HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015_05_27 Town Board Minutes May 27, 2015 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING AND WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD ON MAY 27, 2015, BEGINNING AT 5:00PM AT THE VETERANS OF FOREIGN WAR (VFW), 1288 BOSTON POST ROAD, LARCHMONT, NEW YORK PRESENT: Supervisor Nancy Seligson Councilman Ernest C. Odierna Councilwoman Abby Katz Councilwoman Jaine Elkind Eney Councilman Thomas A. Murphy ALSO PRESENT: Christina Battalia, Town Clerk Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator William Maker, Jr., Town Attorney CALL TO ORDER - WORK SESSION On motion of Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney, the Work Session was unanimously opened at 5:00PM. Present: Town residents, Mary Beth Bailey and Elizabeth Graves Update – Police Department Renovation Project Additionally Present: Chief Rich Rivera, Exec. Lt. Bob Koziak, Representatives from Calgi Construction Management, Mike Smith, Daniel Chan and Dominic Calgi The Town Board received the Conceptual Schematic Budget Estimate – Summary of Probable Cost, Revised as of May 26, 2015 for review and received a presentation of the floor plan and design for the project by representatives of Calgi. Supervisor Seligson asked Chief Rivera and Lieutenant Koziak if they felt the plan met their needs and they responded yes. Mr. Altieri stated the next steps will be to prepare and distribute the construction docs sent out to bid this June or July, with a best case scenario of the end of August to begin construction. Mr. Calgi discussed the time frame for the project, the phases for construction, and how the Department will function during construction. Mr. Calgi did mention that one unknown to the project is how far back we need to go for the mechanicals, adding we don’t yet know how bad they are. Tablet Distribution & Update on eCode360 Deferred ADDED ITEM Legislation of Village of Mamaroneck The Town Board received the draft home rule legislation request of the Village of Mamaroneck, and the Village of Mamaroneck’s local law seeking authority to intervene in Certiorari and Small Claims Assessment Review (SCAR) matters. The Board stated their dismay in not being informed by the Village of Mamaroneck before proposing this legislation. The Board members felt that notice should be given immediately to the Mayor of the Village of Mamaroneck, that the Town will be notifying the State not to act on this home rule legislation and give the Town and Village an opportunity to discuss this further. It is the understanding of 1 May 27, 2015 the Town Board that if the Town should object to this home rule legislation, the Legislature will not act on it. A draft letter to the State was reviewed by the Board. Additionally, Mr. Maker discussed the current working relationship between the Town and both Village attorneys when negotiating Certiorari and SCAR petitions. Discussion – Cambium Apartments Additionally present: John Meyer, developer for the Cambium. Mr. Meyer was present to discuss the situation with Cambium being in contract with two buyers who are combining units. The developer believes during conversations with the Building Department this was allowed. The Town’s position is this is in violation of the Special Permit. Mr. Meyers stressed that the units are being purchased by older ‘empty nesters’ as a scale down purchase, adding in no way is this being done to create an extra bedroom. Additionally, the developer stated that there are approved units with dens. After some discussion the Town Board agreed to allow the combined units, but the Certificate of Occupancy would be issued for a two bedroom unit only, essentially the third room being constructed now as an office or den can never be sold as a bedroom. ADDED ITEM Fire Department Historical Book Councilwoman Elkind Eney informed the Town Board that the Fire Department would like to create an historical pamphlet. There is no cost to the Town as the publisher, Arcadia, pays the cost. The Fire Department will create the copy and the photographs. It is proposed that the Fire Department volunteers keep the proceeds from the sales. No action is needed by the Town Board, this was for informational purposes only. Housing Authority Update Councilman Murphy reported that the developer interested in the Redwood Nursery property will not be moving forward; the reason why is not exactly clear, but may have to do with timing and their inability to move quickly enough to receive affordable housing funding from the County. There does appear to be an additional developer interested in the site, and Councilman Murphy will keep the Board apprised. Housing Authority Lease The Town Board reviewed a memorandum of understanding for amendments to the agreement between the Town and the Housing Authority prepared by Mr. Altieri dated May 20, 2015. The four major amendments were addressed. Mr. Maker will work with Mr. Altieri on the final draft for Board approval at rd the June 3 meeting. NYPRIZE Program – Micro grids The Town reviewed a memo from Mr. Altieri, dated May 16, 2015. In that memo Mr. Altieri explains that “the New York State Energy Research Development Agency (NYSERDA) offers grant under the NYPRIZE Program to study the development of micro grids which are independent small electric grids that can provide resilience for the local electric system to ensure electric service during storms and other outages.” The Board discussed the maximum grant possibility of $100,000. If this grant should be awarded then a feasibly study would need to be prepared. The Grant was submitted with help from Booz Allen, free of charge, but with the understanding that should the Town receive the grant they would prepare the feasibility study. Countywide Ban on Plastic Bags and Styrofoam Supervisor Seligson asked the Town Board to consider supporting the resolution in support of a County Wide ban on plastic bags and Styrofoam. The Board previously supported a ban on plastic bags, but deferred the decision after being threatened with legal action. Supervisor Seligson stated that having the County enact legislation would cover the Town and allow the Town to move forward. This was moved for approval to the regular meeting agenda for this evening. 2 May 27, 2015 New Business The Town Board briefly reviewed the Ice Rink Concession Agreement that is on this evening’s agenda, and the legislation for parking amendments in Howell Park. Councilman Odierna noted that the proposal received by LMC-TV to renovate the Town Center third floor, as a home for the station, was well under the proposed price for renovating the Fire House on Mamaroneck Avenue. Mr. Altieri did add that there are a number of contingencies that would need to be addressed and estimated. Finally it was noted that Mr. Engel has approved and additional grant funding in the amount of $15,000 to plant bigger trees along New Jefferson as part of the proposed changes. Supervisor Seligson stated that Westchester Joint Water Works was informed that New York City will be raising its water rate by 10%, so the Town will undoubtedly see an increase. Of note is that the current issue with neighboring municipalities needing to boil water is not something affecting the Westchester Joint Water Works, as their water is chlorinated already. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Seligson at 8:00 PM, she then pointed out the location of the exits. Supervisor Seligson noted that the Town Board met for a worksession beginning at 5:00 o’clock this evening, adding this is an open meeting that all residents’ are welcomed to attend. SUPERVISOR’S SUMMARY REPORT Supervisor Seligson stated that due to the public discussion tonight, and the large number of residents in attendance, she will move her Supervisor’s Comments to the end of the meeting during Reports of Council. CITIZEN’S COMMENTS Supervisor Seligson asked if anyone in the audience would like to address the Board on any other topic other than the public discussion for this evening, and there was not. Supervisor Seligson addressed the audience and gave a recap of the history of the parking situation in Washington Square, and how this current proposal came to be. Mr. Altieri then showed a visual projection of the proposed parking changes. Supervisor Seligson then called the following residents who signed up to address the Board, asking that each limit their comments to under three minutes. Richard Zoffness, 1 Washington Square, historically parking has been a nightmare, supports the proposal Mr. McCormick stated he sent a letter to the Town Board Pat Nathanson, agrees with Mr. Zoffness, supports project Pat Konvalinka, agrees with Mr. Zoffness, supports project Jessica Bacal, attorney for 35 N. Chatsworth, distributed a written statement opposing the project Mike Galante, Fredrick Clark Assoc., traffic consultants located in Rye. Noted a letter to the Town dated May 27, 2015. Concerns with the project creating a parking lot out of an access road to I95. Fred Cuccia, not opposed to more parking, but opposed to this plan, wants better options and data that additional parking is needed. Mr. Cuccia also had visual demonstrating a survey of open parking spaces in the area. Suggests more residential parking on Myrtle and Madison. Joan Motyka, supports more parking, this plan or others Marybeth Bailey, agrees with Fred Cuccia Mrs. Krebbs, resident parking sysytem has created more parking Mr. and Mrs. Shuler, agrees with neighbors at 35 N Chatsworth 3 May 27, 2015 Susan Spencer, there is even more parking than chart demonstrated. Thinks Madison should be utilized. Tom Graves, agrees with others at 35 N Chatsworth opposing this proposal. Reba Appleson, agrees with Mr. Cuccia. Paul Ahern, agrees with Mr. Cuccia. Samuel Cabot, agrees with Mr. Cuccia. June Fox, agrees with Mr. Cuccia. Arnie Burger, agrees with Mr. Cuccia, adding safety as a concern. Betty McSherry, opposed, lowers value of apartments. Elizabeth Graves, agrees with others at 35 N Chatsworth opposing this proposal. Charles Horgan, biggest problem is parking is free. This proposal cost $9,000 a space, way too much. Ralph Engel, pointed out that all opposed are from a building with ample parking. Opening doors into traffic happens on all streets in the area. Agrees with concept of more parking on Myrtle and Madison. Stated that if the Board does not move forward with this plan, he supports Mr. Cuccia’s plan. Donald Mazin, representing Gjoko Schreki, not taking a side on the issue at hand, but supports putting Myrtle Blvd into the residential parking district. Questions whether there is enough parking for the Town’s affordable housing amendment. Jag Rao, need more parking, and proposes adding additional parking on opposite side of current proposal. Jack Adler, President of the Board of 16 N. Chatsworth. The Board has discussed and opposes the plan. Suggests diagonal parking on Madison. Proposes better, safer crossing on N. Chatsworth at New Jefferson. Diane Tone, parking better since residential parking. Asked if grant could be used for median and or cross walk. Laura Domenico doesn’t see need for additional parking. Very concerned with trucks turning. Wants grates over median. Clayton Miller, glad to hear rumors that the Cambium is behind this are false. Seems there is ample parking and the problem is solved. Lester Powers, since residential parking enacted the area is completely different. Elinor Fein, interested in continuing conversation about diverting traffic off of New Jefferson, much safer. Wants to keep additional handicapped spots that were part of this plan. Joyce Bermell, supports last speaker, need to reduce truck traffic. Joe Ichicarey, diverting trucks to Myrtle Blvd seems just as dangerous. Proposes a parking garage in the wooded area behind the Carlton House, or garage near Lot 1 at Vine Street. Mr. Altieri commented that Myrtle Blvd is not legislatively in the home rule legislation for a residential parking district and so therefore, cannot be part of the residential parking program. PUBLIC HEARING – Water District No. 1 The following Notice of Public Hearing is entered into the record as follows: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Town of Mamaroneck Water District No. 1 Westchester County, New York PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, th New York, will meet at the Town Hall, in Mamaroneck, New York, in said Town, on the 27 day of May, 2015, at 8:00 o’clock P.M., Prevailing Time, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing relating to the proposed increase and improvement of the facilities of the Town of Mamaroneck Water District No. 1 of said Town, being said Water District’s share of the cost of the improvement of facilities of the Westchester Joint Water Works of the Town/Village of Harrison, the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Mamaroneck (“WJWW”), being the installation of modular standby generators that will initially be located at the Rye Lake Plant to replace the current non-functioning propane standby generator, including original furnishings, equipment, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, at a maximum estimated cost of $125,000 to the Water District at which time and place said Town Board will hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same. 4 May 27, 2015 The capital project described above is a “Type II Action” pursuant to the regulations promulgated under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQRA”) which will not result in a significant environmental effect and SEQRA compliance materials are available for inspection at the Office of the WJWW where they may be inspected during normal business hours. Dated: Mamaroneck, New York, May 14, 2015. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK Christina Battalia Town Clerk On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilman Murphy, the Public Hearing was unanimously opened. Supervisor Seligson asked if anyone wished to comment on the proposed improvements to the Water District No. 1 facilities, and there was not. Supervisor Seligson noted that due to an incorrect publication for the last public hearing for this matter, the Town Board was obligated to republish and re-hold a public hearing. On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilman Odierna, the Public Hearing was unanimously closed. At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, held at the Veterans of Foreign War (VFW), in the Town of Mamaroneck, Larchmont PO, New York on May 27, 2015, at 8:00 o’clock P.M., Prevailing Time. PRESENT: Supervisor Nancy Seligson Councilman Ernest C. Odierna Councilwoman Abby Katz Councilwoman Jaine Elkind Eney Councilman Thomas A. Murphy ABSENT: None In the Matter of PUBLIC The Increase and Improvement of the Facilities of INTEREST the Town of Mamaroneck Water District No. 1 of ORDER the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York 5 May 27, 2015 WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, has under consideration the increase and improvement of the facilities of the Town of Mamaroneck Water District No. 1, in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York (the “Water District”), being its share of the improvement of facilities of the Westchester Joint Water Works of the Town/Village of Harrison, the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Mamaroneck (together, the “WJWW”), consisting of the installation of modular standby generators that will initially be located at the Rye Lake Plant to replace the current non-functioning propane standby generator, including original furnishings, equipment, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, at a maximum estimated cost of $125,000; and WHEREAS, at a meeting of said Town Board duly called and held on May 6, 2015, an Order was adopted by it and entered in the minutes specifying the said Town Board would meet to consider said increase and improvement of the Water District, and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same at the Town Hall, in Mamaroneck, New York, in said Town, on May 27, 2015 at 8:00 o’clock P.M., Prevailing Time; and WHEREAS, said Order duly certified by the Town Clerk was duly published and posted as required by law; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly held at the time and place set forth in said notice, at which all persons desiring to be heard were duly heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, as follows: Section 1. Upon the evidence given at the aforesaid public hearing, it is hereby found and determined that it is in the public interest to make improvements to the Town of Mamaroneck Water District No. 1, in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York (the “Water District”), being its share of the improvement of facilities of the Westchester Joint Water Works of the Town/Village of Harrison, the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Mamaroneck (together, the “WJWW”), consisting of the installation of modular standby generators that will initially be located at the Rye Lake Plant to replace the current non-functioning propane standby generator, including original furnishings, equipment, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, at a maximum estimated cost of $125,000. Section 2. This Order shall take effect immediately. The question of the adoption of the foregoing order was duly put to a vote on roll, which resulted as follows: Councilman Murphy Aye Councilwoman Elkind Eney Aye Councilwoman Katz Aye Councilman Odierna Aye Supervisor Seligson Aye The order was thereupon declared duly adopted. 6 May 27, 2015 BOND RESOLUTION At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, held at the Veterans of Foreign War (VFW), in the Town of Mamaroneck, Larchmont PO, New th York, in said Town, on the 27 day of May, 2015, at 8:00 o’clock P.M., Prevailing Time. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Seligson, and upon roll being called, the following were PRESENT: Supervisor Nancy Seligson Councilman Ernest C. Odierna Councilwoman Abby Katz Councilwoman Jaine Elkind Eney Councilman Thomas A. Murphy ABSENT: None The following resolution was offered by Councilman Murphy, who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, to-wit: BOND RESOLUTION DATED MAY 27, 2015. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $125,000 BONDS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK, TO PAY THE TOWN’S SHARE OF THE INCREASE AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK WATER DISTRICT NO. 1, IN THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK. WHEREAS, the capital project hereinafter described has been determined to be a Type II Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, the implementation of which as proposed, said regulations provide will not result in a significant environmental effect; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions heretofore duly had and taken in accordance with the provisions of Section 202-b of the Town Law, and more particularly an Order dated the date hereof, said Town Board has determined it to be in the public interest to increase and improve the facilities of the Town of Mamaroneck Water District No. 1, in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York (the “Water District”), being its share of the improvement of facilities of the Westchester Joint Water Works of the Town/Village of Harrison, the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Mamaroneck (together, the “WJWW”), consisting of the installation of modular standby generators that will initially be located at the Rye Lake Plant to replace the current non-functioning propane standby generator, including original furnishings, equipment, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, at a maximum estimated cost of $125,000; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, as follows: Section 1. For the specific object or purpose of paying the cost of the increase and improvement of the facilities of the Town of Mamaroneck Water District No. 1, in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York (the “Water District”), being its share of the improvement of facilities of the Westchester Joint Water Works of the Town/Village of Harrison, the Village of Mamaroneck 7 May 27, 2015 and the Town of Mamaroneck (together, the “WJWW”), consisting of the installation of modular standby generators that will initially be located at the Rye Lake Plant to replace the current non-functioning propane standby generator, including original furnishings, equipment, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, at a maximum estimated cost of $125,000, there are hereby authorized to be issued $125,000 serial bonds of said Town pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 2. It is hereby determined that the plan for the financing of said specific object or purpose is by the issuance of the $125,000 serial bonds of said Town authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond resolution. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is forty years pursuant to subdivision 1 of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. It is hereby further determined that the maximum maturity of the serial bonds herein authorized will exceed five years. Section 4. The faith and credit of said Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. To the extent not paid from monies raised from said Street Lighting District in the manner provided by law, there shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said Town, a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Supervisor, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. The powers and duties of advertising such bonds for sale, conducting the sale and awarding the bonds, are hereby delegated to the Supervisor, who shall advertise such bonds for sale, conduct the sale, and award the bonds in such manner as the Supervisor shall deem best for the interests of said Town, including, but not limited to, the power to sell said bonds to the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation; provided, however, that in the exercise of these delegated powers, the Supervisor shall comply fully with the provisions of the Local Finance Law and any order or rule of the State Comptroller applicable to the sale of municipal bonds. The receipt of the Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to the purchaser of such bonds, who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money. Section 7. All other matters except as provided herein relating to the serial bonds herein authorized including the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, within the limitations prescribed herein and the manner of execution of the same, including the consolidation with other issues, and also the ability to issue serial bonds with substantially level or declining annual debt service, shall be determined by the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer of such Town. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in Section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals, in addition to those required by Section 51.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the Supervisor shall determine consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 8. The Supervisor is hereby further authorized, at his or her sole discretion, to execute a project finance and/or loan agreement, and any other agreements with the New York State Department 8 May 27, 2015 of Health and/or the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation, including amendments thereto, and including any instruments (or amendments thereto) in the effectuation thereof, in order to effect the financing or refinancing of the specific object or purpose described in Section 1 hereof, or a portion thereof, by a bond, and/or note issue of said Town in the event of the sale of same to the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation. Section 9. The power to issue and sell notes to the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation pursuant to Section 169.00 of the Local Finance Law is hereby delegated to the Supervisor. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents as may be prescribed by said Supervisor consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 10. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said Town is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 11. This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.150-2. Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein. Section 12. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in summary form in the official newspaper, together with a notice of the Town Clerk in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: Councilman Murphy Aye Councilwoman Elkind Eney Recuse Councilwoman Katz Aye Councilman Odierna Aye Supervisor Seligson Aye TAKEN OUT OF ORDER AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 5. Salary Authorization – Building Department On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, it was RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby appoint Brittanie O’Neill to the position of Office Assistant in the Building Department effective May 28, 2015 at an annual salary of $38,965. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye 9 May 27, 2015 Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The Meeting was called to order by Commissioner Seligson, and then on motion of Commissioner Elkind Eney, seconded by Commissioner Katz, the Board of Fire Commissioners was unanimously declared open. Present were the following Members of the Commission: Commissioner: Nancy Seligson Commissioner: Ernest C. Odierna Commissioner: Abby Katz Commissioner: Jaine Elkind Eney Commissioner: Thomas A. Murphy 1. FIRE CLAIMS On motion of Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Elkind Eney, it was RESOLVED that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department Claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller’s Office: AAA Emergency Supply Scott Pak test & repair, helmet & gloves, fire boots $1640.39 Atlantic Westchester, inc. Belt and coil cleaner 52.46 ASAP Pager repair shipments 4/3 & 4/11/15 73.12 AT & T Mobility Wireless service for 3/12-4/11/15 417.34 Brewers Toggle bolt 8.64 Con Edison Fire HQ svc 4/1-4/30/15 358.68 Cablevision Cable service for 4/23-5/22/15 127.78 FireCompanies.Com Website maintenance for three months 239.97 Home Depot Tool holder, bag, sander materials, wrench, etc. 317.40 Minerva VA Cleaners Turnout gear repair 715.50 Poland Spring Rental of water coolers - April 2015 114.96 Roberts John Innella work boots and pants 135.00 Sound Shore Pest Control Exterminating Services on 4/28/15 65.00 Villa Maria Pizza Fast Drill 4/22/15 90.40 Westech Elevator Maintenance for month of May 2015 175.00 0.00 0.00 Total: $4531.64 The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Commissioner Murphy Aye Commissioner Elkind Eney Aye Commissioner Katz Aye Commissioner Odierna Aye Commissioner Seligson Aye 2.Other Fire Department Business 10 May 27, 2015 Commissioner Elkind Eney stated that the Fire District will be holding a referendum for bonding of two fire rd trucks as well a bonding for building repairs, on June 23 from 3:00 – 9:00 pm at the Weaver Street Fire House. There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion of Commissioner Katz, seconded by Commissioner Elkind Eney, the Commission unanimously adjourned and the Town Board reconvened. AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. Re-Appointment – Larchmont Library Board On motion of Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney, it was RESOLVED, that Jennifer Conley be reappointed as a Member of the Larchmont Library Board, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing appointment shall be effective immediately upon the appointee taking and subscribing the oath mandated by section 25 of the New York Town Law and shall expire on May 31, 2020. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye 2.Amendment – Ice Rink/Pool Concession Agreement On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, the following was approved, WHEREAS, in 2012 the Town signed a new concession agreement with Slap Shot Café to operate the concession for the ice rink and pool, and WHEREAS, at that time our pool rules prohibited pool patrons from bringing in outside food to the pool facility, but since 2013 the Town agreed to accommodate the residents and allow small personal size coolers to the pool. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve reducing the monthly rental payment for the pool season be reduced by $500 for each month of the pool season. The monthly payment would be reduced from $2,333 to $1,833 in July and August and effectively a $250 reduction for June. The overall impact to the Town would be a reduction of $1,250 in the annual rental income. The amendment would remain in effect until the end of the concession agreement term which is 2017. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye 11 May 27, 2015 Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye 3.Set Public Hearing – Amendment – Parking Regulations – Sheldrake Avenue On motion of Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby set the date for a Public Hearing on the “ Restriction on Parking on a Section of Sheldrake Avenue on School Day” law for June 23, 2015 at 8:00PM in the Court Room of the Town Center, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the notice of said hearing in a newspaper appointed as an official newspaper, and that said Notice, be posted. 4.Set Public Hearing – Amendment – Parking Regulations – Howell Avenue, Carleon Avenue, Hawthorne Lane & Palmer Avenue (Between Weaver Street & Larchmont Border) On motion of Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby set the date for a Public Hearing on the “Restriction on Parking on a Section of the East Side of Palmer Avenue and on the Entire Length of Howell Avenue, Hawthorne Road and Carleon Avenue” Law for June 23, 2015, at 8:00PM in the Court Room of the Town Center, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the notice of said hearing in a newspaper appointed as an official newspaper, and that said Notice, be posted. 5.Salary Authorization – Highway Department On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, it was RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby appoint Michael Sullivan as the full- time Laborer in the Highway Department effective May 28, 2015 at an annual salary of $43,152. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye 6.Consideration of Certiorari On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney, it was RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the settlement of the following tax certiorari on the following terms: Larchmont Owners Corp. Richbell Road and Palmer Avenue 12 May 27, 2015 Section/Block/Lots: 4-8-1 and 4-7-269 Town of Mamaroneck Section/Block/Lot: 4-8-1 Year Assessment Amount of Reduction Reduced Assessment 2001 $275,000 -0- $275,000 2002 $275,000 -0- $275,000 2003 $275,000 -0- $275,000 2004 $275,000 -0- $275,000 2005 $275,000 $ 4,375 $270,625 2006 $275,000 $20,975 $254,025 2007 $275,000 $37,950 $237,050 2008 $275,000 $33,900 $241,100 2009 $275,000 $38,070 $236,930 2010 $275,000 $ 7,010 $267,990 2011 $275,000 $ 7,010 $267,990 2012 $275,000 $ 7,010 $267,990 Section/Block/Lot: 4-7-269 The assessment of $10,000 will remain the same for all years at issue. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye ADDED ITEM 7.Resolution – Support of County Wide Effort To Ban Single Use Plastic Bags On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney, the following was unanimously approved, WHEREAS, plastic bags often are discarded into the environment and end up polluting our waterways, clogging sewers, endangering marine life and causing unsightly litter that last hundreds of years and are a potential source of harmful chemicals when they do break down; and WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck has a proud history of environmental stewardship, and WHEREAS, the Westchester County Board of Legislators is considering an ordinance prohibiting the use of single-use plastic bags at the point of sale as well as expanded polystyrene containers throughout the entire county and encourages the utilization of re-usable bags and other recyclable and bio- degradable products; and WHEREAS, it will be most effective to have a county wide policy regulating plastic bag distribution at the point of sale and expanded polystyrene containers rather than a piecemeal approach that would be different in each municipality. This will be less costly to local governments and less confusing for residents; and WHEREAS, while all county residents would realize the environmental benefits of such a program, downstream and coastal communities such as the Town of Mamaroneck would realize benefits of reduced debris in its streams and rivers as well as improved water quality in Long Island Sound, Hudson River, and WHEREAS, that efforts undertaken on a regional level that will have positive impacts for the region as a whole and for the Town of Mamaroneck individually; 13 May 27, 2015 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck urges Westchester County to adopt a law which would ban the use of single-use plastic bags at the point of sale and expanded polystyrene containers, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck requests that the Town Clerk forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Clerk of the Westchester County Board of Legislators and the Westchester County Executive Robert P. Astorino. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye APPROVAL OF MINUTES – May 6, 2015 On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve the Board Minutes from the meeting of May 6, 2015. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None REPORT OF COUNCIL Councilwoman Elkind Eney attended the farewell party for Zoe Colon at the Hispanic Resource Center, th adding how vital the Hispanic Resource Center is to our Community. On May 9 Councilwoman Elkind Eney attended the Senior Art Show at the Larchmont Library, as well as the ribbon cutting for the new bakery in th Larchmont – Sugar Mama. On May 12 she attended the Summit meeting at which the topic was how to th keep our community healthy. On May 12 she also attended the Recreation Commission Meeting, where they continue to work on finishing the rink, adding that camp enrollment is taking place and the pool will thth open on June 20. On May 13 Councilwoman Elkind Eney attended the Planning Board Meeting, adding that they are moving ahead with applications. Councilwoman Elkind Eney also reported that the current Chair, John Ortiz, will be moving out of Town, adding he was a great Chair and we will miss him. On May th 14 Councilwoman Elkind Eney attended the Mamaroneck Chamber of Commerce, adding that parking was th a big discussion at the meeting. Also on May 14 she attended the Westchester Municipal Officials Dinner th held at Willow Ridge in Harrison. The topic was changes in Law School. On May 18 Nancy Seligson spoke at the Larchmont Gardens’ Civic Association meeting which she attended. She and other Board Members marched in the Memorial Day Parades in the Village of Larchmont and the Village of Mamaroneck, noting th that the Town/Village Parade’s Grand Marshal was Peter Perciasepe. On May 25 the VFW Post 1156 held their Memorial Day Ceremony at Tompkins Park followed by breakfast at the VFW Post 1156. Also on May th 25 she attended the American Legion Post 347 Memorial Day Ceremony at Memorial Park, followed by a luncheon at the American Legion Post 347. Councilwoman Katz attended the Library Board Meeting, noting that there is a push back for the start date of the Transformation Project to January 2016, adding more time is needed for fundraising. Councilman Odierna noted that he attended many of the events previously mentioned. Additionally, Councilman Odierna announced the Health Fair at Saint Thomas’ Church, adding he has been attended these meeting over the past year and glad to see this important event come to a successful fruition. Councilman Odierna was most impressed by the STEM, also known as STEAM, event held at Mamaroneck Avenue School, what a fantastic event. 14 May 27, 2015 Councilman Murphy attended the Housing Authority Meeting at which they discussed finalizing the lease renewal with the Town. Councilman Murphy thanked Rick Cherry, the Housing Authority Chair and Mr. Altieri for their hard work coming to an agreement. Supervisors Report I have lots of events to report about. The upcoming events you should be aware of include the final Drug Take-Back event at the Maxwell Ave. Town Yard on Saturday May 30 from 8 to 11 am; the County shredder will be available at the Maxwell Ave. Town Yard on Saturday June 6. The Village of Mamaroneck Memorial Parade is Saturday May 30 at 10 AM and the Kemper Park Memorial Day ceremony is at MHS at 1:30, also this Saturday. The Town received notice that our application to study the feasibility of a microgird has been successful. That means that NYSERDA will work with the Town to determine the feasibility of creating an alternate source of power independent from the grid to power the TC, Sarah Newman, MHS, and gas station. Thank you to Frank Owens and Tony Gelber of the Sustainability Collaborative for their work on the application. I attended the farewell party for HRC director Zoe Colon and met the new director, Milan Bhatt. The annual Senior Citizens art exhibit at the Larchmont Library was wonderful. Teacher Pat Sunderland continues to inspire and direct artistic seniors. Dorothy Saraceno produced a poetry and performance event for Mother’s Day that was also inspiring. We dedicated the new Paine Bridge on the Leatherstocking Trail section of the Colonials Greenway located between Highland and Winged Foot Drives. We thanked the New RO Runners Club for their donation to the costs of building the new bridge and congratulated them on creating the Paine to Pain Trail Half Marathon on the trail. I had the honor of speaking at the LGCA annual meeting. We Fire Commissioners set June 23, 2015 as the date for the referendum to vote on spending for new fire apparatus and fire house repairs. There were several Memorial Day events this past weekend that I proudly attended, but will let other TB members discuss them during board member reports. Please remember that gas powered leaf blowers are banned in the Town of Mamaroneck from June 1 to September 30. Tell your landscapers not to use them during this time. Congratulations go out to Connie Green O’Donnell’s son on his graduation from West Point! ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 10:30 PM ________________________________ Submitted by Christina Battalia, Town Clerk 15