HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932_03_07 Town Board Minutes0 FIRST SPECIAL MF-FTING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAM_4R O1I_' CK , N. Y. held March 7th, 1932 The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 11:10 A. Mo Present.- Supervisor.Burton Justices Boyd, Leeds, Messersmith and Burbank Town •Clerk Marvin The presence was, also noted of Counselor Ralph A. Gamble. Counsel advised the Board that.several issues of certificates ofl indebte.dness were maturing in the near future and suggested the ad- visability of selling bonds to redeem the certificates, which consisted of', approximately $3151,000. Boston Post Road certificates and $1751000. Sewer District No. 1 certificates. After discussion, it was upon motion by Justice loessersmith, seconded by..lustice Boyd, upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that Counsel be and he hereby is directed i to take the necessary steps to.prepare for the sale of bonds, consisting of not more than $3151000. Boston Post Road bonds =and $1751,000. Sewer Di.str-ict ill bonds and that said sale be held on 'Tuesday, 11arch 22nd, at 5 P. M. at the Town Offices.. The Supervisor advised. the Board that in view of the audit now being made in the office of the Receiver of Taxes by the Auditors from the office of the State Comptroller, he deemed it advisable to have an audit made of all departments of the town government since January lst, 1916, when he first took office as Supervisor in the Town and he so recommended to the'Board. After discussion;. it was upon motion by Justice Messersmith, seconded by the Clerk, upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED,, that on the request and recommendation of the Supervisor the State Comptroller be and he hereby is requested to have made a complete audit: of all town accounts in all town departments, going -back to January 19 1916, the full term of the Supervisor' -s incumbency of his office, and be it further RFSOLVFD, that the Town Clerk immediately send a certified copy of this resolution to the State Comptroller. Two communica tiond dated March 3rd were received from Mamaron- eck Post #90, American Begian, requesting respectively exemption from taxation on i.ts property and cancellation of taxes for the years 19291 1930 and 1931. The communications were ordered received and referred to Counsel. A communication dated March 3.rd was received from Assemblyman Ralph A. Gamble, advising the Board of the action taken on the act to- amend Section 106 of the Public Service Law, in accordance with the request of this Board on February 17th. The communication was ordered received and placed on file. A claim was received from F. E Hirshstein for a refund of taxes paid to the town. The claim was ordered referred to Counsel. I A certified copy of a resolution passed by the Hoard of Super- visors of "01estchester County on February 29th was received, notifying the Board that, the sum of $70,176.71 had been apportioned to and levied against the Town of Mamaroneck as its share of the amount to be raised in the Yamaroneck Valley Sewer District for the year 1932. .'1:r. The resolution was ordered referred to the Supervisor* A petition was received from the Larchmont Gardens Association urging the Town Board to urge the State Legislature -to permit the creation of a magistrate *s court in the Town of Mamaroneck. The petition was ordered received and held pending legislative action* At 12.:10 P.M. the Board. unanimously resolved to recess t.o meet again on the same evening at 8:15 P. M. at the Weaver Street Police Station. Town Clerk