HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_06_26 Town Board Minutes 175
STATION,. Iune Wth, 1QSV31o_
The meeting was cal" led to order by ;Iupervisor Burton at
Pre sc
-nt Supie rv' s o - -Burton
,Twstices leeds and Keasefsrnith
i-own Clexrwk Ma.r'vin
11r. Beverley F s-an o-l' =169 Byron Place, Larchr.on�,..
addr-ess �e Board and requested- perriiss-ion to conduct a bli.siness
of selling ice at a build* ng loca ted -at #193 11_13rrtle EciLlilevard,
Larch,ir,on' for a period of time not ezceed_*ng Oct-oberIp"l- , Th'
p-r-operty is at present zoned F Unclaasified..
Afte-1- discussion it i---.ras ' upon mction by Justice 11--lilesse-rstnith
de d by t' e 1 e rk u7
se cor n pon roll ca-11 unanimously
that th's _�Ioard do and hereby doca gran4-
^9 Byron Place ,,
the reo klo L
.,'uest, of Bnve----oly ITelso-n of #a.
Larchmant, to conduct a. busines ,L- s e I ling'i c e
on the
premises of "193. IdyrtlF, Boulevard, Lar-chmontt,
for a period of not exc=..,ed,.JLn&,-- October Ist
and be it fulrther
RFSOLVED.: that. th-..s Boa-rd would not object if Kr-.
ITels-on places a sniall sign on the 7:,iall of the
nr-x a t 9 3 LZly r t e -8 o u!dva ra, Larcbrion t s.ub
b ut i L
i '-ion and supervi
ject to the In S P C_I i-s-on of the
Bulding. Cor-umis s i an and be it fur ther-
RF.SCLTFD,, that the Town Cle-l-k notify the ?-.0 11 a- i ng
,o=nission of this --Z-Action.
Upon -naction duly -made and aeconded the Board-
res.o_lved to adjou-2-M at- 111;P.3.0 A,& Lit
Town G1 e r k