HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_01_07 Town Board Minutes .24-9
0 111 0 IT 1011.0a,Ro 7�,C_-r� -Y-�
'C",e 1 r,11a in 31
IN the absenc.%,E Of thE Qu]JErvisrj-r� the meelting �I,,,as called to
Order by juatice Collin's at 8150 F. Tij",,*
stice ! ziFdvv and 1essea:-s,_fai.th
Presente. 111 I
T o-Sep n C!2.E r-�- _rvla 3 i. itra
U T o n n,-,,c.t c,n d W!y rae,d E3 a n.,d, s e c c r,d�E d 4., t w-a s v.o t c d t o d j.Ej Ev n Es ve.
vi!ith the readi-ng of the of -i-,�_eetinwv not Yet appToved,
e d the 13 Q B 2?d El 11 C
3. Dcher UY of A 1.1 on Fa -1: add-rE Ps d-
0 11a C
i�resente-d a i�etition signed by rcsident &T Wire Dist-riot
h C)1P 2 1w h-1 C311 1D e t i t i ov, he- said s sign by - poam whan a rrajor].-Ly
-of ithe resident. tom.-,jayrz-;rs in th� dLstrict, and -,.,,,,hich., act,-,)-nL-d iii
to se,- �ctior, 3 114--,C, of the lc-,,un ui:a&ecl the Town tc, -TaTak-e a cont.rac,11-,
for fire parcotection to be 111321nished -j,,ith fir.'d -_,'Fire Dist-ricl: 1%. it.
Upon r.,-�oticn duly i-_riade and Seconded the petition -,,,,as
ferred to t lWard of Awsessors for thei,j
r certifioation aq to.
1:116 Me.,:,-essarar nuumf1ber of signatures and also to CounsEi for his
17 ER_10o:ct.
1211EV CAAAC presented a co=unication from. Courinselor Gam-ble
in regard to tl-,e claim of 1_11'jarg n for
errcit w1ftich
of fee 1paild -Lo IAE? -Building CAmmirnission fcL,-- b-nildizw 1PE
was not issued,, -The cormniunicatiom statEd4
"The applicant when -f:aalkg AN E -plication kne-�,,-w that she
a p
--ing for so--mething cont::,ary to the Zonink, Ordinance. ,,�ihe-
Yw a S aL S
-b fore the Th
_==` L
ha et a, he u i 1 d i n g Coni,n�is ss icn El 11 d IV Eent 'before th
vion"Ala Co=ission and it would to -me that under the c-,4ir-
cum,:��,tanc,es , both Qo=isaions having pk_--i:foraned their a-laties, and
the Zoning 772,card having been under the c�f advertising
for -a that 111400 fmar it-ac-h ssion is inacdequate to
WFERM. cove 37 the exp=-se whi ch t 11 E3 01 NFEe re u,n d e i The fact that.
the claiiii is denie7d does riot seem to i,,,_1Le to be E3ujAf-_,,..ciEnt -basis
for r� -Qrnirng the fee . 'The jpmr-fjose of the f;ee is to compens-ate
in iDCCU rt..- the cost 01, the Coii?ail issindr! mad an-
a]p:plication is d�eiqied rEnd8ra no lesz to be done by thE d
n moticm daly nmade and seconded it -�-,,.,a 5,
rec,C-imed and that hiz, :-_,ecc,=e�,idatirjn 1%c-
adop-Wed and that the claiiiLj cf lv_�,'argaret_
O 'Donnell be and the 5a�me herebY
is denied.
T&I ;A�)ort of' the 'Receive-10 &f Taxes fcr the va=11111 Af
-wras ord-er-ed rece:f.-ve d a n,d 1)1 a c e:id o n f i le 6
The Town rej�ort ed- he 1riad bc-en r-e st��d
C ha i,-',1 e s 11-,7,r, B ax t e r jr. c.f r c n e cl: c)n b e ha 1 f o f t h c
Relief Cc=itee for id -,,-o ti 1k; L3riognip-coyed to ask
the To�-na Board A
0 johy, A Bloo:azer, To-v-ar-in, We if a re
Officer, to Cooperate vviith the Mvrmaroneck Ccm-.qittee to the e nd
'sue-'Iriat dupili'cam ations I Y! 1:12 EZ e 1.i e if t o t-h E u e mp 1 o vs d ra 111; 1)Ec-
a ir o i d e d The CCIerk quoted Y,,Tr. a. 53 S2111ing -that at `L'11-2�5
ti-me of a recer-t distribution of bascpts of foo d -v
, sec i
ng I C)
_pc-r so ns re c e i v4s d n'.,Lor e tl-ian mv� I,%a Z'kk-c t Ovii the lack cif
c c o p,e is a t i o n
The rnlatter was refEra:ed t-,-; the Sup-e-1--vi yam.O2.
lbon -I'motion duly -made and seconded, the 3card unaninnio�'tsliy
rezoivt-,d to at 9 : 15 P, hl