HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933_06_21 Town Board Minutes KINUT'TS= OP A R,TGULA.R' MF.FT ING OF- THE' Tom'
held. J-une 21s-t,. 1933
At the Town Clffices , 118 West Post Road-, Mamaroneck.
The meeting,,was called to order by Supervisor, Burton at
Pre-s en t: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Leeds, Kessersmith and Burbank
Town Clerk Marvin
The Supervisor- advised the -Board -that. at a meeting held on
June 1st, 1932, he ha-d' been . aut-hori.zed to issue and sell Tax Lien
Ce rt i f is a-te s of Indebte dne,s s: of, the:. Torn of Mamaroneck for the. years
1930, 1931 and'. 1.932 in the amount of $9.-5.,_739.58'* and that he had therm-
after issued, pursuant to said. authori ty g, certificates of Indebtedness
in the amount of $ them being 'three Certificates of $
each,. dated- Tune 27 a 1932's and maturing June 27*9, - 1933,
Ife stated that since: June l.st, 193 , there had- been. palid
into the Receiver of Taxes on account .of said tax lien c-ertificates
for the aforesaid years. the -sum of $11.9610,16, le avi'.ng a. balance of
transfers of - tax liens bid in .by- -the -Supervisor at, the aforesaid
tax sales held in the- yearn 2930, 3-931 and 1932 and, not- heretofore
paid off or redeemed as- of Juice- 1st,; 1933, the total sum of $84,x29.A2,6
The Supervisor presented a c'e rt if idate of the Receiver of
`axes. setting forth the- above.
He stated that it 'would be necessary to refund said Ge rt-
ifica-tes less the amount that had been--re-ce,ived by the Town against
sad tax l i e ns e,
He further stated that he eras negatiat ing with the holders
of said �'e rtif i ca to s _.to aac-ept new and/or- refunding Certificates in
the pla-c e of those held and that he had arr-atge d with the holder of
Certificates in the principal amount of$60,000. to accept a payment
on account of $10,,000, and to ac-crept a new Certificate in the amount
of- $501.000. = same to b-e. dated June 2.7, 1933, and to mature October-
27j, 1933, at an interest rate of. 61114
He further stated, that he 'was negotiating with the holder
of the other Certificate of 1ndebtedne ss. in the. amount of, $3.0p0006
and expected to c-on cl ude with the holder similar arrangements f-or- the
refunding of the Certificate held by himo He therefore recorninended that
he be given authority to refund said Ce rtif-ica to s along_ the line_s..
herein stated.
The following r,eso.lution was offered. by Justice,.Boyd, and
seconded by Justice Messersmi.th:
WH7RFAS1: this- j3oard by resolution of June ist,,. 1.932,
authorised the Supervisor to borrow upon the faith and
wH:�'RFAS there. has been -paid -on- a.c-count- of the-
-aforesaid ttansfe rs, of tax. liens for the years -
1930, 19351 and 1932.9!'- between. June. lst..,r 1932 .and.
June .1st, 1933, the sum of $11961-0.16, , leaving 'a
balance of transfers of tax liens - due - as of said .
date for the aforesaid years, the- sum of $84J29.A2.
11TOW, TH�'R7FGR�, Br Ili R-FSaLVFD� that the -Supervisor be
and-� he hereby` is authorized: and empowered to refund,
i sue and/or reissue the aforesaid tax 1 ien Gertificates
' of Indebtedness heretofore authorized- to be issued in the
total amount of $959739.58t for which 'Tax Lien Certify
Ica t e s . o Ind ebtedne.ss . we re is-sue.d -as. of Jun.e .27-3- .1932
in. -the amount, -of $90,0.00® ire_ an amount not --to exc,e ed
$ said Certificate or Ce rt if i ca to s� of Tndebt--
e dne s s- to be in -the f orm -and -pursuant to the provisions
of the resolution- heretofore ad op,te d on June i s t= 1932,
except as, to th.e total amount to be issued, which res-
olution of dune lst, 1932 ,-. is hereby. ratified and conow
f i rme d;
FI RTFTR RFS'CLV.FD. that the Su elrvi s o r. be and -,he hereby
is authorized and emp,ovie re t d- a make payment. on account
of said Ce rtific:a to s of Indebtedness- heretofore issued
in the amount of $190j,000. in connection with his
negotiations for. the -renewal and/or refunding, of said
Certificates of Indebtedness as herein provided. r
The foregoing resolutions- were adopted by the following
Ayes : Supervisor -burton,. Clerk Marvin
lus Lice s Boyd-, Leeds, X s se rsmit-h and B-urb ank
it-ayes: None
The supervisor advised the -Board regarding the. Fine Brook
Drainage Commission, tie stated that- the -..joard at a meeting held on
October 15, 1932, had by resolution authorized him to issue Cert�
ifi cate s ❑f Indeb-te dne s s of the `down pursuant to Chapter.- 260 of the
Laws of 1930 in the amount of not to ex ce-ed $6.0t500oOO and that pur�
scant to said authorization he had issued under date of December 1p,
1932, Certificates of -Indebtedness in the .princ ipal� amount of
$60,000, which. would mature.. July 19 1933. He stated that these
Certificates would ult.ima.t e ly b e .p a.id. off p urs uan.t to the aforesaid
Act out of the proceeds of a sale of bands-; tha,t: it would be unwise
r for the Town t.o endeavor to sell an issue- of bonds at this time due
to the unsettled condition of the municipal bond market, and further.*
that the total amount, of the share of the Town of Yamarone ek had not
as yet been definitely -fixed by the Pine -brook Drainage C`omniss ions.
iTe stated that by the resolution as.se d Gctobe-r 15th, 1932k
he had authority to issue Certificates and/or to refund. . and issue
nevi Certificates from time to time- for a period of not more than
fifteen months from October 15, 1932 , and that` he wished: to, -advise
the Board concerning -,th-e -ma t t.e r a he recommended that he be authorized
to refund the maturing Certificates by the issuance of new Certificates
and he believed that he could...arrang.e-,--to: refund ,the.:. same -for, a period
not to exceed s iX months®.
r �//
F OR TH7'R- RF SOLVED that the Supervisor- b:e and, he
hereby is- authorized-.a-nd empowered. t-.o. payment
on-..account o the - s-aid - Ce rtif-ida-tes. of.-.-Ind-e-b,t-e,dne.s.s-
n ow .outs Landing in the amount of $6-0.,000. in Conn e.at i on
.with obtaining a renewal or�,re,ne.wals, thexeon,,if :in his
j udgment- a - payment or payments is ,.necessary- or:advisable.
1 Th.e% f-oreg:oi.ng :res oluti-ons.,.we-re adopted -by the following
votes:. f
Ayes Sup-ervi s or Burton* Clerk Marvin
Justices Boydt Deeds! Messeramith and Burbank
Noes : None
The Supervisor further. stated that the, present holderf of
the- aforesaid Fine Brook- Ge rt if"i cat-e s of Indebtedness in the p-rin c ipal
amount of $6,0,,000.,. Which -this Board had authorized him to- renevi, had
agreed that he would accept .a renewal. of 50,=000. principal amount of
said Certificates, -.if $101,000., ivas, paid in reduction on:. July- lat 0 193
and if this Bozrd wo ul.d ,ad opt a, resolution.-pro v id i.ng .that such amount
of the principal amount. as -may-,be outs tand'ing. on December lst: 1933,
provided: that -,they are in the hands of the p-resent owner and/or if not
heretofdre- -paid off on October lst, .1933 7, 'ar prior to December lst,
1933-9 would be p-lazed in the next y e ar fs -Budget.,
The Supervisor stated that he -believed it was proper to
a-dop t such a resolution because it was the intention of the Board
to refund the Ge r.tificate s with -a bond issue prior to the end- of the-
yeari in which event this resolution would no-t become effective
Oh motion, duly seconded-, it was
RPS 0LVFD a that the Board agre e a in c onn e c t i on with
the refunding of the aforesaid $60,000.. principal
amount of, Pine Brook Certificate s of Indebt-e-dne:ss
that it said Certif ic.ates -are still held by the present
owner on Dec-ember lst, 1933.. the principal amo-unt then
due and, outstanding . a s of. De cember lat,. 193-3.* will -be
included in the next ye ar f-s.- Budget by the -Town Board* and
FURTHYR R7S0LVF_Dt that this :ee soluti on will not become
effective if the Town refunds the aforesaid Certificates
with a- bond issue and/or pays the outstanding amount
thereof to the present owner and/or such 0e rtificates
are not in the hands- of the present holder on December
1st, 193-3L.6
The foregoing resolutions were adopted by the following
Ayes-: Sup arvisor .Burton,- -,M erk VarVin
Justices Boyd,. Leeds,, Ye s se rsmith and Burbank
Noes:* Roh e ,
The Clerk. reported 'to the Board that he had been in error
when he reported at a previous meeting that the new schedule of light
and power, rates of the We s tche s to r Bighting Company would inc-re a s e%
•.� -e; Board unanimously resolved , that the matters regarding
the lighting ra=tes, which had been referred to Counsel at the meeting
on June 7th b-e likewise referred to the Clerk :in coope raid on with
COunse lam.
Xustice Burbank. inquired what the Board proposed to do
regarding the new roof fog the Town Hall, After- dis-cuss ion, . it was
upon motion-by the. Clerk, seconded by- Justice Boyd,, upon, .roll call
RESOLVED that a committee consisting of Jus ti..c.e Boyd,-
Burb.ank,; Leeds and' the Clerk he and it hereby . is auth-
orized, empowered= and directed to have a wooden shingle
roof ins talled on the T' Vn Hall on the be s t..,to rms
At 34 o the Board unanimously resolved to recess to meet
again at the call of 'the chair, to take up such matters as might
p=roperly come before its.
Town 011r,k V