HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944_12_01 Town Board Minutes 291 SPECIAL MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING BY AND BEFORE THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK NEW YORK HELD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN LAW, DECEMBER 1, 1944 In the Council room of the Weaver Street Fire House Town of Mamaroneck, New York The hearing was called to order by supervisor MandeviIle at 8:15 P.M. (Eastern War Time) . Present: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Giffin, Embury Stiner , Keeler Absent : None The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne , Town Attorney Delius , Assessor Smith , Comptroller Orsino, Accountant Finson Also Justices of the Peace , liessersmith and Baxter , Jr.. . Chief of Police Yerick Police Commissioner Johnson: Park Commissioner Mrs. Lawton, The Town Clerk read the call of the meeting and stated that the sane had been dulv advertised and posted. Supervisor MandeviIle then declared the hearing open for discussion on the proposed budget. He announced that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss and review the proposed budget for the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1945. He suggested, that if it is satis actor with those preset that it be recievd page by page' and questions cofined to each page if possible. The Supervisor explaine d that the Larchmont Gardens Association :. had carefully considered an d reviev.red this bu d et and had ac ulire . the services of one of the best actuary 's a large institution to review it and they made up a three-page questionnaire. He requested that the budget chairman o the gardens Association refer to the questions they brought up as the budget was being reviewed page by page, In response to a question in regard to the item of address - rap in the Department of Town Offices , on Page 4, the supervisor explained that it is a piece of equiment that will do three difficult and different jobs in a better and more economical wanner. That it involves no ad6itional personnell, in fcact , will leave more time for the present personnel for other tasks. On Page 5, referring to the increase of $175 for publishing the annual report , the Supervisor explained that last year it was thought that this report could be published in keeping quit $75 but that the expense inreased. 293 of these had been i iritten last year on this basis and some more were being put on a three-gear basis this gear so that all would not fall due in any one year but rather woti.ld be spread over a period in order to maintain a fairlv even distribution of the premiums. On Page 10 , a question was raised on the increase of tax lien foreclosure costs , etc . , from $600 to $1500. The Supervisor explained that it is based on the estimated requirements in this connection and for what is coming up in 1945. Page 11. some one inquired about the items or rent -- $300 nor Services Contractual. The Supervisor explained that this is the rent for the court room of the Justice of the Peace , $25 per month. Page 12. The question was asked why the increase in the epa rtment o Engineer from $1200 to $1300. The Supervisor explained that the increase is for the preparation of cost war plans which have been approved by the New York State posh War Planning Commission, and for which in the estimated revenues is are item of $ 400 which represents refunds on this expenditure, Page 13. Department of Public Welfare Mr. Byrne stated that it appears that the administrative costs of operate ng the wel- fare in accordance wit h the 1944 budget after deducting the unex- pended amount was actually fifty cents for each dol-ar expended for :. relief. He asked how much o that money was thrown back in the General Fund from the 1944 budget It was explained that it is estmated that there will be a net surplus in the Welfare Department of approximately $8,000 , which amount has been given as a credit in the 1945 budget in estimated re- venues under the item, Cash Available. 'It was further explained that Mr. Byrne' s figures are misleading in that the admnistrative costs in addition to including the gro-nting of relief to the citizens c the Town, also includes the work performed in investigations for the draft board and for all hospital cases which are charged to the T m n of Mamaroneck , which figure is approximately $60 ,000 so that the actual cost of administering welfare is considerably below the fifty per cent figure quote Mr. Byrne. Page 14. Regarding increase for publishing Notices , it was explained this increase is to cover the cost of publishing the tax lien notice of sale. For the item, Care of own Cemetery, the Supervisor explained that the Town Cemetery is in sucks condition that the Town will be forced for the next couple of years to do a renovating job, the cost of which will be $1500 so that the sum of $500 was included in this : year ' s budget get instead of the usual $100 , as it is expected that one third of the work will be done this year. He added that from time : to time people must be buried there and the Town is obligated to take care of the cemetery by lay. He said that at the present tine there are three or four people buried in each grave and parts of the cemetery walls are collapsing and parts of it must be repaired without delay, Councilman Keeler stated that people are entitled to. kno w that the extenditure of money for cemetery purposes is naturally looked - upon with some question but this ceremony is an elevated one with 295 Regarding the increase fog the Public Library, Con -ilm n Griffin explained that the increase in the Library Fund is caused Orm, by adjustent of the costs of the library to conform with a ; surve which showed that the residents of the unincorporated area used the library to the extent of 48% Further that the village of Larchmont will pay the other of the o era i cr costs. Someone asked if there 's still need for a War Council, The Supervisor stated that it is his thought that it is needed , at east to the extent of the amount allocated in the budget for it Councilman Keeler explained that from time to time during the past year this question has been discussed. He said that orders are received from the County who in turn gets instructions from the U. S. Government therefore making .it necessary to maintain a Council. As a dotter of fact , he stated that the Boston Post 'Road is con- stantly, being used for the transfer of munitions also , the New Haven Railroad is constantly taking loads of combustible materials through the Town. He added that although our air raid system which is practically at a standstill , is ready to respond at a moment's notice. The question was asked if the Honor Roll is going to be a permanent me uorial. The Supervisor said that it would be for the people to decide whether it is to be perrmanent. Councilman Ernbury stated that it is permanent for the present. That in twenty years we don't know. He pointed out that the same amount has been included .in the budget as last year. . He said that of course the prospect of a speedy end to the war' is not as good as it was six months ago. He said that although he t aught that the --- appropriation is very small. the Honor Roll will be taken care of off' and #i f o hi e c e send more money i Te hope that the architect t can do -as good a l t as he did el ore . " He added that the princ'nal thing is a repaint job, : Mrs. Green said that she thought thaat nobody would object ; if more money is spent for the Honor Roll, Councilman Embury said that new games are added from time to time. That at the last meeting of the Park Department there were 1279 names on the Honor Roll; 564 from the Village , 715 from the Town At that time there were 23 gold stars. Incidently he said he might mention that one of the organizations of the community raised the question about lighting, We thought ground lighting would not do, first , ec use it is very difficult to install secondly that un fortunately there 's considerable disregard of property rights by sane of the children of the community. " He said that they ae afraid that it would not last very long. However he said , there might be a possibility of getting a flood light on a pole near the Honor , Roll and that this is being taken up with the Weschester Lighting Comranv. Mr. van Allen asked if there would be any possibility lighting the Lake for skating. He added that he supposed this would be out off' order due to priorities , etc. TOWN OF MAMARONECK ADOPTED TAX BUDGET FOR 1945 EXTRACT of minutes of a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck held pursuant to notice as provided by Section 113 of the Town Law at the Weaver Street Fire House in the Town of Mamaroneck on December 1, 1944 at 8:15 P.M. The following members were present : Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen: Griffin, Embury, Stiner, Keeler Absent : None The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne, Town Attorney Delius, Assessor Smith, Comptroller Orsino, Accountant Finson. Also Justices of the Peace, Messersmith and Baxter Jr, Chief Of Police Yerick, Police Commissioner Johnson, Park Commissioner, Mrs. Lawton After hearing all persons who desired to speak on the budget and after a motion had been made from the floow approving the Preliminary Tax budget in the form in which it was presented which motion was made by Mr. A.D. Van Allen and seconded by Mr. Wesley M. Messersmith, the Supervisor declared the meeting closed and the Board proceeded to review the proposed budget or estimate The following resolution was then made by Councilman Embury WHEREAS this Board has heretofore made compiled and filed with the Town Clerk a preliminary tax budget containing the estimated probable revenues and estimated expenditures for the several departments offices and other town and special district purposes for the year 1945 and WHEREAS notice of the completion and filing of said tax budget and calling a public hearing thereon has been duly published on November 20th and 27 1944 in the Daily Times Mamaroneck in the matter requiredby law and WHEREAS a public hearing upon said tax budget was duly held this day in accordance with the notice so published and WHEREAS no protests or objections were made against any items contained in said tax budget and a motion was made from the floor approving the budget which was duly adopted by those present and NOW THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the final estimates as completed by the Town Board and filed in the office of the Town Clerk be and the same hereby are adopted as the budget for the year 1945 pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law and that said estimates as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of this Board as follows: TOWN OF MAMARONECK SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOR 1946 GENERAL TOWN 1946 Budget Appropriation Town Offices 14,520.00 Supervisor 5,350.00 Town Clerk 4,445.00 Comtroller 1,100.00 Elections 4,538.00 Receiver of Taxes 8,505.00 Assessor 7,635.00 Law 9,625.00 Foreclosures & Certiorari Costs 5,500.00 Justices of the Peace 5,072.00 Contributions and Donations 600.00 Highways 15,000.00 Engineer 5,000.00 Public Welfare 28,545.00 Miscellaneous Expenditures 24.775.00 Debt Service 220,172.00 Gross Total 360,383.07 Less: Revenues 122,234.00 Net Levy 238,149.00 TOWN OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES HIGHWAY Repairs and Improvements 22,500.00 Debt Service 54,399.00 Gross Total 76,899.00 Less: Revenues 900.00 Net Levy 75,999.00 FIRE, LIGHTING & WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT Fire Department 27,098.37 Street Lighting 15,500.00 Hydrant Rental 9,500.00 Water District Debt Service 47,021.50 Gross Total 99,119.87 Less: Water District Revenues 47,021.50 Net Levy 52,098.37 Garbage District No. 1 Garbage Collection and Disposal 19,462.95 Garbage Incineration 6,000.00 Debt Service 6,718.00 Net Levy 32,180.95 Other Departments Board of Appeals 325.00 Building and Plumbing Department 2,075.00 Police Department 74,453.03 Miscellneous Expenditures 14,030.76 Gross Total 90,883.79 Less: Revenues 10,500.00 Net levy 80,383.79 TOWN OF MAMARONECK SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOR 1946 GENERAL TOWN 1946 Budget Appropriation Town Offices 14,520.00 Supervisor 5,350.00 Town Clerk 4,445.00 Comtroller 1,100.00 Elections 4,538.00 Receiver of Taxes 8,505.00 Assessor 7,635.00 Law 9,625.00 Foreclosures & Certiorari Costs 5,500.00 Justices of the Peace 5,072.00 Contributions and Donations 600.00 Highways 15,000.00 Engineer 5,000.00 Public Welfare 28,545.00 Miscellaneous Expenditures 24.775.00 Debt Service 220,172.00 Gross Total 360,383.07 Less: Revenues 122,234.00 Net Levy 238,149.00 TOWN OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES HIGHWAY Repairs and Improvements 22,500.00 Debt Service 54,399.00 Gross Total 76,899.00 Less: Revenues 900.00 Net Levy 75,999.00 FIRE, LIGHTING & WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT Fire Department 27,098.37 Street Lighting 15,500.00 Hydrant Rental 9,500.00 Water District Debt Service 47,021.50 Gross Total 99,119.87 Less: Water District Revenues 47,021.50 Net Levy 52,098.37 Garbage District No. 1 Garbage Collection and Disposal 19,462.95 Garbage Incineration 6,000.00 Debt Service 6,718.00 Net Levy 32,180.95 Other Departments Board of Appeals 325.00 Building and Plumbing Department 2,075.00 Police Department 74,453.03 Miscellneous Expenditures 14,030.76 Gross Total 90,883.79 Less: Revenues 10,500.00 Net levy 80,383.79 TOWN OF MAMARONECK SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOH 1945 TOWN OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES (Continued) 1945 Budget Appropriation Park District No. 1 Operating 10,014.92 Debt Service 24,930.25 Net Levy 34,945.17 Sewer District No. 1 Operating 7,031.01 Debt Service 124,222.12 Net Levy 131,253.13 Special Assessment Debt Service : Maple Hill part II 5,318.75 Total levy 5,318.75 Summary Total Operating 348,201.36 Total Debt Service 462,782.37 Gross Expenditures 830,983.73 Loss:Revenues 180,655.50 Net Levy 650,328.23 TOWN OF MAMARONECK ESTIMATED REVENUES GENERAL TOWN 1945 Budget Appropriation Interest and Penalties on Taxes 15,000.00 Justices' Fines 250.00 Justices' Fees 300.00 Income Tax 50,000.00 Beverage Tax 28,000.00 Welfare Refunds - Home Relief 7,600.00 Welfare Refunds - Administrative 1,984.00 Town Clerk's Earnings 700.00 Refund - Post War Plans 3,400.00 Cash Available 15,000.00 Total 122,234.00 OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Dog Licenses 1,700.00 Building Permits 150.00 Plumbing Permits 50.00 Franchise Taxes 600.00 Merchantile & Manufacturing Taxes 3,000.00 Mortgage Tax 5,000.00 Total 10,500.00 FIRE, LIGHTING & WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 1 Water Revenue 47,021.50 HIGHWAY DISTRICT Estimated State Aid 900.00 TOWN OF MAMRONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF TOWN OFFICES SERVICES - PERSONAL 1945 Budget Appropriation Permanent Employees Caretaker 900.00 Telephone Operator (P.T) 720.00 Inter. Account Clerk & Stenographer 1,800.00 Accountant 3,600.00 Junior Stenographer 1,100.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Rent 2,100.00 Adressograph 2,950.00 Light 200.00 Telephone 700.00 Office Supplies 450.00 14,520.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF SUPERVISOR SERVICES - PERSONAL 1945 Budget Appropriation Permanent Employees Supervisor $3,600.00 Clerk to Supervisor 1,500.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Publishing Annual Report 250.00 5,350.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF TOWN CLERK SERVICES - PERSONAL 1945 Budget Appropriation Permanent Employees Town Clerk 3,600.00 Clerical Assistant (P.T.) 720.00 SERVICES CONTRACTUAL Office Supplies 125.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMPTROLLER SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Comtroller 800.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Office Supplies 300.00 1,100.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS SERVICES - PERSONAL 1945 Budget Appropriation Custodians (2) 200.00 Compensation of Inspectors and Poll Clerks for: b) Fall Primary 560.00 c) Registration 1,760.00 d) General Election 640.00 e) Instruction Meeting 128.00 Compensation of Chairman for delivering returns to White Plains 177.00 Labor in setting up and removing equipment 150.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Rent of Polling places 208.00 Transportation of equipment 300.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES New Equipment and supplies 150.00 MISCELLANEOUS Publishing Notices 175.00 Special Elections and Permissive Referenda 50.00 Re-canvass of Voting Machines 40.00 4,538.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF RECEIVER OF TAXES SERVICES - PERSONAL 1945 BUDGET APPROPRIATION Permanent Employees Receiver of Taxes and Assessments 4,125.00 Senior Account Clerk 2,800.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies 1,550.00 MISCELLANEOUS Publishing Notices 30.00 8,505.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF TOWN ASSESSOR SERVICES - PERSONAL 1945 BUDGET APPROPRIATION Permanent Employees Town Assessor 3,960.00 Assessment Clerk (P.T.) 550.00 Senior Typist 1,860.00 Board Of Review 500.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies 150.00 MISCELLANEOUS Traveling and Insurance 250.00 Publishing Notices 15.00 Deed and Mortgage Abstracts 250.00 Maps 100.00 7,635.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF LAW SERVICES - PERSONAL 1945 Budget Appropriation Permanent Employees Town Attorney 6,600.00 Legal Assistance 1,000.00 Senior Stenographer 1,920.00 Loss: Service to Park District 170.00 Board of Appeals 250.00 1,500.00 MISCELLANEOUS Traveling 200.00 Supplies, stationary, title searches etc 325.00 CERTIORARI PROCEEDINGS AND FORECLOSURES Tax Lion Foreclosure Costs: Searches, Roforoos, Fees, title changes etc 1,500.00 Certiorari Costs : Roforoos fees, real estate appraisal fees, court costs etc 4,000.00 5,500.00 TOWN OF MAMRONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE SERVICES - PERSONAL 1945 Budget Appropriation Permanent Employees Justices of the Peace (2) 3,600.00 Clerical Assistance 900.00 Stenographic Charges 50.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Rent 300.00 Telephone 120.00 Light 12.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies 90.00 5,072.00 CONTRIBUTIONS AND DONATIONS Memorial Day Observance American Legion 1 post 100.00 Veterans of Foreign Wars 100.00 Maintenance of Post Quarters 400.00 600.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1945 Budget Appropriation BRIDGE FUND - Item No. 2 500.00 MACHINERY FUND - Item No. 3 5,300.00 SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND - Item No. 4 Superintendent of Highways (P.T.) 2,600.00 Snow Removal 3,500.00 Insurance 2,000.00 Miscellaneous 1,100.00 15,000.00 DEPARTMENT OF TOWN ENGINEER Town Engineer (P.T.) 1,900.00 Less: Services to Sewer Dist. 700.00 1,200.00 Office & Engineering Expenses 3,500.00 Services of Building & Plumbing Inspector 300.00 5,000.00 n i 1 BUDGET I;fit,"Z T S � 1 Budge ShTlICES P S ON2�1 -1 -or 0 ati Permanorit EM �1 Town 77elfare Officer c% 2)000 0 00 Intermediate Stenographer 1 3.40 0 Custodian *2 --oo 720*C Social. Case Su o vI* .s or 2j160e0Q . ' ` cis Light §1� 65000 Fuel 400.00 'o 1 e h.one 7000 Central n de x 75000 r.c �. ' I 1's � .,..SUP PLIES Office Sun-plies -500VOG 300900 Furniture and Fixture 1-00 100 100000 MTSC'4211L�J,7,17.0 US Repairs to Building 1 100000 moll Expense , HOME- L Public 1,olfa e Office � : ;�� 18 Y,0000 t o r a.en c � : _*_0006.00 2 8 �5 ow m TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES AUDITING SERVICES 1945 BUDGET APPROPRIATION Town Audit 1,200.00 TOWN BOARD Reports, surveys, traveling 100.00 Publishing notices 650.00 Salaries, four Councilmen $4,800.00 BANK SERVICES 500.00 LEGAL 400.00 INSURANCE AND BONDS 1,100.00 FEES FOR VITAL STATISTICS 70.00 CARE OF TOWN CEMETERY 500.00 MEMBERSHIP IN TOWN ASSOCIATION 102.00 TAXES ON TOWN-OWNED PROPERTY 7,000.00 RETIREMENT FUND CONTRIBUTION 3,353.32 CONTNGENT PURPOSES 5,000.00 24,775.32 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL 1. Weaver Street Improvement Bond No. 8 dated Feb 1, 1928 due Feb 1, 1945 1000.00 2. Highway Improvement Bond No. 15 dated Feb. 1, 1931 due Feb 1, 1945 1000.00 3. General Bonds of 1939, Nos 61 to 70 Incl., dated Feb 1, 1939 due Feb . 1, 1945 10,000.00 4. Weaver Street - Part I - Highway Improvement Bond Nos. 27 and 28 dated Sept 1, 1927, due Sept. 1, 1945 2000.00 5. Highway Bonds of 1936 (Boston Post Road Land Damage) Nos. 17 and 18 dated Oct 1, 1945 2000.00 6. Highway Improvement Bonds (Boston Post Road) Nos. 181 to 195 incl. dated April 15, 1932 due April 15, 1945 15,000.00 7. Highway Bonds (County Road 67-II) No.7 dated May 15, 1938 due May 15, 1945 1,000.00 8. Highway Bonds (Series A - Boston Post Road) Nos. 124 to 133 incl. dated June 1, 1932 due June 1, 1945 10,000.00 9. Highway Bonds of 1937 (Boston Post Road Land Damage) Nos. 18 to 20 incl. dated June 1, 1937 due June 1, 1945 1,000.00 10. General Bonds of 1937 (W.P.A.) Nos. 106 to 120 incl. dated June 1, 1937 due June 1, 1945 15,000.00 11. General Bonds of 1940 (Series I) No. 27 dated July 15, 1940 due July 15, 1945 1000.00 12. General Bonds of 1940 (Series II) Nos. 15 to 18 Incl. dated July 15, 1940 due July 15, 1945 4,000.00 13. General Bonds of 1941 (W.P.A.) Nos. 31 to 40 Incl. dated March 1, 1941 due March 1, 1945 10,000.00 14. General Bonds of 1943 Nos. 5 and 6. dated March 1, 1943 due Spet. 1, 1945 2,000.00 Carried Forward $77,000.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE Brought Forward $77,000.00 15. Payment on account of tax lien note due July 1, 1945 120,000.00 INTEREST 16. On $1,900 4.50% Weaver St. Improvment Bonds dated Feb 1, 1928 due Feb 1, 1945 and on $900. due August 1, 1945 63.00 17. On $7,000 4.50% Highway Improvement Bonds dated Feb 1, 1931 due Feb 1, 1945 and on $6,000 due August 1, 1945 276.25 18. On $40,000 1.90% General Bonds of 1939 dated Feb. 1, 1939 due Feb. 1, 1945 and on $30,000 due August 1, 1945 665.00 19. On $8,600 4.25% Weaver Street Part I - Highway Improvement Bonds dated Sept. 1, 1927 due March 1 and Sept 1, 1945 387.00 20. On $29,000 3.25% Highway Bonds of 1936 (Boston Post Road Land Damage) dated Oct. 1, 1936 due April 1 and Oct 1, 1945 942.00 21. On $135,000 6% Highway Improvement Bonds (Boston Post Road) dated April 15, 1932 due April 15, 1945 and on $120,000 due oct 15, 1945 7,650.00 22. On $13,000 3.60% Highway Bonds 9Co.Rd. 67-II) dated May 15, 1938 due May 15, 1945 and on $12,000 due November 15, 1945 450.00 23. On $110,000 6% Highway Bonds (Series A) dated June 1, 1932 due June 1, 1945 and on $100,000 due December 1, 1945 6,300.00 24. On $39,000 3.25% Highway Bonds of 1937 dated June 1, 1937 due June 1, 1945 and on $36,000 due December 1, 1945 1,218.75 25. On $55,000 3.25% General Bonds of 1937 dated June 1, 1937 due June 1, 1945 and on $40,000 due December 1, 1945 1,543.75 26.On $5000 1.60% General Bonds of 1940 (Series I) dated July 15, 1940 due January 15, 1945 and July 15, 1945 80.00 Carried Forward $216,576.25 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE (continued) Brought Forward $215,576.25 27. On $14,000 1.60% General Funds of 1940 (Series II) dated July 15, 1940 due January 15 and July 15, 1945 224.00 28. On $35,000 1.70% General Bonds of 1941 dated March 1, 1941 due March 1, 1945 and on $25,000 due September 1, 1945 510.00 29. On $5,000 1.25% General Bonds of 1943 dated March 1, 1943 due March 1, 1945 and September 1, 1945 62.50 30. On $50,000 1.60% Refunding Bonds of 1943 dated June 1, 1943 due June 1 and December 1, 1945 800.00 31. Interest on temporary indebtedness 2,000.00 Total $220,172.75 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF BOARD OF APPEALS SERVICES - PERSONAL 1945 Budget Appropriation Permanent Employees Senior Stenographer (p.t) 250.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies 25.00 MISCELLANEOUS Publishing Notices 50.00 325.00 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES TOWN BOARD CARE OF ANIMALS 1,200..00 PUBLIC LIBRARY Larchmont Public Library 7,350.00 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE (2) (p.t.) Employed pursuant to Sec. 20-B Par. 8 of Public Health Law 1,560.00 SHADE TREE FUND WAR EMERGENCY PURPOSES War Council 850.00 Civilian Protection 325.00 RETIREMENT FUND CONTRIBUTION 1,810.76 FEES FOR DOG ENUMERATOR 185.00 14,030.76 ......... .............. CK 01F LST 'S c fttF+ + I+fn m rrrrrr Perm.ancimt -EmpLoz nslz d. Pl . Inspoctor 2 650. to Assessor q 5.0,6(Do .000 600000 17. ? _: : .s" 150. o . ., 4',-ND SUPPLTES Publishing no is os J0000 Offico Slis 2.1075900 OF Iteyr Ni 1 for r --1,'-ring la , ,rS TOWN OF MAMARONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARMENT OF POLICE 1945 Budget Aprropriation SERVICES PERSONAL r}y m rrrrriynr r.. r*rx i Permanent Employees Police Chief 4,250.00 Police Lieutenant 1) 3,650.00 Police Sergeants (3) 9,750.00 Police Patrolmen 1 6) 43,078.03 Custodlan 1,200.00 Stenographer 400.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Telephone, alarm, teletype 1,650.00 Traffic signals . 700.00 Insurance 1,900.00 Water, Light and Gas 325.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Miscellaneous 600.00 Repairs to headquarters 100.00 Fuel Oil 450.00 Gasoline and Oil 1,350.00 Office Supplies 300.00 Clothing 50.00 Repairs to motorcycles, cars . 1000.00 Fingerprint equipment 1,500.00 Range Supplies 100.00 Radio Maintenance 50.00 Traffic Safety 200.00 Purchase of new cars 50.00 1,800.00 74,453.03 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL 1. Murray Avenue Widoning Bonds Nos. 31 and 32 dated February 1, 1926 due February 1, 1945 $2000.00 2. Fine Brock Improvement Bonds Nos. 15 and 16 dated February 1, 1934 due February 1, 1945 2000.00 3. Highway Improvement Bonds Nos. 40 to 42 incl. dated September 1, 1927 due September 1, 1945 3000.00 4. Highway Improvement Bonds Nos. 161 to 170 incl. dated October 1, 1928 due October 1, 1945 10,000.00 5. Highway Improvement Bonds Nos. 166 to 180 incl. dated May 1, 1929 due May 1, 1945 15000.00 6. Highway Drainage Bonds Nos. 18 to 20 incl. dated May 15, 1938 due May 15, 1945 3000.00 7. Highway Improvement Bonds (Murray Avenue) Nos. 127 to 135 incl. dated June 1, 1930 due June 1, 1945 9000.00 INTEREST 8.On $18000 4.50% Murray Ave. Widening Bonds dated February 1, 1926 due February 1, 1945 and on $16,000 due August 1, 1945 765.00 9. On $50,000 5.50% Pine Brook Improvement Bonds dated Feb. 1, 1934 due Feb 1, 1945 and on $48,000 due August 1, 1945 2,695.00 10. On $6,000 4.50% Highway Improvment Bonds dated September 1, 1927 due March 1 and September 1, 1945 11. On $40,000 4.5% Highway Improvement Bonds dated Oct 1, 1928 due April 1, Oct 1, 1945 1800.00 12. On $60,000 4.5% Highway Improvement Bonds dated May 1, 1929 due May 1, 1945 and on $45,000 due November 1, 1945 2,362.00 13. On $12,000 3.6% Highway Drainage Bonds dated May 15, 1938 due May 15, 1945 and on $9000 due November 15, 1945 378.00 14. On $54,000 4.30% Highway Improvement Bonds dated June 1, 1930 due June 1, 1945 and on $45,000 due December 1, 1945 2,128.50 Total $54,399.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS GARBAGE COLLECTION 1945 Budget Appropriation SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Motor Equipment Operators (2) 3,600.00 Sanitation Men (5) 9,000.00 Temporary Help 650.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Insurance 1,000.00 Retirement Fund Contribution 562.95 MISCELLANEOUS Gasoline and Oil 500.00 Truck Repairs 800.00 Equipment 300.00 Rat Control at Dump 450.00 Seperate ash Removal 1800.00 Care of Dump 800.00 19,462.95 GARBAGE INCINERATION AND DEBT SERVICE Town Share of Incineration 6,000.00 PRINCIPAL 1. Incinerator Site Bond No. 6 dated January 1, 1940 due July 1, 1945 1,000.00 2. Incinerator Bonds Nos. 22 to 26 incl. dated October 1, 1940 due October 1, 1945 5,000.00 INTEREST 3. On $4,000 2.20% Incinerator Site Bonds dated January 1, 1940 due January 1 and July 1, 1945 88.00 4. $36,000 1.75% Incinerator Bonds dated October 1, 1940 due April 1 and October 1, 1945 630.00 Total Debt Service 6,718.00 TOWN of MAMARONECK - PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF PARKS 1945 Budget Appropriation SERVICES PERSONAL Permanent Employees Parlr Foreman 2,700.00 Senior Stenographer (P.T.) . 170.00 Park. Groundsman 4,700.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Light , Power and Leases 70.00 Water 400.00 Insurance 400.00 Retirement Fund Contribution 159.92 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies 15.00 Gas & Oil & Repairs 150.00 Materials., soil seeds, trees and shrubs 450.00 EQUIPMENT General Equipment 250.00 MISCELLANEOUS Repairs to Building 150.00 Repairs to Equipment . 100.00 Honor Roll 300.00 - 10,014.92 - 23 - TOWN OF MAMARONECK - PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL 1. Town Park District No. 1 Bonds Nos. 53 to 56 incl. dated February 1, 1925 due February 1, 1945 $4,000.00 2. Town Park District No. 1 to Bond No. 8 dated April 1, 1937 due April 1, 1945 1,000.00 3. Town Park District No. 1 to Bond Nos. 76 to 81 dated May 1, 1929 due May 1, 1945 6,000.00 4. Town Park District No. 1 to Bond No. 15 dated June 1, 1930 due June 1, 1945 1,000.00 INTEREST 5.On $96,000 4.50% Town Park Bonds dated February 1, 1925 due February 1, 1925, due February 1, 1945 and on $92,000 due August 1, 1945 4,230.00 6. On $3,000 3.75% Town Park Bonds dated April 1, 1937 due April 1, 1945, and on $2,000 due October 1, 1945 68.75 7. On $180,000 4.50% Town Park Bonds dated May 1, 1929 due May 1, 1945 and on $174,000 due November 1, 1945 7,965.00 8. On $16,000 4.30% Town Park Bonds dated June 1, 1930 due June 1, 1945 and on $15,000 due December 1, 1945 666.50 Total $24,930.25 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FIRE, LIGHTING AND WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 1 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS FIRE DEPARTMENT SERVICES - PERSONAL 1945 Budget Appropriation Permanent Employees Fire Truck Drivers (7) 17,400.00 SERVICES CONTRACTUAL Light 310.00 Fuel 525.00 Water 50.00 Insurance 1,900.00 Telephone 300.00 Alarm System 200.00 Retirement Fund Contribution 1,028.37 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies 50.00 Gasoline and Oil 350.00 Miscellaneous 85.00 Materials 500.00 Equipment 1,000.00 Clothing 300.00 MISCELLANEOUS Repairs to Building 600.00 Repairs to Equipment 900.00 Modernization of Equiment 1200.00 Fire Inspecion & Parade Exponse 400.00 27,098.37 STREET LIGHTING Rental of Street Lights 15,500.00 HYDRANT RENTAL Rental of fire hydrants 9,500.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FIRE, LIGHTING AND WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO .1 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL 1. Water Distribution System Bonds Nos. 185 and 186 dtaed Feb. 1, 1930 Feb. 1, 1945 $2,000.00 2. Water Distribution System Bond No. 264 dated October 1, 1936 due October 1, 1945 1,000.00 3. Water Works System Bonds Nos. 15 and 16 dated May 1, 1937 due May 1, 1945 2,000.00 4. Water Works Distribution System Bond No. 270 dated November 15, 1931 due November 15, 1945 6,000.00 5. Water Distribution System Bond No. 270 dated November 15, 1931 due November 15, 1945 1,000.00 6. Water Distribution System Bonds Nos. 65 to 68 incl. dated June 1, 1927 due June 1, 1945 4,000.00 7. Water Works System Bonds Nos. 52 to 55 incl. dated June 1, 1927 due June 1, 1945 4,000.00 8. Water Works System Bonds Nos. 182 and 183 dated June 1, 1927 due June 1, 1945 2,000.00 INTEREST 9. On $72,000 4.50% Water Distribution System Bonds dated Feb 1, 1930 due Feb 1, 1945 and on $70,000 due August 1, 1945 3,195.00 10. On $29,000 3.50% Water Distribution System Bonds dated October 1, 1935 due April 1 and October 1, 1945 942.00 11. On $55,000 3.90% Water Works System Bonds dated May 1, 1937 due May 1, 1945 and on $53,000 due November 1, 1945 2,106.00 12. On $146,000 5.10% Water Works System Bonds dated Nov 15, 1931 due May 15, 1945 and Nov 15, 1945 7,446.00 13. On $27,000 5.10% Water Works System Bonds dated Nov. 15, 1931 due May 15 and November 15, 1945 1,377.00 14. On $92,000 4.25% Water Distribution System Bonds dated June 1, 1927 due June 1, 1945 and on $88,000 due December 1, 1945 3,825.00 Carried Forward $40,891.50 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FIRE, LIGHTING AND WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 1 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE (Continued) Brought Forward $40,891.50 15. On $88,000 4.25% Water Works System Bonds dated June 1, 1927 due June 1, 1945 and on $84,000 due December 1, 1945 3,655.00 16. On $56,000 4.25% Water Works System Bonds dated June 1, 1927 due June 1, 1945 and on $54,000 due December 1, 1945 2,475.00 $47,021.50 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS SEWER DEPARTMENT SERVICES - PERSONAL 1945 Budget Appropriation Permanent Employees Services of Town Engineer 700.00 Supervising Foreman (P.T.) 1,200.00 Temporary Employees Sewer Maintenance Men 2,500.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Power 50.00 Insurance 250.00 Rents of railroad rights-of-way 50.00 Retirement Fund Contributions 256.01 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Gasoline and oil 100.00 Materials 1,900.00 Clothing 25.00 MISCELLANEOUS 7,031.01 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL 1. Sewer District No. 1 (1st Issue) Bonds Nos. 116 to 120 incl. dated July 1, 1921 due July 1, 1945 $5,000.00 2. Sewer District No. 1 (2nd Issue) Bonds Nos. 93 to 96 incl. dated July 1, 1921 due July 1, 1945 4,000.00 3. Sewer District No. 1 (6th Issue) Bonds Nos. 65 yo 68 incl. dated January 1, 1924 due Jan 1, 1945 4,000.00 4. Sewer District No. 1 (7th Issue) Bonds Nos. 46 to 48 incl. dated Jan 1, 1925 due July 1, 1945 2,500.00 5. Sewer District No. 1 (8th Issue) Bonds Nos. 61 to 64 incl. dated July 1, 1925 due July 1, 1945 4,000.00 6. Sewer District No. 1 (9th Issue) Bonds Nos. 29 and 30 dated July 1, 1926 due July 1, 1945 2,000.00 7. Sewer District No. 1 (11th Issue) Bonds Nos. 100 to 110 incl. dated Feb 1, 1931 due Feb 1, 1945 11,000.00 8. Sewer District No. 1 (13th Issue) Bonds Nos. 41 to 45 incl. dated April 15 , 1932 due April 15, 1945 5,000.00 9. Sewer District No. 1 (12th Issue) Bonds Nos. 145 to 160 incl. dated June 15, 1931 due JUne 15, 1945 16,000.00 INTEREST 10. On $15,000 6% Sewer Distrcit No. 1 Bonds (1st Issue) dated July 1, 1921 due Jan 1 and July 1, 1945 900.00 11. On $28,000 6% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (2nd Issue) dated July 1, 1921 due Jan 1 and July 1, 1945 1,680.00 12. On $50,000 4.75% Sewer District No. Bonds (4th Issue) dated January 1, 1923 due January 1 and July 1945 2,375.00 13. On $116,000 4.50% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (6th Issue) dated January 1, 1924 due January 1, 1945 and on $112,000 due July 1, 1945 5,130.00 14. On $62,500 4.50% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (7th Issue) dated January 1, 1925 due January 1, 1945 and on $60,000 due July 1, 1945 2,603.12 Carried Forward $66,188.12 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE (Continued) Brought Forward $66,188.12 15. On $80,000 4.50% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (8th Issue) dated January 1, 1925, due January 1 and July 1, 1945 3,400.00 16. On $52,000 4.50% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (9th Issue) dated January 1, 1926 due January 1 and July 1, 1945 2,340.00 17. On $150,000 4.50% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (10th Issue) dated January 1, 1927 due January 1 and July 1, 1945 6,375.00 18. On $326,000 4.20% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (11th Issue) dated February 1, 1931 due February 1945 and on $315,000 due August 1, 1945 13,461.00 19. On $135,000 6% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (13th Issue) dated April 15, 1932 due April 15, 1945 and on $130,000 due October 15, 1945 7,950.00 20. On $100,000 4.50% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (3rd Issue) dated June 1, 1922 due June 1 and December 1, 1945 4,500.00 21. On $496,000 4.10% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (12th Issue) dated June 15, 1931 due June 15, 1945 and on $180,000 due December 15, 1945 20,008.00 Total $124,222.12 TOWN OF MAMARONECK SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEBT SERVICE 1945 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS 1. MAPLE HILLS - PART II - STREET IMPROVEMENT Interest and amortization on bonds issued pursuant to Chapter 549 of Laws of 1926 as amended. 1945 Principal - due May 1, 1945 $5,000.00 Interest - 4.50% due May 1 and November 1, 1945 318.75 Total $5,318.75 TOWN OF MAMARONECK SCHEDULE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SCHEDULE "A" Block Parcel Maple Hill Block Parcel Maple Hill Part II Improvment Part II Imrprovement 121 1 229.65 16 141.39 24 141.21 32 105.91 38 35.29 40 94.33 46 100.84 54 30.42 58 66 72 80 84 96 114 EXHIBIT "B" LIST OF UNPAID WATER CHARGES LEVIED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK BLOCK PARCEL NAME PREMISES ACCT. DUE 118 15 Robert F.C. Benkiser 17 Echo Lane 3749 $17.29 207 20 Rhoda Gladstone 6 Avon Road 5914 53.55 210 789 Highbridge Realty Co. Valley Stream Rd. 7735 2.25 210 50 Domine T. Martino 767 Forest Ave. 4301 3.52 220 482 Elsa S. Burrows 390 Weaver St. 4182 4.48 221 167 Thomas Shipley 434 Weaver St. 2463 3.06 409 101 Eleanor B. Hauxhurst 20 Copley Road 4354 12.08 504 1 Anna D. Hanson 4 Boston Post Rd. 7340 11.59 505 124 James W. Ward 7 Parkland Ave. 7373 3.00 Total $110.82 and it is further RESOLVED, that the annual budget estimates of the expenditures of the Town of Mamaroneck for the fiscal year 1945 be adopted and confirmed and that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to enter the same upon the minutes; and that the sums of money hereinafter stated are hereby appropriated from the current revenues as provided by Law for the offices, departments, boards, commisions and purposes hereinafter enumerated for expenditure in the manner directed by Law to wit: 1) GENERAL TOWN PURPOSES Town Offices $14,520.00 Supervisor 5,350.00 Town Clerk 4,445.00 Elections 4,538.00 Comptroller 1,100.00 Receiver of Taxes 8,505.00 Assesor 7,635.00 Law 9,625.00 Foreclosures and Certiorari costs 5,500.00 Justicesof the Peace 5,072.00 Contributions and Donations 600.00 Highways 15,000.00 Engineer 5,000.00 Public Welfare 28,545.00 Miscellaneous Expenditures 24,775.32 Debt Service (State and County, Highways) and General 220,172.75 Total $360,383.07 2) FOR PURPOSES IN TOWN OUTSIDE OF THE VILLAGE OF LARCHMONT AND MAMARONECK Board of Appeals 325.00 Building and Plumbing Department 2,075.00 Highways 22,500.00 Police 74,453.03 Miscellaneous 14,030.76 Debt Service (Highways and Drains) 54,399.00 Total $167,782.79 3) GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 Garbage Collection $19,462.95 Garbage Incineration and Disposal 6,000.00 Debt Service 6,718.00 Total $32,180.95 4) PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 Operating charges 10,014.92 Debt Service 24,930.25 Total 34,945.17 5) FIRE, LIGHTING AND WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 1 Weaver Street Fire Department 27,098.37 Street Lighting 15,500.00 Hydrant Rental 9,500.00 Debt Service (Water Distribution System) 47,021.50 Total 99,119.87 6)SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 Operating 7,031.01 Debt Service 124,222.12 Total 131,253.13 7)MAMARONECK VALLEY SEWER DISTRICT County Levy (to be determined by the Board of Supervisors) 8)MILITARY JUDICIAL AND COUNTY LEVY County Levy for 1945 (to be determined by Board of Supervisors of Westchester County) 9) SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEBT SERVICE Maple Hill, Part II, Street Improvement, Chap. 549, Laws of 1926 $5,318.75 Total 5,318.75 GRAND TOTAL $830,983.73 and it is further RESOLVED, that for the fiscal year 1945 the sums hereinafter set forth and for the purposes listed below be levied assessed and collected upon taxable properties of the Town of Mamaroneck and propertues of the Town of Mamaroneck outside of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck the properties of the several districts specified below including Mamaroneck Valley Sewer District and the several parcels of taxable property franchise assessments and persons within the Town and within such special districts and that the various assessments for sewer sidewalk street and other improvements listed below and contained in the various assessments rolls and books of the Town of Mamaroneck the installment assessments of which become payable in the year 1945 be extended on Tax Roll of the Town of Mamaroneck against each of the several parcels affected by such assessments or parts thereof to wit: For General Town Purposes as mentioned and described in the foregoing budget $360,383.07 Less estimated revenues 122,234.00 Total Levy for General Town Purposes $238,149.07 For Military Judicial and County Levy To be determined by Board of Supervisors of Westchester County For Town Purposes outside the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck as mentioned and described in the foregoing tax budget For Highway Purposes : (including drains) Repairs & Improvements $22,500.00 Debt Service 54,399.00 $76,899.00 Less: Estimated State Aid 900.00 $75,999.00 For other purposes outside of the Villages $90,883.79 Lesss estimated revenues 10,500.00 $80,383.79 Total Levy for Town outside of Villages $156,382.79 DESTRICT LEVIES: Fire, Lighting and Water Supply District No. 1 Street Lighting $15,500.00 Weaver Street Fire Dept. 27,098.37 Hydrant rental 9,500 Debt Service (water Distribution System) 47,021.50 99,119.87 Less estimated revenues 47,021.50 Total Levy, Fire, Lighting & Water Supply District No. 1 52,098.37 Garbage District No. 1 Garbage Collection 19,462.95 Garbage Incineration and Disposal 6,000.00 Debt Service 6,718.00 Total Levy Garbage District No. 1 32,180 Park District no. 1 Operating charges 10,014.92 Debt Service 24,930.25 Total Levy, Park District No. 1 34,945.17 Sewer District No. 1 Operating charges 7,031.01 Debt Service 124,222.12 Total Levy, Sewer District No. 1 131,253.13 Mamaroneck Valley Sewer District County Levy for 1945 (to be determined by Board of Supervisors of Westchester county ) Amount necessary to amortize and pay interest on the bonds issued for street improvements during the year 1945 which sums have been apportioned and charged against the vatius lots and parcels of land liable to pay the same in accordance with the statue pursuant to which suhc improvements were made and such bonds issued. A statement of the lots or parcels of land liable to pay the same and the amount chargeable to each is hereby attached and marked Exhibit "A" Maple Hill Part II Street Improvement Chap 549 Laws of 1926 85,318.75 Total Levy Of Special Assessments 85,318.75 GRAND TOTAL (exclusive of Military, Judicial, County and Mamaroneck Valley Sewer County Levy) $650,328.23 and it is further RESOVLED, that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 654 of the Laws of 1927 as amended and the provisions of Article 12 of Chapter 61 of the Consolidated Laws, known as the Town Law as amended there be levied against the several lots and parcels of land contained upon the statement hereto annexed and marked Exhibit "B" the several sums set opposite each such parcel or lot of land on suhc statement as and for unpaid water charges due upon said lots or parcels which said sums shall be placed in a seperate column of the Tax Roll of the Town of Mamaroneck under the name "Water Rents" and it is further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to deliver to the Supervisor a copy of said tax budget and a transcript of the minutes of this meeting duly certified and to transmit to the clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Westchester County duplicate copy of said tax budget and transcript of the minutes of this meeting also certified as provided by section 116 of the Town Law After being seconded by Councilman Stiner a vote was taken upon foregoing resolutions and after roll call the vote was announced as follows: AYES: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Griffin, Embury, Stiner, Keeler NOES: None L The Sepervisor recommended that the Board proceed with the special meeting,, The minutes of the meetings of November 15 and 22, 1944, were approved as presented..The Supervisor stated that it was in order for the Board to consider final action on the Tax Budget The following resolution was made by Councilnan Embury WHEREAS , this Board has heretofore made , compiled and filed with the Town Clerk, a preliminary tax budget containing the estimated probable revenues and esti ate expenditures for the several departments ,- offices and other town and special district purposes for the year 1945; and WHEREAS, notice of the completion and filling of said tax budget and calling a public hearing thereon has been duly published on November 20 and 27, 1944 in the Daily Times Mamaroneck in the manner required by law and WHEREAS, a public hearing upon said tax budget was duly held this day in accordance with the notice so published and WHEREAS, no protests or objections were made against any items contained in said tax budget and a motion was made from the floor approving the budget which was duly adopted by those present and WHEREAS, this Board has reviewed the items in said preliminary tax budget as required by section 113 of the Town Law NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the final estimates as completed by the Town Board and filed in the office of the Town Clerk be and the same hereby are adopted as the budget for the year 1945 pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law and that said estimates as so adopted be entered in detail in the ninutes if this Board as follows: (Insert Copy of Budget) The vote on the foregoing showed as follows: AYES: Supervisor Mandeville Councilman : Griffin Embury Stiner Keeler NOES: None 299 Following some discussion, it was on Motion by Councilman Keeler seconded by Councilman Embury upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the Receiver Of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is authorized , empowered and directed to accept the sum of $2 ,939.85 in full payment of the following tax liens owned by the Town of Mamaroneck on property known as Block 330, Parcel - 1 Tax Year Sale Year Amount of Lien 1941 1942 $1,044.00 1942 1943 1,125.40 1943 1944 1,125.40 3,294.87 FURTIMR RESOLVED, that the 1944 school tax in the amount of $155.43 plus penalty $10.88; and the ' 1944 town tax in the amount of $766.84 plus penalty of $76.68 be paid in full FURTHER , provided that the certiorari proceedings now, pending in the name of Johnethel Realty Corp for the years 1942 and 1943 respectively (taxes of 1943 and 1944) be discontinued. A certified copy of the list of arrears for water , as of September 30 , 1944 , from the Westchester Joint Water Works Town, was referred to the Receiver of Taxes: A letter from the Association of Towns dated Novernber 1 , 1944 and a bill for the membership fee , which was carried over from an earlier meeting was presented. It was o motion Councilman Griffin, seconded by Council- man Stiner , unanimously RESOLVED, that the claim received from the Association of Towns of the State of New York, in the amount of $99.00 for membership dues for the year beginning January 1 , 1945 be and it hereby is approved. FURTHER,, that the Supervisor and the Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay same out of the item in the budget prodded for this purpose. letter dated November 27, 1944 was received from Mr John C. Forrar , 'in which made application for appointment of dog enumerator for the unincorporated area of the Town for the year 1945 On motion by Councilman Stiner, seconded by Councilman Embury it was unanimously RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provision of Sec-- tion 108 of the Agriculture and Markets Law, John C. Forrar be and he herebv is appointed as dog enumerator for the unineorpo ated area the Town of Mamaroneck, New York for the year 1945 has been operating within its budget and in comparison to last year the fires substantially seem to run about the same, He referred to his comment is concerning the Park Department at the hearing preceding this meeting and suggested that this might be considered as part of his report , Councilman Stiner reported that the usual routine work was being done in the Department of Public Works. He also reported that in the Supervisor's absence he had met with Mr. MacDonald of the County Trust Company and other members of comnittees interested in the proposed Youth Center and he sug - gested to Mr. McDonald that he state his proposal in a letter addressed to the Board so that it could be acted upon by the entire Board. The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that he had -received a letter the morning of this meeting date from Mr. MacDonald which was addressed to him, He said that he spoke to Mr. McDonald on the telephone and that in figuring the rent , heat , light , etc. that it was es- timated it would cost, $125 a month, and that this amount seemed to discourage Mr. MacDonald. The supervisor expressed his belief that the schools are the proper places for such a purpose because they can afford all the facilities. However, he said, it was entirely up to the com- mittee assisting this movement. Councilman Keeler presented a check in the amount of $935.32 received from the state Insurance fund, which amount represented a divided of 25% the premiums paid on policy year All8566 for the year ending March 1 , 1944 He explained that this was the result of the group account- ing for the yealn ending March 1 , 1944, and that it represents a dividend of 25% declared for the municipalities and political sub- division which are members of the State Fund, special Group #42., The Supervisor read the following telegram, Washington, D.C. Town Clerk, Mamaroneck, N.Y. Shall appreciate position your Town St. Lawrence project before Senate James M Meade , U.S.S r After discussion the members of the Board were unanimous in going on record as against the St. Lawrence project and the Town Clerk requested to so advise Senator James M. Meade A letter dated December 1, 1944 was received from Leo N. Orsino Comptroller requesting authorization to transfer certain fund within the 1944 Budget 303 FIRE DEPARTMENT From Light 50.00 Insurance 48.87 Office Supplies 40.00 Equipment 193.00 I- Materials 107.00 Modernization of - Equipment 310.00 Clothing 10.00 Telephone 60.00 Water 10.00 Alarm 50.00 Repairs to Buildlng 428.87 Repairs to Equipment 210.00 From TOWN - OUTSIDE VILLAGES Miscellaneous Winds War Council $400 Civilian Pro- tection 100.00 $500.00 To: FIRE DEPARTMENT Repairs to Buildings $500.00 A letter dated November 22, 1944 was received from Mr. James G. Purcell offering to purchase tax liens on the property ad- Joining his residence at No. 1.5 Munroe Avenue , known as Block 712 , parcel 71 on the tax map of the Tovin of Mamaroneck at a reduced amount and in the name of Ethel If. Purcell., On motion by Councilman Embury , seconded by Councilman Griffin, it was , upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assess- ments be and he hereby is authorized, empowered erre and directed to sell by assignment to Mrs. Ethel M. Purcell the followng tax liens on property known as Block 712 , Parcel. 71 , at the face amount of the liens plus interest at the rate of six per cent from the cute of sale provided payment is made within thirty days Tax Sale Amount of Interest Year Year Lien at 6% 1940 1941 217 45.69 305 RESOLVED , that the following offer heretofore re- ceived by the Supervisor for the purchase of cer- tain property acquired red by the Town as a result of tax lien foreclosure proceedings and now owned by the Town be accepted. Offer made by Albert Porcelli to purchase in the name of Ann Torre Forcelli , prorerty known as Block 124, Parcel. 413 , for the sun, of $200,00. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney is hereby authorized to prepare bargain and sale deed to be given by the Town, subject to covenants and re- strictions of record, any state of facts an accurate surrey may show, and the zoning restrictions of the Town of Mamaroneck FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute and deliver the deed to Ann Torre PoIncelli., On motion by Councilman Embury , seconded by Councilman Keeler , it was , upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is authorized , empowered and directed to accept payment from Wesley M. Messersmith for the following taxes on property known as Block 403 , Par- cel 248 , on the tax assessment snap of the Town, at the face amount of to liens plus interest at the rate of six per cent from the date of sale Tax Sale Amount of Interest Year Year Lien at 6% 1939 1940 32.15 $ 8.68 1940 1941 32.39 6.80 1941 1942 32.30 4.85 1942 1943 33.32 3.00 1943 1944 27.20 .81 The Supervisor recommended the following resolution which was on motion by Councilman Embury seconded by Councilman Boner upon roll call unanimously adopted WHEREAS on November 19 1944 the Town Board of the Toxin of Tam o eck, passed a resolution accept- ing the offer of Jules M. Gorlitz to purchase the property designated on the assessment roll of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 942 , Parcel 710 , for the sum of $600.00 said resolution being conditioned on the approval of said offer by the Village of Mamaroneck and WHEREAS on November 3 1944, the Village Board of the Village of Mamaroneck by resolution duly approved said offer of sale: and 307 Brought forward -- $628.36 3 Broker 's comr-nission 60.00 1942 Mamaroneck Valley Sewer Tax 10.25 1942 School Tax 42.45 1943 Mamaroneck Valley Sewer Tax 10.17 1943 school Tax 42.75 1944 Mamaroneck Valley Sewer Tax 10.16 1944 School Tax 47.14 Foreclosure costs includes title search , postage service , title policy including referee $ s fee and legal services 26.15 Stamps 1.10 250.17 Net Receipts $378.19 showing the net receipts to be apportioned between the Town and Village of Mamaroneck to be $378.19; and WHEREAS , the amount of unpaid taxes and per- centage due the Village and Town are as fol - lows Town Village Taxes Interest & Penalties to 1/22/44 950.98 1,568.07 Percent of Distribution 37.75 62.25 Amount to be distrited 142.77 235.42 NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, that in accordance with the percentages above e set forth that here be paid to the Village of Mamaroneck 62.25% of the net receipts of $378.19 or $235.42 FURTHER RESOLVED, that these disbursements be made from the reoeirts of the aforementioned transaction. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the commission due Mr. Edward J. Payne , broker, who brought about the sale , -in the amount of $60.00 , be approved. Said payment to be made from the proceeds of the sale of this property, The Supervisor is presented the 'inventory of equipment, and tools for the Highway Department totaling approximately $14,000 including all the roll equipment. Copies of this inventory were distributed to the councilmen and one copy was ordered filed 'in the Town Clerk' s office. Councilman Keeler inquired whether enough insurance was being carried to cover same , Accountant Finson said that the Town carried the sure of $15,655.00 , which should be sufficient to cover any fire loss, 309 WHEREAS, the Assessor a eke Board V 1i ie Y• Y the Town of Mamaroneck, duly filed a return to Said rrit and no further proceedings have been had' and WHEREAS the Town Attorney and Assessor recommend to taxis Board that the proceedings be settled and discontinued upon the reduction of the assessment from $434,500 to $326,590 NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment for the year 1943 (tax of 1944) upon property owned by Bonnie Briar Holding Corporation and described upon the assess- ment nap and assessment roll of the Town of Mamaro- neck as Block 225, Parcel 1 , be reduced as follows: FROM Block Parcel Lana rovenents otal 225 1 $369 500 $65,000 $434,500 To 225 1 $261,590 $65,000 $326,590 provided that the certiorari proceeding, now pending in the name of Bonnie- Briar Holding Corporation for the year 1943 (tax of 1944) be discontinued without costs cagainst the Town of Mamaroneck - . FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney is hereby authorized and. directed to sign the necessaity sti- pulation to obtain are order of the Supreme Court providing for such reduction and the refund of ex- cess taxes paid, if any . At 11:30 P.M,. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn, Town Clerk