HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945_01_17 Town Board Minutes 347
In the Council Room of the' Weaver Street Firehouse , Town of
Mamaroneck New York
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville at
8:15 P.M. (Eastern War Time) .
Present ,: Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen Keeler
Absent. None
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk. Payne , Comptroller
Orsino and Accountant Finson.
The minutes of the meeting of December 29, 1944, were approved
as presented
The Supervisor requested the Town Clerk to read the communi
cations .
The Town Clerk reported that at the direction of the Supervisor
an advertisement had been placed in The Daily dines for the sale of
SIX (6) steel beams 24 feet long and 24.50%" deep, which beams 'nave been
stored at the Town: yard for a number of years , and that in reply the
Ad two (2) bids had been received,
The Town Clerk was directed to open the bids , which showed
as follows:
Im Sculky Dealer 'in Scrap Metal
Port Chester, N.Y. $175.000
Gramatan Fuel a Supply Corp. ,
Builders Supplies , Bronxville , Ney. $201,000
The members of the Board discussed the possIbility of the that
use of the beams for Town purposes, and when it was explained that no
use was found for the beams during the seven years which they have been
stored at the Town Yard and that as time goes on the value of same would
be affected by rust also that the cost of the removal of same in case
of sale at a later time when the market is not so good, may not afford
as good a proposition as the present high bids
Both bidders agreed to take the beans as they are and remove
same .
Following further discussion, it was on motion by bar Councilman
Shiner , seconded by Councilman Keeler, upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized to sell to the highest bidder , Gramatan
Fuel and Supply Corporation for the surn of $201.00 ,
the following described steel beams ,
A letter dated January 16 , 1945, was received from Leo N.
Orsino Comprtoller of the Town in which he reported that the Town
Attorney had advised him that the Town Board members comprise the Board
of Fire Commiss ioners and that under the Town Law such Boald of Fire
Commissioners should approve the chins of the Fire Department
The letter listed all of the claims presented since January I
1945, which had been certified by the Fire Chief, George w. Burton.
Following discussion with the Comptroller , the members of
the Board decided to prefer the claims to Councilman Keeler chairman
of the committee on fire protection matters , for his inspection and
recommendation to the Board of Fire Commissioners.
It was decided that following this meeting a meeting of the
Board. of Fire Commissioners would be held,
A claim dated January 12 , 1945, was received from the War
Price and Rationing Board , in the amount of $606.10 , for the Town's
share of the expenses for the maintenance of the ores at 430
Mamaroneck Avenue
It was explained by the Supervisor that the Town of Harrison
the Village of Mamaroneck, the Village of Larchmont , and the Town of
Mamaroneck all are standing their proportionate share and that the
amount claimed is less than the item in the budget for 1945 for the
It was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Council-
man Stiner , upon roll call , unanimously
RESOLVED that the claim presented by the I ocal
War Price Rationing Board , in the sum, of $606.10 '7
representing 225 of the maintenance of the offices
for the Rationing Board, be and it hereby is ap--
FURTHER, that the supervisor and Comptroller
and their hereby are authorized to pay same
A letter was received from Mr. Michael Leivestad , secretary
of the Student Council of Murray Avenue School , in which he stated that
the Council wishes to request that the Fire Department be given per-
mission to flood the Larchmont Gardens Lake throughout the winter months-
for skating,
Councilman Embury stated that he had something on this matter
and it was decided that the letter be laid over until he presented his
epos t later during the meeting,
A letter was received from Sehator James M. Mead acknowledging
the receipt of the message of the Town Board , regarding the St. Lawrence
'The letter was ordered received and filed.,
The Town Clerk. reported that a few days ago a notice had
been received from the public Service Commission, stating that the
Fordham Transit Co., Inc. had been granted a franchise for the
Councilman per inspected the certificates and recommended
that they be ordered received -and filed,,
On motion duly made are seconded , the Town Clerk was directed
to register the certificates and place then in the Town' s insurance file
A letter dated January 10 , 1945 , was received from Paul A.
Yerick, Chief of Police in which he advised that the Board of Police
Commissioners had aprointed Mr. Daniel V. Carriero a t orar patrol-
man to the Police Department , effective January 15, 1945 to fill the
vacancy left by the resignation of temporary patrolman Fred L. Bernabei
Councilman Embury offered the following resolution, which was
seconded by Councilman Griffin,, and upon roll call , unanimously adopted,
WHEREAS , a vacancy existed 'in the Police Department
in the position of temporary patrolman , and the Board
of Police Commissioners of the Town, on January 4 194
did select Mr. Daniel V. Carriero to fill the vacancy
RESOLVED, that the Town Board ratifies the action of
the Boar d of Police Commissioners and that Daniel V.
Carri ro be appointed as of January 15 1945 to serve
at the pleasure of the Board of Police Commissioners
and the Town Hoare at the salary sot Forth for this
position in the schedule of compensation for members
of the Police Department,
A letter dated January 16 , 1945, was received from Paul A.
Yerrick Chief of Police for the Town in which he advised that Custodian
Robert Donohoe who had been employed at the Police Headquarters since
1929 had passed away on January 14, 1945, and that with his passing
the Department felt that the Town had lost a most loyal and conscientious employee -
Members of the Board stated that they had known him or a
great many years and that they had found him to be as the Chief has
On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman Embury
the following resolution was unanimously adopted
WHEREAS the members of the Town Board of Mamaroneck
wish to record this expression of their sorrow at the
death of lr. Robert Donohoe Custodian, ho departed
this life on January 14 , 1945 and
WHEREAS , served the Town faithfully and courteously
for many years and was respected b77 all of his f e IIoF
RESOLVED, that this Board express its warmest appre-
ciation of his services to this community , and extends
A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Examining Board
of Plumbers held December 30, 1944, was received from Mr. A.J. Foote ,
It was ordered received and filed.
Applications for dance hall licenses for the year 1945 were
received from the Donnie Driar Country Club and the winged Foot Golf
Club. Each had been approved by the Building Inspector , Police De-
partment and the Fire Inspector
It was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Council-
man Stiner, upon off. call , unanimously
RESOLVED, that the applications for dance hall
licenses received from the Bode Briar Country
and the Winged Foot Golf Club be and to
hereby are approved , and that the Town Clerk be -
and he hereby is directed to issue the licenses.
The following reports were received and ordered filed
Report of the Receive of Taxes and Assessments for the month of De-
cember 1944,
A statement was received from the Receiver of Taxes and
Assessments , showing that at the close of business on December 31, 1944
the following percentage of taxes were received during the year on the
levy for 1944
Unincorporated $36,556.59 20,926.32 57,482.91
-. Village of Larchmont 8,682.98 21,402.44 3C 5.D 2
Village of Mamaroneck 190 a 22 6
2..t 4 a Z
4- Total
$76429.79 77,363.33 153,793.12
Percentage Paid 94,02 91.50
Report of the Town Clerk for the month of November and De.
cember , 1944; Report of the Building ,inspector for November and De De-
cember , 1944 Report of the Plumbing Inspect for November 1940-:
Report of the Plumbing' Inspector for the year 1944 Report of the
Westchester County Dog Protective Association for November and Dece -
ber , 1944 Report of the Public Health Nurses for November and Decem-
ber 1944: Annual Report for 1944 of the Mamaroneck.. Health Center, Inc .
Councilman Griffin read the reports the Public Welfare
Department which show as follows.
Month Yeas Case Load Individuals Total Expenditures
1 4,0 9
Nov* 19 43 29 59
1944 25 43 1 264,or,)C)
Dec . 1943 30 5 $19421*00
1944 25 48 1 1e95
Councilnan Griffin stated that he had at viand a cory of the
letter from the Supervisor giving a general statement of the status of
the Town at the close of the year 1944 He stated that he thought that
the letter was so good and of such interest to the general public that
it ought to be published and placed on the record of this meeting.
added that it ryas a splendid report and of vital interest to all. The
letter is Cas follows
January 2 1945
Honorable Town Board
The end of 1944, has found the Town in a much stronger
financial position,
It is estimated that there will be a surplus from 1944
operations. The principai savings in expenditures are
as follows:
Supervisor ' s Department: $1 ,30C
Assessor ' s Department 900.
Public Welfare (net) $200
Garbage Incineration 19500
Park Department 200
Interest on Temporary Loans 600
Miscallaneous Departments 2000 $159700
Contingency Fund Unexpended
Total Savings in Estimated Exp. $209700
In addition, the following epe e s s of re e s , over'
the estimates , is a iei aced,
Income Tax 109000
Mortgage Tax 6 24
, . ate 2o
Interest Penalties 98Z 19 624 Surplus Total X40 9304
Less o. Advance to s ecial Asset I
Fund to pay 1944 Debt Service 2 6
Total Estimated Surplus 1944 Oiler, $37,644
Our tax lien certificates outstanding on December 31, 1944
amounted to $135,000 and. at this time it seers probable that
between free the aprropriation of $120 ,000 in the 1945 Budget and
the co'llection of tax arrears and Town-owned propertv sales
that this can be liquidated June 30 , 1945 leaving the
Town on a one year basis as far as tax lien borrowings are
concerned. This is a very decided 'improvement over the
s ituation existing for the past several years
The bonded indebtedness wa reduced by $265, 500 in 1044
and no bonds were issued. The outstanding indebtedness
at he end of 1944 was $3,308,000
During 1944 we sold 15 parcels of Town - owned properties
having an assessed valuation of $48,450.
. 357
Complaints have been fewer than ever and have irnnediatelv
beer, rove tiga ed and rectified if justifiable.
Our highways and sewers have been properly maintained and
are in excellent shape especially so considering the low
amount off° funds expended.
At the end of 1944 all matters had been acted upon and
nothing left undone.
Respectfuly submitted
( signed) Owen A. Mandeville
A copy of the foregoing letter was given to Mrs. Donaldson of the
of Daily Times,,
Councilman Griffin referred to another let toy which was re-
ceived by the Councilmen from the Supervisor , which letter follows
January 2 1945
Hon. Edward C. Griffin
51 Woodbine Avenue
Dear Councilman Griffin
I am attaching hereto list of Town-owned Prorerties
and would like very much to have of give some study the
-- to the same before the next meeting
It is my belief that it might be well for us to give
consideration to aprointing some local real estate
agent as the Town' s agent to handle and dispose of
this real estate.
I feel that with the proper amount of work and atten-
tion that the holdings can be reduced substantially,
especially in vielw of the fact that there will be a
fair demand for some of this real estate for post war
Your viewsin connection with the same will be greatly
appreciated at the next meeting.
Very truly yours
(signed) Owen A. Mandeville
cc: to Each Councilman
Councilman Griffin opened discussion upon the principal of
naming an agent to manage the sale of the properties.
During the discussion on the proposed plan, Councilman
Keeler had recalled that he and Councilman Stier had inspected a
considerable amount of the property appearing upon the list of Town-
owned propertlies and that he thought it might be well that he and
Councilman Stiner again arrange a day to complete inspection on all
of the properties this being done with a view towards being in a
position to advise the Board as to the existing conditions,,
Councilman Embury reported that at the last meeting of the
Park Department there were 1288 names appearing on the Honor Roll - 564
for the Village and 724 for the unincorporated section with about 12
other names that were in the hands of the painter but did not go up as
yet making in all about 1300 and 25 gold stars
He said that the Roll is getting pretty nearly full of names and
with the speeding up of the draft it may be necessary to enlarge
the Honor Roll. He added that Mr. Wang is taking the matter up with
Mr. Otto Eggers the architect to see what can be done about an ex
tension to it,
Regarding the matter Of flooding the Larchmont Gardens Lake
Councilman Embury reported that Mr. Theodore Tuck, secretary of the
Fire Department t had received several requests from different organiza
tions for the flooding of the lake. He said that Mr. Tuck talked with
Mr. Wang and although the suggestion is a good one , their are confronted
with several difficulties. He said it would be necessary to have the
cooperation o the various departments - the Farb Departmuent in etti
debris off the Lake ; the Highway Department to remove the snow and
the Police Department to see that the boys do not go on the Lake before
the ice is frozen. In the neantime , Councilman Embury said the
additional snow came but the three departments are supposed to get
together and. work out some plan which will make it possible to g e
some advantage out of the Lake,
He informed the nembers of the Board that the Park Department
had. some difficulty regarding the swans , but they, have been able to
dispose of them.,
Regarding the floodlight for the Honor Roll , he Said that at
first the Westchester Lighting Company said that they did not have the
material but Mr Wang reported. that they would tare care of it as soon
as they can
He said that he had two letters which he thought were of
interest and would read to the members after the meeting,
He reported that the trustees of the Police Pension Fund
would hold an organization meeting next week,
Councilman Embury reporter that the oil burner at the Police
Department has been causing considerable trouble 'or some time and had
gone out completelv. He said that part of the difficulty was a break
in the line from the outside tank to the burner and most of the fault
was that, the burner is about 17 years ofd and just gave out completely
making it necessary to get a new one for which three bids were obtained
Morrow service moo. Quiet May $255 Completely instal led with 1 yr
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Comptroller be and he
hereby is authorized to audit said claim aid charge
same to the Police Department budget for the year
Councilman Stirrer stated that he had received from Superin-
tendent of Highwa y , Mr. Foote , a recommendation regarding salaries in
his Department for certain individuals who have heretofore been com-
pensated on an hourly basis . These recommendations are as follows
For George Osborne , General Repair Man and Drive e - 1 ,700
For Edward Bohan, Automotive Miechanic $2,500
Mr. Foote suggested that the pavment of these salaries be
made as follows .
George Osborne , General Repair Man - $500 Item III
George Osborne , Driver 1 ,200 Item I
Edward Bohan Automotive Mechanic 9,500 Item III
Mr. Foote farther recommended that a further salary of $800
be appropriated from the Item in the sewer Department "maintenance Man"
for George Osborne , to compensate him for services rendered in that
Upon notion made by Councilman Stirrer , and seconded bar council-
man Embury, the following resolution was adopted,
RESOLVED , that there be paid to George Osborne
salary of 2,500 of which $1,700 be paid from High d from i g .-
way Funds now in the Budget Item 1 , $1,200; Item III ,
$500) and 800 from the amount now aprropriated in
the Sewer Department.
FURTHER RESOLED ,, that there be paid to 'Edward Bohan,
salary of $2,500 , such amount to be appropriated
from Highway "Funds , Item III
FLIRTER RESOLVED , that subject to approval by the
Personnel Director o the County Westchester , the
salary scale of CivilService employees 'in the Town
of Mamaroneck. be ameded so as to contain in addition ;
to Positions and salaries the-re now, included the
George Osborne , General Repair Man 2,100 $2,800 _.
Edgard Bohan, Automotive Mechanic 2,100 $2,800
FURTHER RESOLVED, that tlriis resolution shall become
effecive as of January 15, 1945
Counciln-an Keeler reported that under date of January 11 , 1945
8 6
The Town Clerk handed to Councilman Keeler the continuation
certificates on public officials ' bonds for three positions.
Councilman Keeler inspected and offered the following re- --jr- e-
solution for the approval of the certificates, The resolution was
seconded by Councilman Embury and upon roll call , unanimously adopted
WHEREAS continuation certificates have been re-
ceived to the following described Public officials '
bonds extending the terms to Decenber 31 , 1945; and
WHEREAS the original bonds were approved by the
Town Board on January 59 1944;
RESOLVED, that such certificates be approved and be
attached to the following described bonds ,
Sun Indemnity CO,, Bond No. 112505 $1 ,000 Comptroller
112507 Public Welfare Officer
112508 Bldg. & Plbg. Inspector
Supervisor Mandeville referred to the death of Miss Anne
Kathleen Cullen, Red Cross staff assistant , which resulted from the
bombing by the Nazis of a Red Cross Hospital in Belgium. He stated
that she was the first woman from the Town of Mamaroneck to lose her
life in this World War
He recalled that Mr. Vincent Cullen, her father , had been a
public official in the village of Larchmont for a number of years and
asked the members of the Board if they wished to adopt a resolution
expressing sympathy to the family.
He stated that Councilman Keeler had been a friend of t he
family for many years and asked Mr. Keeler if he had any ideas in the
Councilman Keeler stated that Miss Cullen was not otily the
first woman of Mamaroneck to lose her life in this war , but she was
the first woman in the American Red Cross to lose her life because of
enemy action In this War.
He said that he understood that the Supervisor had been
sending letters to the members of the families where casualties and
loss of life had been reotd.
The Supervisor said that this was true and every case
whenever a report was received he expressed syrapathy on behalf of all
of the members of the Town Board and that the same was in the case of
the Cullen family. But he thought that the members of the Board may
want to take exception of this case being that the Miss Cullen was the
first woman to lose her life in actual warfare
Following discussion and the Supervisor's explanation as to
The Supervisor reported that at a meeting of the Board of
Supervisors at White Plains N.Y. the Commissioner of Elections had
aired hi s grievances and made accusations against town clerks generally
in the County for the manner in which they conducted elections. He
said that he had asked the commissioner if any of these accusations
were directed to the Town of Mamaronek and that the Commissioner
replied that there viras absolutely no complaint about the Town of
Mamroneck and that there are two good town clerks in the county and
tho best of the two is the One from Mamaroneck
The Supedrqvisor recommended the following resolution, which
was on motion bar Councilman stirrer , seconded by Councilman Griffin
upon roll call , unanimouslv
RESOLVED, that the sum of $6034.42 be accepted by
the Town of Mamaroneck as representing its share of
the purchase price o f the premises known as Section 9 ,
Block 66 , Lot 1 on the Village of Mamaroneck assess-
ment roll , and knowin as Block 925, Parcel 1 on the
Town of Mamaroneck assessment roll and that said sure
be applied first to the payment of 1944 state , town,
county and, school taxes unpaid are that the balance
of $4,530 be applied in full payment of the follow-
ing uax liens outstanding on Block 925, Parcel 1
which tam liens are herebv cancelled,
dear of Tax Year of sale Amount of Lien
1941 1942 $ 1549.63
1942 1943 1579.00
1943 1944 1477.00
The Supervisor reported that last week certificates of indebtedness
amounting to $160,000 were sold to the First National Bank of Mount Vernon,
N.Y. at a rate of .35%. Other bids received were as follows: First National Bank
of Boston .374% County Trsut Company .445%
The Supervisor reported that Mrs. J.F. Auer had paid him a
visit regarding the Visiting Nurse Association and that she is of the
opinion that the Town should increase its contribution by $480 to be
distributed between the two nurses who are working in both the villages
and the Town or an increase of $240 each per year
Councilman Griffin asked why this matter was not presented
by the 'interested parties before, the budget was prepared. He said that
he ageed that they are doing very good a work but that this should have
been brought at the proper time
Councilman Embury talked of the possibility of their getting
this assistance from the Larchmont Conmunity Chest.
It was explained by the Supervisor that this is a Town
matter and that whatever is done should be decided on this basis
There was considerable discussion following which the Super-
visor offered to consult the Mamaronek health Center Inc. ,, to fired
out what their recommendations would be in the matter,
RESOLVED that the Supervisor and the Comptroller be and they hereby
are authorized to pay the following claims out of the funds of the Fire
Blue Print Co. $2.80
R.G. Brewer inc. 20.87
Burton & Fenton, Inc. 252.02
Eureka Fire Hose Division 218.27
Henry B. Glick 4.45
Goldie's Army Store Inc. 68.07
Gunn Bros. Oil Co. Inc. 218.00
G.W. Merrell 28.25
L. Earl Miller, inc. 28.02
New York Telephone Company 43.50
New Rochelle Water Co. - Hydrant Rental 52.50
Patchen Bros. 11.00
Raymond & Fealey 37.00
The Seagrave corp. 787.40
Station Garbage 5.00
Richard Thorburn 72.00
Thos. B. Sutton Corp. 861.00
Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1
Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1-
Hydrant Rental 726.66
Westchester Lighting Co. 21.91
At 10 o'clock P.M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn
Town Clerk