HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943_08_18 Town Board Minutes 637 REGULAR MEETNG OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK HELD AUGUST 18, 1943 In the Council Room of the Weaver street Firehouse Town of Mamaroneck, N.Y. The meeting was called to order bv supervisor Mandeville at 8 p.m. (Eastern War Time) Present: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen stirrer , Brewer and Griffin Absent: Councilman Keeler The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne , Town Attorney Delius Comptroller Orsino and Town Engineer and Super- intendent of Highways Foote. The minutes of the meeting of August 4, 1943 were approved as presented. 'The Town Clock presented a notice which he said was handed to him by the Assessor which notice was received fron the Comm, soer of Jurors calling attention to the requirements of the Westchester County Jury Law to the effect that a meeting of the Town Board must be held on the first Tuesday of September , 1943 to proceed to select , make and verify a Grand and Trial Jury list for the two siacceeding jury calendar years. Councilman Griffin pointed out that September 7, 1943 would be the first Tuesday and the meeting date. The Town Clerk stated that he would prepare the notices. July , The Town Clerk presented his report for the month of 1943 which was ordere d received and filed Councilman Griffin stated that there was nothing to report 'or the Park Department other than that the Department was carrying on the work usual at this time of year. He presented and read the following reports for the month of July , 1943 which were ordered filed : 1) summary of Receipts and Disbursements from January 1 to July 31, 1943 2) Analysis of u - ge Appropriations and Expenditures from January 1 to JULY 31 , 1943 (3') Analysis of Estimated Revenues fron January I to July 31, 1943; (4) Claims audited and paid by the Comptroller from August 4 to Aug- ust 18 , 1943. He read a statement of the Bank Balances as of 9 o' clock, Aug-ust 18, 1943, showing a total balanae of $252,582.10 in all funds It was on motion by Councilman Griffin seconded by Council- man ever , upon roll call, unanimously resolved `WHEREAS ., the Assessor has presented a petition for the correction of the Assessment R911 for 639 SOLVED , that the assessment roll for the year 1942 , school tax of 1943 and the assess ment roll of 1943 taxes of 1944, is shows property now appearing on the roll as follows. Section Block Lot Owner Land 1 5 7-10 to - (132-1) 14-1.6 to 9 Town of Mamaroneck $3 250 ; be corrected as follows , in accordance with ti - _. the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33 Section Block o t Owner Land On 12-13 art 16 Town of Mamaroneck 1 ., (132-,-21) -1 -19 part 16 Joseph S cacao 1,9700 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment o1 for the year 1943 taxes of 1944, which .shows property now appearing on the roll as follows Section Owner Land 1 51 7 0 to .'(132-1) . 16 to 19 Town Qf Mamaroneck 2 t 2 5 be.- corrected as follows.: accordance -with - the rxovi o s of subdivision 5.- ''of section :31: Section oo Lot owner Land Ong :. ry 12-,1.3-14 Town of a aroneck 1 25 (132-33) part 1 51 7 10 11 (132-1) 1 ,18,19 art 16 Joseph Scaao & W. 19500 Councilman informed the Board that co f'ere ce was held on e proposed recreation program and that Mr. Moy a an!, ch-air- man . the Board of Education, Tu"ayor Goeckler of the village of arch were se t moat Ya a e o . so The points covered, he advised, were the. questions on the following* The amount of the appropriation, the kind of program which would suit both villages and the town, and the possibility of having the school system direct the program. stated it was a very interesting meeting and that everybody .s co-operative , although to were some questions put by Mayor Goeckler of Larchmont He advised that he believed that the school system viould operate the program and that if this was finally decided it would be placed before the voters in this light, Further, that it was intended to place the full plan bofo.re the people. He stated that Village Manager Johnson had suggested the He advised that Mr. Ahern was of the opinion that $12,000 was necessary and that Mr.Moyanahan also agreed with Mr. Ahern. He pointed out that the WPA Program was not much of guide and that nothing could be gained from this experience because it was a limited project. Further, that there was no accurate method of telling at this time how many time people would make use of these facilities until a survey was made after opening of the schools. He advised that the summer program during vacations was being operated by the school system at a cost of $3,500 That since the schools open in September Mr. Ahern has planned to make a survey among the children so as to determine proper estimates and said that he believed that this would be completed with a proposed plan by September 27 1943 He said that it was indicated that the school system would not undertake the program unless they could maintain high standards. He called to the attention of the Board that a good may communities are coming around to the point where recreation is reorganized as a definite part of the responsibility of the municipality The members of the Board discussed the amount necessary to be placed in the proposal and the budget to carry out the plan and after discussion it was on motion by Councilman Brewer seconded by Councilman Brewer seconded by Councilman Stiner WHEREAS this Board has received requests that it consider the establishment of a recreation system in the town of Mamaroneck and that it appropriate certain sums of money for the maintenance of such a system and WHEREAS in response to such requests this Board is willing to submit a proposition for the maintenance of a recreation system to the voters at the next general election NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that there be submitted to the electors of the Town of Mamaroneck at a general election to be held on the 2nd day of November 1943 the following proposition: "Shall the Town of Mamaroneck establish a recreation system and annually levy and appropriate for the maintenance of such system not les than $10,000" FURTHER RESOLVED that such proposition be submitted in accordance with the provisions of Section 244C of the General Municipal Law and voted upon as provided in the Town law. Councilman Stiner reported that the Board of Review had completed its work in reviewing 409 applications for reductions in assessments and that after the survey of the Town's properties which He reported that the vertical stone wall in the bank of the Sheldrake River along Brookside Drive has been completed. Also, that the 'rip-rap wall along the side of Valley Stream Road was well under way and should be completed within a very short times He informed the Board that he and Engineer Foote had spent all of the morning of the day of, this meeting in Greenwich examining the incineration plant there He said that Mr. Bush . the manager of the plant , was erg kind o them and had furnished them with valuable information. He ; said that a more detailed report would be filed by Mr. Foote after ad rechecked his oes He advised that Mr. Bosh had also of- fered to spend part of his vacation Mamaroneck make a s tudy of our plant and submit suggestions. He said that he thought that this was a very nice gesture on the part of Mr. Bush, The Supervisor resented and recommended the following resolution which was on motion by Councilman Griffins seconded by Councilman Seiner , upon roll calf., unanimously RESOLVED, that pursuant to section 96A to Chapter 62 of the Laws of 1909 , as amended, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck does -hereby authorize and empower the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck to collect the 1943 school taxes for Union Free School District NO. 1 the Town of Mamaroneck, and School District No.2 Town of Scarsdale , New York, which, under the provisions of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 as amended, known as the Westchester County Tax Law, become a lien and are payable on September 1 , 1943 in two partial pay- ments each amounting o fifty per cent ('50%) of any such school tax as levied; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes of the Town o f Mamaroneck is authorized and empowered o receive the a me rat o sty h par gal payments or instalments o the 1943 school taxes for Union Free School District No. 1 in the Town of Mamaroneck, and School 'District Town 2, Town of Scarsdale, New York, at any time but subject to the same penalties as are specified and provided in Section 18 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 for the neglect to pay the total amount of the school taxes after the levy thereof. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the acceptance of any such partial or instalment payment of the 194 school awes for Union Free School District No. 1 in the Town o f Ma aroneck and School District NOe 2t Town of Scarsdale , New York, shall not be deemed to affect in any manner any right of the -Town of Mamaroneck under any general or special Act , tO enforce collection of the unpaid balances of such taxes as may remain due and owing to said 'o ne but such rights and powers shall remain in full force and effect to enforce collection o f the u.n aid balance of such school taxes , together with interestq penalties and other lawful charges. ing resolution On motion duly made and seconded the following resolution 645 FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the _ provisions o section 26 of the Westchester County Tax Act, the Town Board do and it hereby does direct the Receiver of axe and Assessments to mail to each taxpayer of the Town of Mamaroneck whose address is known to said Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, a tax blirll for 1943 school axe s the expense thereof to be a Town charge The Supervisor informed the Board that some time ago claims had been received from J.Dinolfo & Co. Inc. giving charges for additional premiums due to audits in connection with insurance for WPA word such audits covering the final period during which as operations He said that the charges covered two projects - one the Fenimore Road project which was wholly within the unincorporated area; --. the other project covering work which was done in the Larchmont Village Garage area. 5 He referred to correspondence between his oiff ice and Mro Arthur Richards , Village Engineer. He stated that in the final letter Mr. Richards advised that he and Mayor Goeckler were of the opinion that there was no obligation on the part of the Village because the insurance estimates did not include these charges Following some discussion, and because of the fact that the insurance policies are made out in the name of the Town of Mamaroneck, it was agreed that the total amount of the claims , namely, $159. 57 be paid out of the Insurance Item under "Miscellaneous Expenditures.", The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that certain supplies , such as gas masks , helmets , firemen's coats trailer pumps etc . , were being obtained from the Office of Civlan Defense and that it was necessary to sign an agreement for the loan of same , it was also necessary to designate a Local Property Officer who is to be bonded and who is to act as custodian of this equipment. He recommended that Gallagher, chief engineer of the Fire Department be named as Local property Officer; further, that his bond be paid for out of own funds. It was on motion by Coundilman Stiner , seconded by Council- man Griffin, upon roll call , unanimously :. RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign the agreement between the Office of Civilian Defense .and the Town of Yamaro- neck, for the use of equipment furnished to the Town by this Federal agency FURTHER that Michael Gallagher be and he hereby is designated or appointed Local Property Officer and that the premium of his bond in the principal sum of $5,000 be and' it hereby is authorized paid out of Town funds The Supervisor presented a letter dated August 13 1943 re- ceived from William H. Johnson, Village Manager concerning proposals for the auctioning of the old First National Bank Building. 4 RESOLVED, that this Board approves the. suggestion made the Village aage and Board o Trustees the Village o aaroc to sell at auction the building formorl occupied by the First National Bank of ronec at the corner of Boston Post Road and aro eck .venue t and non and deser .bed o tie . assessment map a8 Block. 9139 Parcel 2279 and recommenas that such sale by conducted by Joseph '. Day, The Town Clerk was requested t o t; y the Village Mara e r. : ... resented letter dated August 1 943 , The sup e rvi or d or With copies ached o c previous 'correspondence from Edward y ._ i the parking situation along c - :-.. arc o t s Estates . Inc c oncer bell Roads He said he had been informed that all the members of the hoard .d received letter with attachments and that no doubt all were familiar with the contents@ e had conferred r Ictor He reported that recently .Stemp-4 acting or Clair V, Johnson Chairman o the Board o Police for e ell-Us , on the subject Commissioners , o . Following a lengthy discussion it was decided that upon Mr. Johnson' s return from his vacation he be invited with Chief of Police Yerick, to attend the next meeting of the Board to discuss the matters own a directed t write to both o the gentlemen* in-formed the Board that are offer had been The super .s or .. o Philp Gu iie o ar the purchase o p operl known as received p part o section Block 51, part hots 12 1 1 and pa presented He a bank. money order nade to the Tom of Mamaroneck than in the amount o $25C.00, s a i d that this amount was ue nor e Gu e mo and resulted from his e the original amount Bred y -- tr e t the best possible pr is e for the own. :. forts in oo some scuso was motion d made a nd - following ice v seoded ordered that the Town Clerk publish the _ PUBLIC 17 ICE - TAKE NOTICE that' the Town Board of the Town of a .aro ne k vrill receive bids for the following identified read, estate& Block 1329 Parcel 3 (formerly described as. section ,519 o :. . , 1 and part o 16 , dimensions of sic are approximatelY 75x145. Bids de pursuant- to this Not ice t o be delivered to the Town C. erk at the Town Of- f West Boston Post Roadq Yamaroneck, New York not later than 10 a.m. , Wednesdavf August 2 943 , acdompanied by a certified check for the full Amount of the bid a IS The right to reject any or all bids reserved by the Town Board* RESOLVED that the bid of Margaret B. Ec Tamara to Purchase the westerly half of section 9 ,. Block 47, Lot 3 for the sum of $200. cash be and the s e ere is accepted; That the bid of Louis Deverich to purchase the easterly half of section 9 , 'Block 47 Lot. 3 and all of Section 9, Block 47, Lot 4 for the sum of $500. cash be and the Same hereby is accepted; That the bid of Leon Steinman to purchase - property designated as Section 9 , Brook 56 , Lot 2B for the sum of $1250.- . cash be and the same hereby is accepted Each of the bids above set forth is accepted subject , however , to the approval of such bids by the Town Board of the Town of Maaroneck . Ayes: Dooley , Kuhn, Jackson Meigan, Santoro Nayes None The letter advised that the bads were received in response to an advertisement in the "Daily Times" Copies of the sealed bids were attached and the letter requested the consideration of the Town Board. Following discussion which was held on the matter of each . . . bid offered, gas on motion by Councilman Grifiin seconded by ; Councilman Stiner unanimously resolved WHEREAS the Village of Mamaroneck has hereto- fore acquired by deed in lieu of foreclosure property known as Section 9 Block 47 Lots 3 and 4 on the assessment map of the Village of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS the Town of Mamaroneck owns certain tax liens upon the same property which is part of the parcel known upon the Town assessment map as Block 915, Parcel 208 , representing arrears of taxes due it , which were heretofore levied against the property; and WHEREAS the village of Mamaroneck by re- solution duly adopted August 9, 1943 accepted an offer from Margaret Bo. McNamara for the purchase of one-half of Lot 3 , .(representing approximately 25 feet front by 125 feet deep.) for the sum of $200, which acceptance, however is conditioned upon similar actio n being taken . by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS this Board considers it to the best interest of the 'Town of Mamaroneck to approve such offer and to authorize the sale , to the end that the property may be sold free and clear of all taxes , and the proceeds of sale , if any , divided, 3 ' On motion by Councilman Griffin,. seconded by Councilman Stirrer, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS the Village of Mamaroneck has hereto fore acquired by deed in lieu of Foreclosure property known as Section 9, Block 47, Lots 3 and 4 on the assessment map of the Village of Mamaroneck and WHEREAS the town of Mamaroneck owns certain lien upon the same property which is known upon the Town Assessment map as Block 915, Parcel 208 eel 208, representing arrears of taxes due it , which were heretofore levied against the pro- pe ter; and WHEREAS the Village of Mamaroneck bv resolution duly adopted August 9, 1943 , accepted an offer from Louis Deverich for the purchase of all' of Lot 4 and one- half of Lot 3 , as shown on the Village assessment maps t for the sum of $ 00, which acceptance , however , s conditioned upon, similar action being taken by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS, this Board considers it to the best interest of the Town of Mamaroneck to approve such offer and to authorize the sale to the end that the property may be sod free and clear of all taxes and the proceeds of sale if any, divided, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck agrees that the property above dew scribed, which property is pant of Parcel 2089 Block 915, as described on the Town assessment map be sold for $500 FURTHER RESOLVED. that the net proceeds of such sale together with any balance of rentals or income received by the Village of Mamaroneck during the period of its ownership, shall be divided be- tween the Town axid Village of Manaroneck proportion- ately to the amount due each as of the date of such sale On motion bar Councilman Griffin, seconded - Councilman -. Stiner, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS the Village of Mamaroneck has heretofore acquired by deed in lieu of foreclosure , property known as Section 9 , Block 56, Lot 2B on the assess- meat map of the Village of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS.- the Town of Mamaroneck owns certain tax liens upon the same property which is known upon the Town assesment map as Block 928, Parcel 348, representing arrears of taxes due it which were NOW THERE FOR , BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck agrees that the property described on the Town assessment map as Block 928 , Parcel 348, be sold nor $1250 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the net proceeds of such sale together with any balance of rentals or sale ,income received by the village of Mamaroneck iek during the period of its ownership , shall be - divided between. the Town and village of Mamaroneck proportionately to the amount due each as of the date of such sale The Supervisor submitted the following report of tax arrears collected from January 1 to July 31, 1943 and Town property sold since he had become Supervisor of the Town: TOWN OF MAMARONECK TAX ARREARS COLLECTED FROM JANUARY 1 to JULY 31, 1943 Year of Tax State, Town & County Tax School Tax Total 1942 $62,244.53 56,169.06 $118,413.59 1941 1,463.99 742.01 2,206.00 1940 311.79 316.41 628.20 1939 342.59 257.26 599.85 1938 285.99 272.08 558.07 1937 171.84 173.33 345.17 1936 77.58 73.67 151.25 1935 46.68 66.80 113.48 1934 172.81 79.54 252.35 1933 .29 4.80 5.09 1932 .28 26.60 26.88 1931 3.02 6.47 9.49 1930 .48 1.00 1.48 1929 .25 .44 .69 1927 & Prior years 57.13 57.13 Total $65,179.25 58,189.47 $123,367.72 Town Owned Property Sold