HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945_05_16 Town Board Minutes 507
IIPLD L°1,Y lh , l°45
In the Council Roots of the "raver Street 7tre house , 'jinn, of
Iramsronccl:, I'er^ York.
L The meetirg was called to order by Sure-visor iande:ille
at 2:15 P._.. !Last-girt Tar Tine;
Present: Supervisor P'andeville
Councilmen Keeler , Stirer , Pm1ury , '"atson
The presence was so noted Town Clerk Pane , Torn
Attorney Delius Asses-or fmilh , Comptroller Crsino and Accorrtart
Firs on.
The Dupe-visor opened the meeting by suggesting that a
welcome he extended to Co ncrlrar Fa ratsor , this being his
first meeting. He said to Com-oilman '.'at^on: ' e formally welcome
you to the Petard and we are glad to have yen here , rayor. "
Lich of the members of the Board joined -it?_ the Supervisor
in welcoming Councilman "!atson.
I'^. matsor thanked the members of the. Board and said he
will be very glad to do the best he car in whatever the undertalring.
The minutes of the meeting of ray 2 1C4e were approved
as corrected .
The Supervisor isor erires'r■ the Town r "Ter' to r. ad the communi-
c ' to ,^
letter dated rar _ "t(15, L'
as received fro . r L . G. Tan
Solve: , District Clerk of the Board of *'du .-ion, Union "roe School
District Ilo. 1 , in which he advised that at the election of Trustees
held ray 2, l945 the following were elected trustees for terms of
three years beg_nninE July 1 , 191r: Ida P. Ifighes, 7 Gerlach Place ,
Larchm.ont , r.Y. ; niter F. Brady , 122 Valley Stream Roor' , rchnent ,
F.Y. The le-tier mss ordered placer' on _rile .
A notice was received from the few York State Department
of Agriculture and I markets to the effect that Section 121 of the
Agriculture and l'arl:Sts Law (paragraph five) has been amended by
Chapter 862 of the Laws of 1_9t allowing three dollars: in addition
to mileage for the assessor in connection rrii:h inouiries where damage
is done to property by dogs. The notice was ordered placed on file.
The following reports for the month of April 194x, were
ordered received and placed on file: Report of the Receiver of Taxes
and Assessments; Report of the Town Clerk: Report of the Public
Heel.th arses; Report of the "estcheste" County Dog Frot_ective
Association; report of the Department of Public Vielfare.
The Supervisor Informed the members of th- Board that he
had several matters to present to the flonrd .
The Supervisor slated ttat } e h: 0 at hard a checl from
Raymond Cramb , for °225.49 , which amount represents the face amount
of the tax liens plus interest at the rate of six re- cent comnutcd
from the date of sale , on property known as Bloch 82'7, Parcel E.
Following some discussion , it was on motion by Councilman
Stiller , seconded by Councilman rmbnry , upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED , that the Deceiver of Taxes and Assessments
be and he hereby is authorized , er•pownred and directed
to sell by assignment the following tax liens on Ire-
pert ' known as Block 927, Farce]. 6 , for the sum of
$225.49 , which includes interest at the rate of six
per cent from thr date of sale , the assignment to be
to Paynond Cramb and Florence E. Cramb , 4257 Vireo
Avenue , Tronx 66 , Few York.
Se_eYear Tax Year Amount of Lien Interest at 6:' Total L 1940 199 t. 3G.(2 10.99 0 47.61
1941 1940 '7.77 9.06 46. 9
1942 1941 29.2' 6. 8E 45.11
1943 1942 39. 9F 4.79 44.67
1944 1942 i.P.. 92 2.24 41.2Z
S2 .a9
The Supervisor stated that he had at hand a check from rr.
rarold S. Cherry , 59 Vine road , Larchront , Y.7. in the amount of
~9356. 53 representing ten ncr cent of the total purchase price offered.
on the following properties :
Block 202 , Parcel 267; area 2 .28 acres ; assess-
ment , '7500; Poo-; Value , ^1 ,°79.65
Block 208, Parcels 430 and 429; dimensions
200 x 100 ir. ; assessed at £5,300 ; rook
Value , ?1, 585.71.
The Supervisor said that he discussed with "'r. Cherry the
assessed valuation on this property and he was assured by Itr. Cherry
that no protests of the assessments would he made. Fie also advised
that Vr. Cherry is going to build a house comparable to the others
is in the neighborhood when building restrictions are lifted .
Following discussion, it was on motion by Councilman Stiner ,
seconded by Councilman Fmhury , upon roll c<11 , unanimously
RFSOLVFD , that the Supervisor be and hereby is
authorized to sell to Yr. Harold S. Cherry the
following two described parcels of property :
Parcel 11 - For a consideration of 01 ,979 65
Farce' (2 - For a consideration of 01 , 5E5.71
Parcel 11 - Lots 149 , 149A, 150 to 154 inclusive , on
map of Larchnontt Ridge , portion of Section € , filed
in the Count:' Clerk' s Office , "'estche star Cour..ty ,
April 21 , 1931 , Pap Ye. 3762 ; also known as Flock
2C? , Parcel 167, on the tax assessment map of the
Parcel 1'2 - Property known as Lots 40 and 4(7 2. on mar
of Iarchmont ridge , portion of Section 4 , filed in the
County Clerk' s Office , '9estchester County , rebrnary 14 ,
1929 , in Volume 68 of flips , page (7: which is also
described as Block 202 , Parcels 420 end 438 on the
tax as e sment n p of the Town.
F['HTHFP rFSOLVTD, that the Torn attorney is instructed
to are are the necessary contract bet—men the Town and
Harold S. Cherry a_.d close title accordingly.
The Supervisor stated that he had an offer of t2 ,000 from
L'r. Frank Guadagnclo on two parcels of land known as Block 1?3 , Par-
eels 890 and 901 which have a value n£ D1 ,971 .01 . 7c sale
that if this offer is accepted the pnrchsser intends t,o rero,/e the
existing buildings and to e-ect thereon a modr-rn bui' dirg aFd lands-
cape the surrounding areas.
The Supervisor said that in his opinion this property is
rorth considerably morn than this offer and this property should
bring shot the Town has into it.
L Council Keeler stated that he hod a f_ ant ids bout
this preps t,•, but like rr the ethers he world like to In at it ,
it bis opi for he thirks the offer is small .
Folios "wither diserssion the Sutfrvionr tt .orirec
to notify 1'r , r laynelo that the nex.re rerls t'.^t the pr e is
worth the boot. va'�•,i< , nr very close to it. _
The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that pore
than a year has elapsed in dist- ibutirg the 1:ercrntile fl ranufetnying
Tax for the enoyter ending Decer^,be^
i l °,1s which n^
the aonnissione of Finance until °ht m the allocation of
corporate payments had been core t ..? in accordance r•'ith
p°ntests which hoe. beer fi'_ee br the Torr r _ anclonec'.- the 'Ii17.agr
of Larchmont , ane the vil a•• e of 1`amaroneck. He soil that dnri"g the
time which has parsed since the Protests -erc filed the commissioner
of Finance has been unable to obtain any information from. the State
Department of Taxation and Finance 'Mich would enable then to determine
a proper allocation of the •puted item That upon the us:est: en
of the County ttornev , in an effort to clear this natter up anil els-
' °ibu' e the 'cures on hand , the Village or r'amr.^one .k has agreed to
the correction of the disputed r •anent.. However , the Tov.n of
1'ar' roneek, the , own of Bye and the Vinase of Sarchmont - e also
affected by these changes anal +hely ap' ro✓nl -cult] be necessary.
L He informed the members of the i that he has directed
tetra . to grrpervisor a arco n the Torn of . or, to rayor
achbuyn o the Village Larchnont exr _nr g thin natter and en-
closing m ..
closing a schedule shoring the original allocation by the State and
the transfer of the i spnted items renoning in a revised allocation
of the puoceels on -land in the office of the Conn .`.over Of Finance.
Similar copies of the resolution wese also enclosed agreni*T to these
changes adsich is r eceptable to thc Covvity ane which when passed by
the 'on: boares will settle thif matter.
After discnssior , the following resolution ras on notion
by Councilman Trb'ary , seconded by Co ., efrm- n reeler , n'ror roll cal' ,
'Inanirions'y ..fnrtfap
•^vrFRF,r;,, , the franchise tax for the three months
period ending December 11st , 1911 ss allocated by
the rtata Dep n trent of Taxation and Finance ros
in error ; and
" ry =C ,
the proper objection on bap been f_t ev t o the
ialreTOper allocation of the tax; and
TirelfFAS , the Connissinner of Dinars,- is unable at
this time to obtain any information from the State
Department of Taxation and Din . ..ce whereby a deter-
mination im as to the afore- allocation may be mane ,
C... 17111DTOsE, Ti'. TT
RLSOLVhD , that provided the Village of Larchmont ,
the Village of "anarnneck, and t r Town of ".'•e , so
agree that. the tax in question he eistribntne in
aneor ?ance with the sc?.e,hil_e attachner hereto; are ,
be it
FURTHER RESOLVED , that such compromise br consented
to without prejudice to the rights of either or any
of said Villages or Towns except as to the several
taxes specifically re°erred to in the attached
For the benefit of Councilman Matson, the Surervisor reviewed
the transaction regarding the former Hummocks Golf Club now operating
as the Hampshire Country Club. That there was an arrangement made
L thereby the Village and Town of I" mt nneck entered into a lease and
contract. -He in ormed the members of the Boar f�5
that , 500 vas
in rent.
The _fo'lot^ing resoluti.cn was on motion by Councilman Stirrer ,
seconded by Councilman Heeler, neon roll call, unanimously adopted:
flIEIEAS , the Sure-visor has submitted to this Board ,
a 'letter and statement from the Village of Ctamaroneck,
Hsieh statement gives the proposed distribution of the
sum or x5, 500 rent received under a lease between. the
Village of ramaroneck as landlord , and Estate Appraisal
and Valuation. Co. , Inc. as trnart , covering various
parcels of property which together constitute the
forme- Hommocks Golf Club , now operated as the
Hampshire Country Club which apportionment is on
the has`i, of taxes lewd by the Town and Village
for the year 1945•
HESOLVrD , that the apportionment of the su- of
"5,500 be made as shown upon said statement which
is as follows :
Schedule for Distribution Purposes of Proceeds
from Operation and Rental of froierty known as
Leased To
Estate Appraisal & Valuation Co. Inc.
Properties included in Lease:
Torn Tax Ltap Village Tax rap
Descrintioon Description__ Owner
414 - 1
111. Village
913 - 1
297 9-72-2C Village
936 - 1 9-72-11 Village
942 - ?67 9-89B-15 Village
568 9-29D-24 Village
9'4 - 90 9-72-15,16 Town
935 - 700 9-72-3 Town
936 - 117 9-72-1 ,2 Town
942 . 392 9-89B-16 Town
9 •1 - 12 9-89D-2r 2/ 22 23 mown
Total Receipts 91( ,77C. 99
Total Disbursements _1r .7[(2 27
Available for Distribution T 3 ,171. vs
Total Taxes Percentage Distribution
1945 State & County Taxes P1 891 .1 ')
1945 Estimated School Taxes 2 ,C!( ) .6C5 50. 21 91 ,577.e9
1945 Village Taxes 97E'.79 49.T ' y,KQ_7q
` )
C ,- _1. 77
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the sun of "1 , 577 .(79 re-
ceived b,' the Town as s share of the aforesaid
rent of . ,5CC be applied be it on account of
State , County , Town and School taxes for the
year 1949.
The Supervisor brought up the mater of open taxes on two
parcels under contract of salc and requester) the Board to consider
the cancellation of the open tax liens in order that the Torn may
convey, the same rith a clear title.
On motion by Councilnan reeler , seconded by Councilman
Stiner , it was , upon roll cell , unanimously
RESOLVED , that the receiver or Taxes and zess-
nents hr and he hereb • is authorized , enporered
and directed to cancel the following tax '_inns
chidh ap+ ear upon the records of the To-m.
(rote : Furcr..aser , 'In. IL Fernschild) :
Block 2CT _Parcel 420
Ift Sale Year Tax Sear Amount of Lien
1943 , 94e c 99.21
1944 1943 112.79
FEETI=CB BESOLTTID , that the 'receiver of Taxes and
Assessments be and he hereby is authorized , em-
powered and directed to crncnl the following tax
liens :Mich aplerr upon the reco 'ds of the Town.
(Vote: Purchaser , 'Cohn F. O 'Connell) :
Block 2C_ Parcel_225
Sale Year Tax Year Amount of Lien
194' 1942 ' 28.09
1945 1944 .. .--
The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that the
Town has a 19?4 Ford Sedan which ras used by the Supt. of Highways
and originally came from the Fire Departnnn4; ore 1916 Chevrolet
Dump Truck and Fordson 12-actor that is about firteen years old .
That the total value or this esuipment as shorn in Mr. Foote ' s in-
ventor„ for 1944 is Three Hundred Dollars. He reconnended that these
items he sold.
Is Following some discussion the r ,hrme v rre_ into de .t ra
authorized to give public notice o erir the equipment for sale .
The bids to be opened at the next regular meeting.
On notion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Councilman
Feeler , it was , upon roll call , unanimously resolved
MR:RELS , the Torn Superint.-erdent of Highways
has certified that certain highway envipnent
is no longer needed and is worn out , or obso-
lete , i.e. (1) Fordson Tractor , about lr years
old, enuipped ith, sidewalk snow Flom and grass
cutter : (1) 19 ✓ Ford Sedan' ( 193( Chevrolet
Dump Truck; and had reeue.sted approval of the
sale thereof , pursuant to ;Motion 1^-2 of the
IM T?°SOL'P:D , that the Surerinterdent of Li£':
is authorized and directed to publish a notice
to bidders , notifying_ them that bids tle
p. t:ch_se of the .,fore ' c' hidh..ur carp+ err
apparatus may be submitted to this hoard at its
next meeting to he held June ( , 1915, at C :15
o' clock F.Y. it the Council Room in the "saver
Street Fire l louse , reserving hi-flyer , all rights
to reject any or all bids submitted .
The Supervisor stated that he had received an offer from
177. ° F,dnin Yazdin , President , of nd 7crities Servicing Corp. ,
Per York City , of ^12 , 500 pflvment of all arrears of taxes
to date consisting of ' F parcels in the rapip Iii1'_ Section of Larch-
Full discussion ryes held by `he members of the Eoard and
it vas decided that the Supervisor be a'ithorized to negotiate further
in an effort to get ^15,000 for the liens.
The Supervisor suggested that the meeting proceed sith
the reports of committees.
L Four t ar. ^rhr ; stated that there was nothing to report
for Li. depart ts.
Councilman Stine- pre te.' the fo'_low' n, petition rece; voe
from the rror for the correction of tie a_. _.,.-mart moll.
On natio" by Councils . , °Miner , seconded by Councilman
Keeler , t_ .- f_] ] F in: resoluticn unanimously a opted. :
VTFJ £:.5 , the Assessor has presented petitions for
the correction or the assessment roll for certain
years , pu su: rt t- ..the proviscns of Cec4ion 7" of
chapter 105. of 'he Luis of ' o' C , r " amended , iro._n
as the '"estchester County Tax Act : and
"'ITRT'!.S , ter due consi 'eratior this roa-d finds
it d . able to g-ant said petitions for the cor-
rection or said assessment roll;
7,70,7 T=ERF TORT , Dr TT
RRSOLVLD, that the asses. ment roll of 1^-4e , school
tax of '045, which shows property no... a".rearing on
the roll as follows:
Section_flock Lot
] 57 F to 9 Pane
Pichard L. rurr' ^ Lari 'nr . Tot al
' ,000
"n ,SCC ,e? ,Fcc
be corrected as follows , in accordance with the
provislens of subdivi.s-ior 5 of Crctien .
be corrected as rollers , in accordance vrith
the provisions of subdivision r of ,ee'ion 2. :
Section Block Let Name ?_and T_.p. Total
1 7.7 7 to 9 Diehard T . Fterp'^m C2 ,2r0 c1 ,TOC C6 ,70
(12 2CC)
1 r7 i Ti i.rh2.r I . F'urrh" F " nr0 nrr
Im (12?-21 :)
In connection with d Councilman Stine_ reported that
there _ a broken pile t, the co er of e. _ ison . venue and ' ^rile
Boulevard, That __ this is not 1 ,..fad rota. there may be an oy_
perditr °e of t: _ or three 1.1,rdred dollars to cir.ri and repair the
Councilman Feel= cxtenrlr0 to Courcilrtn Watson the in.-
vitation to participate in the renorial D. . 7..hrrctnr7 of the Fire
Depart eat ati.ch wil1 cerise/see t 9:7C. L.P. Fr P:KrIaired to Council-
mar. '"atson that flu,- ert e Tort .rd? hey' her invited to p - ticipate.
In canner-tier with time Tar Ceh:nci' , he re;orted that at a
recent meeting a staterent had been handed to him representing certain
telephone chorus which rod been cid cut i ' 'hr 'Tillage of Tarchmont.
Pr said that he had discussed this ratter with Fr. tmendns Chairman.
of the Town ' s Tor Council and that Pr. Fendes inferred hire that there
is sufficient funds in his budget to ta'-e care or this.
He said that he also dismissed with Fr. render and Dermot
Director ranl Fericb the dismantling of the Control room on the stake
of the auditorium in the Tire rcuse. That the tr ephones have been
disconnected and the £'.i :titre van removed and stn_ rd waiting to
be taken away.
isThe Town Cleat informed Councilman Feeler that there is
an inventory filed in his office and recoiled that most of this
equipment belongs to the Bleclion Department. The other , he said ,
rill. he ret'.:rned to the proper departments.
Councilman Feeler stated that he wished to reeorit-rrd to
the Town Board , as the Toord c" Tire Com iseirne s , asp-oval of Fire
Department claims totaling ,Ctr .C,
The members of the 7(7, r(1. rxnmirer the claims and c.
on rot ion 1'' Councilman Feeler , seconded by Cofro l mar Stiner , upon.
roll cell , unenimcusl, .
nrCGL7bD, that the following described claims be
^' fie
and they hereh - are a, n €rl and the Cu e visor
and Commaoiler be and they hereby are authorised
to pay sore out or the budget Lett t1_o ^_..a Derr rt-
The Portable 1ii-ht Co. Inc. C ^c .°6
Thu mevmell Conran 2. 13
The larchmont. 29.e2
n7.7- lold an , Tea 2.l0
IIM Lure T ^e on se .avosion" r York Telephone tom y
Westchester I i h ti nc Company 124. 7)
2T 74
Hillside Service Station I. .2
G.W. Ferrell 10.0?
'..taco rr_i, nt. f_ C- Cr. n . KO
Gunn. Pros. Oil. Co. Ire . 47.00
L. Far'- 'tiller , Inc. " .r7
3o Darker F otor nor: !n ri
e f: 321 Z9
' 'e tcfe_ter ,.mint 7rter : orb! re. 1 --- METE(
Total +rr77707
Conncilrar. Peeler stated that a note had beer handed to
him to the effect that sore of the nr.-:hr -s of the Fire Depa"tmert had
-rarest rd to be heard by the Board in connection with the use of
the fire apparatus in the sere-ial ')ay parade. rn :informed the
members of the Board that the V 11age of Larehront has. denied to
the fireman the lisp of its a nntratu s in the Fenorial Dap- rarade.
That the bo^s contend that both the dill age of Famaronech and the
Vi' lafe of Lnrehnort hv ,e an annual inspection at which time their
I ara v is exhibited o the citizens er t .-t the Dena-trim-its take
groat Pride in ' owing the .rra f: re added that the r hex
raver Ld such 6 r inspection and that on Frnarial Day mould he the
oni'r tire the Tire Dep;rtment vex d have the ori,nrtnri.ty to show the
The mambo^s of the Fire Tepart ant were reruented to cone
into the meeting.
The MI l n':-irg , as a delsgaat'on from the Tire 'Thpc"tr rrt ,
entered the meeting-, root Tire Chief Burton , Capt. "'il'.i n ,ordyce ,
It. Theodore Tuck , L_ . B.F. Tverett .
Fire Chief Butt or venue sted that con siderat. on be ^' von
to t'ne parrHiry of the appartrs: inasrlaTh as both the 7111ace of
Larchront and the ':'ilia e of I"art. : esec'k have an antieal inspection
•hich is required under the 7illacr lavr but that 1_e tneial Ba" is
the onl , tirs the Town can show its enr•ipcent to the people .
Supervisor randevilUc stated that in view of the fact
that the village of Larchmont had denied the Dnpartre pt ' s request
to parade the apl-artrs that re should not embarrass then by having
the cove ' s equipment exhibited off the "oven 1.inits. The upc"visor
said "T should think the rnen wild understand what kind of a
positi on 1t uonld place ns in and witlidraw t e.r renucat at a tire
like e this. " Be recalled the t fro year s ago hicetr onx were rat sod
and that it von ld be had bad. for thn note to of the people to do so this
, ear. Lr thought that in his o Sri or there would be a lot of
eriti disc and that the parade vonld look better ,°ithort parading
the naul pre nt.
Chief Burton printed out that the morc'_e of the nen in
the Ter_ rtment ras also to br considered . That they lu lie been con-
serving gas and worki r1 or the enrip.nent for the Tara de , and first
because To rchmort is not pare"'int; its equipment , the.. can ' t see
why they have to he governe by what the village dorm .
The Supervisor replied. that he vas not concerned with
whoa the Village has decided to do. That in his o ipi on it vas
lust net the right thing, to do. That the -car is not over • et and
if ':e are to set an example to the citizens it would not be well
to parade the ,apt aratrs.
Councilman reeler thanked the rnen for comirx and sr ' H that
the Baer(' would frrther consider their rr ne t.
Before the delegation left , Counei 'ran Beeler said that
there was b:°orght to his attention the er,< rtior of the sirens which
are not operating in connection with the Tar Council activities.
That pettoapx they rould be of use to the "i re Department .
Chief Burton replied that some of the men do not hear the
alarm at times and that perter-ps a rnrng on the siren of one or
two short toots r p }i
be cl pc':l. to t'ien cierend' nx "tor the lc cat' on
of the fire.
Councilman Peeler a thr- he __sct;asec', this natter with
Deputy Director Fail Yerick and tr•r re," er -a- tn1rn np r^ +h P .
I'rndis , Chairman of the Iry Council , % it an Pociripr. tc rr
the sirens over to the Ti^e Der Ttncnt tc de as .e:, rant with !:her..
In departing , Chief Burton c .
res_n rnrrpssrd the hope that
the dec_ si en ree, '_ d hr fa . or: blc in thn ,rn of the renirnent it the
parade- end th .t it would not it rtin('r^t n^nn h_ act; or of the
Village of Lerch tort.
Aeton their Inet , the nenhrrs n^ thr Toun Round r Snussei
at length their request Yt oran finslIv dec 2r1cP not tr renrii the
use of the rehirrrent of the Drra ^+nrnt in the paredr , It 7.ra agreed
that nnrr° ' t_ors n^r` ''e tar ma: per the Derantment. ' o ^o Sack- to
the unusI fu". ins; rct` nn.
The Te-r : tt^rrc: recn.-.^ende,, the n o rg rrsoTution
,rhich an or rotier b^ Cor.rcilr _ ^tinex rrnorerd h^ Ce jlrrr
1'nrinr a,Jrr:rir.ot'..^,1.,' arloptrr't
.runt.•.-; r , he"ptofo°n of cent. en: ! 1
rl.t. nnh r... I rr--.Cmr^ r .
e^ p pert., A r^r°:hrd ^ems - r , ..ntnr'
sr art :se tin room so
r pre c,
7Ion. n.CC , Fc veni 1 , r ch 'rr ^r' re ,
for tr e : eLr Ii 4A (t_ r= 1n41) and
"=Fr^r,l':J`i the Asnrssor and Poard of Trvie'r of
the . own of . ..rife' , dt.l; ^rled rrt:.r , to
soiS vi . : and
Hen e ' ylnr ..n heretne ore
acteinted to her he tertironv srd rerort ii.`_
findings and cenolusiong to the Ce . t. , aril no
further rr0arrr r ha . ^ hocn ' d : and
'7"Thri7 the rosin ittonnov err' :.snrosor ^ren..r,end
to this foa°d that the rronne r nrtt.l 'l c arrr
discontirure urn- 'hu redaction the spent
from el ,(?2 20C to cl ,1rrr n
Tr=c717 , W' TT
R1SCLr7'.:) , thct assess.r^rt for the rrner 19.4
(tam 0^ ronrr 'p^rt
..ra-t nt°. T r _ra er ' iihpd nrpn th(. raa_
an^ rur- rn the ,t^ r. r.p _
nr^r p'1loc] 4Cfl rr eel, , _ r _. ere , Pa_ rr.l
^r nr rrtufleh fls foil , .
Rlor Pare/1 Land Irt'rorrnents Total
AC? 1 '1fl^ ,:ce ^1 ' ro 4r0
on p, ,cCC c , rl . ^rc
4Cf '_ "r C " l ^in ,177
or ( ,(P1 rlr ran _ _
ql? .,, 117 rr.0
providing, trip crri? ora_ . ,•" n no,..
rand r ot e the flare of T , hror+ .r +
rent ,
'_ne . , fn" the, I2z! : (4.17 Or to/rr be
d7scrnti -no-I t.-1 th •nt r r • odret t1-p ?ovr
On IY:re ..sack.
ITRTRT:R RLSOLVPD , that the Torn Attorney is
hereby authorized and directed to sign the
necessary stipulation to obtain an order of
the Sunrene Court providing fop such reduction
and the refund of excess taxes raid , if any.
In con ecticr. •nit Larchront Apartments , Inc . the Town
Attorney authorized to hi ' an expert for the Torn, or v-hhich cer-
L tiorari proceed _ . zs are rending to review the as, esnme nts for the
rears 1942 and 1941 .
The Torn Attorney reported that he had received a certified
con' of an order of the Public Service Comr ' _ jnn rhich order was
adopted Pay 2 , 1945 in connection rith the petition of the Count^
ransportation Co. Tnc. for cc 't fi_cate of convenience and necessity
for the operation of motor bus lines in the Village of Pane-creek ,
Toni of Panarcnech and Village of Larchrort. Also cop^ of a re-
port dated April 27, 194r arproved by the Conniss or , Yo.:, 8 , 194 5.
At 1C: ?C r.r. the Poard unsnirtus,lp resolved to adjourn.