HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024_06_26 Town Board Minutes o
_ ��9_1_ Town of Mamaroneck
// Town Board Minutes
m Wednesday, June 26, 2024, Courtroom, Second Floor of
n Town Center 5:00 PM
PRESENT: Jaine Elkind Eney, Town Supervisor
Sabrina Fiddelman, Councilmember
Jeffery L. King, Councilmember
Robin Nichinsky, Councilmember
ABSENT: Anant Nambiar, Councilmember
ALSO PRESENT: Allison May, Town Clerk
Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
William Maker Jr., Town Attorney
Tracy Yogman, Town Comptroller
Robert P. Wasp, Town Engineer
Marc Romero, Assistant to the Town Administrator
The Work Session of the Town Board was called to order by Town Supervisor Elkind Eney.
Moved by Councilmember Nichinsky, seconded by Councilmember Fiddelman, the Work
Session unanimously opened at 5:04 p.m.
1. Out of Order - Discussion of the 'Update on Portions of Section 274-a (8) of the
New York Town Law in the Town of Mamaroneck' Law
Ralph Engel was in attendance, on behalf of the Planning Board, to participate in the
development of this law with the Town Board. The Board discussed with Mr. Engel
that when a Planning Board application requires a more extensive review and
additional documents are requested, the 62-day clock does not start to run until the
application is completed. When an applicant is asked for additional information or
missing items, then the clock restarts again. When a complete and final application is
turned in, and the Planning Board begins internal deliberations, then the clock starts
ticking for the hearing. During a more extensive review, for example, the Planning
Board should give a determination or notice to the applicant when their application is
complete. Otherwise, the applicant should be on notice that their application is not
complete until specific items are provided.
The Board then discussed that if either the Planning Board or an applicant is for some
reason worried about the 62-day requirement for a hearing, then all of the parties may
agree to an extension. If there is no agreement, then the applicant must start over, so
most would therefore agree. Council members did not want to fix a problem that does
not exist. Noting that there is always the option of an extension to extend the date
when the hearing will be held, it was preferred for the 90-day requirement to be
amended only for the summer.
Town Board
June 26, 2024
2. Discussion - 2025 Budget Calendar
The Town Board discussed potential changes to the 2025 Budget Calendar. Town
Supervisor Elkind Eney wanted the Board to set aside 10/21/24 through 11/13/24 for
budget work. The Town Supervisor reminded the group that a key takeaway from last
year was the Town Board's desire for more time to review and discuss the budget
toward the end of the process. Then, the Board noted conflicts with Yom Kippur on
October 12th and several days before and the day of November 2nd. In addition, the
Board requested to add October 22nd and 23rd, in lieu of the 19th and 24th, to conduct
their meetings with various Departments.
3. Discussion - Interim Capital Plan/Budgeting Discussion
Town Engineer Robert Wasp presented the Capital Projects Status. (See Attachment
A.) Administrator Robson noted what happens when the Town add projects midyear.
The Town Administrator agreed to provide a similar status update quarterly on current
projects but requested that the Board avoid calling the Town Engineer. The process
will be for the Board to then address their questions to the Administrator and the
Administrator will consolidate the questions and respond to the Board as a whole.
After reviewing and updating the Town Board on the capital projects, Engineer Wasp
highlighted that Emma Pennella and Carrol Murray have now been working at the
Town for two years. Both have proven capable of steering the Town's large projects,
conducting project meetings, and coordinating field efforts. The Town processed 13
bids last year and have already processed 12 this year -- and it is only June. The
Engineering Department has successfully been putting out bids this year, their
calendar is aggressive, and they are not expecting much of a backlog of
encumbrances. Administrator Robson added there is constant management and
consistent meetings between Administration, the Town Comptroller and the Town
Engineer, particularly on these capital projects and the Town's grants.
Supervisor Elkind Eney said she is still concerned about the Town of Mamaroneck's
level of debt, asking the group how many capital projects do we really need to do?
The Board then discussed the Debt Projection Chart (see Attachment B) and the
Town's main debt concern is the water treatment plant. Comptroller Yogman
highlighted the last chart showing how much debt is for water. See Attachment C.
Comptroller Yogman presented the Five-Year Capital Plan (see Attachment D).
Then, Administrator Robson reviewed items not yet on the current capital plan,
including a one-armed bandit possibly for Sanitation and the possibility of bike lanes.
4. Out of Order - Discussion - 9/11 First Responders Memorial
Supervisor Elkind Eney introduced Matt McCauley and Alan Wilson. Mr. McCauley
presented his extensive experience in the area, including his current legal practice
and work with the County's First Responders' 9/11 Memorial. The Town Board
requested that Town Attorney William Maker, Jr. write up a Town policy on how one
might be included on the Town's 9/11 First Responders' Memorial. Then, the Town
Board discussed setting up a committee for the decision-making. The Town
Supervisor mentioned that earlier today the Town had received the final drawing from
the architect. The memorial will include a flame, basically a lantern on a post. The
Town still needs to figure out the benches.
5. Out of Order -- Proposed WJWW Water Rate Increase
Mr. David Birdsall with Westchester Joint Water Works (WJWW)joined the meeting
via zoom to present a proposed water rate increase to the Town Board. (See
Attachment E.) The Board explained to Mr. Birdsall that the Town cannot bond
against non-specific budget items. The Town Board requested more detailed
information regarding WJWW's capital plan. The Board requested the actual rate
schedule per gallon of the Town versus other surrounding communities. Lastly, the
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Town Board also requested details on both the Joint and Local System Projects. Mr.
Birdsall said if WJWW's knows in advance what the Town's paving projects are, then
WJWW can plan for those areas, so the Town will share its paving plans. Mr. Birdsall
said there will not be much in surplus looking ahead. WJWW has completed
infrastructure projects like the large transmission mains, the UV facilities, and booster
stations over the past few years. It has all be rehabilitation at this point. Mr. Birdsall
said he can look to break the numbers out on their capital plan. Mr. Birdsall explained
that the numbers had increased a bit year on year mostly due to severe supply chain
6. Discussion - Housing Authority - Lease Amendment and Resolution
The resolution includes an error, but the Housing Authority have not had a meeting to
correct the error. The Housing Authority will need to enact a resolution that captures
the changes in terms and requirements. The Town Board agreed to hold off on this
until after the next Housing Authority meeting.
7. Request for Executive Session
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Nichinsky, the
Town Board entered into Executive Session to discuss the proposed
acquisition or sale of property and the employment history of particular
Moved by Councilmember Fiddelman, seconded by Councilmember King, the
Town Board unanimously agreed to resume the Work Session.
8. Updates
Town Engineer Wasp presented an update on the comprehensive drainage
evaluation. Now that we have a report, Engineer Wasp suggested the Town host a
public information meeting to present the study results.
9. Additions to Regular Meeting Agenda
There were no additions.
The Town Board meeting convened in the Courtroom Located on the second floor at the
Town Center. The Public was to view the meeting on cable access television (Optimum 76/
Fios 35) or on LMCMedia.org
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Elkind Eney at
8:38 p.m. Supervisor Elkind Eney noted that the Town Board met for a Work Session
beginning at five o'clock this evening.
Welcome to the June 26, 2024, meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck. The
Town Board met today for a Work Session in Conference Room A, starting at 5:00pm. The
Work Session is open to the public.
As most of you are aware, our community experienced a tragic incident last week when a
little boy and his mom were struck by a school bus while walking to school. There are no
words to describe this horrific accident. Let us all remember that life is fleeting and precious.
Take the extra time to ensure your safety and hug your loved ones.
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Many Murray Avenue School parents have voiced concerns about pedestrian safety along
Colonial Avenue and requested that the Town install a sidewalk along one side of Colonial
from Weaver Street to Murray Avenue. We heard you! In response to your concerns, we
applied for a grant to install the sidewalk as well as associated drainage. On Friday, we
learned that we were awarded a State grant in the amount of$1.2 million for the construction
of the sidewalk. There is a long process between grant award and construction, but we are
on the way.
Speaking of grants, the Town also applied for, and was awarded a $74,000 grant to fund a
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for three locations: Hommocks Road, Boston Post
Road and Pryer Manor Road. This will help us create a Climate resiliency plan to help us
address climate change.
I want to thank the Village of Mamaroneck (VOM) for opening up their dog park to non-
residents of the VOM. This is a service that some of our residents have requested, and I
appreciate the VOM working with us. Please contact the Village for details and for
information on how to sign up.
On June 6, the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, Jeff and I attended the Commander's Dinner. It
was an opportunity to sit around and chat with the many veterans who live in our community.
Not only did they serve our country, but they enrich our community now with their
On June 25, Sabrina and I attended an event for Neighbors For Refugees. NFR is an
organization whose primary focus is on refugee resettlement. Their model is aimed at getting
the new family acclimated to their new home and on the road to self-sufficiency. Our
community is enriched by the many immigrant families that have been able to successfully
settle here through the efforts of this organization.
Next week is July 4. In celebration of that, this Friday, June 28 at 7:00 is the Annual VOM
Firefighter's Parade in the Village of Mamaroneck. It is one of my favorite parades all year!
In observance of the Holiday, the Town offices will be closed on July 4 and there will be no
sanitation services that day.
I want congratulate George Latimer and Susan Cacace for winning their primaries yesterday.
We look forward to working with them in the future.
1. Out of Order - "Overnight Parking on Parkland Avenue and Edgewater Place"
The following Notice of Public Hearing is entered into the record as follows:
LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of
the State of New York, a Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at
8:00 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible, to consider the "Overnight Parking on
Parkland Avenue and Edgewater Place" Law, at the Town Center, 740 W. Boston
Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York.
The purpose of this law is to adopt the police department's recommendation that
overnight parking be allowed on Parkland Avenue and Edgewater Place.
You may also view the meeting on local municipal access television (Cablevision 75,
76, 77 or Verizon 34, 35, 36) or on LMC Media's website, https://lmcmedia.org/.
Town Board
June 26, 2024
The full text of this document can be viewed on the Town's website,
https://www.townofmamaroneckny.org/calendar.aspx, or by calling the Town Clerk's
Office at 914-381-7870, for a mailed copy.
Published: June 12, 2024
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Nichinsky
the Public Hearing was unanimously opened.
Suzanne Techs, lives on the corner of 1 Edgewater Place. There are six homes on
the block. Said she is not alone in not wanting this to happen. Passed the Board
photos of people who store their boat trailers year-round on the block. (See
Attachment F.) Noted they are a very small block with four children that live on that
block alone with a disability. The only place for those children to play is on that street.
She would like to pull up in front of her house and unload her groceries. She really
does not want to live in an urban environment, rather she left an urban environment to
come and live in the Town where it is more peaceful. Does not understand why this
law was proposed and is hopeful that the Board does not approve it. She then
thanked the Board.
Administrator Robson addressed the public. First, on the trailer, we have had some
internal conversations about how to deal with trailers on Town streets. We are not
there yet, but we are having internal conversations to address the issue. Second, this
law addressing parking on Edgewater was the result of a Traffic Committee meeting.
It was recommended by the Traffic Committee.
Suzanne Tech returned to the podium to clarify that there are 6 houses on Edgewater,
four having driveways and two that do not have driveways. Across the street, there
are two houses, but it is the side of those houses that face Edgewater (not the front or
back). One of those houses have two driveways and the other house has three
driveways. Nobody actually living on Edgewater needs additional parking except the
two houses next-door and that is who the street parking is for. Who are we
accommodating? Why do we need to have parking on our side too? Who does it
Councilmember Fiddelman clarified that there is parking on one side and that would
continue to be the case. The Town is simply formalizing overnight parking on the one
side, that already had signs that it is allowed. A request was made to the Traffic
Committee to make it official and correct the existing condition. The goal is simply to
continue to allow parking on one side and to legally permit an existing condition.
Ms. Tech agreed that as long as the Board was not proposing to allow overnight
parking on the side in front of her house, she is fine with the new law.
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Fiddelman,
the Public Hearing was unanimously closed.
Moved by Councilmember Fiddelman, seconded by Councilmember King,
the following Local law was approved.
Town Board
June 26, 2024
2. Out of Order - "Supersession of Portions of Section 274-a (8) of the New York
Town Law in the Town of Mamaroneck" Law
The following Notice of Public Hearing is entered into the record as follows:
LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of
the State of New York, a Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at
8:00 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible, to consider the "Supersession of
Portions of Section 274-a (8) of the New York Town Law in the Town of Mamaroneck"
Law, at the Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York.
The Town Board concludes that increasing the period within which the Planning
Board must act upon a site plan application from sixty-two days to ninety days will
avoid the failure of the Planning Board to act upon a site plan application due to
summer schedules or the lack of a quorum. Expending the timeline by less than thirty
days will not lead to an inordinate delay in processing site plan applications.
You may also view the meeting on local municipal access television (Cablevision 75,
76, 77 or Verizon 34, 35, 36) or on LMC Media's website, https://lmcmedia.org/.
The full text of this document can be viewed on the Town's website,
https://www.townofmamaroneckny.org/calendar.aspx, or by calling the Town Clerk's
Office at 914-381-7870, for a mailed copy.
Published: June 12, 2024
Attorney Maker explained the proposed local law. Currently, the law stipulates that a
hearing must take place within 62 days. However, due to frequent holidays and
vacations, this creates challenges during the summer months. The proposal aims to
extend the hearing requirement to 90 days, allowing more flexibility. To enact this
change, the Town Board must first supersede New York State law, making this the
initial step in a two-step process.
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Nichinsky,
the Public Hearing was unanimously opened.
Mr. Tyler Proses, residing at 39 Beach Avenue, raised a question. He suggested that
if the only reason was that the Planning Board cannot meet during the summer
months, then perhaps the law should state 90 days from June 1 to August 31 and
remain 60 days for the rest of the year. Attorney Maker acknowledged Mr. Proses'
insight and confirmed that Mr. Proses' approach aligns with how the law will be
written. The Board thanked Mr. Proses for attending and speaking.
Heather Feinman addressed the Board next and asked if this adjustment applies only
to business site plans. Attorney Maker clarified that indeed, this change pertains to
business site plans. However, he also mentioned that the residential site plan might
undergo review and updates separately. The intention is to evaluate how well the
practice works and potentially revise the residential site plan law in the fall.
Ms. Feinman then inquired about the schedule for Planning Board meetings. Attorney
Maker explained that the Planning Board sets its own agenda. Generally, they
convene on the second Wednesday of each month. Regarding missed meetings
during the summer, Attorney Maker clarified that they do not double up in subsequent
months. Instead, they simply skip a meeting. The Town Attorney added that the Chair
Town Board
June 26, 2024
of the Planning Board shared earlier tonight that over the past 8 years, there has been
only one instance where the Planning Board lacked a quorum during a meeting.
Moved by Councilmember Nichinsky, seconded by Councilmember King, the
Public Hearing was unanimously closed.
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Nichinsky,
the following Local law was approved.
3. Out of Order - "Update of the Procedures for Site Plan Review of Non-
Residential Development" Law
The following Notice of Public Hearing is entered into the record as follows:
LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of
the State of New York, a Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at
8:00 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible, to consider the "Update of the
Procedures for Site Plan Review of Non-Residential Development" Law, at the Town
Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York.
Based upon the Planning Board's experience in handling applications for site plan
review, certain aspects of the process are updated by this local law to make the
process run more smoothly both for applicants and the Planning Board.
You may also view the meeting on local municipal access television (Cablevision 75,
76, 77 or Verizon 34, 35, 36) or on LMC Media's website, https://lmcmedia.org/.
The full text of this document can be viewed on the Town's website,
https://www.townofmamaroneckny.org/calendar.aspx, or by calling the Town Clerk's
Office at 914-381-7870, for a mailed copy.
Published: June 12, 202
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Nichinsky, the
Public Hearing was unanimously opened.
Attorney Maker explained that this is the more extensive law that changes the site
plan review for non-residential applications. It is designed to try to match what the
office staff, the Town Engineer, Environmental Planner, Building Inspector and others
involved in site plan review, have developed over time and found the process to be
comfortable. There is a pre-submission conference, with all involved parties, to
discuss the proposal. It is sometimes easier if the applicant knows some of the pitfalls
so that they can adjust their applications prior to submission to address any frequent
issues. That is the first amendment.
The Town Attorney continued to explain that the second amendment talks about the
contents of the application, which entails the size of the filings, the fact that some will
be electronic and some on paper, and how the various twenty-five requirements, so
that the Planning Board know what the applicant wants to do and how it can best be
situated on the lot. Then, there is this public hearing which ordinarily will start 62 days
after everything has been properly filed. Sometimes when an application is filed, there
is something missing. The Planning Board then requests items in a meeting. If that is
the case, the applicant solves the issues, comes back, and the 62-day period starts to
run in which the Planning Board must open a public hearing. The only difference is
that applications between June 1 and August 31, that 62-day timeframe becomes 90
days to accommodate summertime. Then, if a public hearing is closed, the Planning
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Board will vote on the application and can grant, deny or approve on various
conditions. The rest of the statute is very procedural. What to do when the site plan is
approved. The site plan is signed and filed in the Building Department. There are
penalties for starting to work prematurely.
All of this is an attempt to put into the statute that which has been the process for
quite some time with a good deal of success. It is a workable system. Applications are
processed on a regular basis. People are given the opportunity to either promote or
oppose an application. The Planning Board has sufficient information to make their
decision. If there are variances required, then the Planning Board will defer until the
Board of Appeals has decided to grant a variance or not, and if it does, they will
incorporate those variances into the site plan. This is more than simply housekeeping,
rather it is an attempt to ensure that the statute matches reality in the Building
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Nichinsky, the
Public Hearing was unanimously closed.
Supervisor Elkind Eney asked if anyone in the audience wished to address the Town Board
and there was no one.
1. Call to Order
Commissioner Elkind Eney called the Meeting to order, then on motion of
Commissioner Fiddelman and seconded by Commissioner King the Board of Fire
Commissioners was unanimously declared open.
Present were the following Members of the Commission:
Commissioner: Jaine Elkind Eney
Commissioner: Sabrina Fiddelman
Commissioner: Jeffery L. King
Commissioner: Robin Nichinsky
2. Fire Claims
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Nichinsky, it was
RESOLVED that the Board of Fire Commissioners hereby approves the
attached list of fire claims in the amount of$3,751.94.
See Attachment G.
3. Other Fire Department Business
There being no further business to come before the Fire Commission, on motion of
Commissioner Nichinsky, Seconded by Commissioner King, the Commission
unanimously adjourned and the Town Board reconvened.
Town Board
June 26, 2024
1. Consideration of Approval - 2025 Budget Calendar— Item deferred to 7/17/24
2. Consideration of Approval - Proposed 2024 Water Rate Increase — Item deferred
to 7/17/24
3. Consideration of Approval - Housing Authority - Lease Amendment and
Resolution — Item deferred to 7/17/24
4. Consideration of Approval - Certiorari 1
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Fiddelman, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the settlement of the
certiorari for QAD Realty LLC, resulting in a refund of$111.38.
5. Consideration of Approval - Certiorari 2
Moved by Councilmember Nichinsky, seconded by Councilmember King, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the settlement of the
certiorari for Palmer Professional Associates, resulting in a refund of$710.
6. Consideration of Approval - Salary Authorization - Recreation Department
Moved by Councilmember Fiddelman, seconded by Councilmember King, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the appointment of Ethan
Samuel to the position of Senior Officer Assistant- Recreation at an annual
salary of$61,144, effective no later than July 15, 2024.
7. Consideration of Approval - Salary Authorization - Administrative Aide
Moved by Councilmember Nichinsky, seconded by Councilmember Fiddelman, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby authorizes the appointment of
Christine Canavan to the position of Administrative Aide at an annual salary of
$76,000, effective July 22, 2024.
Councilmember Fiddelman
• Attended two Library meetings.
• Attended with Supervisor Elkind Eney a quarterly Library legislators meeting. Thankful
to the library staff for arranging.
Councilmember King
• On Monday attended the CZMC meeting but could not attend the Traffic Committee
as it was on the same night.
Town Board
June 26, 2024
• Today was the last day of school, so please be extra cautious of kids enjoying their
summer vacations as you are driving around Town.
• There will be a summer concert at Memorial Park on Monday, July 8th, at 7pm, again
on July 15th, 22nd and 29th. On Friday night, July 12th the Town will show the movie
"Lyle, Lyle Crocodile" beginning at sunset.
• JEE commended for moving last movie to hommocks ice rink to sport court to watch
Councilmember Nichinsky
• Attended Sustainability Collaborative meeting; they will continue to meet over the
• On June 15th, Councilmember Nichinsky and Councilmember Fiddelman attended a
REALM fundraiser at the Mill House in Larchmont. It featured exhibits and they spoke
about an enslaved couple that lived on those premises. The memorial that the
REALM group is working on was also discussed.
• On the 18th, participated in my once-a-year liaison duty with the Board of Assessment
(BAR). It was an educational experience. Councilmember Nichinsky attended all of
the scheduled meetings where residents spoke and were heard about their
assessments; learned how the assessors do their work; and learned how the BAR
reviews complaints.
Attorney Maker honored the death of Willie Mayes.
The Town Supervisor said, I would like to close tonight's Town Board meeting in memory of
long-time Town Resident George Roninger, who died on Sunday at age 87. George was a
dedicated volunteer in our Community. George was a member of the Larchmont Gardens
Civic Association for decades, serving as President for 13 years. In addition, George was a
respected member of our Planning Board for 11 years and as a member of the Sustainability
Collaborative for 8 years he championed the demise of gas-powered leaf blowers. We send
our sincere condolences to his friends and family. George will be missed.
Moved by Councilmember Fiddelman, seconded by Councilmember Nichinsky, the
Town Board agreed to re-entered into Executive Session to continue to discuss the
proposed acquisition or sale of property.
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Nichinsky, the Town
Board unanimously agreed to unanimously adjourn the meeting at 10:10 PM.
Submitted by
Allison May, Town Clerk
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment A
Town of Mamaroneck DATE:06/25/2024
Engineering Department,Town Center
740 W.Breton Post Road,A4 aneck NY f 0543-3353
Contract Number Capital Project Blain Comments
TA-22-05 Senior Center Packing Lot CONSTRUCTION Work Postponed to coincide with Senior Center closure for renovndom-Rooth.,wart august
TA-23-03 Traffic Signal Replacemenn-Myrtle Blvd X Mtmasy Avenue CONSTRUCTION Allunderground work completed by4/i9.Verde to remobitixinluty no complete remaining above
ground signal pole and cabinet Installation.
TA-23-01 Waverly Avenue Bridge Replacement CONSTRUCTION Excavation for new bridge foundation In progress.Contract completion date extended to October
TA-23-06 East Valley Stream Bridge Replacement CONSTRUCTION Construction in progress.Completion esrpexted in July
TA-23-10 Myrtle Blvd Stone Archway Rehab CONSTRUCTION SubstanEaty complete.App/robon of final seal rooting expected No week
TA-23-12 Highway Yard Drainage Improvements CONSTRUCTION Corutroetlor start expected this week.Completion expected by end of August
TA-24-04 Nancy lane Storm Sewer Extension CONSTRUCTION Construction to progress.Completion oneoeoedln early July.
TA-24-02 Hommocks Office&Lobby HVAC Improvements CONSTRUCTION Construction in progress,started on March Oth.On schedule for completion In mid June
TA-24-01 Engineering Office Renovation CONSTRUCTION Contract awarded at 4/24 TB meeting.Preliminary construction schedule ardcompleted condors
paperwork received.Expected mobileatian on 6/I7
TA-24-OI TMPD Women's Locker Room&Town Center Lactorium CONSTRUCTION Contract awarded of 4/24 TB Preliminary construction schedule and completed contract
paperwork received.Expected mobilratian ski 647
H5050 Murdock Woods Channel Dredge CONSTRUCTION Complete as of6/21
TA-24-05 2024 Spring Tree Planting Program CONSTRUCTION Complete.Retocntton of(7)1nsmlkd trees per resident request pending suitable weather conditions
TA-24A6 Parks Budding Replacement PROCUREMENT ski documents to be updated for wipe erglneerig considerations and coogilonce with Wicks tow.
New advertisement expected fn kite summer.
H1603/TA-24-03 Town Center Generator&Highway Yard Csenetator Replacment PROCUREMENT Highway yard Gexraror and ATS endered through Sourrevre!lJor Po1f2024 b,ot000elon.Town
Center Generator bid documents expected far advertisement M July
Town of Mamaroneck DATE:06/25/2024Engineering Department,Town Center
700 W.Boston Port Road,Mamaroneck.NY 10593-3353
Contract Number Cap/del Project .Status Comments
TA-24-10 Crosswalk Improvements-New Jefferson&Myrtle X N.Chatsworth PROCUREMENT Bid opening held on 6/28.Bids are currently order review for 7B consideration on 7/17.P Project
includes(4)crosswalk locations on N.Chatsworth(2),Deymon Terrace and Colonial Ave
TA-24-I I Senior Center Activity Room,Porch and Exterior Renovations PROCUREMENT old advertisement extended until 7/2.(4)month constructor duration expected
TA-24-13 2024 Resurfacing of Various Roads PROCUREMENT Bid documents advertised for opening on 7/3/24
TA-24-ID 2024 Sidewalks&Curbing PROCUREMENT Bid fining held on 6/1&Bids are rumen*.under review for TO ronsldemttiM on 7/17.Project
Includes(4)crosswalk locations art N.Chatsworth(2),Guymon Terrace andCoionklAve
H5135 Towmvdde Storm Sewer Evaluation DESIGN Draft fredoes report and recommendation under review by Engineering Deportment.Public
informational meeting needs to be scheduled with TO
CP-2015-45 Weaver Street Sidewalk Extension DESIGN ROW purchases completed.Awaiting final approval of plans and spedfkatianl from the M UDOT.
Advertisement of bid documents expected In Summer 2024
CP-2018-6I Madison Avenue Complete Streets/GIGP Improvements DESIGN On Hold-pendingfeedbook on Roundabout funding applications.
H5138 Highway Tice Garage Improvements DESIGN Design development in progress.Addhiarat dme needed for consideration of utility impacts.Bid
documents expected in fhb 2024
H1410 Iarchmont Reservoir Bypass Upgrades DESIGN On Hold-Ord documents to be prepared by outside consultant.
H8553 Gardens Lake Forebay Reconfiguration DESIGN Study work by Town consultant In progress.Draft report findings ore expected in July
148123 Baldwin Avenue Pump Station Replacement DESIGN Design development pment wlAlEngineers relnRkrced.!resign process Lela continue for the remainder of
H5050 Rockland Ave Bridge Deck Replacement/ DESIGN Signed master agreement and resdutian transmitted to tOVSOOT an 6/3.Awaiting authodration to
commence consultant procurement
H7125 Hammocks Pool Complex Renovations DESIGN On Hold-Consuhom soaping far market needs and financialewlaonon in progress
H1614 Town Center Flat Roof Replacement DESIGN Vendor proposals for replacement ofremaining Hot foal areas of the Town Center building are
under review.Construction is expected in fall 2024
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment A (Cont'd)
a 4, Town of Mamaroneck DATE. 06/25/2024
Engineering Department,Town Center
740 W,Boston Pont Road,Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353
Contract Ngmbn _ Capita!Project Blanes. Comments
117224 Hammocks Skate Rental Room DESIGN Design development in progress.End documents expected in fad 2024
H3361 Traffic Signal Replacement-Rich Bell&Palmer Ave DESIGN Design development In progress.Bid documents expected in August/September
A1440.4035 2024 Pavement and Sidewalk Condition Inventory DESIGN undated pavement survey andsidewalk Inventory expected for completion during summer 2024
H5137 Catch Basin Inlet Filter Program. Not Started Project on BOLD pending review pf grant application
N/A Fenimore Rd&Country Rd Drainage Improvements Not Started Project tabled pending compitln oftownwidr drainage eveduation bytt2M engineers
Pena!resurfacing tobe completed by School District project.Balance of repaving to be requested H724'8 Hammocks Rink Parking Lot Resurfacing Not Started
as change order by Town Paving contractor in 2024
113361 Leatherstocking Trail Weaver St Crosswalk Not Started Design development to commence during summer 2024 in advance ofpfunned construction In 2025
It7140 Sheldrake Improvements Monroe CampDi
Prvewa Y Not Started Work planned as change order proposer under Annual Rood reswfauMg rontmct in 2024
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment B
2019 $ 6,397,000 $ 1,777,500 28%
2020 $ 3,651,850 $ 1,601,000 44%
2021 $ 6,869,400 $ 1,027,000 15%
2022 $ 5,183,080 $ 1,114,800 22%
2023 $ 8,971,300 $ 5,954,700 66%
2024 $ 12,477,400 $ 6,250,500 50%
2025 $ 14,035,760 $ 5,572,650 40%
2026 $ 9,337,510 $ 5,852,650 63%
2027 $ 9,392,260 $ 5,862,650 62%
2028 $ 2,914,610 $ 300,000 10%
$10,000,000 _ ...
$8,000,000 X \ii,
$6,000,000 11,,t ,� �"
4 /:'
$4,000,000 '�'`
$2,000,000 -
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment B (Cont'd)
Total Water Water%
Yr Debt Service Debt Service of Total
2019 $ 3,330,293 $ 291,271 9%
2020 $ 2,979,524 $ 291,812 10%_
2021 $ 3,700,695 $ 524,354 14%
2022 $ 4,209,996 $ 603,465 14%
2023 $ 4,574,585 $ 683,715 15%
2024 $ 5,209,528 $ 1,051,616 20%
2025 $ 5,744,556 $ 1,434,299 25%
2026 $ 6,461,999 $ 1,775,391 27%
2027 $ 6,684,840 $ 2,132,937 32%
2028 $ 6,794,327 $ 2,423,086 36%
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
—.•Total —0—Water
Debt Service Debt Service
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment C
The Town has been transitioning towards using fund balance for one-time capital expenses to reduce
reliance on it for balancing operational budgets. We diligently review our capital projects each quarter to
ensure this process.For 2024,we've utilized$3.3 million of reserves for capital projects,which is$1.3 million
more than initially planned.
It is worthy to note that every$1 million of debt avoidance saves $540,000 in interest over 20 years. As of
January 1, 2024, our outstanding debt stands at $52.1 million. The five-year capital plan (2024-2028)
estimates total expenditures of$59.9 million,with$48.2 million to be financed through debt issuance.
Debt service will rise over the next five years and then gradually decrease as existing debt is paid off. Under
the current plan,the outstanding bond balance is projected to increase from$52.1 million to$52.2 million
over the next decade.
Of the planned debt issuance,$23.3 million is allocated to the Rye Lake Filtration Plant,funded through water
fees,with the remainder covered by tax levies in each fund.Currently,the Town has utilized 5.6%of its$773
million debt contracting limit. Based on the five-year capital plan, it's estimated that the Town will peak at
utilizing approximately 7.6-8%of its debt contracting capacity in 2027.
Debt issued for water projects are$18.4m or 70%of outstanding debt and $1.1 million or 20%of the debt
service in 2024.As discussed,the Town will need to bond at least$6m each year through 2027 to complete
the funding required for the Rye Lake Filtration Plant. Debt in the Water District will increase from $18.4
million to $24.5 million over the next ten years. Water fee increases will need to keep pace with the debt
iThe Town's bond rating has remained strong at AAA.Thia rating is based on strong financial management,
consistent funding of debt, stable tax collection and a good financial outlook. We anticipate our rating to
remain stable at this level.
The charts below provide a visual representation of the projected annual Debt Service and the Outstanding
Year Capital Projects Bonds to be Issued
2024 $ 16,184,115 $12,477,400
2025 15,863,350 14,035,760
2026 10,307,900 9,337,510
2027 10,741,650 9,392,260
2028 3,870,000 2,914,610
Total $59,967,015 $48,157,540
Page 7 of 98
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment C (Cont'd)
$7,000,000 1111111
$6,000,000 11111111
$5,000,000 • iiiiiiii
$4,000,000 111111111
$3,000,000 111111
$2,000,000 • i • uiiiii
$1,000,000 111111111
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033
■DEBT SERVICE-Current Debt ■DEBT SERVICE-New Debt 2024-2028
$70,000,000 Z.
$60,000,000 f - el
$50,000,000 r/-:
$40,000,000 "
$30,000,000 "'l
$20,000,000 / a
$0 —�
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033
Page 8 of 98
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment C (Cont'd)
$8,000,000 -7
$7,000,000 1111111
$6,000,000 Ill lull .
$5,000,000 . . I
.,. I I
11111 . .
$3,000,000 Iii
$2,000,000 I
. . . . . .
$1,000,000 Ill .
. .
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032
411, DEBT SERVICE-Current Debt ■DEBT SERVICE-New Debt 2024-2028 ■ WATER DEBT SERVICE
Outstanding Debt Chart
$80,000,000 Z'
S70,000,000 /
1111 EEE
IF 1171
$30,000,000 ■
$20,000,000 . ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
$10,000,000 . ■ . ■ ■ . ■ .
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033
■ 'OJater Oaiei
Page 9 of 98
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment D
On 2024 2021 2026 2027 2020
ProNc1 wore fma 2048 Bi 480040Nkda DMC11POen 'Mock Proleet Pregaet PreAet P4ga0
FN.YUT1ete1 MAW BWget Budget Budget Budpt
Vehicle Replacement See H4172 Ambulance Vehicles A Equip 2024 Chevy Tana to replace 2010 Chevy Tahoe Ambulance Fly Car-ley 146,030 70000 75,000
Fleet Car Replacement 0 03672_ Building Dept Vehicles&Equip 2023Electic Vehicle toreplaee 2011Fold ice code enforcement egg 170.005 40,000 45,000 40,000 45.010
2023 Ford Escape hybrid to replace the2029 Ford Escape(wend used by me
Fleet Car Replacement A Frig/leering Vehicles&Equip engineering deg 48,00D 45000
2025 Ford E250 Pkloip truck to replace Ma 2010 F250 Pickup truck used by the
Environmental Pickup!rook A Environmental Vehicles&Equip ahlrnnnlenlal depi 70,000 70,000
2025 Chew Termeeo replace the2015 Chew vehicle wed 24 hrs/day by tie Eire
FM Chet Car SF Fire Venlclea6 Equip Chief 137.000 62,000 75.500
Fire Truck Pumper SF ere Vehicles&Equip 2025 rescue Ike vehicle to replace Me 2010 Spartan Rescue 6 vehicle 1.100.000 1.100.000
The price of the two Ole engines on order hes been increased as a resulted the
Fire Engines lTwu) SF arc Vehicles Equip manutantrnrer that produces the parts. 125,000 126,000
Ode arm Garbage Truck replacemem(25 yard)in 2024 and one emery other year.
20 Yard Garbage Truck 5R H3629 Garbage Vehicle'&Equip Regular garbage nudism/gibe purchased everyether year asrcPlacsmonts. 2,125,000 450,003 325,000 475,000 375,002 500.000
Replace 2003 More rktree chipper used for Highway operations Peed ter 8Ns,
Bluth chipper D5 H5106 Highway Vehicles Equip brush,stone clean up.ReMacea Nete2l0 65.000 d5.Op0
Mini excavator to be used tar digging In tlgm spots such as sidewalk.,small
Contact Eauvmor DB H5106 Highway Vehicles 6Equip streams wnere abackhoe can ma_ 10,000 50,000
Pay loader DB H5105 Highway Vehicles&Equip 2024 Paylealerto replace the 2080 Komatsu pyload..that beyond its useful use 710.000 200.000 230002 900.1100
Replace 20051n1ematlnel 7320 dump Ruck used Tor Highway operations.lac end
Dump truck wain Sent Wreber DB H5103 Mghwey Vehicles 6 Equip sell.Replaces Fleet1200. 300.000 300,000
Parc tlage loan Deere Safer to plow.sell haul debm5,pick op Leaves In Memorial
Park and for special events.Elhnhete0 use of heawvehices and Is a safer vehicle
Colley Work VeNee DB H5106 MlgFxay Vankles&Equip ton Bore on theperk grounds. 35.000 36,600
Purchase a 2025 cumpreseorto replace the 1994 Atlas Copra compressor
Compressor DB Highway Vanities&Equip (jackhammer) 45.000 45.000
Dump Truck.10Vatteel DB Highway Vehicles Equip Purchase a 202610 Wheel dump Ruck toreple0e the 2010 Mack 325.000 325.000
Dump Truck)Wheel DB Hewed Vehicles&Equip Replace&Meet Dump truck 350,0tip 350,000
Replace 20141 Ton Ford dump truck with a Ford F4504 wheel drive with plow.TN •
Dung Truole-Leon DB Highway Vehicles Equip 2014 will be used for teem..erne r4 was /00,000 25.000 95,000
H41 Boa D6 Highway Vehlcles&Equip Replace the 2017 Falco RME-Hat an 75.000 75,000
Leg Vac Truck D6 Highway Vehlc l es 6 Equip Replace tie truck that vacuums rile leaves 325,000 325,000
Light Towers D6 _ Highway Vefllcles&Equip Portable lgmtower betroth generalerhn streets.rg repairs duringerrwrgenelea 25,003 253:00
Pickup10/169W DB Highway Vehleles&Equip Replace 2000 Ford F2807 Pick up wain snow phew 122,002 52.900 70000
Pickup1,uOW5IN De Highway Vehicles&Equip Trucks 05,000 65.000
Purchase an electric lawn mower to green tore fleet that will proem(the(Re 07 the
Riding Mover D6 _ Highway Vehicles&Ell imp curient maven. 65,003 05,000
B71 Purchase a slrsel sweeper es a stared service with the Village of Mamaroneck in
Street sbgkpei 06 Highway Vehicles&Equip 2025 160,050 00.000
Radio MuEr Patrol Cars B 113172 POlice Vehicles&Equip 3 Hybrid Ford Faperersav1ougkthg 1,142,375 203.315 2000 204W 0 2M W,000 320, 0
Momrcy T B Peke Vehicles&Equip Two motorcycles$601 120,000" - B460,000 60.000
Radio Moor PH1101 Cars B pence Vehicles&Equip Replace 2018 Grand Mega&Fleet 0102 65,000 65.000
0000 Co a
( f0 (
Poled FPM 001
Dept snide Gaprin Macllp0an 202E 2025 3036 OG7 2028
CodePiegaet PolleePmlect Poled Proleet
FM Yew TOGA Wdpt Budget Budget 50e1.1 Budget
2024 Bus to replan the 2012lOrd 20 p2see8Nel buS ter senior program
Senior Center 20 PeSSege,Sue A H6772 Recrembn Vehicles&Equip transportation-Feet 074 _ 1E0.000 70,000 25,o00 75005
Vehicle Replecenam A H7072 Recreation Vehicles■Equip Replace 14 year old pick up Puck for Recreation Dept-Feet a64 60,000 00.00
YeM1ke Replacement A Recreation Vehicles/Equip Replace 2003 Ford Fusion with a2025 Electric or 117005 ebkle 4 W
64 02,000 37,000 95, 0
2amboni•ice(link A Rem ree'nn Vehicle s5 Equip Replace 20112 2a1bo1k Tor Ice rink-1194 150.000 150.000
Veetol Sewer Truck SS Sewer Vehicles&Equip Replace 200 veaw sewer truck 5503300 550,020
Yanelaal EqW llolM 9.414375 1-111.375 1,&86,000 3,671,555 1,601.600 2,770,00
Replace month.30lnterior and exterior llgnting&dotes to more eellcRl6LED
VAC Elecutul upgledae BFI H4159 Ambulance Town Buildings natures Menyol themcu nanny require new debases and bulbs. 25,000 25,000
Town Center.Painting.Pollee Buildings&
Dept A H1614 Grounds Town1l l Wings Painting Niece Depwment areas',Mere painting H Deeded 285.1300 25,020 100,000 100,1100 600E0
Buildings& -
Town Center16ackupbolere A H1614 Grounds Town Buildings 3 back up boilers In Town Center mat as 201,eers old 36,000 33.000
Buildings I
Town Ceoeer.Eevalor A H1614 Grounds Town Buildings EINamr 15,040 15.040
Town Center-Install out.for Buildings Perm a has advised that me under the desk space heater usedln Town Hal
personal helm A H1614 Grounds Town Buildings requires Rs O,maedicatea rune 20,000 20,000
Building 8 The ATV IS currently 29 yeas and Is dptflqult to aerate Replecing0 with a new erne
Town Gentle ATV well Snow plow A H1614 Grounds Town Buildings will provide more fuuclonalry 10,003 10.100
Additional funds needed for flooring for lel,2nd,3rd nom Estimate$161.275 and
Buildings& $120k ismummify ins hided in Me cepmal budget An a0dldon 131,275 is needed to
Town Calder 7{eork% A H1614 Grounds Town Buildings _complete theprolect 31.275 11.275
Budding 8 Replace aging rubber flooring carpet a0r pollee dispatch and tat 11001 conference
Tenn C.O.lloorhrg-PoBce Dept A, H1014 Grounds Town Buildings 9,500 9,5500
Additional funds needed for Town Canted/et roof replacement project.Rho,years
Town Cemer Flat Roof-Adettlonal Buildings& repeal budget includes$5B1k renaming tlrndu Total project le estimated al
Funds bea0ad A H1614 Grounds Town Buildings $7001,. 108,000 119,030
Building B011eretShodlake EmksensntalCemarils 30 years aid.A replacement boler wall
SMW1ake-Boer Replacement A H71.10 Ground. Town Buildings be more eft idpen. 12000 12,000
Town Centel-Covered entryways A Grounds Town Buildings Covered entryways Mr second floor building entrance and Pollee Dept 60,003 00,000
Teem Center-Window 6001,01
Replacement A Grounds Town Buildings Replace wenpwe.in Town Center 1800200 1.800.000
Town Cnn14PBdck pointing and Buildings Town Center enrols are rusting end I magi windows;brick pointing as needed to
winnaw llmal replacement A Grouhis Town Buildings avid leak rig and pest lnOlsalon 150,000 150,000
She drake/Norgee Camp
Community Roan Bay WIrrdow Building& Replace 100 year old lead glass windows:Roof is deteriorating and4
Replacement,root.siding, A [rounds Town Buildings a5Proximately40 years old:Replace siding 5r4 windows than are over 25 years old 275.900 275,000
The neat phase tithe senior center renovation includes The replacement of the
Emfloor,ceiling Mtge Yelew Room,toyer and front porch renovations.HVAC
lrTs repiecemem and a moveable partition.Tina Town was awarded a 5309.00o gram
SeniorCm�gr Aelfvfly Room,Fogel Building& through Congressman Bowman and the protect is estimated as f441100.An
end March-14. Mb. A H57511 Ground) Town Bindings additional 6133,700 is roue I red km Complete the protect 134.000 134000 _
wammr 01
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment D (Cont'd)
f'A I (
Pmjeet Rind Gutlrg Dept Budget Categod es Description ProjectIOm t �R7 '2�
q MO lag: WOW Rtdlact
i Fee Veer Total gadget Bridget NNW Budget WNW
Extern renovations are needed to replace the sea In,two doors and windows on
the Arsl and second floor,reeling will hra replaced n NIL There is$57,500
BulldIn010 000110Obell Be capital budget for Mit project and the estimate l0225i,000.An
Senior Center Exterior Renovation A 115759 Grounds Town Buildings addillonal8189,500 is needed to complete the project 109,500 659.500
The Senior Center does not bade a generator.Designated as en emergency shelter
Rol601 ng,6 location,the Senor Canter Is an importent resource for the Tam's senor dmtens.
Senior Center-Generator A 26703 Grounds Town Rulings This project is for me purchase sr installation of a 801w generator- 122.000 122.000
Addilinnallundatg for me construction of a new garage balding for tree crew and
equipment.The Total Molar is 61.080500.A bond has Men Issued/Or 330510NN
the Adopted Centel Budget Includes Purring of 5585,000.Abond for S7351,
(6200k 12023 Budgerj t 1585k 12024 Budget)i wld be Issued In 26241or the
Tree Garage Rec0nstructIon DI H5135 Engineering Town Ninnies construction dime project 555.000 585,000
The existingresel generator at Town Matt M at the end of its service lire and does
net have capx-.O4 for tee entirety G each bill ding's operations-Town Han b
especially Important en a rearm att pupas safety and emergencyrespdme
functions.Including errergencycommunoalOnslms peen.ponce.Rm.,red
ambulance4E145 services.Thls protect Is for the purchase and Inftellalion 0l a
Town Center Generator A 211603 Engineering Town EMI kings. diesel 2sokw generatort0 run ail operations In Town Center. 726,000 726,000
Design and constructor or replacement or the existing parks Mtn butting in
Memarlai Park.BUO1ng Is used tog parks equipment,Highway sign shop and
parent/meters The building sustained structural damage loom Tropical Storm
Isaias.has numerous Code deficiencies and safety concerns.The existing building
will be demolished and a new building will he canoructed_Final design rdll be In
Sign SbopMemdrial Park A 25191 Engines ellrg Town guiding, Fall 2023 and construndnlin 2024.Total cost is S1,1563.250-1.160,102=2095,140 500,000 500,000
Fire House Window Replacement SF H3429 Fire Townauelings Beplaceaging window in the Fire Station 800,000 000.000
Tam PuddIny Total 5,884,315 2,117,310 507,000 100,000 2,610,000
Poollmprnrementa A 27125 Recreldn PVC10.10411 Pool complex ems n en and re0A0dtmction 2311,500 2316.500
€olsting outside alr supply does not meet current ventilation code requirements.
Automated building Controls,read Acetone to ductwork are ooMdatlon
Ice BMX-AMQuality Improvements with 1Orati0n upgrades will result Ina more efficient HVAC
improvements A R1cr4alion Recraa0an Oper600M and energy swings. 004.250 860,250
Me NA-HVAC A 27224, RsereaDU1 Recreation Additional Funding needed/or HVAC project te ice Rink WIN 71.803 77.903
Hommucl9 Parking lot Repaving A 11721E Recreation R#crea0on .Hsparing parking lot at Hammocks Ice Rink 82,000 82,000
Shade NA el Mennen Pert B 27131 Recreaion Recreation Purchase and installation M shade sails Ptaceholder until esti mate is provided. 100.000 100500
Ice Rink led Neel Room The Roar and the walls In the Ice rink skate rental room are showing signs of '
Pendvatirek A 27234 Recreation Recreation settlig_A renovation h required to prevent runner ttnefinallon. 120.000 120.600
0 Cans bunion M new plad ym tennis courts that will provide an addllbna1
recreational oppohunity for residents.Courts would be mull de and portable oral
alappnaelebal1Tmn0C4urte B Recreelbn Recreation can Mused for onetime,basketball or paddle Wenn, 550,000 650,000
r (_ r
Project Fund 4.nrgodl Dept Budget Cetepri es Deserlpean Protect Mo 2026net Pros robe AM
jell Prober Project
FNOYa2n10t4L Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget
Memorla[Park Tennis Cahn
Reconstruction B (Newton Recrn00n Reco0mucldn end enamel.or tennis courts SODOM 506,000
RKletbnletal 2,20,113 279,803 009,000 1100,250_ - 860,000
Replacement of the Rockland Ave Bridge that nas significant deterioration,Anent
Racldald Ave Bridge Replacement A 25050 Engineering Roads 5H0Mvay from NY5D0T 1044n0Y was awarded for 27113,200 on the toted cost. 309,200 0219,200
Reolecement Or hello signal et Palmer AwJRitfbell.Ad211Nna1 funding of 32181s
was needed rot MymeUurrry trams shines..The estimate Mr Pe mew0 been 2
Tragic 3lgnal Pepl ecemem 0 23361 Highway Roads6 Highway S655,500endthere is S142.006 a0allah le.Additional funding needed of 6d12,914._113,000 413,000 _
2024 Read reconstruction per plamled ern yea schedule.Selected roadways
Resurfacing Of Roads DB 15104 Highway Roads6 Hghway exhibit visibledeterlcratron_ 2,850,000 1,250,000 000,000 800.000
Sidewa Lk reconstruction at Hoy.Ave.Meaeow Place,Cadeen Ave,Hawthorn Rd.
a lhrg with ADA ramps,renting unity structures In accrete.wen the own
SMr0alkaend Curbs-T0Ms10a DB 25173 Highway Raads0 Highway sidewalk replacement pian. 945,000 290,000 265,000 400.000
Awds&Hype/Tetee 5,087,200 2842,200 1,059,8M 1300,000 - -
Diver assisted vacuum dredging of 1500cubic yards of sediment one tore bay
configuration to looms malMenente end reduce dredge frequency.(2020 •
Gerome Lane Dredging A Engineeeng Storm Drainage Prolectl 506,017. 10,517_ 560,000
Dangerous road ice ac cu muter an Nancy Lane/Palmer Ave Imo private sump
pump d5c5a react.Goal Is to Memept Settee wear collect 0 in storm sewer
' system before 0lteene.The 2021 adopted budget Inc lodes 2353 prolect hOwe+er
Rent project estimate is 21200 moulding an additional$851,In complete the
Nancy Lae CMch Basins DB 25113 Hl,Oway Slarm Drainage proles- NON 135,000
Drainage Imprenements to the Towers open channel drainage ea0emenl at
Dreinage-Murdoch Woods Murdoch Woods subdeNan Stab111aatlon W band will mitigate further erosion risk
Eeseme5 DB 25113 Hlgmny Storm Drainage and protect adjacentpropems 50,000 50,000
#arm Oreenege Total 701,017 362,017 550,000 - - -
Tle FM Dept serer Is 5 yeas old end Oahe merle.Requen munlple reedits ro
Fide Dept Saner SF 23120 Rl IntoTechnoingy keep 0perrtinnal. 40,090 411000
Two x5er9Mll space six year old servers that ere warong beyond their _.
Server Reellacemem B 21920 fT Info Technology recommended u serilhes, 255.000 35,003 76,000 35,000 78000 35,000
Ls MOP pure nse,OS desktop Approximately 35laptops to replace MO Of Ufa desesops.Theyserve a dual
replacements B H150 R Info Tech noi0gy purpose In mat thaycan be unplugged and used remotely, 210,000 50,000 10.000 40,000 40,000 40.000
Camera the PoOte records management system to the new Hexagon Records
Hexagon Conversion tor Police Management System In collabaason with Westchester County.Transfer of den by
RMg System a 2100 R IMOTechnolagy consultant. _ 45,000 18,000
Records Mangenlelm System B Police Info1ecnralogy Replacement of current records management system with a county shared system 300.000 300.000
0.L€PRT�rve Shooter Training Kit U Pdic! IMdTechnology Active Model training kit 75,000_ 75,TA10
DeshcarrOdxodyUmsars5 storage B Police Info Tecnnoogy D0OMarrs fed 11 poke ernes OKg000 640,600
_ Q In1alKhaaingy tail 0,MSOM 226,830 e00,000 75,000 415,000 158,000
e,0015 OS a
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment D (Cont'd)
( t
Org ProMcl Food R�aa OW Sedge.t60arlee pes0r4pen !ea 0 2oM 1027 202a
WOKS 'WNW Pmfeet PrafRt Prejecr
Flee raw Total 119gpt OWyer Budget j Budget Budget
•6aWMn Ave Pump Station Design&eelpmem anti construction 01 a replacement al Vie B81drA Ale pump
Replacement 95 H11123 Engineering Sanitary9ewer station. 2900.000 120.000 1,060,000
High Pressure Sewer Cleaner SS 96172 Sawa Sanlmry5ewer Trailer mounted sewer jet cieanermllimn sewer lines 45000 45,000
Generator,Memorial Park Pump
Station SS Sewer SanttaoSewer Replacelw4 of 33year old generator-for sewer pump at Memorial Park 100.000 jj 100,000
Sanitary Sewer Trial 2,146.000 120,000 1.660000 45000 100.000 -
Park Lane Water Stomp Tank 02 Rehebllaation(Deferred horn 20201 t0 avoid
Pack Lena Water Storage Tank 42 ammotor°l steel rat lure.area Cater the useful life M Me eider rank Add Sonar
'Pet/49109bn SW 91397 Water Water Improvements to meet current regulatory requ crem000. 060.500 365.500
WeRr Projects Road Pacing SW HUBS Water Water Paring eSlimate Pp 2022 Projects 1,130.000 260.900 - 260.000 290,000 300000
Brookside Place Water Ham SW 91401 Water Water grooeside Place Waer Main 202.000 202,000
Public Bement Project.Settlement SW 1413e6 Water Water AMP public benefit project to be determined Or S6 ern a 15.714 1.135.600 1,135.500
Supplemental ErMmmmental
Project SW 97350 Water Water _doim public MINER project In be determined of S6,Em k 16.7% 212,925 212,925
Rye Lake f4aatbn Punt SW 91399 Water Water _RYE UWE 22.373.950 5,555.000 j 5572,650 5572,650 5.572.650
Kenilworth Boosts MN 141403 Water Wool Kenilworth Banster 28220 Y8.820
Water Total 20,471,286 7,0e3,040 5,571,850 5,952,050 0.002.000 300,000
Replace 15,40 year appliances In the kitchen-2 staves,l mingeramr,1
dislwasher,l rnbm and 2 range hoods-they or old,broken and beyond their
HEMS%Nelsen Appliances SM 94165 Ambulance Other P1oMCa _ e0elpl leer 7,000 7.200
Replace 40yea 01Tkefumlture and add Workstations for eMclencles for daily
HEMS OKke Furniture SM 94100 Ambulance Other Projects talc 12900 12.000
Radio seems*upgrade SM Nnbulance Other Projects Radio Norwalk upgrade planned 50.000 50.000
Stag chair replacement SM Ambulance Other Projects Stair c nalrla)repucemen0 76960 75.000
Stretcher Replacement SM H4133 ' Ambulance Other Projects Stretcher Rep Lace meet 000,000 250,000 -
LIfepalt Replacement Set Ambulance Other Projecte tiled..eploemem 175.030 175900 -
Luca.Replacement SM c Ambulance Other Prolecrr Lucas Replacement 70.pW 25,000 36,000
Rectangumr raped flashing beacon IRKED)enhanced pedestrian crosswalk at the
Ped0hlan crtdaingeign.le at Imtereectbn of Leatearnx king TrAl apWeaver tit n00rylrg drivers 10 stook',
Le.herslxking Trail-Wears St B H3361 Environmental Other Projects pedestrians. 103,200 103,200
Scar pak replecerment tar f38115 year old venbns.They are not compatible with
Scott Peck Replacement SF 93465 the Other Projects hew model 513.950 512,950
Fire Dept AS Fill Station SF 1-13e5 Fire Other Project. N100110erbn for aeon MMON 100,000 100,000
Lam5prinkler SF 1-13495 Fire Other P19010s Law sprinklalnaradnbn 20.000 20.000
Reservoir/49e A H1410 /Ppm Other Profess! Replace vet eve used deity b codiroE the water level at the dam 100.000 100000
ICOmle reingerphmequlpm2A0) B Pollee Other Pmferta Fingerprint equipment replacement 25,000 25.000
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Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment E
Westchester Joint Water Works
Town of Mamaroneck
Water Rate
The Cost of
WJWW Water
The Average 2023 Retail Cost of a Gallon of
WJWW Finished Water
Approximately One Cent Per Gallon
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment E (Cont'd)
The Cost of
WJWW Water
Cost Drivers
• NYC Purchased Water Cost (Current Annual Cost-$12.8 Million)
• Water System Operational Costs (Current Annual Cost-$19.5 Million):
• Water Distribution System ($10.7 Million)
• Plant Operations($3.0 Million)
• Administration,Engineering, Technology, Customer Service and General($5.8 Million)
• Water System Capital Improvements (Five Year Plan-$218.5 Million)
Water Rate Increase History
Town of
Year NYC DEP Mamaroneck
2009 2.0% 9.0%
2010 25.0% 18.0%
2011 5.6% 13.0%
2012 9.8% 15.0%
2013 12.3% 8.7%
2014 5.1% 6.0%
2015 9.9% 12.0%
2016 0.0% 2.5%
2017 0.0% 3.5%
2018 0.0% 3.5%
2019 9.2% 0.0%
2020 0.0% 0.0%
2021 9.0% 9.0%
2022 1.4% 12.8%
2023 6.8% 25.0%
15 Year Average 6.4% 9.2%
2024 1.8%6 TBD
Taking into consideration the increase in the NYC Per Capita Excess Surcharge of 12.6%,the blended rate increase charged to WJWW will be 4.2%.
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment E (Cont'd)
Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan
WJWW Town of Mam'k
Project Category Full Cost(2024-2028j Share of Cost
Rye Lake Filtration Plant(Total cost$1as million) $ 167,000,000^ $ 27,889,000
Rye Lake Turbidity Curtain and Boom System Replacement(Total Cost$900K) $ 750,000 $ 138,000
Park Lane#2 Water Storage Tank Rehab $ 2,100,000 $ 384,300
Kenilworth Pump Station Modifications $ 660,000 $ 116,820
Winged Foot Tank Access $ 500,000 $ 88,500
Other(Waverly Ave Bridge,Shaft 22 Chlorination,Acorn Ln) $ 1,000,000 $ 346,700
Joint System Planned Projects—Subtotal $ 172,010,000 $ 28,963,320
Joint System Projects-Emergency/Contingency $ 19,500,000 $ 3,607,500
Local System Projects-Distribution Mains&Other Infrastructure $ 19,200,000 $ 3,925,000
Joint Public Benefit Projects—Settlement Contingency $ 7,800,000 $ 1,302,600
Five Year Capital Plan Total $ 218,510,000 $ 37,798,420
NYS IMG Grant(Filtration Plant) $ (30,000,000) $ (5,010,000)
(A) Projected total spend for fiitration plant including pre-2024 costs is$175 million.This total will be offset by a NYS WIG Grant of$30 million.
Town of Mamaroneck
Water Rates
To achieve the goal of supporting all water system related costs from income
derived from users of the system, water rates must generate sufficient revenue
to keep pace with:
• Projected levels of debt service related to water system capital projects,particularly WJWW's filter
plant project as it enters the construction phase;
• Settlement of compliance issues with the NYS Attorney General and U.S. Department of Justice;
• Increasing operational costs driven by regulatory requirements,technology upgrades and continuing
supply chain driven cost pressure;
• Increasing NYC Upstate water rates(Effective 7/1/24 the blended water rate increase is 4.2%)
• The need to maintain water fund surplus levels to address contingencies
Proposed water rate increase: 15 0
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment E (Cont'd)
Five-Year View
(Amounts in Millions of Dollars)
Town of Mamaroneck
Share of WJWW Total Costs and Targeted Revenue Levels*
$70.0 $12.0
s6o.o v
$60.0 C
$55.. ....... $10.0
$50.0 $46-9'....... Or
v s42.3 $8.0 a3
N $38.6 1 � .......•
$40.0 ......-■•• as
al S
0 $6.0 to
ca $30.0 i,
`a i $4.0 U
C $20.0 Yrr
al C
W $10.0 $2.0
so.. so.o
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 F
Fiscal Year
—ToM Share of Expenses&Debt Service — ToM Direct Revenue ToM Allocated Revenue■■■ WJWW Total Expenses&Debt Service
Targeted revenue is based on average annual rate increases of 15%per year. Depending upon cost development and use of water fund surplus,
water rate increase targets could potentially be lowered beginning in 2327. 7
The Cost of WJWW Water
Town of Mamaroneck
Cost of Typical Household Annual
Domestic Water Use with Minimal Irrigation
Current Annual Cost(100,000 Gallons)- $1,361.32 (Cost/Gallon- $0.0136)
• 15%Rate Increase- $1,565.52 (Increase of$204.20/Year or$17.02/Month, Cost/Gallon-$0.0157)
• 20%Rate Increase- $1,633.58 (Increase of$272.26/Year or$22.69/Month, Cost/Gallon-$0.0163)
• 25%Rate Increase- $1,701.65 (Increase of$340.33/Year or$28.36/Month, Cost/Gallon- $0.0170)
Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment F
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Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment F (Cont'd)
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Town Board
June 26, 2024
Attachment G
Town of Mamaroneck
From: Tracy Yogman-Town Comptroller
Re: Fire Claims
Date: JUNE 26, 2024
The following Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department claims have been certified by Chief Thomas Broderick and submitted to the
Comptroller's Office for payment:
AAA Emergency Supply Co.,Inc Hydrotest&refill Scott Bottle,inspection of fire extinguisher $ 188.00
Bound Tree Medical 6 Epipen kits $ 189.78
Chatsworth Cleaners Uniform cleaning $ 44.98
Con Edison Fire HQ gas service 4/26-5/28/24 $ 371.48
Grainger Drinking cups for water cooler $ 271.97
Galls, LLC Hat for Plachta,credit for returned pants $ 27.00
Hi-Tech Fire&Safety,Inc. Name plates for Turnout Jackets $ 1,239.64
KRB Supply Co Assorted nut&bolts,drill bit 97.45
Fire-End Croker 2.5"hydrant gate 731.17
Sound Shore Pest Control Pest Control Services 5/28/24 70.00
UniFirst Corporation Bathroom&cleaning supplies 5/31,6/5,6/7/24 343.82
Village Pizza&Pasta Food for New Member drill 6/5/24 139.65
WJWW Water charge 4/26-5/25/24 37.00
Total $ 3,751.94
Page 72 of 98
Town Board
June 26, 2024