HomeMy WebLinkAboutTogether Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 10/3/2022 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey Q1 HOUSING NEEDS are shaped by the existing supply and mix of housing units within the Town, their physical design and location, as well as the affordability and accessibility of housing by all demographic groups. Answered: 700 Skipped: 41 Expansion of multi-family apartment... Expansion of midddleLe housing (2-4 family... Expansion ■ accessory dwelling uni... Increase of opportunities for affordab... Increase in opportunities for affordab... Increase of racially and economically... Increase of housing options for underser... Increase of affordable housing opti... Reduction of residential property taxes Protection of residents from housing... Restrictions on the permissible... Preservation of neighborhood architectura... Stronger consideration of service... Other (please- specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Expansion of multi-family apartment buildings in the town 17.71% 124 Expansion of middle housing (2-4 family homes) in the town 10.86% 76 Expansion of accessory dwelling units (also know as in-law apartments, granny flats, etc.)in the town 9.43% 66 Increase of opportunities for affordable homeownership (smaller homes, condos, coops) 40.43% 283 Increase in opportunities for affordable rentals 29.29% 205 Increase of racially and economically integrated neighborhoods 29.86% 209 Increase of housing options for underserved populations (ie: low-income, local workers, and those with disabilities) 28.43% 199 Increase of affordable housing options for seniors 41.86% 293 Reduction of residential property taxes 64.00% 448 Protection of residents from housing discrimination 33.86% 237 Restrictions on the permissible size of renovated homes 46.00% 322 Preservation of neighborhood architectural styles 50.29% 352 Stronger consideration of service impacts of proposed housing as part of approval process 38.00% 266 Other(please specify) 13.71% 96 Total Respondents: 700 OTHER(PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 Consideration to traffic and enough parking as we expand residential units 10/3/2022 12:39 PM 2 Need to maintain open space by limiting construction of large dwelling and multiple dwellings 10/1/2022 12:43 PM replacing one house. Need for more condos for people who want to downsize, 3 The town has become dense enough. No more residential development. No more residential 9/30/2022 12:15 AM development. 4 We don't need to turn Larchmont/MMK into New Rochelle 9/29/2022 10:55 PM 5 cost management and tax assessment for driveway expansions (less green space), in home 9/29/2022 4:22 PM apts/improvements that increase#people in the home 6 limit tree removal 9/29/2022 11:19 AM 7 Stop thinking a budget is only built with increase. 9/28/2022 4:24 PM 8 Encourage all new and existing development to be environmentally sustainable including 9/23/2022 4:23 PM energy efficiency and permeable surfaces. 9 re-examinatiion of building codes 9/23/2022 12:36 PM 10 Why are houses in the Mamaroneck Ave Elementary school district 25%to 30% less than 9/23/2022 9:33 AM same/ comparable home in the Chatsworth district? 11 Fix the intersection at Mamaroneck aven and BPR 9/22/2022 8:09 PM 12 Trash on Dillon Road 9/22/2022 7:06 PM 13 Please do not allow any more new housing to be built. The schools are already EXTREMELY 9/22/2022 6:53 PM OVERCROWDED, the roads are far too crowded, and our local infrastructure cannot take any more residents. Do not allow builders to come in and build multi-unit dwellings! This must be permanently stopped. Nor must builders be allowed to add to current buildings, to expand them to bigger buildings which hold even more residents. Mamaroneck and Larchmont cannot sustain ANY more students in our schools! The area has become far too congested and there 2 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey must be a moratorium on any building to expand to more housing. Quality of life is greatly suffering. The schools are busting at the seams, there are FAR too many pupils per class, and you cannot get down any road during school drop off and pick up times 14 More parking!!! 9/22/2022 5:58 PM 15 Make it easier for families to renovate and update these hold homes into modern living criteria 9/19/2022 4:09 PM 16 More pickleball courts and open play at 9/19/2022 11:37 AM 17 Laws should be updated to ensure that over-sized houses are not constructed when replacing 9/13/2022 8:48 PM an original smaller house existed 18 Consideration of trees when building 9/12/2022 11:12 PM 19 building that is environmentally sound 9/12/2022 8:59 PM 20 Provide affordable housing for VETERANS 9/9/2022 4:24 PM 21 Increase property taxes on all homes worth$750,000 or more progressively; reduce taxes for 8/31/2022 6:04 PM those under$500,000. 22 Pls enforce traffic laws. Our roads are clogged by double parkers, u turners & others who think 8/30/2022 10:17 PM the world revolves around them. And why should they behave differently if there are no consequences? 23 EV Car Chargers!! for apartment dwellers. 8/30/2022 9:36 PM 24 balance Traffic considerations with any housing changes 8/23/2022 2:54 PM 25 We need reasonable rentals. They are out of proportion to the average person. Rents are too 8/16/2022 12:18 PM high. 26 Expediting permit process 8/16/2022 12:07 PM 27 Definitely against"Mac nugget' houses or tearing of old houses to build several dwellings. Also 8/11/2022 2:11 PM over enlarging of smaller 1930 houses that then take over the total lot. These destroy the atmosphere of our community. 28 We have more than enough lower income housing for those who DO NOT PAY PROPERTY 8/7/2022 11:04 AM TAX and are on section 8 29 Stop the housing of illegal migration of immigrants by creating more section 8 housing 8/7/2022 10:52 AM 30 Less construction and less overall development 8/4/2022 3:52 PM 31 NYS Energy Code enforcement on new housing 8/3/2022 8:35 PM 32 Bring the lenders (banks) into the discussion to ensure that they are diligent in their mortgage 8/1/2022 12:46 PM application and approval process for those who use mortgages to purchase within the Town to reduce the likelihood of defaults. 33 The first three address a long range need. I urge caution as any increase to the population will 7/31/2022 9:22 PM burden the roadways already beyond safe and timely limits 34 Green housing rules for all new construction and renovations 7/30/2022 2:29 PM 35 Stop forcing low-income, multi-family and racial agenda on the Town. 7/29/2022 11:03 PM 36 honestly, I think the town does a good job on all these issue. What I see missing is availability 7/29/2022 9:35 AM of "middle income" homes. They exist, but they get snapped up very quickly 37 Capping the amount of new housing 7/29/2022 6:12 AM 38 Put more pipes underneath streets to mitigate flooding 7/28/2022 5:44 PM 39 work within the existing budget. No new taxes and fees! 7/28/2022 5:44 PM 40 Consider Opportunity Zone Funding 7/28/2022 5:19 PM 41 Infrastructure considerations if building out mult-unit housing. 7/27/2022 7:23 PM 42 impact on school system prior to any development, which would include funding for necessary 7/27/2022 6:21 PM 3/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey expansion(s)to existing schools to accommodate additional children 43 Also lowering taxes 7/26/2022 8:55 AM 44 Reduce town expenses by NOT having 3 different police depts for a single entity i.e., TOM! 7/26/2022 12:12 AM 45 Consideration of home construction laws limiting time given for permoits-the increased 7/25/2022 9:28 PM construction has created a negative quality of life as homeowners have no incentive to finish projects in a timely basis-also-there should be construction work hours 8-5: construction should not go past that hour- 46 Preserve trees.Landscaping 7/25/2022 5:48 PM 47 more parking and better use of existing parking 7/25/2022 7:53 AM 48 Senior tax relief 7/24/2022 10:51 AM 49 Maintain Green Space. 7/23/2022 8:28 PM 50 place restrictions on building companies buying houses to knock down and put up ridiculously 7/23/2022 9:20 AM huge, cookie cutter houses that, if allowed to continue, will destroy the character of the neighborhoods and negatively impact flooding and class sizes 51 Replacement of trees that are cut down or fall down 7/22/2022 3:59 PM 52 Nightlife& better use of harbor 7/22/2022 3:50 PM 53 The Exity from 95 on Madison Ave. & New Jefferson St. is a mess. There are multiple near 7/22/2022 3:26 PM accidents about to happen each day. One Board member suggested parking cars in a very small area on Fifth Ave. & Madison which used to be a small park. How about protection our greens pace. 54 Environmental considerations of development 7/22/2022 1:13 PM 55 Flood mitigation 7/22/2022 11:52 AM 56 The town should develop in a way that maximizes highest available value of property 7/22/2022 11:28 AM 57 parking availability for town/village shopping 7/22/2022 11:12 AM 58 Consideration for how housing is affected by impending global warming such as flooding and 7/22/2022 7:05 AM storms 59 Less tree removal when building or renovating 7/21/2022 8:41 PM 60 Water Issues. Our infrastructure cannot support all the new builds in our area. 7/21/2022 11:11 AM 61 Need an apt option which takes dogs that is less expensive that the Cambium & Carlton 7/21/2022 9:22 AM House. 62 Taxes are unsustainable. Stop doing unnecessary/ redundant projects. Combine municipal 7/21/2022 7:05 AM services. 63 An increase in housing in our local community will eventually lead to overcrowding in our 7/21/2022 3:20 AM school district. What more sacrifices are we expecting our youth to make for the benefit of tax incentives from the state?? 64 construction of flood protected homes 7/20/2022 11:21 PM 65 Affordable housing for middle class; think teachers, police, fire people. 7/20/2022 10:19 PM 66 Tax apartments (condos, co-ops, etc)in the same way single family homes are taxed. We 7/20/2022 9:25 PM have added so many units, the burden on single family homeowners is becoming unbearable. Also, people moved here to live in a town/village. Please don't make it more like a city. Finally, there should be a building moratorium until all services (especially schools) and the impact on them is properly assessed (based on actual and not anticipated impacts) 67 Improving infrastructure to meet increased housing -walkability, innovative proposals to 7/20/2022 5:34 PM manage impact of increased car traffic 68 Consider whether or not we want to maintain a small-town feel. Also, what are the 7/20/2022 5:34 PM environmental impacts of development , including flooding 4/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 69 Currently looking to buy but home prices and taxes may push us to CT. We'd love to stay here 7/20/2022 3:03 PM if we can. Have been in Mamaroneck for three years. 70 We need to stop rules trying to help low income residents. There are other towns (Yonkers, 7/20/2022 9:57 AM White Plains, The Bronx, etc)that have less expensive housing. I dislike seeing new buildings in Larchmont. I pay high taxes to have good schools, police, etc. I am Hispanic so this is not about discrimination but about preserving the town as is instead of making it poorer over the long run because we are trying to help residents with less resources. If someone does not have enough money to live in a particular town they should move somewhere they can afford. I used to live in a low income apartment when that's all I could afford. Let's stop socialist policies please. 71 Yes to ADUs but not large apt buildings. If we wanted to live in New Rochelle or White Plains 7/19/2022 9:12 PM we would have bought there 72 tax reductions for homes in flood zones 7/19/2022 2:22 PM 73 Due to negative environmental impact, including flooding, no new housing. There is a long term 7/19/2022 10:56 AM decreasing population trend so new housing is not necessary anyway. 74 More attention to impact of flooding of neighboring homes due to run from one house to 7/19/2022 10:20 AM another property 75 Improve on what exists here in this town for ALL of home owning tax payers! 7/19/2022 10:17 AM 76 Hard to legislate taste, but the modular home on Larchmont avenue should serve as an 7/19/2022 7:31 AM example of what we don't want. 77 The town should let private land-owners exercise their rights (including developing new 7/18/2022 8:38 PM properties on land they own), as long as they respect boundaries the majority of the community can agree on 78 solve apartment building situation in larchmont and business. They are all owned by people 7/18/2022 6:43 PM who have no incentive to fix up and rent spaces 79 More public Electric vehicle charging stations, public private school partnerships -lead by 7/18/2022 6:07 PM example 80 We need to protect the valuabel public schools be keeping the population down 7/18/2022 5:52 PM 81 New single family houses should have same footprint as precious one, if torn down. We need 7/18/2022 5:37 PM more affordable multi unit buildings and fewer mansions. 82 The neighborhood is already being damaged by some of these initiatives. Please stop. It's 7/18/2022 5:36 PM bringing the town down. I am seeing people sleeping on Mamaroneck Village sidewalks for the first time ever. The town was fine without bringing this element in. 83 Protect trees by prohibiting large tree removal for the sake of a renovation 7/18/2022 5:32 PM 84 Protection of tree canopy; Decrease knockdowns 7/18/2022 4:17 PM 85 increase in up scale town houses or the like for older residents who would like to move out of 7/18/2022 4:08 PM their homes (ie down size) but stay in the community 86 Protect existing taxpayers houses from flooding and not waiting 10+years while the army 7/18/2022 3:52 PM corps gets plans 'together' 87 Please consider impacts of increased density on our schools 7/18/2022 3:51 PM 88 Less building -and improved infrastructure as well as improved aesthics 7/18/2022 3:50 PM 89 Accessable parking on streets 7/18/2022 3:49 PM 90 Limitation on development in general as this is stressing natural resources, has lead to 7/18/2022 3:47 PM overcrowding and unchecked population expansion , and creates severe environmental stress on wildlife and green space. It also has diminished the sense of community. 91 no more tear downs 7/18/2022 3:41 PM 92 Control expansions of existing houses 7/18/2022 3:40 PM 93 Stricter construction laws. 7/18/2022 3:36 PM 5/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 94 absolutely no ADUs 7/18/2022 3:36 PM 95 R u guess dumb??? Do something about the flooding it's been happening for years and it's sad 7/18/2022 3:35 PM u guys don't have that had one to pick 96 stronger consideration of impact on school district 7/18/2022 3:35 PM 6/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey Q2 LAND USE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEEDS encompass the kinds of buildings and spaces needed; the kinds of jobs that should be located within the Town; the diversity of local businesses and commercial services available to residents; the fiscal health of the Town; and the capacity of Town businesses to support their employees. Increase in support for existing Loc... Diversification of the Town's tax base Expansion of pathways for economic... Attraction of more businesses and jobs Increase of walkable mixed-use... Increase in the variety of retail stores Well-maintained privately owned green spaces... Preservation of existing Land use... Other (please ■ specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 7/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Increase in support for existing local businesses 61.69% 430 Diversification of the Town's tax base 35.15% 245 Expansion of pathways for economic opportunities for lower-income families 22.96% 160 Attraction of more businesses and jobs 54.09% 377 Increase of walkable mixed-use centers 52.65% 367 Increase in the variety of retail stores 56.38% 393 Well-maintained privately owned green spaces and buildings 45.19% 315 Preservation of existing land use patterns and built form 31.85% 222 Other(please specify) 10.33% 72 Total Respondents: 697 OTHER(PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 Need to oblige absentee store owners to lower rents in order to attract businesses. Too many 10/1/2022 12:43 PM unoccupied stores. 2 No residential development! 9/30/2022 12:15 AM 3 maintaining and improving current infrastructure. theres plenty around town that needs serious 9/29/2022 10:55 PM thought/attention 4 Not green space and affordable accessible recreational spaces. We need pickle ball courts and 9/29/2022 10:59 AM the ability to walk onto courts without high membership and permit fees. We need to find ways to fill vacant storefronts. If absentee property owners don't care and don't fill their spaces there should be financial ramifications. 5 Use the harbor as an economic place with shops and restaurants; create local tourism 9/28/2022 4:24 PM 6 Increased public recreation space 9/23/2022 5:18 PM 7 Encourage redevelopment along the Boston Post Road between Larchmont and New Rochelle. 9/23/2022 4:23 PM Encourage sustainable buildings throughout the Town. 8 Restore public access to water-end of Rushmore, end of Bleeker, end of Oriente 9/23/2022 9:33 AM 9 Develop Mamk Waterfront to bring boaters into the Vil of Mamk for a night or day. 9/23/2022 9:33 AM 10 Attract Tax Payers that do not add demand on services and schools 9/23/2022 9:24 AM 11 tax increase for empty store fronts; 9/22/2022 9:36 PM 12 Fix the intersection at Mamaroneck aven and BPR 9/22/2022 8:09 PM 13 Do not allow horrible over-development of parks, like what was allowed to happen at Turtle 9/22/2022 6:53 PM Park in Larchmont. Please RETAIN the wild green spaces that we do have. Do NOT develop the wild undeveloped green spaces that still exist in the community. Nature and all our precious wildlife is depending on it. Constitution Park in Larchmont is another example of what NOT to do! Thank you for listening and for learning from the mistakes that the Village of Larchmont has made in overdeveloping every square inch! Do NOT do this in Mamaroneck, please! 14 Easy parking for customers of local businesses 9/22/2022 6:18 PM 15 More diverse and innovative dining options 9/19/2022 11:37 AM 16 We need more variety stores in Mamaroneck. Many are food related, which is fine but we 9/18/2022 5:16 PM should have more main stream places with variety. Also, the Harbor island park needs to be well lit at night and more upkeep of maintenance. 8/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 17 Keep neighborhood based elementary schools in place. DO NOT introduce busing at the 9/13/2022 8:48 PM elementary school level. It's bad for the environment and destroys the "small-town" feel of being able to walk your children to school 18 More trees planted 9/12/2022 11:12 PM 19 Environmental concerns have to be considered in all these areas since climate change is our 9/12/2022 8:59 PM largest concern 20 always consider sustainable land use practices 9/12/2022 8:56 PM 21 We don't need private green spaces, we need a place for kids to swim in the ocean for free. 9/12/2022 8:05 PM 22 Provide sidewalks on Boston Post Road near the 2 floral nurseries and the one block of 9/9/2022 4:24 PM "land/gazebo," so kids don't have to cross over to ride their bikes on the other side of the busy street. 23 Quality playing fields for children's sports 9/6/2022 8:09 AM 24 Abolish the zoning board. All it does is exclude—even when unintentional. 8/31/2022 6:04 PM 25 EV car chargers for apartment dwellers. 8/30/2022 9:36 PM 26 Reduce car dependency, create better transit and bike safety/connectivity and walkable areas 8/30/2022 2:11 PM 27 flood mitigation should be PRIORITY & integrated with any new development 8/23/2022 2:54 PM 28 Specific need to replace closed businesses at Palmer/Chatsworth and Larchmont/Boston 8/16/2022 12:16 PM Post/Chatsworth 29 Free and adequate parking 8/9/2022 11:03 AM 30 Use land to build housing for people who will actually pay their taxes and can contribute to the 8/7/2022 11:04 AM neighborhood growth 31 Recognition of the need for flexibility that allows for land use patterns and built form to change 8/5/2022 11:53 AM over time to meet modern needs 32 Reclaim coastal and river lands and implement resiliency measures to mitigate flooding 8/3/2022 8:35 PM 33 Make it easier for schools to access town greenspace. Kids NEED to move during the day. 8/3/2022 3:23 PM Unconscionable that the fields behind Hommocks remain locked while our kids stand on the pavement. 34 Taking into consideration this is town only, business areas are limited and few Expansion 7/31/2022 9:22 PM could only be achieved by obtaining properties adjacent to 95 35 Increase in support for small businesses. 7/29/2022 12:33 PM 36 Constitution Park is lovely. Well done on that! 7/29/2022 9:35 AM 37 Focus on large corporate tenants to ease the tax burden and if not available golf courses 7/29/2022 6:12 AM should be paying 3x what they are today 38 work within the existing budget. No new taxes and fees! 7/28/2022 5:44 PM 39 better sport fields for kids 7/27/2022 11:57 AM 40 Overall beautification of the downtown district aka"The Ave"Too many storefronts are in poor 7/26/2022 7:38 PM taste, poorly kept, disheveled, etc. 41 Multi use sports fields particularly baseball 7/26/2022 4:51 PM 42 More field space for the kids 7/26/2022 3:39 PM 43 Retail is over as we know it, Amazon has killed it off for good. Force landlords of empty stores 7/26/2022 12:12 AM to convert them to another use. They are a blight on the town! 44 Trees 7/25/2022 5:48 PM 45 Removal of all street use for restaurants 7/25/2022 7:53 AM 46 Tree removal should be strictly limited regardless of Construction design. 7/23/2022 8:28 PM 9/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 47 if there is a legal way to discourage leaving storefronts vacant as tax write offs, that would be 7/23/2022 9:20 AM great. Places like the old Wraps have been vacant for at least a decade 48 Planting of trees 7/22/2022 3:59 PM 49 Fix the flats and the industrial side of mamaroneck 7/22/2022 3:50 PM 50 More parks, preservation of street trees, parking for occassion train use 7/22/2022 3:43 PM 51 these items are too vague and ambiguous to support 7/22/2022 10:50 AM 52 More affordable retail space for artists use 7/21/2022 8:41 PM 53 Protection of neighbors when another engages in bldg projects 7/21/2022 4:04 PM 54 The best way to improve fiscal health is to let market forces work. By forcing people in who 7/21/2022 12:34 PM can not afford to live here the pressure is even greater on the tax base. Westchester is expensive. If we want it to become more affordable, we need to let the market work. People will leave for better opportunities and then when the labor force is not available wages will increase. We need to stop encouraging people to live in places they can not afford. 55 Get the Weaver Street sidewalk done, please. 7/21/2022 9:22 AM 56 Animal control, wild coyotes spotted in area 7/21/2022 7:27 AM 57 Become more business friendly. The town suffers from visual blight. Too many signs. 7/21/2022 7:05 AM Overflowing trash bins. Enforce code and pooper scooper laws. Big businesses don't their propert/parking lots of trash. 58 The Flats seems like it is under developed and good option for more mixed use development. 7/20/2022 9:39 PM Include sidewalks up Fenimore to connect to neighborhoods and improve walkable/ bikeaable options into town 59 A Playground/park! Please! 7/20/2022 9:39 PM 60 See above regarding taxing co-ops and condos in the same manner as single family homes 7/20/2022 9:25 PM and maintaining the attributes of town and village living and not changing it to city living. 61 55+ condos 7/20/2022 7:18 PM 62 More public green spaces and recreational spaces. Green spaces and recreational areas 7/20/2022 5:34 PM should be accessible to all residents, not only those who purchase specific use passes. It seems inherently wrong to require a season long permit for access to municipal tennis courts, and then use that money (not to maintain or expand the courts), but to pay the salary of a monitor to make sure other residents don't use the courts. 63 Would like to see more small businesses coming into town -fear of flooding makes it hard for 7/20/2022 3:03 PM some businesses to commit to Mamaroneck. 64 get rid of the ugly seating structures/areas that sit IN THE STREETS in front of restaurants... 7/19/2022 10:17 AM easy to find and accessible parking will help the small businesses here, No one wants to deal with the parking situation in town. And why are we still practicing COVID measures for the restaurants99999 65 The downtowns of Larchmont have declined with lots of empty stores. There should be a hefty 7/19/2022 7:31 AM non occupancy tax. 66 keep walking trauls and add more -add real bike lanes 7/18/2022 6:43 PM 67 We have a terrible flooding problem. Mamaroneck will be under water soon if we keep bluilding- 7/18/2022 5:52 PM NO MORE CONFOS 68 Plant more trees on town lawns, convert lawns to meadows 7/18/2022 5:32 PM 69 BetterMaintenance of Walkways such as LeatherStockingTrails 7/18/2022 4:13 PM 70 Protect existing taxpayers houses and properties from flooding from stormwater. Constantly 7/18/2022 3:52 PM worrying about flooding from 1" to 2" events is unacceptable. 71 Softball fields! 7/18/2022 3:35 PM 72 Please bury the power lines! Power outages are frequent during storms as a result of power 7/16/2022 2:36 PM 10/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey line placement 11 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey Q3 TRANSPORTATION NEEDS include the appropriate provision and maintenance of transportation infrastructure, the level of access and mobility that is possible by a range of transportation options, and protection of residents from unsafe travel behaviors. Answered: 701 Skipped: 40 Enhancement,'— expansion, better... Increase in the repair and maintenance... Improvement in road safety especially o... Improvement in access to retail areas... Expansion in access to parking arou... Improvement of traffic congestion... Aesthetic enhancement of roads and... Expansion in transit connections... Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 12 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Enhancement, expansion, better connection, safer, and better maintenance of pedestrian and bike infrastructure 63.62% 446 throughout Town and especially around schools Increase in the repair and maintenance of roadways 65.48% 459 Improvement in road safety especially on major roads and at key intersections 56.35% 395 Improvement in access to retail areas and circulation within them. 27.39% 192 Expansion in access to parking around commercial areas, recreation areas, and train station. 40.94% 287 Improvement of traffic congestion especially related to school pick-ups and drop-offs 56.63% 397 Aesthetic enhancement of roads and parking areas 30.24% 212 Expansion in transit connections between train station, neighborhoods, and Town destinations. 26.39% 185 Other(please specify) 17.83% 125 Total Respondents: 701 OTHER(PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 The roads are a disgrace, They are cracked and broken, and then repaired by throwing on 10/1/2022 12:43 PM some tar. The roads that were repaved a few years ago--Byron„ Dante, Maple Hill, for example, are already cracked and will suffer damage in the winter months. The materials appear to be of poor quality and the roadbed improperly prepared. Walk 24-26 paces on any of these streets and you will see a horizontal crack across the road. When roads are repaved, extra care needs to be taken at the crosswalks, which in many cases are not repaved. Sometimes this is at the intersection of a town road and a state road. 2 Density creates congestion. End it! 9/30/2022 12:15 AM 3 lighting/safety on Myrtle for access to upper/lower lots in early morning and after dark 9/29/2022 4:22 PM 4 increase in pedestrian safety to support walking to town, train, and bus stops including on busy 9/29/2022 1:52 PM roads such as Weaver street, including cross walks, signage about yielding to pedestrians in existing crosswalks, streetlighting especially in darker winter months, and extension of sidewalks to all existing bus stops 5 Bike lanes are desperately needed and they need to work well with car lanes. What we have 9/29/2022 10:59 AM now is trrrible as bike lanes appear and disappear at random, merge into car lanes without warning and also conflict with lanes where cars have to turn corners. 6 build a bike lane on Boston Post Road and install a sidewalk on Fenimore 9/28/2022 4:38 PM 7 Bike lanes, bike parkings. 9/28/2022 4:24 PM 8 Please do a better job of ticketing people who speed and run traffic lights. 9/23/2022 5:05 PM 9 decrease traffic congestion, in general 9/23/2022 4:34 PM 10 Improve pedestrian and car traffic safety with bump-outs and bike lanes 9/23/2022 4:23 PM 11 As a resident of Richbell Road, I have serious concerns regarding speeding cars and 9/23/2022 11:48 AM witnessed numerous accidents as well as near collisions, including vehicles nearly hitting pedestrians. Motirists use Richebell as a connection between Palmer and Boston Post Road, without regard for community safety. Perhaps the town should consider speed bumps or whatever else could help with enhancing community saftey. 12 Improve connections to mass transit, especially from the North End 9/23/2022 9:24 AM 13 stopping 4-way pedestrian crossings. 9/22/2022 11:40 PM 14 Fix the intersection at Mamaroneck aven and BPR 9/22/2022 8:09 PM 15 Keep Mamamroneck Avenue beautiful,m with the pretty hanging baskets of plants. Please 9/22/2022 6:53 PM 13 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey PLANT TALL TREES, such as oaks, all over Mamaroneck. Tall trees give the neighborhoods a tasteful vibe. Do not bother planting short trees. We need stately tall trees. A program planting 1000 or more tall trees all over Mamaroneck would greatly enhance life for everyone. And it would also help mitigate the flooding problem over time 16 More cross walks in critical areas, e.g. Oriente ave to old Boston Post road. Monitoring traffic 9/22/2022 6:43 PM speeds. 17 Better sports facilities 9/22/2022 5:58 PM 18 enforce clearing of sidewalks, both after snow storms and when shrubbery blocks half the 9/22/2022 1:13 PM sidewalk 19 Repair sidewalks and curb on Murray Ave/Myrtle Blvd they are a real safety hazzard 9/19/2022 11:26 AM 20 Too many trucks/speeding cars on Myrtle Blvd 9/19/2022 11:14 AM 21 We may preserve but we really need to update the structures as well. Many structures in 9/18/2022 5:16 PM Mamaroneck need to be repainted and re-touched. Leave more garbage bins in the corner so there will be less trash. 22 Need a light at intersection of Palmer and Weaver St. 9/13/2022 8:48 PM 23 Encourage the use of electric vehicles especially for municipal vehicles. Cleaner air 9/12/2022 8:59 PM 24 Infrastructure improvements to encourage biking and walking 9/12/2022 8:56 PM 25 Would be great if the lights at the intersection of Palmer and Chatworth could be adjusted so 9/12/2022 8:05 PM the commuters to the trains don't have to wait so long at morning rush hour. 26 Better parking 9/10/2022 10:24 AM 27 There is a huge opportunity for improved bike transportation support. The roads are very wide - 9/6/2022 8:38 AM a protected separate bike lane (not just a painted lane so that families feel comfortable taking them) could be added such as in places like Chatsworth Ave for a huge improvement in connectivity and the added benefit of slowing down traffic with narrower lanes. Aesthetically this could be beautiful! Also, why does the Beeline go DOWN the Rockingstone hill??? It should got UP from the Larchmont train station to support walking commuters. This would dramatically improve the connectivity. I would go further to suggest that a bus go up and down Chatsworth/ Rockingstone to connect the Woods to the Larchmont manor center. 28 More left turn arrows, especially where Chatswort and Larchmont Ayes meet Boston Post Rd 9/6/2022 8:09 AM 29 Bus services extended to midtown Manhattan 9/3/2022 10:22 PM 30 Encouragement of walking or biking to schools. 9/1/2022 1:58 PM 31 Removal of parking restrictions in business areas 8/30/2022 10:12 PM 32 Discontinue trailer trucks from making a right turn on Jefferson to 95. They should use Myrtle 8/30/2022 10:01 PM to get to 95. 33 New Jefferson& N. Chatsworth intersection traffic control blinking light or speed bump on New 8/30/2022 9:57 PM Jefferson 34 The alternate no parking days in the Washington Sq. area are unnecessary. Are they simply to 8/30/2022 9:44 PM raise revenue? No street cleaning takes place. 35 Sidewalks terrible in Larchmont. Fell and hurt my knee 2x. Woman shattered her hand from 8/30/2022 9:36 PM bad sidewalks. 36 Free parking for disabled and seniors 8/30/2022 9:19 PM 37 There are no sidewalks on Fenimore Road past the 95 overpass -there is tremendous foot 8/30/2022 5:23 PM traffic from commuters to caddies to dog walkers heading to Leatherstocking. Please make it safer before someone is killed because cars really speed up after the thruway bridge. 38 Creation of safe exit from Trader Joes 8/30/2022 4:02 PM 39 Bike + transit should. be a priority, not giving away more space to cars 8/30/2022 2:11 PM 40 Traffic calming on Murray Avenue near Chatsworth Gardens. Cars travel too fast uphill and 8/28/2022 6:45 PM 14/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey downhill. 41 Repave New Jefferson St& reduce large truck traffic on this residential street 8/23/2022 2:54 PM 42 Better pedestrian protection, such as more and lighted crosswalks 8/22/2022 5:37 PM 43 Myrtle Blvd is a race course at times. 8/22/2022 8:50 AM 44 Free shuttles from Palmer to Post. especially for seniors. 8/18/2022 11:26 AM 45 Get rid of parking meters 8/18/2022 11:14 AM 46 Myrtle & Chatsworth intersection -constant horn honking 8/16/2022 12:23 PM 47 Beeline mini between ToM and VoL. Multiple EV for apartment dwellers. 8/16/2022 12:21 PM 48 i have lived in NY, CT, NJ, FL but have never seen a road shoulder in such disrepair as 8/16/2022 12:16 PM Larchmont Ave through Manor Park. I pass doz of rec residents using shoulder for walking, running, biking and the condition of the lane is horrific. Potholes that cannot only break an ankle but a leg. Surprising that children are not reported lost in these. 49 Enforcement of speed limits especailly on Myrtle Blvd. 8/15/2022 8:22 PM 50 The meters are a blight. For residents who are simply running errands -e.g. bank deposit, pick 8/11/2022 2:11 PM up coffee and pastry to go, dropping off.picking up a n article. -there are no spots available and if there are, there is no grace period for a quick errand. I take these errands outside the village where this is not a nuisance and I'm sorry local businesses are the lost. Retired, fixed income ! 51 Start policing the laws alreay in place. For example Myrtle Blvd is 25 mph and No trucks. Its 8/11/2022 11:14 AM rare to see police ticket for speeding and never seen a Truck stopped. 52 Reduce trucks on residential strts/cars speeding (Myrtle Blvd) 8/10/2022 9:30 PM 53 there are no sidewalks, where children are not elligible for busing 8/8/2022 9:48 AM 54 Too many households with multiple cars 8/7/2022 10:52 AM 55 Prioritization of pedestrian and bicycle circulation; reduce curb cuts and improve walkability 8/5/2022 11:53 AM along and across Post Road 56 Against anything that inhibits the effective flow of traffic 8/4/2022 3:52 PM 57 Reduce vehicle miles traveled, reclaim roadways from cars for people 8/3/2022 8:35 PM 58 The neighborhood off of Old White Plains Rd (Gate House Ln, Wagon Wheel, Marbourne Dr, 8/3/2022 12:04 PM etc) is an island basically surrounded by other municipalities. There is no access to transportation to schools (except to Hommocks), to the train, to any downtown area. This neighborhood could be vastly improved if transportation, or a usable sidewalk could be provided on Old White Plains Road. That road is extremely unsafe for walking or biking. 59 Bike pathways are a good concept, but the reality is quite different as weVe seen. Motorized 8/1/2022 12:46 PM scooters and small motorcycles use these protected/designated lanes in cities such as New York. To the detriment/diminishment of pedestrian and proper cyclist safety. 60 The intersection at Palmer and Weaver desperately needs left turn signals. It is so dangerous 8/1/2022 8:23 AM all the time, but especially during school pick and dismissal with so many walking and biking kids! 61 Addressing transportation issues only, move bus stops from busy corners to avoid congestion 7/31/2022 9:22 PM and increase electric charge areas. Aesthetic funding would be a waste 62 Electric car charging stations more! 7/30/2022 11:49 AM 63 Teach pedestrians to respect the rights of others who use the roads. Cross at green not red etc 7/29/2022 7:40 PM 64 Left hand arrow lights at Palmer and Weaver- please! 7/29/2022 12:33 PM 65 I love the outdoor dining. Sometimes it appears a little messy and pedestrian egress is 7/29/2022 9:35 AM blocked. I would like to see that addressed, esp on Palmer. 66 Boston Post Rd is in horrible shape and needs to be replaced. The sidewalks in the town are in 7/29/2022 9:30 AM 15 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey awful shape and unsafe for waking and running on. All need to be fixed. 67 Need sidewalk creation on key pedestrian used roadways where none exist, particularly on 7/29/2022 6:12 AM fenimore road under 95 towards fenimore road. Also need to ban the pull off area frequently used by trucks on the fenimore road 95 north exit. 68 While continued outdoor dining is desirable it eliminates access to business due to fewer 7/28/2022 8:52 PM parking spaces 69 Roads in this town are a disgrace. 7/28/2022 7:44 PM 70 regular monitoring of illegal parking of commercial vehicles on Halstead and along residential 7/28/2022 6:21 PM streets off of Halstead. Landscape companies should be required to park in lots, not on our already over-crowded streets. Parking calculations need to be done for any new developed multi-family dwellings. 71 work within the existing budget, No new taxes and fees! 7/28/2022 5:44 PM 72 Addition of dedicated walk,run,bike paths 7/28/2022 1:37 PM 73 create sidewalks on streets local to schools; removal of 4-way stop for street crossing at non- 7/27/2022 6:21 PM school crossings 74 improving the signage and flow of traffic at the cross section of Hoyt and Fenimore. 2 ways 7/26/2022 12:51 PM have stop signs and one does not -leads to a lot of confusion, beeping and near misses 75 Parking meters do nothing to increase availability of parking. I wonder if the revenue they bring 7/26/2022 12:12 AM in is worth the initial investment&just adds annoyance to do ANY local shopping, already hurt by the advent of Amazon. 76 Trees and landscaping 7/25/2022 5:48 PM 77 Removal of all concrete blocks used by Al Fresco dining 7/25/2022 7:53 AM 78 Does this include the Villages? I assumed no. 7/24/2022 11:42 AM 79 Drainage issues at Fifth Avenue and Myrtle Avenue!!!School bus service w/in 2 miles of 7/24/2022 10:51 AM school. Pref by elec buses. Expand bike lanes. 80 Mass transit access to airports; bike lanes 7/24/2022 5:03 AM 81 if there is a new surface that can be put on 1-95 south of the train station to reduce the noise 7/23/2022 10:42 PM emanating from the roadway, that would be great! 82 Create a trolley service that runs around the town and into neighborhoods. 7/23/2022 10:00 PM 83 Many people walk in the street because the sidewalks are so uneven. This is risky, especially 7/23/2022 4:44 PM at dusk. We need better maintenance of sidewalks. 84 A shuttle bus system connecting neighborhoods to town centers 7/22/2022 8:45 PM 85 Increased bicycle infrastructure with protected bike lanes. (Painted roads typically have poor 7/22/2022 5:10 PM utilization, protected lanes improve safety resulting in more utilization and less traffic overall by fewer people using cars -added benefit of less wear and tear to roadways resulting in less maintenance cost). 86 Enforcement of unsafe drivers; awareness campaigns and planting trees and folliage as 7/22/2022 3:59 PM barriers esp Murray avenue from Colonial to Myrtle: DANGEROUS 87 Parks & recreation 7/22/2022 3:50 PM 88 Provide occasional use parking at Train station parking lots -day permit? 7/22/2022 3:43 PM 89 Make sure that kids are encouraged to WALK to and from school every day. 7/22/2022 12:44 PM 90 More Bike lanes 7/22/2022 9:24 AM 91 Increase in outdoor dining/ retail, pedestrian zones. 7/22/2022 9:10 AM 92 More sidewalks -e.g. Weaver St, Rockland Avenue 7/21/2022 8:48 PM 93 The light poles and signage are unsightly - please do something about all the visual pollution. 7/21/2022 11:43 AM 16/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 94 More sidewalks for pedestrian safety. Actual bike lanes, not "sharrows". Make it safe to get 7/21/2022 9:18 AM around town without a car! And school busses = less traffic. Adding 500 ft of sidewalk from Country Rd to the existing stretch on Fenimore would give an entire neighborhood safe access to waking to train/town. 95 sidewalk on fenimore. shoulder on weaver 7/21/2022 8:10 AM 96 sidewalks and bikelanes are really lacking on "double yellow roads, making unsafe for children 7/21/2022 7:08 AM and all ages 97 Road conditions are a disgrace. Uneven paving and potholes. Unsafe. 7/21/2022 7:05 AM 98 Road safety during snow/ ice inclement weather 7/21/2022 3:20 AM 99 Remove meters or at least provide residents with passes/cards/codes to allow for a certain 7/20/2022 9:25 PM amount of free parking to encourage quick trips into town/village. Residents are already paying taxes to maintain the roads. 100 Safer and more labeled walking roads crosswalks 7/20/2022 7:23 PM 101 More parking. Allow overnight parking for residents 7/20/2022 5:35 PM 102 Pedestrian crossings near railroad bridges (e.g. Mamaroneck/Hoyt, Fenimore/Hoyt, and 7/20/2022 3:09 PM Halstead/Jefferson are very dangerous and often have little or no pedestrian crossing lights. Have personally seen several near misses. Much too dangerous currently. 103 The intersection at Hoyt and Mamaroneck Ave is horrible. Need better enforcement of traffic 7/20/2022 3:03 PM and another pedestrian crossing. Always very nervous at that intersection and cars often running the light! 104 Keep the streets cleaner by greater use of sweepers 7/20/2022 12:32 PM 105 Option to coin metters for easier parking 7/19/2022 10:41 PM 106 Bring back school buses 7/19/2022 2:10 PM 107 Keep sidewalks in good repair, esp near main roads, for those of us who walk. 7/19/2022 10:20 AM 108 the intersection of 1-95, Maxwell Ave and New Jefferson St needs a traffic light -so dangerous. 7/19/2022 10:17 AM And huge trucks shopuld not be allowed to to travel up Myrtle Blvd making the turn on to N. Chatsworth. The number of truck that I witness rolling up onto teh side walk when people are standing there waiting to cross is INSANE. And so UNSAFE. 109 shuttle buses from train station 7/19/2022 9:27 AM 110 Northbound right lane of Myrtle Ave. should be for right turn only onto Chatsworth --will reduce 7/19/2022 8:47 AM long lines of cars awaiting green light in that lane. 111 SIDEWALK ON WEAVER STREET BETWEEN MURRAY AVE INTERSECTION AND 7/19/2022 7:01 AM BONNIE WAY 112 Better flash flood routes 7/19/2022 1:08 AM 113 Greater transportation options for older citizen and people who are disabled. Also encourage 7/18/2022 9:12 PM use of electric vehicles by providing electric charging station throughout the town. 114 Anything to encourage more people to walk in town! 7/18/2022 8:16 PM 115 Repair sidewalks 7/18/2022 7:54 PM 116 Do not allow train parking on roads near our houses. It is too much traffic and people should 7/18/2022 6:43 PM have incentive to take bus or walk. 117 Please have police monitor and ticket double parked cars. It is a real pain. 7/18/2022 6:18 PM 118 Fix unnecessary Walks at lights at intersections like Weaver/Palmer and Rockland/Palmer 7/18/2022 5:36 PM when no one is around. Also, cinsider more smart lights where appropriate. 119 We don't need things pretty. We need things to work. We need more people to shop and use 7/18/2022 3:52 PM the downtown/waterfront. All parking lots should bw mandated to store some amounts of stormwater. 17 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 120 Involve town police in key intersections to create safer routes to school and bike lanes. 7/18/2022 3:51 PM 121 Public jitney/shuttle to reduce constant need for cars 7/18/2022 3:51 PM 122 Walkable streets ie Weaver, Rockland, Fenimore 7/18/2022 3:42 PM 123 195N on ramp from Harmon Dr. 7/18/2022 3:41 PM 124 Bike parking area in town to encourage bike riding 7/18/2022 3:41 PM 125 Pave the damn roads already 7/18/2022 3:36 PM 18/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey Q4 ENVIRONMENTAL NEEDS include the preservation of existing environmental resources, protection of public health and safety, and the safeguarding of the community and its natural assets against climate change. Protection of wetlands, native habit... Protection against invasive... Preservation and protection of existing... Protection of water quality Reduction of poLLution and green-house... Reduction in noises related to yard... Avoidance and mitigation of light poLLution Prevention, mitigation,and management o... Expansion of community awareness on... Reduction of household garbage Reduction of visual blight from utility... Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 19/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Protection of wetlands, native habitat, flood plains, and critical environmental areas from development 71.83% 515 Protection against invasive vegetation 51.46% 369 Preservation and protection of existing trees on both public and private lands 60.95% 437 Protection of water quality 81.73% 586 Reduction of pollution and green-house gas emissions from construction, building operations, and transportation. 56.21% 403 Reduction in noises related to yard maintenance and construction 45.33% 325 Avoidance and mitigation of light pollution 29.99% 215 Prevention, mitigation, and management of flooding from storm events 78.66% 564 Expansion of community awareness on environmental and climate change issues 37.66% 270 Reduction of household garbage 31.38% 225 Reduction of visual blight from utility infrastructure 27.62% 198 Other(please specify) 19.53% 140 Total Respondents: 717 OTHER(PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 curbside household compost pick-up to replace second rubbish collection day 10/3/2022 8:53 AM 2 COMPOST PICK-UP FROM HOMES 10/2/2022 5:54 PM 3 The noise from gardeners and construction work is often unbearable. Gas blowers should be 10/1/2022 12:43 PM eliminated totally and weekend construction hours, especially Sunday, should be curtailed. Gardeners with motorized vehicles should not be allowed to drive down the street from one location to another. Trees, especially those that grow along major roads like Weaver St., need to be checked and trimmed regularly. 4 holding State run agencies to the same standards with regard to woodlands and tree cuttinf 9/29/2022 10:55 PM 5 Curbside composting, enforcement of car idling restrictions, access to affordable renewable 9/29/2022 5:02 PM energy 6 Change one household garbage pick up to Food waste; encourages separation/recycling; 9/29/2022 4:22 PM improved maintenance of public spaces (tree/shrub pruning, ivy removal, grass/mulch areas) 7 Implement town wide compost pick up please. Plant two trees for every one that is cut down. 9/29/2022 10:59 AM Fix drainage issues in parks. 8 Decrease use of pesticides ; dredge harbor. 9/28/2022 4:24 PM 9 More focus on flood mitigation as we are a Sound Shore community 9/28/2022 4:11 PM 10 Composting pickup services 9/24/2022 7:57 PM 11 Please put limits on noise from yard maintenance 9/23/2022 5:05 PM 12 Apply for grants to initiate and offset the costs to make Town buildings and services more 9/23/2022 4:23 PM sustainable, mitigate flooding, and reduce polluted runoff. 13 Resilience of utility infrastructure (whether reducing or increasing the "visual blight'), to natural 9/23/2022 12:57 PM disasters, distributed/renewable generation, and electric vehicles 14 Town sponsored solar panel purchase for homeowners with tax credits exceeding State and 9/23/2022 9:33 AM local to REALLY make ROI feasible for all incomes. 20/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 15 Make residential buildings clean outside of there buildings 9/23/2022 7:39 AM 16 Major work needed on management of flooding - Murdock woods! 9/22/2022 10:28 PM 17 food scrap pick up 9/22/2022 10:12 PM 18 more renewable energy projects throughout our community!!! 9/22/2022 9:17 PM 19 Infrastructure to handle large storms so local beaches don't get shut down after rain storms 9/22/2022 9:16 PM because of sewage overflows 20 Fix the intersection at Mamaroneck aven and BPR 9/22/2022 8:09 PM 21 Bettter maintenance of they garden lake 9/22/2022 8:08 PM 22 All Year Ban on Leaf BlowersmIHIHIIIHIHIH""' 9/22/2022 7:13 PM 23 Light pollution is a HUGE problem. I hope you will do something about this. And PLANT 1000s 9/22/2022 6:53 PM of TALL TREES around Mamaroneck, please! 24 Preservation of harbor parks, moorings etc 9/22/2022 6:18 PM 25 More sports facilities 9/22/2022 5:58 PM 26 working from home is almost impossible when lawn maintenance visits a neighbors home. 9/22/2022 1:13 PM 27 Reduction in noise pollution from trucks and suped-up auto engines coming off of 1-95 into 9/19/2022 11:50 AM residential neighborhoods. 28 Myrtle Blvd needs new storm drains 9/19/2022 11:14 AM 29 Please provide curbside pickup of food scraps 9/15/2022 12:47 PM 30 Pick up compost 9/15/2022 11:27 AM 31 Expand composting in the town. Institute Curbside pick up of Food Scraps so that more can 9/13/2022 8:48 PM participate in this easy, environmentally friendly activity. Update tree code so that trees CANNOT be wiped out on a lot for new construction. It affects MORE than just the property being developed 32 support for and education around energy conservation and green energy options 9/13/2022 5:26 PM 33 Wireless ordinances to have less intrusion of cell towers 9/12/2022 11:12 PM 34 Cable companies should clean up their wires, particularly unused ones. 9/12/2022 8:56 PM 35 Curbside pick up of compost waste 9/12/2022 8:06 PM 36 please provide curbside pickup of food scraps 9/12/2022 8:05 PM 37 Food Waste Pick Up 9/12/2022 5:29 PM 38 please provide curbside pickup of food scraps 9/12/2022 5:06 PM 39 please provide curbside pickup of food scraps 9/12/2022 1:27 PM 40 please provide curbside pickup of food scraps 9/12/2022 12:27 PM 41 Composting Pickup 9/12/2022 9:56 AM 42 please pick up food scraps for recycling 9/11/2022 3:27 PM 43 Curb side kitchen scrap pick up 9/10/2022 7:30 PM 44 please provide curbside pickup of food scraps 9/10/2022 3:19 PM 45 please provide curbside pickup of food scraps 9/10/2022 3:05 PM 46 please provide curbside pickup of food scraps 9/10/2022 10:38 AM 47 Please provide curbside pick up of food scraps 9/10/2022 9:58 AM 48 Please pick up food scraps 9/10/2022 8:34 AM 49 please provide curbside pickup of food scraps 9/9/2022 7:56 PM 21 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 50 Several empty business lots on Boston Post Road at beginning of Larchmont. Why not add 9/9/2022 4:24 PM basketball court, skateboarding park, swings, SOMETHING, please. Plus more trees along this area. 51 Please start curbside pickup of food scraps and ban use of gas-powered leaf blowers as 9/9/2022 3:27 PM Village of Larchmont did to ensure our community is able to enjoy the same public health, environmental, and quality of life benefits 52 There is an urgent need for sewer drainage work/reconstruction on N. Chatsworth Ave. 9/5/2022 6:05 PM Adjacent to the Carlton House to prevent future flooding in the Carlton House Building. 53 New softer streetlights (as in Village of Larchmont). 9/1/2022 1:58 PM 54 There is an urgent need for sewer and drainage work on N. Chatsworth adjacent to the Carlton 8/30/2022 9:57 PM House to prevent further flooding 55 EV car chargers all over. Fix sidewalks. Light on at Coughlin, Myrtle, until 1-2 am. 8/30/2022 9:36 PM 56 Weekly pick up of compostable materials. 8/30/2022 4:18 PM 57 Enforcement of leaf blower ordinances 8/30/2022 2:15 PM 58 Run the street sweeper when residents move their cars in Washington square. Too much 8/28/2022 6:45 PM garbage buildup in the street gutters. 59 Community Garderning or Farming 8/25/2022 10:56 PM 60 there is an urgent need for sewer and drainage work/reconstruction on N. Chatsworth Ave. 8/25/2022 2:43 PM adjacent to the Carlton House to prevent future flooding of the building. 61 speed bumps to reduce speed on New Jefferson Street. Monitor traffic speed on N Chatsworth 8/23/2022 8:41 PM Ave. 62 drainage &sewage work to mitigate flooding at NChatsworth Ave by Carlton House condos 8/23/2022 2:54 PM 63 Myrtle Blvd could benefit with new/clean storm drains 8/22/2022 8:50 AM 64 Need for new storm drain system on Myrtle Blvd. 8/21/2022 12:53 AM 65 We have a need for a new storm drain on Myrtle Blvd, especially right after the turn off Weaver 8/19/2022 8:53 AM Street where the water comes down and makes the turn towards the train station. 66 No/Less trucks and construction equipment "barreling" down streets 8/18/2022 11:26 AM 67 (1)Why aren't we doing composting at each pickup?! (2) Make residents control their 8/18/2022 11:20 AM groundwater!! Too much flooding. 68 No more household pesticide use 8/18/2022 11:17 AM 69 Move to"Pay as you throvW' ASAP. Water quality -flood mitigation is critical for this waterfront 8/16/2022 12:21 PM Community's long term well being. 70 New storm drain system badly needed along Myrtle Blvd. 8/16/2022 7:31 AM 71 Flood protenction 8/15/2022 8:22 PM 72 FLOODING ISSUE DO TO OLD STORM DRAIN THAT NEED TO BE UPDATE DO TO OLD 8/14/2022 11:34 AM AGE AND CHANGING STORM TRENDS . THIS WILL HELP LOSS PF PROPERTY AND LIFE """"" MYRTLE BLVD HAS A A LONG HISTORY OF STROM DRAIN ISSUE THAT NEED TO BE ADDRESSED 73 Increased capacity of inadequate storm drain system on Myrtle Boulevard. 8/11/2022 11:14 AM 74 Floods: Myrtle Blvd strongly needs a new storm drain system 8/10/2022 9:30 PM 75 Storm drainage on Myrtle Blvd needs to be upgraded 8/10/2022 8:46 AM 76 Reduction of noise pollution 8/9/2022 11:03 AM 77 village Mamk has compost pick up, why cant we 8/8/2022 9:48 AM 78 How about you give the section 8 dwellers part time work to five the land they get to live on for 8/7/2022 11:04 AM free and by taxpayer dollars 22 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 79 Let's lobby ConEd to place its electrical infrastructure underground 8/3/2022 8:35 PM 80 Food waste pick up! 8/1/2022 8:23 AM 81 Initiate a bus service from remote areas to lessen car use 7/31/2022 9:22 PM 82 Climate change should be considered in everything Town does. 7/30/2022 2:29 PM 83 Restrictions in the ridiculous piles of leaves that 35 N Chatsworth Ave puts in the roadway 7/30/2022 1:13 PM taking up parking spaces every fall. Ridiculous-They are the only building that does this. Make them pay their landscaper to get rid of them. 84 Stop forcing climate change agenda. 7/29/2022 11:03 PM 85 Prevent loud car exhaust illegal muffler used to be a law against this 7/29/2022 7:40 PM 86 Ban leaf blowers and pesticides so everyone has healthy yards, especially those closest to 7/29/2022 12:33 PM the waterfront. 87 remove the ridiculous electric air blower restriction 7/29/2022 10:12 AM 88 I'd love to see more cables buried, rather than in the air where storms/trees can take them 7/29/2022 9:35 AM down 89 In addition to noise related to yard maintenance there is also the issue of carbon emissions as 7/29/2022 9:11 AM well as pesticide use 90 Overgrown vegetation around duck pond and unable to see and enjoy lake 7/29/2022 7:55 AM 91 Elimination of"woke"mentality that lead to useless and impractical solutions!! 7/29/2022 6:12 AM 92 Sanitation pick-up for food waste 7/28/2022 7:51 PM 93 Complete review of stormwater drain system. No existing curbs and very few storm water 7/28/2022 6:21 PM drains in the historic district (Union, Beach, Melbourne) 94 work within the existing budget, No new taxes and fees! 7/28/2022 5:44 PM 95 Increase the days recycling is picked up, decrease the days fireworks are permitted 7/26/2022 7:38 PM 96 Build municipal solar facilities 7/26/2022 8:55 AM 97 Harness the power of the Army Corps of Engineers in dredging creeks, inlets &other small 7/26/2022 12:12 AM bodies of water to mitigate constant flooding 98 These items don't seem to me like they belong in a separate environmental category. 7/25/2022 9:07 PM Managing stormwater, air and water quality etc. are about quality of life for residents. We would neglect these issues at the peril of making this a much less desirable place to live. 99 Trees and Landscaping 7/25/2022 5:48 PM 100 Enforcement of anti-honking regulations. We need quiet not horns! 7/25/2022 7:53 AM 101 Green house gas reduction efforts 7/24/2022 11:42 AM 102 Prohibit construction on Saturdays after noon and all day Sunday, resident maintenance would 7/24/2022 10:51 AM be permitted. Allow 2-week period designated as season cleanup. After that, maintenance only. Earth Day cleanup, where all residents and property owners clean up around their pptys, town celebrations to follow. All vacantcomm. 103 enhanced sound barriers from 195 and train 7/24/2022 5:03 AM 104 More trees planted on public property 7/23/2022 5:54 PM 105 Kudzu is destroying our trees, hedges and shrubs but many landowners ignore it and let it 7/23/2022 4:44 PM spread through the neighborhood. We need vigorous promotion of public awareness of the problem and more community-wide efforts to rescue the Flint Park nature preserve, other town areas and highway-adjacent vegetation from kudzu. 106 Restrict use of chemical fertilizers; increase bird population 7/22/2022 3:59 PM 107 Put up the Christmas tree 7/22/2022 3:50 PM 23 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 108 Curbside food scrap pick-up, later hours for Maxwell 1-day per week 7/22/2022 3:43 PM 109 Prohibit planting of bamboo, require its removal 7/22/2022 1:13 PM 110 FIX THE FLOODING ISSUE IN WASHINGTONVILLE AND THE VILLAGE. UNACCEPTABLE 7/22/2022 11:18 AM TO FLOOD AFTER 30 MINUTES OF RAIN!!! 111 Replanting Initiative of Shade Trees 7/22/2022 10:41 AM 112 Reduction of unsightly power lines and utility poles in village of Larchmont -cmon guys! 7/22/2022 10:21 AM 113 Remove trees on private land that present risk to infrastructure 7/22/2022 10:16 AM 114 how about enforcing the no leaf blower law 7/22/2022 10:11 AM 115 Lower LED brightness or change to"warm" 7/21/2022 8:41 PM 116 Could we have direct pick up of garbage back?They are also very sloppy and leave trash all 7/21/2022 11:43 AM over the street. 117 Flood mitigation is IMPERATIVE espec around N. Chats/Murray 7/21/2022 9:22 AM 118 Increase in composting and resuse/recycle 7/21/2022 9:06 AM 119 bury utility lines to protect against power outages in storms 7/21/2022 8:53 AM 120 The lights installed several years ago are too bright and ugly. Bright nighttime lighting harms 7/21/2022 7:05 AM migratory birds and other nocturnal animals. What was the cost of this project? 121 Flood preventions everywhere 7/20/2022 11:27 PM 122 Consideration for utility infrastructure/tree trimming to protect against outages from storms 7/20/2022 9:39 PM 123 Curbside compost pick up 7/20/2022 5:34 PM 124 Town employees cut too many trees, many of which are in great condition. For example, on 7/20/2022 9:57 AM Murray Avenue close to Memorial Park. 125 Parity for trash pickup. With all the Monday Holidays and Thanksgiving, Mon/Thurs pickup 7/19/2022 9:12 PM schedule receives markedly reduced services compared with Tue/Fri 126 flood mitigation projects 7/19/2022 2:22 PM 127 Environmental responsibility must be a priority given climate change 7/19/2022 10:20 AM 128 Please fix the severe drainage issues around Birch Lane -we are under water every big storm 7/19/2022 9:29 AM 129 Increased access to Sound shoreline for fishing from shore, swimming, and kayaking. 7/19/2022 8:47 AM 130 The once-beautiful memorial park has become a blight. The azalea bed is disgraceful, the 7/19/2022 7:31 AM maintenance shed with the blue plastic for a roof for the last 5 years. What in the world? How can this be happening? 131 BETTER STORM DRAINAGE ON BONNIE WAY 7/19/2022 7:01 AM 132 Quality of life - making sidewalks walkable by trimming overgrown hudges and bushes 7/18/2022 10:57 PM 133 Increased incentives for composting of food scraps 7/18/2022 9:12 PM 134 Would love to see compost drop box at the entrance to the Maxwell facility so if they are 7/18/2022 8:16 PM closed one could still make a drop off. 135 Curb side food waste recycling pickup . And pickup of garden material (sticks, leaves, etc) all 7/18/2022 7:54 PM year long 136 Reclaiming unused lots and commercial space for open space: trees 7/18/2022 7:41 PM 137 I'm for preservation of trees, especially on public property, but I caveat that for HEALTHY 7/18/2022 7:38 PM trees. Alot of people get bent out of shape for any removal of a tree, and many of them are unsafe. Also, I am wary of telling people what they can do with the trees on their own properties. 138 Climate change is not a science. 7/18/2022 6:18 PM 24/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 139 Flooding, Flooding, flooding. Residents cant afford to keep replacing things FEMA insurance is 7/18/2022 3:52 PM a joke and getting reimbursed is an absolute nightmare. Do everything we can to minimize flooding asap. 140 YEAR ROUND BAN ON GAS LEAF BLOWERS. BETTER ENFORCEMENT OF 7/18/2022 3:40 PM RESTRICTIONS. REDUCED HOURS WHEN ANY TYPE OF LEAF BLOWER CAN BE USED. Noise Polution is a huge issue in TOM 25 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey Q5 RECREATIONAL NEEDS represent the recreational facilities, programming, activities, open space, and parks accessible to all local residents. Maintenance and physical improvement... Creation of new and expanded... Expansion and improvement of community... Expansion and improvement of community... Enhanced accessibility and... Other (please - specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Maintenance and physical improvement of existing park, recreation facilities and trails 81.01% 529 Creation of new and expanded facilities for all users 49.77% 325 Expansion and improvement of community programming for teens 37.21% 243 Expansion and improvement of community programming for seniors 32.31% 211 Enhanced accessibility and affordability of recreation programs 37.83% 247 Other(please specify) 13.63% 89 Total Respondents: 653 OTHER(PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 Improvement of playing fields for children. 10/6/2022 11:53 AM 2 more fields for youth sports (lacrosse, soccer, field hockey, etc). Outdoor rink at or near 10/3/2022 8:53 AM Hommocks. 3 Less fees for handicapped needing supervision 9/30/2022 3:35 PM 4 Make Harbor Island Nice and Clean Again 9/29/2022 10:55 PM 5 More public waterfront access, increased (free) access to recreational facilities (i.e. tennis 9/29/2022 5:02 PM 26/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey courts) 6 reveiw to optimize existing park, recreation facilities and trails 9/29/2022 4:22 PM 7 It's great as it. 9/28/2022 4:11 PM 8 Develop Mamaroneck waterfront/ harbor for visitors to dock and visit the Village and enjoy 9/23/2022 9:33 AM restaurants etc. 9 Partnering with Villages on increased access as a single entity to reduce cost and increase 9/23/2022 9:24 AM offerings. 10 Creation or conversion of grass fields to turf 9/22/2022 10:51 PM 11 Flint Park -Redo the platform tennis courts 9/22/2022 9:16 PM 12 Fix the intersection at Mamaroneck aven and BPR 9/22/2022 8:09 PM 13 More sports Fields to support the programs. 9/22/2022 5:58 PM 14 I 9/22/2022 5:58 PM 15 Expansion and creation of programs for teens beyond sports, suitable for mild special needs 9/19/2022 4:09 PM 16 Provide a pull-up bar under Memorial Park Bridge. There's a fantastic opportunity for a(cost 9/19/2022 11:55 AM effective) outdoor work-out space here. 17 more pickleball courts, access to outdoor pickleball courts year round, open play at pickleball 9/19/2022 11:37 AM courts 18 Pool permit fees have gotten very expensive especially for low income families. The locker 9/12/2022 8:59 PM room at the pool badly needs an upgrade. Need to work with the schools 19 What about a NINJA park like American Ninja Warrior? 9/9/2022 4:24 PM 20 Please provide Spanish-speaking and financial aid support for low income and Latino families 9/9/2022 3:27 PM in our community 21 Quality playing fields for children's sports 9/6/2022 8:09 AM 22 Parks and recreation facilities are wonderful . Thank you! 8/30/2022 9:57 PM 23 Only some tennis courts. 50 year resident have seen tennis courts disappear. Senior pool 8/30/2022 9:23 PM access. Maybe the Town will have just some of the recreational benefits we had as residents when we moved here in Feb 1973. 24 Expansion of community programming for adults - Beginner Volleyball/Pickleball Class 8/25/2022 10:56 PM 25 All-year, day-time Community swimming pool 8/11/2022 11:14 AM 26 more turf playing fields 8/11/2022 10:02 AM 27 New facilities: Pickleball courts needed 8/10/2022 9:30 PM 28 Pickleball Court Expansion 8/8/2022 3:48 PM 29 Again another opportunity to get lower cost labor by using diversified section 8 dwellers 8/7/2022 11:04 AM 30 Canine inclusive events and programming 8/4/2022 3:52 PM 31 As population of the town has grown, the street on our existing public has increased. Highest 8/2/2022 11:18 AM and best use layout of all public spaces and public/private partnerships that could expand capacity for youth sports should be considered. 32 New and modern fields and facilities for youth sports. 7/29/2022 11:03 PM 33 Our fields are in horrible conductions. The ones that are in school property why isn't the school 7/29/2022 9:30 AM grounds people taking care of them. They are a disgrace. We need lights in our fields. Why is HMX ice rink allowed to charge the school to use the rink for hockey?We all pay taxes to live here and then pay an outrageous amount to play travel hockey. Also taxpayers should get first bid on all fields and rinks before any other organization. 34 I think most of these issues apply more to VoM and VoL rather than ToM 7/29/2022 9:11 AM 27 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 35 General lack of open space-there are just too many private clubs and golf courses in this area. 7/29/2022 6:12 AM Time to take it back just like Harrison is doing 36 Rye Neck needs to stop being treated as a separate, more expensive category for Rye and 7/28/2022 6:21 PM Mamaroneck recreation! 37 work within the existing budget- no new taxes and fees! 7/28/2022 5:44 PM 38 Ice rink expansion. 7/28/2022 5:10 PM 39 Addition of dedicated walk,run,bike paths 7/28/2022 1:37 PM 40 better fields and indoor/outdoor courts for everyone's use 7/27/2022 11:57 AM 41 Our sports fields are terrible and the ones we do have are not maintained. We need to improve 7/26/2022 4:57 PM them. The towns in our area have much better facilities and our taxes are highly. 42 Improvement and increase in multi use fields particularly baseball 7/26/2022 4:51 PM 43 Trees and. landscaping 7/25/2022 5:48 PM 44 No Public-Private financing of projects. leads to abuse 7/25/2022 7:53 AM 45 Each season, designate 1 day for clean up, after which only maintenance. Require that snow 7/24/2022 10:51 AM be shoveled at corners to allow pedestrians to cross and not walk in streets. No commercial construction on weekends after noon on Saturdays. Designate EarhDay as day everyone cleans up around their properties, including commercial. Get kids to earn community service credit by cleaning around highway entrances, etc, w supervision and safety considerations. 46 Reduce cost of signing on for recreation (pool fees) 7/24/2022 5:03 AM 47 expanding the town pool to include a larger OUTDOOR pool. The indoor pool was permanently 7/23/2022 9:20 AM covered many years ago, making it a year round indoor pool. In summer, it is cold, smelly and not a desireable place to swim. A large outdoor pool would be a great asset to residents who do not belong to country clubs. 48 Increased public access to waterfront without financial barriers. 7/22/2022 5:10 PM 49 A rec would be nice something like harrison 7/22/2022 3:50 PM 50 Better communication of services & events 7/22/2022 3:43 PM 51 kids fields 7/22/2022 1:31 PM 52 More Turf Fields 7/21/2022 2:14 PM 53 Coordinate recreation with the villages. This would offer opportunities for cost savings. 7/21/2022 12:34 PM 54 Can we buy Hampshire. What a great investment that would make. 7/21/2022 9:22 AM 55 Our rec dept is awesome. The more the merrier. Would love to see more activities for older 7/21/2022 9:18 AM kids. More town social gatherings. 56 Connected bikepaths (loop around MMK)) 7/21/2022 9:16 AM 57 Get rid of the tennis bubble and make it a turf field for more sports usage for kids and adults 7/21/2022 7:48 AM 58 Improved safety and maintenance of existing playground structures in flint park. 7/21/2022 7:27 AM 59 No more murals / public art. Community doesn't look better with this visual clutter. 7/21/2022 7:05 AM 60 An enclosed section for off leash dog play would be a great addition to the community instead 7/21/2022 3:20 AM of us having to go to other towns 61 Doing a fine job in this department- maintain current status 7/20/2022 11:22 PM 62 A town playground 7/20/2022 9:39 PM 63 Improved fields for youth sports 7/20/2022 9:30 PM 64 The fees for nonresidents should be raised. There is only a very small difference between what 7/20/2022 9:25 PM residents and no residents pay for recreational programs (eg pool, rink, etc). Residents 28/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey shouldn't be subsiding nonresidents use of our recreation facilities. Senior citizens are being taxed-out of the area. 65 More dual ability between the town and village for recreational events and actitives and places 7/20/2022 7:23 PM 66 The pool is long overdue for renovation. User fees are high enough to deter resident use, yet 7/20/2022 5:34 PM don't seem to go towards improvements -specifically tennis and pool. An overall modernization of the rec department's offerings and general approach would be beneficial. 67 Splash pad and public pool 7/20/2022 5:15 PM 68 Turf fields for youth sports 7/20/2022 4:44 PM 69 Pickleball courts indoor and outdoors 7/19/2022 10:41 PM 70 Need more sports fields 7/19/2022 5:10 PM 71 How can we add more programs and services at Memorial Park and other open spaces 7/19/2022 10:20 AM 72 fix the soccer fields and the baseball fields. 7/19/2022 10:17 AM 73 Access to pool for more hours 7/19/2022 8:48 AM 74 Open Play pickleball courts at Memorial Park. Set aside time where pickleball players can 7/19/2022 8:21 AM arrive, place their paddles in a quie and play next. No need for classes or reservations. With Open Play, everyone gets a chance to play. 75 The swimming pool is like hunger games. 7/19/2022 7:31 AM 76 I love the trials up by the Old Reservoir off Weaver but find it crazy I need to drive there from 7/18/2022 8:16 PM my apartment in town. The sidewalk ends at Murray, would love to see it extended to the trial head. Weaver is not safe to walk on. 77 Remove bird that are destroying planting in many recreation areas / make swimming pool open 7/18/2022 7:54 PM only to vaccinated 78 More pickleball courts 7/18/2022 7:47 PM 79 I think the town does an excellent job providing affordable recreation programs, but I am 7/18/2022 7:38 PM always for more. We need a good community pool and park center. Most communities in Westchester have done this (Rye, Eastchester) by buying existing club properties. Also, this would contribute to making a more egalitarian community. Right now, if you don't below to a private club, there aren't a lot of affordable options that are appealing for the community in the summer. And that leaves everybody who can't or who doesn't want to join a private club with no good place to go, furthering socio economic division. Even a super wealthy community like Scarsdale has a great pool and tennis club. It's really missing here. And no Hommocks pool doesn't count. ommunity 80 More fields(baseball, soccer, LAX , football) 7/18/2022 4:54 PM 81 Identifying incremental play fields/space for youth and school sports teams. 7/18/2022 4:39 PM 82 More tennis courts! 7/18/2022 4:10 PM 83 More and better field space for recreation (organized sports and others). 7/18/2022 3:53 PM 84 We have parks, maintain them in a cost effective manner. improve harbor Island park if you 7/18/2022 3:52 PM are going to charge parking. Spend money on tangible infrastructure and not temporary aesthetics. 85 Scarsdale have a very rich education program offered by their town with lots of classes for all 7/18/2022 3:50 PM ages perhaps review that as a potential for Mamk residents ? 86 Outdoor swimming pool for adults 7/18/2022 3:39 PM 87 JOIN WITH VILLAGE REC DEPARTMENT- NO NEED FOR TWO 7/18/2022 3:39 PM 88 All green spaces/fields should be available for school and sports activities 7/18/2022 3:37 PM 89 Softball fields 7/18/2022 3:35 PM 29/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey Q6 COMMUNITY SERVICES NEEDS represent the range of services including public safety, education, and social services that are accessible to local residents and workers. Answered: 661 Skipped: 80 Expansion and improvement of access to... Enhancement of multi-lingual access to... Improvement of teLecommunicati on services Preservation of neighborhood safety Continuation of access to a high-quality... Increased awareness of Town's... Other (please■ specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Expansion and improvement of access to social services 29.65% 196 Enhancement of multi-lingual access to information about Town events, programs, and administrative changes 23.45% 155 Improvement of telecommunication services 29.35% 194 Preservation of neighborhood safety 69.14% 457 Continuation of access to a high-quality school system 78.67% 520 Increased awareness of Town's heritage, development history and settlement patterns 32.68% 216 Other(please specify) 8.47% 56 Total Respondents: 661 OTHER(PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 Maintaining the neighborhood model for elementary school zoning. 10/6/2022 11:53 AM 2 COMPOST PICK-UP FROM HOMES 10/2/2022 5:54 PM 3 Communication is important between residents and the town supervisors office. With so many 10/1/2022 12:43 PM new families moving in, we often wonder if they know any of the "rules" pertaining to sanitation and leaf pick up, gardeners, noise, etc. While we greatly appreciate phone updates, we do not instinctively visit the website and would never even have known about this survey if not for a 30/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey friend who mentioned it. One significant item missing from this survey is infrastructure other than roads. We are greatly concerned about the state of the utility poles not only here but in most of the surrounding towns. Many poles look like they have been around for over 50 years and are thin, spindly and often rotten. They are overburdened with heavy wires and transformers, and are used not only for electricity but also cable and phones. Poles are not upright, lean at precarious angles, are propped up by other poles or pieces of metal, have bands wrapped around them so they don't fall apart, have wires dangling down to the ground, etc. The pole in front of our house was hit by a car several years ago and damage was reported but the pole was never replaced. Although we realize these poles are not the town's direct responsibility, when a storm hits, the trees hit the wires and the defective and leaning poles snap. The town needs to oblige whoever is responsible for them to be proactive. All we hear about is Con Ed increasing our rates, as does the cable company. Wires are still hanging from Ida and other storms and nothing seems to get done. 4 General note about this survey. Surely most people will check nearly all of the boxes. They are 9/29/2022 7:26 PM such obvious questions. 5 continue to coordinate plans/work with the villages and greater community, 9/29/2022 4:22 PM 6 Decrease police and school budget that lead to always more taxes. 9/28/2022 4:24 PM 7 It's great as is. 9/28/2022 4:11 PM 8 Expand current services to be available more often and offer subsidies to services to reach 9/23/2022 4:23 PM more people. 9 improvement of cell phone reception in the area 9/23/2022 11:15 AM 10 Electric power reliability! 9/23/2022 8:20 AM 11 more police controls during the night in neighborhoods 9/22/2022 9:36 PM 12 Fix the intersection at Mamaroneck aven and BPR 9/22/2022 8:09 PM 13 A high quality school system is maintained by not allowing builders to build any more 9/22/2022 6:53 PM residential units in Mamaroneck, none, no more. 14 IMPROVED WIFI/CELL SERVICE... ESPECIALLY NEAR SCHOOLS! 9/19/2022 4:09 PM 15 Removal of "scary lady" mural on Palmer& Chatsworth 9/19/2022 11:55 AM 16 wifi in town!! 9/19/2022 11:37 AM 17 Larchmont is a wonderful place to raise a family. All of the elements that make it so(good 9/13/2022 8:48 PM schools, strong services)should be supported and sustained 18 Please provide Spanish-speaking and financial aid support for low income and Latino families 9/9/2022 3:27 PM in our community 19 Noise pollution -very bad! Motorcycles no mufflers at Larchmont Station underpass at Rt 8/30/2022 9:36 PM 95/tunnel 20 No more money to police -invest in community services, programs for youth, and supportive 8/30/2022 2:11 PM services for the housing insecure, seniors, and immigrants 21 proactive communication of community svc offerings to residents 8/23/2022 2:54 PM 22 I could retire if I had$1 for every car I saw run the stop sign at Larchmont&Vanderburgh 8/16/2022 12:16 PM 23 Merge three police departments into a single department. 8/16/2022 7:31 AM 24 Safety should be a priority. There should be routine rounds by fire dept and police of the 8/10/2022 3:22 PM surrounding areas as a means to control loitering, trespassing and fire and flood risks.he areas. 25 Our community needs to stop being a sanctuary for illegal migrants. Need to make our 8/7/2022 11:04 AM neighborhood desirable for the honest and hard working tax payers who are the only ones who will keep this town afloat. 26 Concerned with "preservation of neighborhood safety" as a leading/coded question here; same 8/5/2022 11:53 AM with "continuation of access to a high quality school system"-these "needs" seem to imply that current quality of life is potentially under threat? 31 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 27 Improve dangerously non-existent cell and wifi service in schools and around Town. 7/29/2022 11:03 PM 28 Just ONE language ENGLISH 7/29/2022 7:40 PM 29 My son went through the schools here. They are not as good as people say, unfortunately. If 7/29/2022 9:35 AM you are a mainstream learner, fine. But the truth is people with money who can afford a private psychologist demand services, which maxes out the resources, so school officials are reluctant to help students unless their families know the exact legal language to insist on evaluation. I regret that I learned that too late. I asked for evaluation repeatedly and was told my son did not need it, from 2nd grade to 10th grade. Every year. They said he was lazy and didn't care. Finally he became so frustrated that he was suicidal, and we brought him to the hospital where he was diagnosed with ADHD, treated, and it got better. I trusted the school with my son. I trusted the experts who assured me they knew better. All that pain was unnecessary because the district is slow to evaluate students. Why not do a baseline eval of all students? 30 Over population is your greatest enemy. At some point education suffers and becomes 7/29/2022 6:12 AM unmanageable. Ensure education is not diminished with work policies that are nonsensical in nature and supported by a small minority 31 work within the existing budget. No new taxes and fees! 7/28/2022 5:44 PM 32 High speed Internet access for Mamaroneck Free Union School District 7/28/2022 5:19 PM 33 Safety and schools 7/26/2022 8:55 AM 34 Trees and landscaping 7/25/2022 5:48 PM 35 Internet and mobile services are poor. Fines for companies that underperform. Optimum for 7/25/2022 7:53 AM example. 36 NO POLITICAL AGENDAS IN SCHOOL. Keep it to reading, writing, math, soc studies, art, 7/24/2022 2:20 PM music., tech, etc.. 37 More electric car chargers for apartment residences 7/24/2022 11:42 AM 38 Larchmont is unique in its walkability. We need to boost and boast about this. 7/24/2022 10:51 AM 39 trees = shade = combat climate change = birds = community = getting back character 7/22/2022 3:59 PM 40 Have utilities clean up and remove hanging wires/cables from utility poles. Better 7/22/2022 3:43 PM communication to get State& Utilities to fix problems 41 Voting in schools not garbage dumps 7/22/2022 10:16 AM 42 More community oriented police, firefighter, local officials meet ups 7/21/2022 8:41 PM 43 Reduction in cost of schools. Remove overhead and focus programs 7/21/2022 1:58 PM 44 Cell phone coverage in the Town (and Village) is abysmal 7/21/2022 11:43 AM 45 Hi, there wasn't a space to recommend consolidation of the 3 municipalities, which I 7/21/2022 8:53 AM recommend wherever possible 46 Lobby Albany to end the disastrous pro-criminal laws that have lead to increase in crime. 7/21/2022 7:05 AM Publish crime stats &solve rates. 47 Increase in publuc participation in civic and community groups; outreach for immigrant new 7/20/2022 10:09 PM dwellers 48 pick up garbage from the house 7/20/2022 8:42 PM 49 More cooperation and coordination with VoM and VoL. Dissolution of Village governments. 7/20/2022 5:34 PM 50 More resource centers for those in need please! 7/20/2022 3:03 PM 51 Continued use of LMC Media to keep the community connected. 7/19/2022 2:05 PM 52 I don't believe our school system is "high quality"... this is actually not the case at all. Take a 7/19/2022 10:17 AM look at the school ratings - not even ONE mamaroneck school makes it above a 7. And if you ask parents what they really think.. you will hear an earful of negativity. Time to stop focusing 32 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey efforts on politically driven nonsense (like a lot of what is mentioned in this survey) and focus on improving EDUCATION. Not politics... EDUCATION. 53 Engagement of all sectors of community in decision making 7/19/2022 9:27 AM 54 The"Indian" head savage symbol has to go. 7/19/2022 7:31 AM 55 More police enforcing traffic violations, full stops, running red lights, speeding. Improve safety 7/18/2022 3:52 PM by mitigating stormwater flooding 56 Monitor food quality served in Saints John and Paul School. Even its a private school, it is 7/18/2022 3:38 PM technically under supervision of TOM. Their food for kids are super UNHEALTHY! Public school menu is waaay better. Please intervene for those poor(unhealthily fed) kids of SJP. 33 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey Q7 Name (optional) Answered: 178 Skipped: 563 # RESPONSES DATE 1 Evan Pasqua 10/6/2022 11:53 AM 2 Dominick Pagnozzi 10/3/2022 12:39 PM 3 Ian Swainson 10/3/2022 8:53 AM 4 Elisa Strauss 10/2/2022 5:54 PM 5 Aileen and Jean-Pierre Jabart 10/1/2022 12:43 PM 6 Sachin bansal 9/30/2022 4:26 PM 7 Arleen Silverman 9/30/2022 3:35 PM 8 Greg 9/29/2022 10:55 PM 9 Karin Weisburgh 9/28/2022 4:38 PM 10 Emmanuel Debuyck 9/28/2022 4:24 PM 11 David A Katz 9/28/2022 3:49 PM 12 Mary Schwartz 9/23/2022 5:05 PM 13 Douglas London 9/23/2022 12:57 PM 14 Anita Levy 9/23/2022 12:36 PM 15 Lisa Carino 9/23/2022 11:48 AM 16 Paul C Anderson 9/23/2022 11:18 AM 17 Jonathan D Sacks 9/23/2022 9:24 AM 18 Dominique Maury 9/23/2022 8:45 AM 19 Rosemary Bernard 9/23/2022 7:39 AM 20 David Birch 9/22/2022 10:58 PM 21 Stephen Mathews 9/22/2022 8:20 PM 22 Rachel Erfe 9/22/2022 7:44 PM 23 Liz Orgel 9/22/2022 7:13 PM 24 Jan Hrimm 9/22/2022 6:43 PM 25 Allen G Reiter 9/22/2022 6:30 PM 26 Judy O'Gorman 9/22/2022 6:18 PM 27 Nancy Pierson 9/22/2022 6:08 PM 28 Jan Northrup 9/22/2022 6:03 PM 29 David Viscomi 9/22/2022 5:59 PM 30 Sabra Salzarulo 9/22/2022 5:58 PM 31 Julianne 9/22/2022 5:58 PM 32 Gina Proia 9/19/2022 4:09 PM 33 George Roniger 9/18/2022 5:31 PM 34/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 34 Mr. Rabadi 9/18/2022 5:16 PM 35 Lucas Bejar 9/15/2022 12:47 PM 36 Judy Caputo 9/13/2022 8:48 PM 37 Gavin E Sneyd 9/12/2022 9:52 AM 38 Robert K Novich 9/11/2022 1:59 PM 39 Kelley Remole 9/10/2022 7:30 PM 40 Helen Gurny 9/10/2022 3:19 PM 41 Marc gurny 9/10/2022 8:34 AM 42 Suzanne Tecza 9/9/2022 4:24 PM 43 Christine 9/6/2022 8:38 AM 44 Arthur Washington 9/1/2022 1:58 PM 45 Brendan McSherry 8/31/2022 6:04 PM 46 Bob Herbst 8/31/2022 11:34 AM 47 Elizabeth Rosenthal 8/30/2022 9:50 PM 48 Jennifer Fischman 8/30/2022 5:23 PM 49 Kara Vicinelli 8/30/2022 5:00 PM 50 Armen Nishanian 8/25/2022 5:11 PM 51 Ted and Margaret Shultz 8/25/2022 4:12 PM 52 Theodore Weitz 8/22/2022 5:37 PM 53 Irene Wong 8/21/2022 12:53 AM 54 John Butler 8/19/2022 9:54 AM 55 Peter Blunck 8/19/2022 8:53 AM 56 Richard Hecht 8/18/2022 11:11 AM 57 Patrick A MacArdle 8/16/2022 7:31 AM 58 Maya MacArdle 8/15/2022 8:22 PM 59 John Marino 8/15/2022 12:02 PM 60 Jorge Del Rio 8/14/2022 11:34 AM 61 CAROLYN CHUBET 8/13/2022 11:20 AM 62 PJ O'Shea 8/11/2022 4:00 PM 63 Nancy S McGarr 8/11/2022 2:11 PM 64 Christopher& Brenda Fathers 8/11/2022 11:14 AM 65 Steve and Karen Bonaparte 8/10/2022 9:30 PM 66 Arthur and Augusta Marchiano 8/10/2022 9:20 AM 67 Nadine Greco 8/10/2022 8:46 AM 68 jill banister 8/10/2022 7:41 AM 69 Jessica Meis 8/9/2022 4:57 PM 70 Sari &James Berliner 8/9/2022 2:02 PM 71 The sinking ship is Mamaroneck 8/7/2022 11:04 AM 35 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 72 A concerned resident 8/7/2022 10:52 AM 73 Melissa Kaplan-Macey 8/5/2022 11:53 AM 74 Carl Tortorella 8/4/2022 8:32 AM 75 Sean Brennan 8/3/2022 8:35 PM 76 Maureen McEvily 8/3/2022 12:04 PM 77 Christie Philbrick-Wheaton 8/2/2022 11:18 AM 78 K M 7/31/2022 9:22 PM 79 James Devitt 7/30/2022 10:08 AM 80 Frank Clemens 7/29/2022 7:40 PM 81 Henry Godfrey 7/29/2022 4:45 PM 82 Laura Wertkin 7/29/2022 12:33 PM 83 Paul McTigue 7/29/2022 10:50 AM 84 Kathrine Varnes 7/29/2022 9:35 AM 85 Regan 7/29/2022 9:30 AM 86 Darren Moss 7/29/2022 9:11 AM 87 Cody Blume 7/28/2022 7:48 PM 88 Leslie Meyer 7/28/2022 6:21 PM 89 Nancy Joselson 7/28/2022 5:44 PM 90 Charles Jordan 7/28/2022 1:37 PM 91 Tammy Gamerman 7/28/2022 10:11 AM 92 Dustin Batson 7/27/2022 12:27 PM 93 L Zimbaldi 7/27/2022 1:56 AM 94 Ben Hamilton 7/26/2022 3:31 PM 95 Leslie Clifford 7/26/2022 3:23 PM 96 Marcia Jaeger 7/26/2022 12:12 AM 97 Caroline Vance 7/25/2022 9:07 PM 98 Olaf Thorp 7/25/2022 8:18 AM 99 Jane Hoffman 7/24/2022 11:46 PM 100 Sue Bonadonna 7/24/2022 5:12 PM 101 Ronald TumSuden 7/24/2022 2:20 PM 102 Richard Cherry 7/24/2022 11:42 AM 103 Jennifer Bourdain 7/24/2022 10:51 AM 104 David A Abramson 7/23/2022 10:00 PM 105 Carl Nathan 7/23/2022 4:44 PM 106 Kevin Crowe 7/22/2022 8:45 PM 107 Christine Gregg 7/22/2022 5:10 PM 108 Georgia Jesse 7/22/2022 3:26 PM 109 Richard Williams 7/22/2022 12:44 PM 36/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 110 Allison Belolan 7/22/2022 12:40 PM 111 Sharon 7/22/2022 11:52 AM 112 Fabrizio Fiera 7/22/2022 11:18 AM 113 Barbara Spelman 7/22/2022 10:55 AM 114 Carol Wolf 7/22/2022 10:54 AM 115 Thomas Prigoda 7/22/2022 10:41 AM 116 Rachel Goldman 7/22/2022 10:25 AM 117 Ed Merians 7/22/2022 10:16 AM 118 Stephen Abraham 7/22/2022 10:15 AM 119 Debra Whitman 7/21/2022 8:41 PM 120 frank d. pierson 7/21/2022 12:32 PM 121 Ovidio Bacallao 7/21/2022 11:11 AM 122 Judy Herbst 7/21/2022 9:22 AM 123 Jason Rosin 7/21/2022 9:18 AM 124 Sarah Coady 7/21/2022 9:06 AM 125 Karin weisburgh 7/21/2022 8:10 AM 126 Sarah Chang 7/21/2022 7:53 AM 127 Jack Demasi 7/21/2022 7:38 AM 128 Fran Galasso 7/21/2022 3:20 AM 129 Phil Oldham 7/20/2022 11:21 PM 130 L Thaul 7/20/2022 10:09 PM 131 Margherita Prestopino 7/20/2022 9:57 PM 132 Darcy Timaru 7/20/2022 9:39 PM 133 Michele Lewis 7/20/2022 9:30 PM 134 Lauren Gaines 7/20/2022 7:58 PM 135 Ilan Weingarten 7/20/2022 7:18 PM 136 John 7/20/2022 5:35 PM 137 Ann Goode 7/20/2022 5:34 PM 138 Thomas Leissl 7/20/2022 5:26 PM 139 Leslie Lan 7/20/2022 5:15 PM 140 Ted Hecht 7/20/2022 5:14 PM 141 Angelika Leissl 7/20/2022 5:09 PM 142 Ken Padgett 7/20/2022 12:32 PM 143 Ignacio Urtubi 7/20/2022 9:57 AM 144 DEE KLEIN 7/20/2022 9:47 AM 145 Jeanne Kiernan 7/19/2022 8:10 PM 146 Sean McCarthy 7/19/2022 5:04 PM 147 EEvelyn Walker 7/19/2022 3:10 PM 37 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 148 Ann Betkowski 7/19/2022 1:08 PM 149 Eleanor Cotter 7/19/2022 9:27 AM 150 Nick Balamaci 7/19/2022 8:47 AM 151 Debra Borenstein 7/19/2022 8:21 AM 152 Stacy Brandom 7/19/2022 7:31 AM 153 Brian Benvenisty 7/19/2022 7:01 AM 154 fleury 7/19/2022 1:50 AM 155 David Viscomi 7/19/2022 1:08 AM 156 arnold roth 7/18/2022 10:54 PM 157 Lynn Reichgott 7/18/2022 9:12 PM 158 Barbara Spiridon 7/18/2022 9:11 PM 159 Deirdre Littauer 7/18/2022 8:16 PM 160 Ann Starrett 7/18/2022 7:41 PM 161 David Birch 7/18/2022 6:58 PM 162 Stephen Mathews 7/18/2022 6:35 PM 163 Matthew Westermann 7/18/2022 6:18 PM 164 George Purcell 7/18/2022 5:49 PM 165 Brendan Keefe 7/18/2022 5:45 PM 166 Christiane Janssen 7/18/2022 5:37 PM 167 Alissa Wilson 7/18/2022 5:34 PM 168 Alberto Fischbein 7/18/2022 5:25 PM 169 Monica Trujillo 7/18/2022 4:49 PM 170 AnnMarie Nunez 7/18/2022 4:19 PM 171 David Silverstone 7/18/2022 4:13 PM 172 Carol Campili 7/18/2022 4:00 PM 173 Lynn Maffei 7/18/2022 3:56 PM 174 Lisa Young 7/18/2022 3:55 PM 175 Eugenie Sullivan 7/18/2022 3:54 PM 176 Susan Spater 7/18/2022 3:47 PM 177 Sarah Dillon 7/18/2022 3:41 PM 178 Jim 7/18/2022 3:39 PM 38/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey Q8 Where in the Unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck do you live? (insert street address)(optional) Answered: 339 Skipped: 402 # RESPONSES DATE 1 1 Boulder Rd Larchmont 10/6/2022 11:53 AM 2 35 N w 10/3/2022 3:14 PM 3 Manor 10/3/2022 2:43 PM 4 Mckenna PI 10/3/2022 12:39 PM 5 1 E Brookside Drive 10/3/2022 8:53 AM 6 Maple Hill Drive 10/1/2022 12:43 PM 7 Myrtle Blvd. 9/30/2022 9:13 PM 8 Larchmont 9/30/2022 4:26 PM 9 304 fenimore rd 9/30/2022 3:35 PM 10 Vine Road 9/30/2022 1:41 PM 11 Edgewood Avenue 9/30/2022 12:17 AM 12 Harrison Dr 9/29/2022 7:26 PM 13 88 Hickory Grove Dr W 9/29/2022 4:22 PM 14 Larchmont Gardens 9/29/2022 1:52 PM 15 2 Boulder Brae Lane 9/28/2022 4:38 PM 16 The parkway/Shore Acres village of MMK 9/28/2022 4:24 PM 17 1 Knollwood Drive 9/28/2022 3:49 PM 18 Maple Hill Dr. 9/28/2022 3:46 PM 19 Boulder Rd 9/24/2022 12:49 PM 20 Palmer ave 9/24/2022 1:07 AM 21 Dundee Road 9/23/2022 5:18 PM 22 Larchmont village 9/23/2022 5:12 PM 23 3 Washington Square, Larchmont 9/23/2022 5:05 PM 24 15 Myrtle Blvd 9/23/2022 12:57 PM 25 35 Ellsworth Road 9/23/2022 12:36 PM 26 212 Richbell Road 9/23/2022 11:48 AM 27 42 Maple Hill Dr. 9/23/2022 11:18 AM 28 Larchmont Gardens 9/23/2022 11:15 AM 29 Harbor Heights, Vil of Mamarineck 9/23/2022 9:33 AM 30 Mamaroneck Strip 9/23/2022 9:24 AM 31 Myrtle Blvd 9/23/2022 8:49 AM 39/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 32 Protano Lane 9/23/2022 8:45 AM 33 Village of Larchmont 9/23/2022 8:20 AM 34 Chester place 9/23/2022 7:39 AM 35 67 Edgewood Ave. 9/22/2022 10:58 PM 36 141 North Chatsworth Avenue 9/22/2022 8:20 PM 37 Larchmont Gardens 9/22/2022 8:08 PM 38 Copley Road 9/22/2022 7:44 PM 39 Murray Avenue 9/22/2022 7:34 PM 40 454 Weaver St 9/22/2022 7:13 PM 41 6 Locust terrsce 9/22/2022 7:06 PM 42 Oriente avenue 9/22/2022 6:43 PM 43 677 Forest Avenue 9/22/2022 6:30 PM 44 Near Murray School 9/22/2022 6:28 PM 45 10 Oak Bluff Ave Larchmont, NY 9/22/2022 6:18 PM 46 Weaver Street 9/22/2022 6:09 PM 47 12 Country Club Dr 9/22/2022 6:08 PM 48 Richbell Road 9/22/2022 6:06 PM 49 80 North Chatsworth Ave 9/22/2022 6:03 PM 50 286 Rockingstone Ave 9/22/2022 5:59 PM 51 Larchmont acres larchmont ny 9/22/2022 5:58 PM 52 Harmon dr 9/22/2022 5:58 PM 53 9 Overlook Terrace, Larchmont 9/19/2022 4:09 PM 54 37 Myrtle Blvd, Larchmont, NY 10538 9/19/2022 11:14 AM 55 Stoneyside Dr. 9/18/2022 5:31 PM 56 Fenimore Rd. 9/18/2022 5:22 PM 57 Fenimore Road area. 9/18/2022 5:16 PM 58 9 Lundy Lane 9/15/2022 12:47 PM 59 664 Forest Ave 9/13/2022 8:48 PM 60 I live in the Village of Larchmont but am completing because many of the services are shared 9/13/2022 5:26 PM services and impact both communities. 61 9 hidden green lane LARCHMONT ny 10538 9/12/2022 11:12 PM 62 Lundy Lane 9/12/2022 10:17 PM 63 Larchmont Village 9/12/2022 8:59 PM 64 Village of Larchmont 9/12/2022 8:56 PM 65 60 Chatsworth Avenue 9/12/2022 9:52 AM 66 Larchmont 9/12/2022 9:49 AM 67 53 Maple hill drive 9/11/2022 1:59 PM 68 Marbourne Drive 9/11/2022 10:49 AM 69 9 Lundy Lane 9/10/2022 7:30 PM 40/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 70 Stonewall Lane 9/10/2022 12:06 PM 71 Fairway Drive 9/10/2022 9:58 AM 72 Fairway Drive 9/10/2022 9:44 AM 73 Stonewall Lane 9/10/2022 9:12 AM 74 22 prince willow 9/10/2022 8:34 AM 75 1 Edgewater Place 9/9/2022 4:24 PM 76 Rockland Ave. 9/6/2022 1:39 PM 77 Rockland Av. 9/6/2022 1:18 PM 78 Byron Lane 9/6/2022 8:09 AM 79 35 N. Chatsworth Ave. Apt., 1E larchmont ny 10538 9/5/2022 6:05 PM 80 35 Chatsworth Avenue 9/2/2022 8:51 AM 81 Briarcliff Road 9/1/2022 1:58 PM 82 Elkan Road 8/31/2022 9:53 PM 83 Howell Park 8/31/2022 11:34 AM 84 Washington Square area 8/30/2022 10:17 PM 85 2 Washington Square 8/30/2022 9:50 PM 86 10 Bryon Place 8/30/2022 9:19 PM 87 2 Country Road 8/30/2022 5:23 PM 88 15 Dante Street 8/30/2022 5:00 PM 89 N Chatsworth 8/30/2022 4:18 PM 90 Orienta 8/30/2022 4:02 PM 91 14 N Chatsworth Ave 8/28/2022 6:45 PM 92 283 Murray Ave, 8/25/2022 5:11 PM 93 Alden Road 8/25/2022 4:12 PM 94 35 North Chatsworth Ave 8/25/2022 2:43 PM 95 35 N Chatsworth Ave. Larchmont NY 10538 8/23/2022 8:41 PM 96 35 N Chatsworth Ave 8/23/2022 2:54 PM 97 35 North Chatsworth 8/22/2022 5:37 PM 98 40 Myrtle Blvd. 8/21/2022 12:53 AM 99 West Garden Road 8/19/2022 9:54 AM 100 Myrtle Blvd 8/19/2022 8:53 AM 101 10 Byron Place 8/18/2022 3:20 PM 102 10 Byron Place 8/18/2022 11:11 AM 103 62 Myrtle 8/16/2022 7:31 AM 104 62 Myrtle Blvd Larchmont, NY 10538 8/15/2022 8:22 PM 105 Maple Hill Dr 8/15/2022 12:02 PM 106 47 MYRTLE BLVD 8/14/2022 11:34 AM 107 N CHATSWORTH AVE 8/13/2022 11:20 AM 41 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 108 14 N Chatsworth Ave 8/11/2022 4:00 PM 109 Currently: 16 north avenue, apt 211; formerly 36 Kane Ave Larchmont 8/11/2022 2:11 PM 110 38 Myrtle Boulevard 8/11/2022 11:14 AM 111 N Chatsworth Ave 8/11/2022 10:02 AM 112 44 Myrtle Blvd. 8/10/2022 9:30 PM 113 Bleeker Ave 8/10/2022 3:22 PM 114 51 Myrtle Blvd Larchmont. NY 10538 8/10/2022 9:20 AM 115 39 Myrtle Blvd 8/10/2022 8:46 AM 116 chatsworth ave apt 8/10/2022 7:41 AM 117 14 North Chatsworth Ave, 8/9/2022 2:02 PM 118 14 North Chatsworth Avenue, Larchmont NY 10538 8/9/2022 1:57 PM 119 Washington Square 8/9/2022 11:03 AM 120 35 N Chatsworth Ave 8/8/2022 3:48 PM 121 Washington Square 8/8/2022 11:27 AM 122 mohegan Road 8/8/2022 9:48 AM 123 Larchmont-Washington Square buildings 8/7/2022 11:04 AM 124 Larchmont-Washington Square area 8/7/2022 10:52 AM 125 North Chatsworth 8/6/2022 12:02 PM 126 North Chatsworth 8/4/2022 3:52 PM 127 35 N Chatsworth Ave apt 2J Larchmont, NY10538 8/4/2022 8:32 AM 128 Marbourne Drive 8/3/2022 12:04 PM 129 Byron place 8/3/2022 7:24 AM 130 101 Edgewood Avenue 8/2/2022 11:18 AM 131 10 Leafy Lane 8/1/2022 12:51 PM 132 Larchmont 8/1/2022 12:46 PM 133 769 Forest Ave 7/31/2022 2:49 PM 134 Rockwood Drive 7/30/2022 9:47 PM 135 N Chatsworth Ave 7/30/2022 1:13 PM 136 16 North Chatsworth Avenue 7/30/2022 11:49 AM 137 16 N Chatsworth Ave, (Larchmont NY 7/30/2022 10:32 AM 138 Dante St. 7/29/2022 11:03 PM 139 89 colonial ave 7/29/2022 7:40 PM 140 16 N Chatsworth Ave 7/29/2022 4:45 PM 141 1134 Palmer Avenue 7/29/2022 12:33 PM 142 Larchmont 7/29/2022 10:59 AM 143 16 Stuyvesant Ave., Larchmont 7/29/2022 10:50 AM 144 Larchmont manner 7/29/2022 10:12 AM 145 11 Alden Road 7/29/2022 9:35 AM 42 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 146 Lundy Lane 7/29/2022 9:30 AM 147 62 Pine Brook Drive, Larchmont 7/29/2022 9:11 AM 148 Lakeside drive 7/29/2022 7:55 AM 149 Country road 7/29/2022 6:12 AM 150 Shores acres 7/29/2022 4:23 AM 151 Myrtle Blvd between Weaver and Lakeside 7/28/2022 9:03 PM 152 Larchmont 7/28/2022 7:51 PM 153 Hall Ave 7/28/2022 7:44 PM 154 216 Melbourne Avenue, Mamaroneck 7/28/2022 6:21 PM 155 5 Leatherstocking Lane 7/28/2022 5:44 PM 156 Lived in Larchmont from 2000-2015 7/28/2022 5:19 PM 157 This is a terribly written survey. Did the town hire a professional to administer it? I want to 7/28/2022 5:13 PM check just about every box. How can you see what people's priorities are without asking them to rank or pick their top 3 and their bottom 3 or some other commonly accepted surveying method?And I do live in Mamk, but not the unincorporated part. This is only for them?Yet it was mailed to me too. 158 680 W. Boston Post Rd 7/28/2022 1:37 PM 159 Birchfield Road 7/28/2022 10:11 AM 160 7 Knollwood Drive 7/27/2022 10:28 PM 161 Glenn Rd 7/27/2022 7:23 PM 162 51 Valley Rd 7/27/2022 12:27 PM 163 410 Toni Lane 7/27/2022 1:56 AM 164 Rye Neck 7/26/2022 7:38 PM 165 North chatsworth avenue 7/26/2022 4:51 PM 166 38 Winged Foot Drive 7/26/2022 3:23 PM 167 Munro Ave 7/26/2022 12:51 PM 168 3 Washington Square, 1E, Larchmont NY 10538 7/26/2022 12:12 AM 169 I live in the Village of Larchmont (45 Rockwood Drive), but my family makes active use of the 7/25/2022 9:07 PM Town of Mamaroneck facilities, whether for camps, recreational activities, or other. 170 N. Chatsworth Avenue 7/25/2022 8:18 AM 171 65 West Brookside Drive 7/24/2022 11:46 PM 172 Lafayette Rd 7/24/2022 5:49 PM 173 8 LAFAYETTE Rd 7/24/2022 5:12 PM 174 11 BRIARCLIFF RD. 7/24/2022 2:20 PM 175 324 Palmer Terrace 7/24/2022 1:42 PM 176 York Road 7/24/2022 12:11 PM 177 1 Washington Square 7/24/2022 11:42 AM 178 22 Lafayette Road 7/24/2022 10:51 AM 179 larchomont 7/24/2022 9:58 AM 180 Senate Place. Grew up on Brookside Drive. 7/23/2022 10:00 PM 43 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 181 Murray Avenue Flood Zone 7/23/2022 9:08 PM 182 5 Edgewood Avenue 7/23/2022 4:44 PM 183 Madison Avenue, Larchmont 7/23/2022 4:13 PM 184 N. Chatsworth Ave 7/23/2022 10:53 AM 185 Plymouth St. 7/22/2022 8:47 PM 186 65 West Brookside Dr. 7/22/2022 8:45 PM 187 111 Hillside Ave, Fl la 7/22/2022 5:10 PM 188 Knickerbocker 7/22/2022 3:50 PM 189 North end 7/22/2022 3:43 PM 190 17 North Chatsworth Ave. 7/22/2022 3:26 PM 191 Boston Post Rd 7/22/2022 1:59 PM 192 west Drive 7/22/2022 1:31 PM 193 Dante St 7/22/2022 1:13 PM 194 21 N. Chatsworth Avenue 7/22/2022 12:44 PM 195 1 Bruce Road 7/22/2022 12:40 PM 196 Weaver St 7/22/2022 12:08 PM 197 Howard Ave 7/22/2022 11:52 AM 198 larchmont village 7/22/2022 11:28 AM 199 330 Maple Ave 7/22/2022 11:27 AM 200 Hillside road 7/22/2022 11:03 AM 201 42 Pine Ridge Road. Lived on Mulberry Lane for 30 years and Murray Avenue for 8. 7/22/2022 10:55 AM 202 21 N CHatsworth Ave 7/22/2022 10:54 AM 203 78 Edgewood Ave 7/22/2022 10:41 AM 204 Maple Hill Drive 7/22/2022 10:30 AM 205 43 Edgewood Ave 7/22/2022 10:25 AM 206 Murray Avenue 7/22/2022 10:24 AM 207 Larchmont Village 7/22/2022 10:21 AM 208 Country Club Drive 7/22/2022 10:16 AM 209 5 Wagon Wheel Rd 7/22/2022 10:15 AM 210 Myrtle Blvd 7/22/2022 9:24 AM 211 Stoneyside Drive 7/22/2022 9:10 AM 212 Myrtle blvd 7/22/2022 12:10 AM 213 ROCKLAND AVE 7/21/2022 8:48 PM 214 158 Rockingstone Ave 7/21/2022 8:41 PM 215 Orchard Road 7/21/2022 4:22 PM 216 14 Myrtle Blvd 7/21/2022 2:14 PM 217 Avon Road 7/21/2022 12:34 PM 218 12 country club dr 7/21/2022 12:32 PM 44/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 219 1251 Palmer Ave 7/21/2022 11:43 AM 220 110 North Chatsworth Avenue 7/21/2022 11:11 AM 221 76 North Chatsworth Ave 7/21/2022 9:22 AM 222 N. Chatsworth Ave near Fern Road (which apparently was named after a pond which was once 7/21/2022 9:22 AM there and had ferns on it.)We were hit VERY hard w/ Ida. I have every flood mitigation option in my house and was told the only thing I need to do is pick it up and take it up the hill. (My next door neighbor is a little elevated in comparison and gets no ground water.) I had 3'of muck in my basement. Needed to replace everything. Thought we were safe for the last 12-14 years due to drainage on Murray. Need more of that soon. Would like to stay here for a few more years but can't live through that again. 223 North Chatsworth Avenue 7/21/2022 9:21 AM 224 Leatherstocking Ln 7/21/2022 9:18 AM 225 Prospect Ave 7/21/2022 9:16 AM 226 43 Mohegan Rd, Larchmont 7/21/2022 9:06 AM 227 2 boulder Brae lane 7/21/2022 8:10 AM 228 25 Mohegan Rd 7/21/2022 7:53 AM 229 1045 Palmer Avenue 7/21/2022 7:53 AM 230 10 Lafayette road 7/21/2022 7:51 AM 231 Overlook Terrace 7/21/2022 7:50 AM 232 Village of Mamaroneck 7/21/2022 7:48 AM 233 66 E Brookside Dr 7/21/2022 7:38 AM 234 Plymouth rd 7/21/2022 7:27 AM 235 1327 Birch Hill Lane, Mamaroneck, NY 7/21/2022 3:20 AM 236 Larchmont -81 Pine Brook Drive 7/20/2022 11:21 PM 237 Locust Ridge Road 7/20/2022 11:01 PM 238 10 Byron Place 7/20/2022 10:39 PM 239 Palmer Terrace 7/20/2022 10:19 PM 240 West Garden Road 7/20/2022 10:09 PM 241 1444 Boston Post Road 7/20/2022 9:57 PM 242 Richbell rd 7/20/2022 9:47 PM 243 S Ridge Rd 7/20/2022 9:39 PM 244 656 forest Ave 7/20/2022 9:39 PM 245 11 Hawthorne Rd. , Larchmont (Howell Park) 7/20/2022 9:30 PM 246 50 Clover St 7/20/2022 7:58 PM 247 14 wagon wheel road 7/20/2022 7:23 PM 248 Briarcliff road 7/20/2022 7:18 PM 249 Larchmont 7/20/2022 5:49 PM 250 Howell park 7/20/2022 5:45 PM 251 1440 boston post rd 7/20/2022 5:35 PM 252 Jason Lane 7/20/2022 5:34 PM 253 4 Larch Ln 7/20/2022 5:26 PM 45 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 254 679 Forest Ave. 7/20/2022 5:14 PM 255 4 Larch Lane 7/20/2022 5:09 PM 256 100 Hickory Grove Dr W 7/20/2022 4:44 PM 257 200 Waverly Ave 7/20/2022 3:03 PM 258 Marbourne drive 7/20/2022 12:44 PM 259 Country Club Drive 7/20/2022 12:32 PM 260 162 W Brookside Dr, Larchmont, NY 7/20/2022 9:57 AM 261 73 Harmon Drive 7/20/2022 9:47 AM 262 10 Byron PI. 7/19/2022 10:41 PM 263 South Drive 7/19/2022 9:12 PM 264 10 Woody Lane 7/19/2022 8:10 PM 265 83 Valley Road 7/19/2022 5:04 PM 266 14 Lafayette Rd 7/19/2022 3:10 PM 267 N. Chatsworth Ave 7/19/2022 1:17 PM 268 413 Larchmont Acres 7/19/2022 1:08 PM 269 Weaver Street/Palmer Ae 7/19/2022 10:20 AM 270 apartment house 7/19/2022 10:05 AM 271 11 Birch Lane Larchmont 10538 7/19/2022 9:29 AM 272 9 Maple Hill Drive 7/19/2022 9:27 AM 273 454 Weaver St. 7/19/2022 8:48 AM 274 10 Byron Place 7/19/2022 8:47 AM 275 10 Byron Place 7/19/2022 8:21 AM 276 14 n chatsworth 7/19/2022 7:31 AM 277 14 Bonnie Way 7/19/2022 7:01 AM 278 skibo lane 7/19/2022 1:50 AM 279 286 Rockingstone Ave 7/19/2022 1:08 AM 280 Orsini Drive 7/18/2022 10:57 PM 281 11 rochelle road 7/18/2022 10:54 PM 282 Wildwood Road 7/18/2022 9:13 PM 283 Washington Square 7/18/2022 9:12 PM 284 20 Little Farms Rd 7/18/2022 9:11 PM 285 3 Washington Square 7/18/2022 8:16 PM 286 5 Edgewood Ave 7/18/2022 7:54 PM 287 241 Rockingstone Ave 7/18/2022 7:41 PM 288 Larchmont Gardens 7/18/2022 7:38 PM 289 67 Edgewood Ave. 7/18/2022 6:58 PM 290 141 North Chatsworth Avenue 7/18/2022 6:35 PM 291 village of Mamaroneck 7/18/2022 6:29 PM 46/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 292 123 Mamaroneck Avenue Apt 200 7/18/2022 6:18 PM 293 Larchmont Acres 7/18/2022 6:07 PM 294 1403 Raleigh Rd 7/18/2022 5:49 PM 295 Florence St, Mamaroneck, NY 7/18/2022 5:45 PM 296 6 Jason Lane 7/18/2022 5:37 PM 297 Larchmont Village 47 Pine Brook Drive 7/18/2022 5:34 PM 298 3 Washington SQ 7/18/2022 5:25 PM 299 Rye Neck 7/18/2022 5:14 PM 300 Elkan Road 7/18/2022 5:11 PM 301 1222 Palmer Ave Larchmont 7/18/2022 4:54 PM 302 Campbell Ln 7/18/2022 4:50 PM 303 18 Winthrop Avenue 7/18/2022 4:49 PM 304 Larchmont Gardens 7/18/2022 4:48 PM 305 Sackett dr 7/18/2022 4:47 PM 306 Rockland Avenue 7/18/2022 4:39 PM 307 Harbor Heights 7/18/2022 4:35 PM 308 22 Doris Road 7/18/2022 4:23 PM 309 Carleon Ave 7/18/2022 4:21 PM 310 7 Harrison Drive 7/18/2022 4:19 PM 311 7 Hilltop Road 7/18/2022 4:14 PM 312 Harold Street 7/18/2022 4:13 PM 313 25 Pine Ridge Rd. 7/18/2022 4:13 PM 314 Larchmont 7/18/2022 4:13 PM 315 Palmer Terrace 7/18/2022 4:10 PM 316 Lundy Lane 7/18/2022 4:07 PM 317 911 Fairway Lane 7/18/2022 4:00 PM 318 Dillon Road 7/18/2022 3:59 PM 319 Village of Larchmont 7/18/2022 3:58 PM 320 Briarcliff road 7/18/2022 3:56 PM 321 Chatsworth Gardens 7/18/2022 3:55 PM 322 21 N Chatsworth 7/18/2022 3:54 PM 323 Maple Hill Drive 7/18/2022 3:53 PM 324 Washington Square neighborhood 7/18/2022 3:52 PM 325 N Chatsworth 7/18/2022 3:51 PM 326 Old White Plains Road 7/18/2022 3:50 PM 327 101 Sheldrake Place, Mamaroneck, NY 7/18/2022 3:50 PM 328 19 Mountain Avenue Larchmont 7/18/2022 3:47 PM 329 Rockridge Road 7/18/2022 3:46 PM 47 /49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey 330 Deane place 17 7/18/2022 3:44 PM 331 Oxford Road 7/18/2022 3:42 PM 332 W Brookside Dr 7/18/2022 3:41 PM 333 11 Spruce Road 7/18/2022 3:41 PM 334 AVON 7/18/2022 3:39 PM 335 Hickory Grove Drive West 7/18/2022 3:38 PM 336 Stoneyside drive 7/18/2022 3:36 PM 337 Waverly 7/18/2022 3:35 PM 338 Byron Lane 7/18/2022 3:35 PM 339 Rockingstone Avenue 7/18/2022 3:35 PM 48/49 Together Our Mamaroneck: Community Needs Survey Q9 How long have you lived in the Unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck? Less than 5 years 5 to 10 years 10 to 20 years more than 20 years 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES less than 5 years 15.67% 105 5 to 10 years 17.16% 115 10 to 20 years 22.99% 154 more than 20 years 44.18% 296 TOTAL 670 49/49