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible in the Court Room of the Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York to consider an Amendment to the Special Permit – Byron Place Associates. Purpose: There is a request by the developer Byron Place Associates LLC for an extension of the date for submission of a complete application for a Building Permit for construction of the Mixed Use Development for Block 132- Lots 410, 469, 504, 511 and 521 from April 18, 2011 until August 1, 2011. The full text of this Amendment may be examined and copies obtained at the Town Clerk's office during regular hours, Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, In June, July and August until 4:00 PM at 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the Public Hearing all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard and that all persons are invited to submit written comments at or prior thereto. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK CHRISTINA BATTALIA TOWN CLERK Published: April 13, 2011 On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, the Public Hearing was unanimously opened. Mr. Maker explained that as required by the Special Permit, the owners of the property at which the mixed use development is being built had until the middle of April to obtain a building permit. Due to problems in the financial market it became difficult to obtain the required financing so as to go forward with plans suitable for a building permit. Byron Place Associates is, therefore asking the Town Board to extend the time for filing their application for a building permit from April 2011 to August 1, 2011. Supervisor O’Keeffe asked the representatives from Byron Place Associates, Mr. Cleary and Mr. Myers, if they wished to state why the Board should extend this date. 4 April 20, 2011 Mr. Cleary, of Ceres Realty, stated that a request for an extension has more to do with the housing market conditions rather than a financing issue. Mr. Cleary stated that building plans are far along and a construction manager will be hired this week, adding we are moving forward full speed ahead. Mr. Cleary also stated that the houses on the site will be removed as soon as possible. Supervisor O’Keeffe asked if anyone wished to comment on the proposed amendment to the Special Permit. On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, the Public Hearing was unanimously closed. On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, the following was approved: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SEVENTH AMENDMENT TO THE SPECIAL PERMIT ISSUED BY THE TOWN BOARD TO FCD MAMARONECK, LLC ON OCTOBER 18, 2006 Whereas, on October 18, 2006, the Town Board adopted a resolution wherein it issued a Special Permit to FCD Mamaroneck, LLC for the construction of a mixed-use development in the area generally bounded by Madison Avenue, Byron Place and Maxwell Avenue in the Town of Mamaroneck, subject to the conditions and requirements contained in the Town Board’s October 18, 2006 resolution (“Special Permit”), and Whereas, on April 2, 2008, the Town Board adopted a resolution whereby it granted the First Amendment to the Special Permit, and Whereas, on November 5, 2008, the Town Board adopted a resolution whereby it granted the Second Amendment to the Special Permit, and Whereas, on April 1, 2009, the Town Board adopted a resolution whereby it granted the Third Amendment to the Special Permit, and Whereas, on June 17, 2009, the Town Board adopted a resolution whereby it granted the Fourth Amendment to the Special Permit, and Whereas, on May 19, 2010, the Town Board adopted a resolution whereby it granted a fifth amendment to the Special Permit (erroneously labeled: the Third Amendment to the Special Permit), and Whereas, on March 2, 2011, the Town Board adopted a resolution whereby it granted a sixth amendment to the Special Permit (erroneously labeled: the Fourth Amendment to the Special Permit), and Whereas, Byron Place Associates, LLC, the current owner of the area generally bounded by Madison Avenue, Byron Place and Maxwell Avenue in the Town of Mamaroneck, has asked the Town Board to amend the Special Permit to change the date for submitting a complete application for a building permit from “on or before April 18, 2011” to “on or before August 1, 2011” for, among other reasons, the difficulties it has faced in arranging construction financing due to the overall slowdown in the economy, and 5 April 20, 2011 Whereas, at its meeting held on April 20, 2011, the Town Board conducted a public hearing on the request made by Byron Place Associates, LLC, and Whereas, at the public hearing all persons wishing to be heard were given an opportunity to address the Town Board either orally or in writing, and Whereas, the Town Board closed the public hearing on April 20, 2011. BE IT RESOLVED that since the request by Byron Place Associates, LLC does not call for any physical change to the site or the environs, the Town Board determines (a) that the request does not need to be referred to the Planning Board and (b) that the Town Board, as Lead Agency, need not make any additional or supplemental findings under the State Environmental Quality Review Act before acting upon this application; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a seventh amendment to the Special Permit is granted to the extent that Paragraph 14 A) of the Special Permit is deleted and the following is substituted in its place: “14) Expiration of this Special Permit A) This Special Permit shall expire automatically if the Applicant (a) does not submit a complete application for a building permit for the construction of the Mixed-Use Development on or before August 1, 2011 or (b) does not obtain such building permit on or before October 18, 2011.” BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all of the paragraphs of the Special Permit and all of the paragraphs of the Town Board’s resolutions granting amendments to the Special Permit (including the recital paragraphs appearing in those resolutions) that have not been deleted or amended by this resolution or earlier resolutions are reconfirmed and shall remain in full force and effect, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that within five (5) business days of the adoption of this resolution, the Town Administrator or other duly authorized person (i) shall cause this resolution to be filed in the office of the Town Clerk and (ii) shall cause a copy thereof to be sent by first-class mail, telefax or electronic mail to Byron Place Associates, LLC and FCD Mamaroneck, LLC and to all agencies which are considered either an interested or an involved agency under the regulations promulgated by the New York State Department of Conservation pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Fishman Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O’Keeffe Aye 6 April 20, 2011 BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting was called to order by Commissioner O’Keeffe, and then on motion of Commissioner Odierna, seconded by Commissioner Wittner, the Board of Fire Commissioners was unanimously declared open. Present were the following members of the Commission: Commissioner: Valerie M. O’Keeffe Commissioner: Phyllis Wittner Commissioner: Ernest C. Odierna Commissioner: Nancy Seligson Commissioner: David J. Fishman 1. FIRE CLAIMS Commissioner Odierna presented fire claims for authorization of payment, thereafter on Commissioner Odierna’s motion, seconded by Commissioner Wittner, it was RESOLVED that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller’s Office: AAA Emergency Supply 1" Tubular Webbing 111.65 Brendan Collins Reimb. For CI Fire Show Expenses 28.68 Brewer Hardware Pulley, Cleat and Ratch Tie Down 53.07 Broadway Minerva Cleaner Install Rescue Pocket 131.50 Cablevision Cable Service 3/23-4/22/11 117.89 Carrot-Top Industries Nylon POW/MIA Flag 57.80 Clarity Testing Fit for Duty Physical-J. Garofalo 375.00 Cleaning Systems & Supply Building Cleaning Supplies 268.01 Cleaning Systems & Supply Building Cleaning Supplies 50.58 Con Edison Gas Service 1/31-3/1/11 1,626.32 ESS Inc. Remote Mount Kit & Cable 896.26 ESS Inc. High Power Cable for Mobile to Battery 72.00 G & K Services Inc. Building Cleaning Supplies 92.17 Galls Inc. Vercro Ties 96.68 Galls Inc. Velcro Ties 48.21 IKON Copier Service 2/22-3/21/11-new copier 204.35 IKON Copier Service 2/28-3/29/11-old copier 59.25 Interstate Diagnostics Physical Exam for M.Brady 225.00 National Standby Repair Inc. Service Agreement and Supplies 653.89 National Standby Repair Inc. Generator Hoses 38.87 Pelham Lumber & Mason Supply Lumber for Cribbing 814.77 Poland Springs March Rent for Water Cooler 49.37 R & L Consulting Replacement of 320GB HDD for TMFD 68.37 Smith El-Dis-Co Compact Fluorescent Lamp 241.44 Sound Shore Pest Control Exterminating Service-1/24 & 3/10/11 130.00 Sunset Printing & Adv. Fire Safety Training Materials 585.58 Town of Mamaroneck Fire Dept Reimb. For Food for F.A.S.T. Drill-3/15 243.33 Town of Mamaroneck P.F.F.A. Life Ins. For March 2011 306.54 United Communications Corp. Minitor 4 Case And Repair 389.75 Verizon Telephone Service 3/10-4/9/11 341.91 Villa Maria Food for F.A.S.T. Drill 54.12 W.J.W.W. Water Service-12/3-3/2/11 35.51 Total: $ 8,467.87 7 April 20, 2011 The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Commissioner Fishman Aye Commissioner Seligson Aye Commissioner Odierna Aye Commissioner Wittner Aye Commissioner O’Keeffe Aye 2.Other Fire Department Business The following Memorial Day Celebrations were announced: 1. May 25, Kemper Memorial Fund Essay Contest, Mamaroneck High School, beginning at 3:00. This will be followed by a ceremony outside at the Kemper Memorial 2. May 26, the Larchmont Mamaroneck Parade beginning at 7:00PM 3. May 30, the Village of Mamaroneck Parade beginning at 5:00PM There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion of Commissioner Odierna, seconded by Commissioner Wittner, the Commission unanimously adjourned and the Town Board reconvened. AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. Update – Real Property Reassessment Project Mr. Altieri stated that during the Work Session the Town Board met with the Town’s Assessor and Thomas Frey, who will likely be the Project Administrator. Mr. Altieri stated that a few revisions will be done as a result of the discussions during Work Session. Mr. Altieri stated that the Request for proposal (RFP) will likely go out this week. He noted that a section of the Town’s Website will be devoted to Revaluation. Once the RFP is issued the Town will begin a number of public sessions to educate the public. Mr. Altieri noted that the Town Board discussed financing of the project, adding depending on how the contracts are issued, could be amortized over a five to eight year period. The Board also discussed a policy on how to deal with those improvements that may be discovered during an inspection that does not have a building permit. Mr. Altieri stated that the main objective of this Revaluation is to establish fair and accurate valuation, therefore short of a safety violation the Town has decided there will be an amnesty on improvements that are discovered and not permitted. Mr. Altieri emphasized that the Town wants to encourage homeowners to allow entry into the home, so a fair and accurate valuation can be achieved. Councilwoman Seligson added that the Town Board discussed safety violations, and realizes that data collectors are not code enforcers nor do they necessarily have knowledge of safety issues. Councilwoman Wittner asked Mr. Altieri to give an overview of the RFP. Mr. Altieri stated the key issues in the RFP as follows: 1. Detailed schedule of approval phases. 8 April 20, 2011 2. Minimum of seven information sessions. 3. Establishes minimum requirements for data collectors. 4. Data Collectors’ must have minimum of two years experience as an appraiser or an assessor. 5. During the valuation process the Town will be divided up into neighborhoods, each with its own valuation model. 6. Data Mailers will go out to homeowners requesting verification of the information. 7. A second mailer will go out with a preliminary value. 8. Homeowners can then meet with the Assessor to discuss the Preliminary Value. 9. The Grievance process will take place as usual with the Final Roll established on September 15. 10. During a 12 month period the contractor will be available to review assessments. Councilwoman Seligson stated that the Town will be providing a visual timeline during its informational sessions. Councilman Odierna asked Mr. Altieri for the time frame on choosing a contractor and whether the Town will need to hold a Public Hearing in order to do so. Mr. Altieri stated that a hearing is not necessary in order to choose a contractor. 2. Resolution – Westchester Joint Water Works Capital Projects Supervisor O’Keeffe stated that the Westchester Joint Water Works at times performs capital improvements that are considered system improvements and others are for specific areas. The Town Board reviewed the following schedule listing the capital improvements that have been approved by the Board of Trustees of the Westchester Joint Water Works and the Town’s share of those projects. Capital Improvement Project Total Project Cost Town Share 18.6% York Road 16” Main $630,000 $117,200 Springdale Road Booster Pump $150,000 $28,000 Rye Lake Chlorine Feed Imp. $75,000 $14,000 Anderson Hill Road Interconnection $250,000 $47,000 Lundy Lane Water Main $320,000 $150,000 * Total $356,000 * The Lundy Lane water main project was eligible for $170,000 in Federal stimulus funds so the amount shown is net of the grant funds to be applied to the project On motion of Supervisor O’Keeffe, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, the following was approved: WHEREAS, the Westchester Joint Water Works is prepared to move forward on the construct of five Capital Projects, and WHEREAS, the Town’s share of these projects at 18.6 percent is a total cost of $356,200.00, and WHEREAS, previously the Town has borrowed $330,000.00 for various Water District Capital Improvements, and established Capital Project Account # 2010-12. NOW THERFORE, BE IT 9 April 20, 2011 RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve of the Capital Improvement Projects authorized by the Board of Trustees of the Westchester Joint Water Works for a total cost to the Town of $356,200.00, and BE IT, FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve drawing the financing gap in the amount of $30,200.00 from the unexpended balance of the Water District. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Fishman Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O’Keeffe Aye 3. Report of Bids – TA-11-01 Catch Basin Inserts The report of bids is entered into the record as follows: Attachment A On motion of Councilwoman Seligson, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner the following was approved: WHEREAS, on March 31, 2011 the Town publicly opened and read three bids for Contract #TA-11-01 Catch Basin Debris Screens, Baskets and Filters, and WHEREAS, the call for this bid comes as a result of the Town’s being awarded a Grant in the amount of $60,000.00 through the Long Island Sound Futures Fund, and WHEREAS, the bid called for three types of basins to meet specific needs at different catch basin locations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby award Contract #TA-11-01 Catch Basin Debris Screens, Baskets and Filters, to two separate vendors as follows: Items #1 and #3 to Kristar Enterprises of Santa Rosa, CA in the amount of $11,040.00 Item #2 to Fabco Industries of Farmingdale, NY in the amount of $24,465.00 and BE IT, FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is hereby authorized to execute said contracts with both firms on behalf of the Town. 10 April 20, 2011 The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Fishman Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O’Keeffe Aye 4. Authorization – Capital Project 2011 – 14 Town Center Building Improvement On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Supervisor O’Keeffe, the following was approved WHEREAS, at the Town Board Meeting of April 6, 2011, the Town Board approved the project to reconstruct the exterior stairwell at the west end of the Town Center Building at a cost of $30,000.00 and to complete a Building Evaluation Project at a cost of $100,000.00, and WHEREAS, at the April 6, 2011 Town Board Meeting, the Town Board approved the bonding for these projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby establish Capital Project #2011-14 Town Center Improvements. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Fishman Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O’Keeffe Aye 5. Update – Senior Center Renovation Project Mr. Altieri explained that the Town has a 15 year lease with the Veterans of Foreign Wars, for use of their building on Boston Post Road as the Town’s Senior Center Facility. The Town has received a Community Development Block Grant to upgrade the facility. Currently a project is under way to renovate the bathrooms, the kitchen, the front porch and storage room. As part of the project the removal of asbestos is taking place in the basement and on the exterior shingles. The project is expected to be complete by the end of early summer. The Board thanked the Fire Department for hosting the Seniors, and for Maria Gallagher and her staff for being good sports during the renovations. Mr. Altieri noted that Ron Carpaneto is overseeing the project at a great savings to the Town. 11 April 20, 2011 6. Authorization – Westchester County Stop DWI Agreement On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Fishman, it was: RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the agreement between the Town of Mamaroneck and the County of Westchester to receive reimbursement for enforcement of DWI regulations; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that Westchester County will reimburse the Town to a maximum of $8,400 for the years 2011-2015, and BE IT, FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Fishman Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O’Keeffe Aye 7. Salary Authorization – Recreation RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 2011 Town Budget the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of salary to the following: Memorial Park Tennis Courts: Edward McGuire Attendant $12/hr Effective 4/30/11 Leonard Binder Attendant $11.50/hr Effective 4/30/11 Maud Tarrant Alternate Attendant $11.50/hr Effective 4/30/11 The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Fishman Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O’Keeffe Aye 12 April 20, 2011 8. Appointments to Boards and Commissions On motion of Supervisor O’Keeffe, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, it was Resolution rescinded May RESOLVED, that Glenna Gray be appointed to the 18, 2011 position of Alternate Member of the Board of Assessment Review, and Replaced with Resolution on BE IT FURTHER May 18, 2011 RESOLVED, that the foregoing appointment shall be effective immediately upon the appointee taking and subscribing the oath mandated by section 25 of the New York Town Law and shall expire on September 30, 2015. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Fishman Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O’Keeffe Aye On motion of Supervisor O’Keeffe, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, the following was approved, WHEREAS, David Birch has resigned as a Member of the Larchmont Public Library after having served since 1997. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Iven R. Taub be appointed to the position of Member of the Larchmont Public library, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing appointment shall be effective immediately upon the appointee taking and subscribing the oath mandated by section 25 of the New York Town Law and shall expire on December 31, 2016. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Fishman Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O’Keeffe Aye 9. Set Public Hearing – Enlargement of the Board of Assessment Review The Town Board finds that having only three members on the Board of Assessment Review causes difficulty at times in maintaining a quorum. Therefore, it is the recommendation of the Town Board to increase the number of members from three to five. On motion of Supervisor O’Keeffe, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, it was 13 April 20, 2011 RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby set the date for a Public Hearing on the Enlargement of the Board of Assessment Review for May 4, 2011 at 8:00PM in the Court Room of the Town Center, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the notice of said hearing in a newspaper appointed as an official newspaper, and that said notice, be posted. 10. Certiorari On motion of Councilman Fishman, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the settlement of the following tax certiorari on the following terms: Howell Associates. LLC 128-144 Chatsworth Avenue Larchmont, NY 10538 Block: 602 Lot: 834 Town of Mamaroneck/Village of Larchmont Year Assessment Reduced Assessment 2003 $85,000 $48,000 2004 $85,000 $48,000 2005 $85,000 $48,000 2006 $85,000 $48,000 2007 $85,000 $48,000 2008 $85,000 $50,000 2009 $85,000 $50,000 2010 $85,000 $50,000 The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Fishman Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O’Keeffe Aye On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Odierna, it was RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the settlement of the following tax certiorari on the following terms: Larchmont Hills Owners’ Corp. 17 North Chatsworth Avenue Larchmont, NY 10538 Block: 133 Lot: 662 Town of Mamaroneck/Village of Larchmont Year Assessment Reduced Assessment 2003 $180,000 $171,000 14 April 20, 2011 2004 $180,000 $176,400 2005 $180,000 $171,000 2006 $180,000 $165,600 2007 $180,000 $165,600 2008 $180,000 $165,600 2009 $180,000 $165,600 2010 $180,000 $172,800 The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Fishman Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O’Keeffe Aye APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Councilwoman Seligson, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve the Board Minutes from the Meeting of April 6, 2011. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None REPORT OF COUNCIL Councilman Fishman will attend the Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting next Wednesday. A meeting of the Housing Authority is anticipated very soon. Supervisor O’Keeffe interjected that there is still an opening on the Housing Authority and encouraged residents who may want to volunteer, or know someone else who might, to please contact the Town. Councilwoman Seligson attended Earth Day at Kensico Dam, at which she accepted on behalf of the Town a Westchester County award for the Town’s collecting of used vegetable oil for beneficial use in the ‘Veggie Trucks’. The Town also received a Certificate of Merit from the Westchester County Board of Legislators. Councilwoman Wittner attended the Long Island Sound Watershed Intermunicipal Council Meeting, along with Councilwoman Seligson; no significant discussion took place regarding storm water management. Last week the Village of Mamaroneck hosted the Westchester Municipal Officials Association’s monthly dinner at Beach Point. th Councilman Odierna attended the Chamber of Commerce Meeting on April 7, noting the 5 Annual Wine Trail will take place on May 1. The League of Women Voters Breakfast was held last Friday with guest 15 April 20, 2011 speaker Dr. Shaps, Superintendant of Mamaroneck Schools. The Recreation Commission met on April 12. Councilman Odierna was happy to welcome Beth Boyle the newest member to the Commission. Jill Fisher the Superintendant was happy to report that the Mamaroneck School District will pay for the second handicapped ladder at the Pool. Mr. Altieri gave an update on the changes to recycling. Beginning June 1 the County will upgrade their intake to now include recyclables with numbers 3-7. Although the County was lenient in their acceptance of plastic bags, with this change plastic bags will not be allowed. Mr. Altieri also noted that the Highway Department is busy filling pot holes, adding they continue to put down two to three tons of hot patch a day. SUPERVISOR’S REPORT None ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Odierna, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 10:25 PM ________________________________ Submitted by Christina Battalia, Town Clerk 16