HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941_09_19 Town Board Minutes I
At the Town Offices, 158 West Boston Post Roads, Mamaroneck, N.Y.
The meeting vas called to order by Supervisor McCulloch
at 8 P.M.
Present: Supervisor McCulloch
Councilman Bates and Mandeville
Absent: Councilmen Griffin and Meginniss
The presence was also noted of Town Clergy Payne, Town Attorney
Delius, Assessor Smith, Comptroller Liaceno and. Town Engineer Foote .
The minutes of the meetings of January and January 22, 1941
were approveded as presented.
A letter dated March 19, 1941 was received from. Mrs. Eiizna
D. Hansen requesting that the Boardzone the property known as
Boston Post Road for business as to permit the use of the dwelling
or, the property for tea room and restaurant. she joined out that
other properties in the neighborhood were being used for business pur
oses .
Following some discussion the members of the Board indicated
their approval of the application Mrs. Hansen but deferred final
action until Town Engineer Foote had had an opportunity to prepare a
full description of the property.
A letter dated 18, 1941 was received from Mr. Charles
Moskowitz of 121 Myrtle Boulvard, in which he complained about a
sewer connection between his premises and the town trunk line . He
claimed that in stormy weather the sewer backed into his cellar.
Town Engineer Foote reported that he and Plumbing Inspector
Rate had made an inspection of the premises and suggested to Mr.
Moskowitz that he install a check valve on his soil line.
Following some discussion councilman Bates offered to make
an inspection of the premises Engineer Foote
A letter dated March 18, 1941, was received from Town
Engineer Foote in which he recommended that Maxwell Avenue be
accepted as a Town street. He enclosed two copies of the descrip-
tion and a map and pointed out that the street was to be used as an
entrance to the incinerator site as laid out Engineer Taylor .
On motion by Councilman Btaes, seconded by Councilman
Mandeville, on roll call, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the recommendation of the Super
Beginning at the intersection formed by the Southerly line of Maxwell
Avenue with the Westerly line of Madison Avenue (formerly Munroe Avenue),
thence along the Southerly line of Maxwell Avenue S. 290-48'-20"
W. 440.0 feet to lands of the Westchester County Park Commision
(Pelham - Porchester Parkway) thence along said lands of the Park
Commission N. 60 degree - 11' - 40" E. 50.0 feet to the point or place
of beginning
A letter dated March 17, 1941, vias received from the West-
chester Tax Bureau, signed by Charles Heffner, Manager. in which he
asked the Board to continue the services of his company, in furnish-
ing the Town withabstracts of deeds and mortgages of affecting property
in the Town.
The members of the Board decided to take the matter up
with Assessor Smith sometime before the next Meeting.
The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who wished
to address the Board.
Mr. Douglas Smith, representing the Hastolite Corporation
of 50 Broad Street, New York City, appeared before the Board and
presented a letter in which he requested permission to pa certain tax
arrears at the face amount of the tax. He said that his company planned
to erect a two-story building on the property referred to and that the village
of Mamaroneck had agreed to receive tax appears on the above arrangement
Following some discussion the Supervisor recommended that the request
be granted and on motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman
Bates, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby
is authorized, empowereed and directed to accept payment of the following
taxes on the following taxes on the following described propety, the liens for
which are held by the Town, at the face amount of the tax, provided payment
is made within thirty days:
Section Block Lot year of sale State, County Town taxes School taxes
8 110 11A, 12A 1882 $8.85
11A 1897 1.59
12A 1897 1.59
12A 1907 .20
12A 1909 1.64
11A, 12A 1931 48.42 100.44
11A, 12A 1932 46.66 99.34
11A,12A 1933 104.28
11A,12A 1934 56.80 87.18
11A,12A 1935 183.82 97.56
11A,12A 1936 67.62 96.82
11A,12A 1937 79.16 81.58
11A,12A 1938 84.99 85.73
11A,12A 1939 68.89 60.40
Mr.A. W. Barnhart appeared before the Board to ask if the members
were interested in selling tax liens on property known as Section 8, Block 112,
Lot 14 to 22 on an arrangement whereby he could deposit ten per cent of the
full amount, the balance to be paid within sixty days. He said that he had attempted
to make a direct purchase from the attorneys representing the estate it seemed
impossible to compete suh a transaction.
The Town Attorney and the members of the Board explained the requirements
of the law in the sale of tax liens and it was pointed out that it would be
necessary for any purhcaser to pay the full amount at one time. He was told that
if he came in with the full amount within sixty days, the Board would consider his
The supervisor asked if there was any one else wished to appear before
the Board.
There being no one, he suggested that the Board proceed with the reports
of committees.
Councilman Mandeville reported that the Highway Department was preparing
for the work of patching holes in the roads. He said that the work would
start on or about April 1st.
Councilman Mandeville presented four petitions received from the Assessor
for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the apportionment of
On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Bates, the
following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions for the correction
of the assessment rolls for the years 1939 and 1940 and 1941, pursuant
to the provisions of Sections 33 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916, as
amended, known as the Westchester County Tax Act; and
WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to
grant said petitions for the correction of said assessment rolls;
Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total
2 40 8 to 12 H.J. Schmidt & wife $4,750 9,700 14,450
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of sub-divison
5 of section 33:
Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total
2 40 8 to 12A Mary Fisher $4,370 9,700 14,070
2 40 12B H.J. Schmidt & wife 380 380
e corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of sub-division 5 of Section 33:
Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total
9 33 1B to 5B Joseph Rigano $1,300 1,300
9 33 1A to 5A (911 -83) Josephine Decicco 1,400 1,400
9 34 1A (911-91) Josephine Decicco 6,050 1,200 7,250
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1939, taxes of 1940,
which shows property now appearing on the roll follows:
Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total
9 33 1 to 5 Louis & Fred F. Decicco $16,250 5,000 21,250
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of sub - division 5 of section 33
Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total
9 34 1B L.&. F.F. Decicco $7,500 11,300
9 33 1 to 5
9 34 (911 to 83) Joesphine Decicco 8,750 1,200 9,950
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1939, taxes of 1940, which shows property
roll for the year 1939, taxes of 1940, which shows property now appearing on the roll
as follows:
Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total
9 88 1 to 8 Orienta Point Est. Inc. $24,600 11,250 33,030
(939 - 267
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of sub-division 5 of section 33:
Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total
9 88 1 to 3; Orienta Point Est., Inc. $21,780 11,250 33,030
5 to 8;
9 88 4(939 - 228) Marion G. Plume 2,880 2,880
Councilman Btaes reported that the work on the storm water drain in
Ferndale Street was Preogressing to the point where the work-men were about
to install the pipe.
He also reported on the progress of the work on the stomr water
drains in the Larchmont Ridge Section. He referred to the sewer line
in Lafayette Road and explained the reason for the trouble with the line
during heavy storms.
s ..
RESOLVED, that in accordance of Section 26 of the Westchester c-IC _I one of e Westchester n y `ray, Act, II I-ie
County Tax Act "The Daily Time" the official newspaper published in the
Village and Town of Mamaroneck, and "The Larclimont
Times" published in the Village of Larchmont and Town of
Mamaroneck be and they hereby are designated as the
newspapers in which the Receiver of Taxes and Assessment
shall publish the notice of the collection of State, County,
Town and, District, taxes , Special Assessments and Water
Rents; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that said publication be made on
March 20, 1941 and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance vvith the provisions :.
of section 26 of the Weschester County Tax Act., "The
Town Board do and it hereby does direct the Receiver of
Taxes and Assessmients to rail to each taxpayer of the :..
Town of Mamaroneck whose address is known to said
Receiver of` Taxes and Assessments a tax bill for all
taxes assessments and water rents, the expense thereof
to be a town charge .
On motion duly made and seconded, it was upon roll call
RESOLVED, that pursuant to section 96A of chapter 60
of the Consolidated Laws as amended known as the Tax Law
the receiver of Taxes and Assessments of the Town of
Mamaroneck is authorized to collect the 1941 state, County
Town and District taxes, assessment for street and sidewalk
improvements and water rents which become a lien of April 1, 1941
in two partial payments each amounting to fifty per cent of the
total of said taxes assessment and water rents
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
is authorized and empowered to receive such patial payments
or installments of taxes, assessments and water rents at any time
prior to the sale of tax liens but subject to the same penalties as
are specified and provided in Section 18 of Chapter 105 of the
Laws of 1916 as amended, for the neglect to pay the amount of
said taxes, assessments and water rents
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the acceptance of any such partial
payment or instalment of the 1941 taxes, assessrrents and
water rents shall not be deemed to affect in any manner
any right of the Town of Mamaroneck under any General or Special
Law to enforce collection of any unpaid balance of such taxes, assessment
and water rents as may remain due and owing to the Town Of Mamaroneck
but such rights and powers shall remain in full force and effect
to enforce collection of any unpaid balance of such taxes,
assessments and water rents, together with interest,
penalties and other lawful charges
On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman
. Bates, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
$1954.20 which taxes, assessments and tax liens are
required to be cancelled bv the provisions }
Section 54 of the Westchester County Tax Act,
RESOLVED that the following taxes, assessments and
tax liens are hereby cancelled:
Section 1, Block 65, Lot 73
Year of Amount of Interest to
Sale Lien Feb 28 ,1941 Total
1931 6.37 $ 7 .38 $ 13.78
1932 11.17 11.61 22.76
1933 17,65 16.15 33.80
1934 12. 58 10.06 22.62
1935 17.48 11.68 29.16
1936 13.84 7.75 21.59
1937 14.44 6.35 20.79
1938 16.62 7.19 23.81
1939 18.46 . 3.90 . 22.36
1940 15.89 1.46 17.35
1940 (S.C.T.) . 9.89 1.19 11.08
1940 (School) 4.24 .42 4.66
Section 1, Block 65, Lot 74
Sale Lien Feb 28 ,1941 Total
1931 6.37 $ 7 .38 $ 13.78
1932 11.17 11.61 22.76
1933 17.65 16.15 33.80
1934 12. 58 10.06 22.62
1935 17.48 11.68 29.16
1936 13.84 7.75 21.59
1937 14.44 6.35 20.79
1938 16.62 7.19 23.81
1939 18.46 . 3.90 . 22.36
1940 15.89 1.46 17.35
1940 (S.C.T.) . 9.89 1.19 11.08
1940 (School) 4.24 .42 4.66
Section 1, Block 65, Lot 74
1931 6.37 $ 7 .38 $ 13.76
1932 11.17 11.61 22.78
1933 17,65 16.15 33.80
1934 12. 58 10.06 28.11
1935 17.48 11.68 36.59
1936 13.84 7.75 26.93
1937 14.44 6.35 25.87
1938 16.62 7.19 23.81
1939 18.46 . 3.90 . 22.36
1940 15.89 1.46 17.35
1940 (S.C.T . 9.89 1.19 11.08
1940 (School) 4.24 .42 4.66
Section 1, Block 65, Lot 74
1940 6.37 7.38 13.76
Section 1, Block 65, Lot 79
Year of Amount of Interest to
Sale Lien Feb 28 ,1941 Total
1933 $17.65 16.15 $ 33.80
1934 15.53 12.44 27.97
1935 21.65 15.01 36.66
1936 17. 15 9.60 22.62
1937 17.84 7.84 29.16
1938 18.44 6.03 21.59
1939 20.48 6.35 20.79
1940 15.89 7.19 23.81
, 1940 (S.C.T.) . 9.89 1.19 11.08
1940 (School) 4.24 .42 4.66
Section 1, Block 65, Lot 80
Year of Amount of Interest to
Sale Lien Feb 28 ,1941 Total
1933 $17.65 16.15 $ 33.80
1934 15.53 12.44 27.97
1935 21.65 15.01 36.66
1936 17. 15 9.60 26.75
1937 17.84 7.84 25.60
1938 18.44 6.03 24.47
1939 20.48 6.35 24.78
1940 15.89 7.19 17.35
, 1940 (S.C.T.) . 9.89 1.19 11.08
1940 (School) 4.24 .42 4.66
Section 1, Block 65, Lot 81
1933 $17.65 16.15 $ 33.80
1934 15.53 12.44 27.97
1935 21.65 15.01 36.66
1936 17. 15 9.60 26.75
1937 17.84 7.84 25.60
1938 18.44 6.03 24.47
1939 20.48 6.35 24.78
1940 15.89 7.19 17.35
, 1940 (S.C.T.) . 9.89 1.19 11.08
1940 (School) 4.24 .42 4.66
Section 1, Block 65, Lot 82
1933 $17.65 16.15 $ 33.80
1934 15.53 12.44 27.97
1935 21.65 15.01 36.66
1936 17. 15 9.60 26.75
1937 17.84 7.84 25.60
1938 18.44 6.03 24.47
1939 20.48 6.35 24.78
1940 15.89 7.19 17.35
, 1940 (S.C.T.) . 9.89 1.19 11.08
1940 (School) 4.24 .42 4.66
A letter dated February 11, 1941 was received from K.G. Van Sciver,
Clerk to the Board of Education of Union Free School District No. 1,
requesting the Supervior to borrow and advance to the School District
the balance of uncollected school taxes levied September, 1940. The
Town Attorney recommended the
The Town Attorney reported that in the certiorari proceeding brought by
Stewart F. McDonald, Federal Housing Administrator, to review the
assessment upon the Larchmont Acres Apartments for the year 1940,
the arbitrator heretofore appointed by the Town, i.e. Mr. Albert W. Lockyer
had reached an agreement with the arbitrator appointed by the property
owners, i.e. Mr. Vernon N. Bailey, upon the following basis:
A Reduction from : Land Improvements Total
Sec. 4, Blk. 24 Lot 1 100,500.00 1,571,680.00 1,672,180.00
(now parcel 1 Blk 408)
Sec. 9, Blk. 21 Lot 4 7,200.00 141,020.00 148,220.00
(now parcel 70 Blk 918)
Sec. 4, Blk. 24 Lot 1 93,318.00 1,249,177.75 1,342,496.25
(now parcel 1 Blk 408)
Sec. 9, Blk. 21 Lot 4 6,681.00 110,822.25 117,503.75
(now parcel 70 Blk 918)
He further stated that the report of the arbitrators had been referred to the
referee, heretofore appointed by the Court, i.e. William G. Ross, Esq., who
had in turn rendered approving the settlement and asking for a fee of $500
Upon motion made by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Bates,
it was
RESOLVED, that the action of the arbitrator for the Town is hereby approved
and that the matter of the fee of the referee be referred to the Town Attorney
Supervisor McCulloch presented the rental agreement between the Village of
Scarsdale and the Town of Mamaroneck for the use of three additional fire
hydrants along Griffen Avenue, Scarsdale. He stated that the fire Department
of the Town of Mamaroneck had approved of the arrangement
On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Bates, on
roll call, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that in order to provide for more adequate fire protection
the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign the new rental agreement
between the Village of Scarsdale and the Town of Mamaroneck, the
rental charge to be at the rate of $33.50 per hydrant year, the same to take
effect April 1, 1941.
The Town Clerk was instructed to send a copy of the agreement to the
New York Fire Insurance Rating Organization
Supervisor McCulloch informed the Board that the Village of Mamaroneck
had requested permission to pay the 1940 on the
Town Engineer Foote reported that the W.P.A. project proposal for the
construction of Maxwell Avenue was ready for the Supervisor's signature
On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Bates, it
was upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign
the W.P.A. project proposal Ma-142 for the contruction of Maxwell Avenue,
Town of Mamaroneck for presentation to the Federal Government for its
A letter dated March 15, 1941 was received from the Town's insurance
broker, with which were enclosed copies of a rider to the Supervisor's bond
for highway funds increasing the amount from $39,000 to $40,000 for the
year 1941. The letter was laid over until the next meeting
The following reports were received and ordered filed; 1)Annual Report
of the Public Welfare Department for the year 1940; 2) Report of the Town
Clerk for the month of February, 3) Report of the Mamaroneck Health Center
for the month of February and 4) Annual report of the County of Westchester
Department of Health for the Year 1940.
At 9:50 P.M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn.
Town Clerk