HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024_08_26 Town Board Minutes ���� Town of Mamaroneck
0 o Town Board Minutes
W f j z Monday, August 26, 2024, Conference Room A,
n Second Floor of Town Center 6:00 PM
PRESENT: Jaine Elkind Eney, Town Supervisor
Sabrina Fiddelman, Councilmember
Jeffery L. King, Councilmember
Robin Nichinsky, Councilmember
Anant Nambiar, Councilmember
ALSO PRESENT: Allison May, Town Clerk
Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
William Maker Jr., Town Attorney
Tracy Yogman, Town Comptroller
1. Discussion - Q2 2024 Operating Budget Report
Comptroller Tracy Yogman reviewed the Second Quarter 2024 Operating Report with
the Town Board.
2. OUT OF ORDER - Discussion - Salary Authorization - Fire Department
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Nichinsky, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the appointment of Kevin
Murnane to the full-time position of Firefighter at an annual salary of$60,000,
effective September 5, 2024.
3. Discussion - Q2 2024 Capital Budget Report
Comptroller Yogman reviewed the report, which was included in the agenda packet.
The Comptroller highlighted the Waverly Avenue Bridge project, which is now
expected to be completed in November as opposed to October.
4. Discussion of Interim Capital Plan/Budgeting Discussion
Administrator Robson provided an overview of the Town's capital plan. She included
the first-round of 2025 projects but noted that she had not yet met with staff, so
detailed discussions would occur during the upcoming budget meetings.
See Attachment A.
The Administrator requested direction from the Board on several capital projects. The
Board expressed a desire for the Town to be more proactive in its planning,
requesting that the Comprehensive Plan be used to prioritize projects. The
Administrator explained that currently, projects are listed rather than prioritized, but
Town Board
August 26, 2024
she could provide a quarterly prioritized review. The Board suggested using a
consultant to realign the capital plan and prioritize it against the Comprehensive Plan.
After discussing the pool project, Memorial Park, and Fields for Kids, the group
agreed that a joint meeting with the Recreation Commission was needed to assist
Recreation with their budget planning.
5. Discussion - CDBG Application - Senior Center Generator
6. Request for Executive Session
Moved by Councilmember Fiddelman, seconded by Councilmember King, the
Town Board agreed to enter into Executive Session to discuss current litigation
on the Tree Law; the proposed sale or lease of real property; and a contract
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Nichinsky, the Town
Board unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 pm.
Submitted by
Allison May, Town Clerk
Town Board
August 26, 2024
Attachment A
Project Fund Org Dept Budget Categories Description 2024 2025 2026 2027 202E
Code Five Year Total PHdeeE Prefect _ Project Ptejetl Project
Vehicle Replacement SM H4172 Ambulance Vehicles&Equip 2024 Chevy Tahoe to replace 2010 Chevy Tahoe Ambula ace Fly Car.435 145,000 70,060 75,000
Fleet Car Replacement B i 63672 Building Dept Vehicles5Equ,0 2624 Electric Vehicle to replace 2011 Ford for code enforcement e95 170,000 40,000 45,000 /. 40,000 45,000
202E Ford Escape hybrid to replace the 2020 Font Escape hybrid Used by the
Fleet Car Replacement A Engineering Vehicles&Equip engineenngdept 494:00 45,000
2022 Ford F250 Pickup truck to replace the 2010 F250 Pickup muck used by the
Envlron menial Pickup Truck A Environmental Vehicles&Equip environmenlaldept 70,000 70.000
2025 Chevy Tahoe to replace the 2015 Chew vehicle used 24 hrs/day ley the Fire
Fire Chief Car SF Flre Vehicles&Equip Chief 137,000 02,000 75,000
Fire Truck Pumper SF Fire Vehicles&Equip 2025 rescue lire vehicle to replace the 2010 Spartan Rescue 6 vehicle 1,100300 1,100,000
The price of the two fire engines on order hag been'increased as a result of the
Fire Engines(TWO) SF Fire Vehicles&Equip manufacturer that produces the pans. 125,000 126,000
One arm Garbage Truck replacement(25 yardl in 2024 and one every other year.
20 Yard Garbage Truck _ SR H0600 Garbage Vehicles&Equip Regular garbage trucks will be purchased every other year as replacements- 2,125,000 450,000 325,000 475,900 275000 500000
Replace 2003 Morbark tree chipper used for Highway operations used for trees,
Brush chipper DB H5100 Highway Vehicles&E0ulp brush,storm clean up.Replaces fleet 4210 65,000 65,000
Mini excavator to he used for digging in tight spots such as sidewalks,small
Compact ExtevatOr DB H5106_ Highway Vehicles&Equip streams where abaekhoe can not. 60.000 R,000
Pay loader DB , H5100 Highway Vehicles&Equip 2024 Payloader to replace the 2009 Kemetgu payloader that beyond as useful life 710,000 200,000 230,000 230.000
Replace 2005 international 7300 dump buck used for Highway operations,leaf and
Dump truck with salt spreader DB 115108 Highway Vehicles&Equip salt.Replaces Fleet/1200. 300,000 300,000
Purchase John Deere Gatvote plow.sea,haul debris,pick up naves in Memorial
Park and for special events.Eliminates use of heavyvehic les and is a saferveMele
UURIy55orkVehicle DB H5106 Highway Veh idea&Equip to operate on the petkgropnd5. 35,000 35,000
Purchase a 2026 compressor to replace the 1994 Atlas COpc0 compressor
Compressor DB Highway vehicles&Equip (jackhammer) 45.000 45,000
Dump Truck-10wlteel DB Highway Vehicles B Equip Purchase a 202010 Wheel dump truck to replace the 2010 Mack 325.000 325,000
DumpTnack6Wheet DB Highway Vehicles&Equip Replace 6YYlleel Dump truck 350,000 - 350,000
Replace 20141 Ton Ford dump truck with a Ford F4504 wheel drive with plow.The
Dump Trucks•lIon DB Highway Vehicles&Equip 2014 will be Iced for teat/snow emeBencies. 190,000 95,000 95,000
L n e
Project Fund ed Dept Budget Categories Description 2024 2025 ma20272028
Code Fly.Year TWal Protect Project RWect Protect Project
Hotbox DO Highway Vehicles&Equip Replace the 2017 Falco ROE-Hotbox 75,000 75,000
Leal Vac Truck DB Highway Vehicles&Equip Replace the truck that VACUUMS the leaves 325,000 225,000
Light Towers OH Highway Vehicles&Equip Puneblellght cool vet with generalcrlgrstreetllgh0ng repairs duringemergenele5 25,000 25,000
Pickup Tmtks/SUV DB Highway Vehicles&Equip Replace 2006 Ford F250,Pick up with snowplow 122,000 52.004 70.000
Pickup Trucks/SW DB Highway Vehicles&Equip Trucks 65,000 _ U5.000
Purchase an electric Lawn mower to green the Peet that will prolong the lire of the
Riding Plower DB Highway Vehicles&Equip current mowers. 65,000 65,000
Purchase a street sweeper as a shared service with the Village of Mamaroneck in
Street sweeper DB Highway Vehicles&Equip 2025 160,000 150.000
Radio Motor P81r01 Cars 5 1-13172 Police Vehicle,&Equip 3 Hybrid Ford Explorers wloutfirting 1,342,275 203,375 264,000 264,000 291,000 320,000
Motorcycles B Police Vehicles&Equip ,Two motorcycles$66k 120.000 60.000 60,000
Radio Motor Patrol Cars B Police Vehlela5&Equip _Replace 20190rand Cherokee-Fleet 4102 65,000 65,000
2024 Bus to replace the 2012 Ford 20 passenger bus Rot senior program
Senior Center.20 Passenger Bus A H6772 Recreation Vehicles&Emil p transportation-Hem474 190,000 70,000 45,000 75,00D
Vehicle Replacement A H7072 Recreation Vehicles&Equip Replace 14 year old pick up truck for Recreation Dept-Fleet494 00,000 60000
Vehicle Replacement A Recreation Vehicles&Equip Replace 2013 Ford Fusion with a 2025 Electric or hybrid vehicle-4514 02,000 37,000 45,000
tam bons•ice Rink A Recreation VemmCtes&Equip Replace 2010 lam bon'for ice On&4150 150,000 150,000
Vector Sewer Truck SS Sewer Vehicles,&Equip Replace 2005 vector sewer truck 550,000 550000
Vehicles&€qulpT553t 8,414,375 1,618,373 1,868,000 1,571,000 1,550.000 2,770,000
Replace more than 301meriorend exterior light ng lhturen to more eltlobeni LED
VAC Electrical Upgrades SM H4159 Ambulance Town Buildings fixtures.Marry of them currently require new baaasts and Bulbs. 25,000 25,000
Town Center-Painting-Police Dept A H1614 Grounds Town 6ui[dings Painting Police Department areas where painting is needed 205,000 25.000 100,000 100,000 50,000.
Town Board
August 26, 2024
Attachment A (Cont'd)
Project F1rrt0 erg peel Budget Categories. Description 2024 2028 2026 2027 2028
Co0a FlwYeaeT06el Project Pre$eee Project Project Project
Town Cerrter-Baek up boilers A H1614 Grounds Tawn Bu lid In3s 3 back up boilers in Tam Center Mat are 20 years 0ld 36,000 36.000
Town Cemer.Elevator A H1614 Grounds Town Buildings Elevator 15,040 15.040
Town Center-Install outlets for Buildings& Perms has advised that every under the desk space heater used In Town Hall
personal heaters A H1614 Grounds Town Buildings requires its own dedicated outlet 20,000 20,000
Buildings& The AN is currently 29 years and isdimcult to operate.Replacing it with a new one
Town Center AN with Sown plow A H1814 Grounds Town Buildings will provide mute functionality. 10.000 10,000
Buildings8 $120k Is currently included in the capital budget.An addition$31,275 is needed to
Town Center Roofing A H1814 Grounds Town Buildings complete the proOct. 31,275 31,275
Buildings& Replace aging rubbertloannglcarpet for police dispatch and 1st floor conference
Town Center Flooring-Pnllce Dept A H1614 Grounds Town Buildings nodes. 9,500 9,500
Town Center Flat Roof-Additional Buildings& Additional funds needed I.TOW Center flat roofrepteeemen]molett.Prior years
Funds needed A H1614 Grounds Town Buildings capital budget includes 6581k remaining funds.Total project is estimated at$700k. 119600 119,000
Buildings& Boiler at Sheldroke Environmental Center is 3oyears old.Areplacemenlboilerwill
Sheldrake'Boller Replacement A H7140 Grounds Town Buildings be Tare efficient. 12,000 12,000
Town Center.Covered entryways A Grounds Town Buildings Coveredentrnrays for second Floor building entrance and Polite Dept 00,000 80,000
Town Center-Window Build.ingsA
Replacement A Grounds Town Buildings. Replace windows in Town Center 1,800,600 1.600.000
Town Center-Brickpoinung and ' Buildings& Town Center lintels are rusting and Impact windows:brick pointing is neededte
window lintel replacement A Grounds Town Buildings awls leaking and pest i nllhretlen 150,000 150,000
Sheldreke/Monroe Camp
Coo monity ROsm Bay Window
Replacement.roof,siding Buildings& Replace 100year old lead glass windows;Roof is deteriorating and is
windows A Grounds Town Buildings epproximately40 years old;Replace siding and windows that are over 25 years old 275,000 275.000
The new phase of the senior center renovation includes the replacement of the
floor,ceiling In the Yellow Room,foyer and front porch renovations,HVAC
replacement and a moveable partition.The Town was awarded a 3308.000 gram
Senior Center Activity Room,Foyer Buildings& through Congressman Bowman and the project is estimated at$441,700.An
and Parch Renovation A H6758 Grounds Town Buildings additional$133,700 is required to complete the project 134,000 134,000
Exterior renovations are needed no replace die sing in,two doors and windows on
the first and second Boor,roofingwi0 bra replaced as welt.There Is 507,500
Buildings& available in the capital budget tor this project and the estimate is$257,000.An
Senior Corder Beerier Renovation A H6758 Grounds Town Buildings additional$169,500 is needed to complete the project 168,500 169,560
Project Fund 0g Dept Budget Categories DKarlplien 2024 2025 2028 7017 2028
Code Five Year Total Project Project Project Project Project
The Senior Center does not have a generator.Designated as an emergency shelter
Buildings& location,the Senior Center is an imp0dent resource for the Town's senior citizens.
Senior Center.Generator A H6703 Grounds Town Buildings This project is for the purchase and Installation el a 60kw generator. 122,000 122,000
- Additional funding for the construction of new garage building for tree crew and
equipment.The Taal Project is 31.000.000.A bond has been issued for$385k and
the Adopted Capital Budget includes funding of$635,000.A band for$785k($2014
(2023 Budget)o$585k(2024 Budget))will be issued In 2024 for the construction of
Tree Garage Reconstructkm BB M5136 Engineering Town Bulldings the project. 555.000 5g6,000
The existing diesel generator at Town Hee Is at the end of its servlCe Lite and eves
not have capacity for the entirety al each building's operations.Town Mall is
especially important as it operates all public safely and emergency response
functions,Inc emergency communications/dispatch,police.fire.and
ambulance/EMS services.This project is for the purchase and Installation of a
Town Canter.Generator A H1602 Engineering Town Buildings diesel 250kw generator to run ail operations In Town Center. 720,000 726,000
Design and construction of replacement of the existing parks dept building In
Memorial Park,Building Is used for parks equipment,Highway sign shop ant
parking meters.The building sustal net structural damage from Tropical Storm
Isaias,has numerous code deficiencies and safety concerns.The etisling building
MIL be demolished and a new building will he constructed.Final design will be in
Sign Shop.Memurlal Park A H5191 Engineering Town Buildings Fall 2023 and consttualon In 2024.Total coatis$1.063,250-1,1%102.0495,140 500.000 500.000
Fire House Window Replacement 5F H3429 Fire Town Bu itch rigs Replace agngwlndews In the Fire station 000,000 000,000
Town Buildings Total 5.684,3E5 2,417,338 657,000 200,000 2,110,000
Pent Improvements A 1-17125 Recreation Recreation Pod complex expansion and reconstruction 2,310.500 2.315.500
Existing outside at supply does not meet current ventilation code requirements.
Automated building commis.modifications to ductwork and ventilation
Ice Rink.AIR Quality Improvements with filtration upgrades will result In a more annium HVAC
Improvements A Recreation Recreation operations and energy saWngs. 808,2.50 864.250
Ice Rink.HVAC A H7224 Recreation Recreation Additional Funding needed for HVACplect at Ice Rink Lobby 77,663 77,863
Hommocks Parking lot Repaving A H7248 Recreation Recreation P00001ng parking lot at Hummocks ice Rlnk 62,000 82,000_
Shade Sail;at Memorial Park B H7131 Recreation Recreation Purchase and Installation et shade sails.Poacehelder until estimate is pmlded. 100,000 100.008
Ice rink Skate Rental Room The doer and the walls in the ice rink skate rental room are showing signs of
Renovation A H7224 Recreation Recreative settling.A renovation Is required to prevent further deterioration. 120.000 120,000
Town Board
August 26, 2024
Attachment A (Cont'd)
Project Cued Code
Dept Budget Categories Description 2024 2025 2020 2027 2026
Fine year Total Prefect Prolad Project Project Project
Construction of new paflorm tennis coons that will preside an additional
recreational opportunity for residents.Courts would be multi-use and parable and
PlattarnVPicklabalt Tennis Courts B Recreation Recreation can be used for pickieball,basketball or paddle tennis. 650,000 350.000
Memorial Park Tennis Court
Reconstruction B Recreation Recreation Reconstructor and expansion of tennis courts 500,000 500,000
Recreation Total 2,300,119 270963 030,000 308.250 - 650,000
Replacement of the Rockland Ave Bridge that has significant deterioration.Agram
Rockland Ave Bridge Replacement A H5050 Engineering Roads 1 Highway ham NYSD0T 6ddgeNY was awarded for$76,200 of the total cost. 859,200 619,200
Replacement of traffic signal at Pia lmerAve/Richired_Addltionai fund Ingot$216k
was Heeled for Myrtle/Murray traffic slgnaL The estimate for Palmer/RILRbell is
Traffic Signal Replacement B 143361 Highway Roads&Highway $555,60)and there is$142.606 available,Adoitionalfunding needed of$412.914. 413000 413,000
1024 Road reconstruction per planned multi year scnedole-Selected roadways
Resuracingo1 Roads 0B H5104_ Highway Reads&Highway exhibit visible deterioration. 2.850,090 1,250,00D 800,000 800,000
Sidewalk reconstruction at Howell Ave,Meadow Place,Cadeon Ave.Hawthorn Rd.
along with ADA ramps,resetting utility structures in accordance with the tans
lld090lks end Curbs-Townwide DB H5173 Highway Roads0 Highway sidewalk replacement plan, 945,000 200,000 256,000 400,000,
Roeds&HlphwanTotal. 5.057,209 2842,200 1,455,000 1,200,000 - -
Divor assisted vacuum dredging of 1500 cubic yards of sediment and forebay
reconfiguration to improve maintenance and reduce dredge frequency.I2020
Gardens Lake Dredging A Engineering Storm Drainage Project) 666,617 16,517 550,090
Dangerous road Ice accumulates on Nancy LaneJPelmer Ave from prorate sump
pump discharges.Goal is to intercept surface wear collect 4 in storm sewer
system before R Weems.The 2021 adopted budget Includes$351,protect eowever
current project estimate is 5120k requiring an additional$05kto complete the
Harley Lane Catch Basins DB H5113 Highway Storm Drainage project. 85,000 65,000
Drainage improvements to the Town's open channel drainage easement at
Drainage-Murdoch Woods Murdoch Woods Subdlinlen.Stabilization of banks will mitigate further erosion risk
Easement DB H5113 Highway Storm Drainage and protect adjacent properties 50,000 50,000
Mom Drainage Total 701,617 151,817 550,000 - • -
The Fire Dept sower is Syears old and out of warranty.Requires multiple retools to
Fire Dept Server SF H3420 Fire Into Technology keep operational. 40,000 40,000
Two servers will replace six year old sowers that are waning beyond their
Setter Replacement B H1610 _ R Into Technologyrecommend.]useful lives. 255,000 35,000 75,000 35,000 75,000 35,000
Laptop purchases as desktop 'Appreslmately 351aprees to replace end el CM desktops.Trey Serve a dual
replacements r B H1820 R info Technology purpose in that they can be unplugged and used remotely. 210,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000
Prayct Fund Cora Dept Budget Categores Descdptlan 2024 2025 2028 2027 2028
Coda Fire near Total Project Project Prefect Peeled Prefect
Convert the Police records management system to the new Hexagon Records
Hexagon Conversion fur Police Management System in collaboration with Westchester County.Transfer Of data by
RAM System B H1620 IT Info Technology consultant. 45,090 45,000
Records Management System 0 Poke Info Technology Replacement of curfew records management system with a countyanared system 300,000 300,010
ALERRT Active Shooter Training Kit B Poke IafoTechnotogy Acme Snootertrainingkh 75,000 75,000
Da6hcamsr500y cams and storage B Police Into Technology Dashcams for 11 police vehicles 640,000 640,000
Into Te<Irnotogy Total 1,565.000 125,000 800,000 75,000 415,000 150,000
Baldwin Ave Pump Station Design development and construction of a replacement of me Baldwin Ave pump
Replacement SS H8123 Engineering Sanitary Sewer station. 22100,000 120,003 1,800,000
HI$h Pressure Dower Cleaner SS H5172 Sewer Sanitary Sewer Trailer mounted sewer jet cleaner to flush sewer lines 45,000 45,000
Generator-Memoral Park Pump
Station 55 Sewer Sanitary Sewer Replacement of 33 year old generator for sewer pump at Memorial Park 100,000 100,000
Sanitary Sewer Totem 2.145.000 120.000 1,880,000 45,000 100,000 -
Park Lane Water Storage Tank e2 Rehabilitation(Deferred from 2020)to avoid
Paw Lane Water Storage Tank 82 slmcturat steel failures and extend the useful life of foe water tank.AddltionaI.
Rehablltation SW H1307 Water Water improvements to meet current regulatory requirements. 338,500 388,500
Water Projects Road Paving SW H1365 Water Water Paving estimate Mr 2022 Projects 1,130,000 260,000 - 280,900 290,000 300,000
Brookside Place Water Main SW H1401 Water Water Brookside Place Water Main 202,000 202,000
Public Benefit Project-Settlement SW H1368 Water Water Joint public benefit pfajectto be determined of 56ame 16.7% 1.135,800 1.135600
Supplemental Environmental
•Protect SW H1399 Water Water Loin public benefit project to be Determined at$6.3m a16.7% 212,025 212,526
Rye Lake Filtration Plant SW H1393 Water Water RYE LAKE 22,373,850 5,656,000 5,572,650 5,572,650 6,572,650
Kenilworth Booster SW H1403 Water Water Kenilworth Booster 28,320 28,320
Wateaialal 25,47,295 7,803,345 5472,650 5,852,850 5,862.650 300,000
Town Board
August 26, 2024
Attachment A (Cont'd)
Project Fund Org Dept Budget Categories Description 2024 1029 2020 2027 1020
Ootle Nee Year Teem Project Project Project Project Project
Replace 15-40 year appliances in the kitchen-2 stoves.l refrigerator,1
dishwasher,1 micro and 2 range hoods.They are old,broken and beyond their
MEMS Kitchen Appliances TM P415.5 1 Ambulance Other Projects useful life. 1,000 7000
Replace 40 year chine furniture and add workstations for efficiencies ler daily
MEMS Office Fumeure SM 11415.8 Ambulance Other Projects tasks 12,000 12,000
Radio network upgrade SM Ambulance Other Projects Radio Network upgrade planned 50,000 50.000
Stair chair replacement SM Ambulance Other Projects Stair chalrj4j replecnne019 75,000 75000
Stretcher Replacement SH 114133 Ambulance Omer Projects Stretcher Replacement 250.000 i 250.000 •
llfepak Replacement SM Ambulance Other!injects Wreak replacement 175,000 175,000 •
Lucas Replacement SM _ Ambulance Other Projects Lucas Replacement 70,000 35,000 35,000
Rectangular rapid flashing beacon CORER)enhanced pedestrian crosswalk at the
Pedestrian crossing signets at inlerseen0n al Leatherstoceing Trail and Weaver St notifying Cavern to stop for
Ledlhersteckl_ng Trail-Weaver SI B H3361 Enrironmental Other Projects pedestrians. 103,200 103,200
Scott Oak replacement for 136j 15 year°id version.They are not compatible with
Scott.Pock Replacement SF H3495 Fite Other Projects new models 513,950 513.950
Fire Dept Air RllStation SF H3495 Eke Other Projects Air till station for send battle 100,000 100,000
Lawn sprinkler SF H3495 Fire Other Projects law sprinkler installation 20,000 20,000
Reservoir Valve A H1410 Highway Other Projects Replace valve used daily to control the water level at the dam 100,000 100090
Iderrrta(Fingerprint equipment I R Police Other Projects Fingerprint epuipnentrepla0Bment 25,000 25,000
This equipment is an aaettree tool that aids in Investigations by identifying vehicles
In the area eta green tome..The equipment would be part of the Lou ntywide •
network sites Chet collect inlel8gence to solve crimes.In 2023,a system win be
installed at Boston Post Rd/Weaver Street)Ina another in 2024 at Old White Plains
License Plate Reader B 113177 Polite Other Projects Rd/Griffin. 133,000 25,000 35.000 36.000 30,000
Radio network upgrade R Police Other Prnjerts Radio Neewarkupgraae planned 450,000 450.000
Other Projects Total 2,004,150 657,050 604,200 595,000 166,000 •
Project Fund COree Dept eu0get Categories Description 2024 2515 202E 2027 2i123
F1veY L Project Project Project Project Project
Bond Cants 67,450 07,450
Grand Total $ 56,997,015 $ 16.184.115 $ 15,863,350 $ 10.307.900 $ /0,741,650 $ 3,070,600