HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_12_05 Town Board Minutes 23 3
T 0'V_,,j'Y 0 F ih I-AFL C K 5,X a Y
held December 5, 1930V
galled- to order by Saper-,Tisox B-L-Lrton at
Y c,
The meetine-, Tas
8:45 P
Presentd Sap ervisor Burton
J7aSt,ices Boyd, Leeds and 1des secs mith
Tovm Clerk Marvin
The vi so ed that the h ear lir.,,G was called to act upon
Supaiar stat
a Petition hereto fore received- by the To Board. to amend the zon-
-` ng certa'.n property on the .
=g ordinance by re-moving and- turans"er-L
fied distrIct
easter17 S-1de of V.11ey Place jro-,-,n class F Unclassi, a_
in which -the property is no�ili classified- as shown on the map vv h ch
accompanies said ord-inance to class C Business d* strictf
The notice of the Lrl_aetinr� was read- by -the Cler1,- and -apon motion
by J-astice 30-7d., seconded by Jastice Messeissmith, it was -upon roll
call =animc-i-sly approvede
The Supervisor asked il". there was. any .pers.on present who des-ired
ip p
tion to th.e etition There being none,� lie asked
to speak 'in o cs4
p-o L i . - I
if th i
ere �was any person present apDearng n favor of the petition&
Joseph. J. lvlancusi., attorney of iNj'ew Rochelle,, representing she
pet--l-t"i'l over, Joseph. ,lac caro, appe.ared 1-n favor of the petit-ion and
addressed 'the Board. He stated t-hat the'D petiti oner desired to erect
e r-ri ecut he Sts_toed
a fia-gh class poultry --n.riarket, mod- in every resp
' he north was occupied
1ha' the propertv =e d' a t e ly a 'jog on
map (D the City of New-
filling station. He produced a zonionz �i L L" L,
L, w the weste1-y side of
sayliac- that the property on the o pposite, t o
said westerly slae of ;valley
Id 11ey Place, 2"-s zoned -for bu-siniess,
I I L/ f the City of Newv Rochelle*
Fiace being- _T 4a the 1*rai's o
I in
B`11-y Harrison, Niew Rochelle realtor ad-dressed the Boarc
11 P i
behalf of the -petitioner Pointing out that he had personal knowledo-e
c -
`Ag or on
of several other b-Lisiness establishments v2riich are locati
lde o' Valley Placev
template locat-ing on th�el vieste_-ol-v s-,J- J_
Upon, motion by Jiastice !Y,---essersmith, second-ed- by Justice Leeds.,
it was -ananimously
RESOLVED, that the hearing be closed*
Upon motion b7 Justice desse ith, seconded by the Clark, I
was upon r.oll call unanimo-as ly
RESOLVED 1;1.TIEREA�� application has been
heretofore made b-y Joseph J. Vaccaro to
amend the Zonin6 Ordinance by removing
and transl"'erinS ' he follow.*nu described
23Ei.- .
'4 a .public heaa��inz had been held
on sa _d ....-- -it on and clue no t.ce t eon
given a.s� e raffia e Law; and
`J` s, no one has appeared in o o i-
i o . o said- Petition, now therefore be
:---;: E SOLVED a there . e r an s.�err . .
the Zoning Dia , which., together vi_* th the
es na ion s o x. thereon, acccni anile
the .Zooming ordinance of the U ninc or p or a c e d
Section of the Toirvn of iv a _a.r oneck We e .-
er Cc—an e"w 'or to y-i t
A-n ordinance ce adopted the Tcvm Board of
the _To-�jn of _Ili a�rt one ck at a meeting held,
June 21st, 19.22, by it e of. she power
vested i1a aid- Tomn Beard under the pray- ;
is�ons o f Chapter 722 of the Lairs of 1922,
etc. , o class F Unclassified i ric
in wI'..ic sa d propert7T IS no vi class"f'e
as o on said -slap, to class o Business
district, i . . � n .e cr,i e _ o e y
o ,ito;
All that lot or parcel ol' land located 'in
the o .�r� or�e , -u_n y of ,Vestchester
and e of Nevy Yo , stn -e e
µ o a certain map .Lle . in ffice of
the Register, -Kes c ie er. Co.unty, entitled,
Map o fifth Avenue Park in .e I g o
. o c e fie, New fork, b e lon n t
�°re�e �. nor e e , `� a .e .� , % 11 e s,,
ev e r a ;. �x ey 1906 a n
b-y 'lots n— eronre wee end
two h=chi ad and- 1 o r.
eginn�ng at a point 25 feet from the so-atheast corner of
Fifth erne and Valley Place, rya n ec e east loo feet to a
point, thence so-u-L - o Feet to a -point., thence crest 100 feet to
the easterly side of Valley Place, thrC-ince north 22ong if lle-y Place
o feet to the Doint or ace off' � t.7ET
The a�oo e cr e = e bein more ar 4c larly known as
Section 1 Block 65A, Lots 2 and 3
E , that- the a-ore le. cr e ro er
shall e l je to ` a 15 foot set bacic
from the fro r o er y l l rye,a f r Sh er
4 `i O tV IT that this zILjaenchgen f" the. Zoning
Ordinance and the map aoco m anying the same
ha fie. a e effective upon the b1 ca-
ion thereof as regained by law*
REKLVEDI that a clairi frora William r
Sp.orborg. and Thomas J. Fe Connolly,
attorneys o o e s e . N. Y. , in
the amount oo 150.00 for leSa . serv=ices
rendered to 'die Police Department be
and the samie hereby i s approved for
A. claim was received, 1ror the Larchmont Sports Club in h
mount of $394. 57 for ate. ease .e �' o �h Spo s l property
needed for sewer purposes by the Sewer onss ion, 394.57
per ft. as pe r agreernent between the Town of Mlama o eo :
a.d, the Larchmont Sports C I The clalm bore the approval of
the Sevier C o=i s s i off.* "
` o o ,s _ e Ae se d.sm th seconded y Justice Boyd,
it was -apon roll call unanimously :
i ��ED, that el .irn 1- the ar hmont
Sports Club in rho amc) of �,,,23794657 for
easement thou Sports Club property
neecled for sewier p _poses by the e e
co--a iss o , 39- 4. 57 ft. C *,���.��. per foot
per a i.:ee �e �� e ye "e Tc, of
�,,I arnaro e li: and she Lar chn.o t Sports Club,
be a e awe ea�e L s approved fog
� �
The report of the Tow� l er ��o # the month of Eoveraber, 1930
was ordered. rec,,eived, and p2aced oil file.
Upon Motion duly made and seconded D e Board u-nanirin-ously :
j oi"n e at :3o .. , M.
o��:t . 0 1 e