HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_02_05 Town Board Minutes 12 17E T T77 07 JOINT ',OA-23 held Febru-.-ry P"th, 1930, 9 The meeting; called to order by Supervisor 3arton at Present: Su-,Jerviqor 73urton Justices 3oyd. Leeds and Lessersmith To-.,M Coi-;_nselor aambl-_ SuPefintende,nt of Hi h-,.-,rays.. Coles The --minutes Of th- I-,"Ee tings Of January 8th, and 14th, 7111hich -were reac! at a Special meeting of the To-,,-,n Board on jan. UE,�Y 31st, rE approved- as Of --present date, c om un i ca ion s received. from L, 0 on no.1- 17:4 Ha=on DD�,i-e La rc hmor,t. c c1-11-o 19 i n i n g� the.t, h 11 s -0 r o-u e rtly ha 0 been damaged by Lae b asti-ng for the ne-�,., road.-:Tay on Ha=,-.1on Drive Fm- that h- 'had be en unabic- to obtain any satisfaction from the Contractor, Pred Lux. Jr. O'Connor a-p-ocared in Verson and explained to the 3- the situation. The m2 tlt=r eras referred to Counsel= 7,`no assured 7;r. OtUozancr tu1iatl he Would talke 211 necessary steps a v once. c =,unlcation 7ms received from Yo--,!73n HcG!2sha-i o- ' Hazel Street, LarcbjTiont, asking the Tc-7-Y, Eoar6 t• instruct the llom,-[Dany i-lots oil Ha7e- Street, Su-cerintendent LI Coles said that Hzzel Street was not a To--n Street and that the To-im 111-ad no authority to order any lights inst"F,111=d there. Counselor Gamble agreed. The natter %-:cs ordered referred to Coi,,,neel. The Clerk s,ig-lEstled that In vies„? of the presence at the M-_etInE of I`r. Ors On C. -.Fe.vnor, f:gmers of the recent reouesting zh- T07,I . one of the S__ Vn to build a flight of ste-f�s on Taylor U :,!,--e be ,zeen �Ve-nue and IEry tl- r 11 - Boule--rd. that Su-oe-__i,t_ endent Coles re-port on this matter -,,Thich h been referred to him. Su-per-intendent, Coles s-2,_'­d -61-19t 'Taylor _.Place is not a To-r,n Street. T'r= declared. that he would tai{- the niattpr ur" ,Yit_' John D. Hlarris 2-,7-peered in -person 4-0 2sIc the io-n 2c?­d for the instRIlation of a to-mporary sidel,,,alk and street li-rht on Fo-est fro-.r,,, j!jUr ..,,­nue to virv� �!hill the street is in its 'o-ssent torn up Condi+20-a, due to high7,,,2v Ml_':tter -`as referred to Supe7intenflent Coles TIno said he ­­)ujcI, c_-e 0, it, U-0 0 n, rec0M!nFndrjtf0n of Suneri.nte-nde-fl+ Cr'I-q, the follo,_­inS resc)iu on upon roll cp,!', u-nnnJmous� T ' ?7SOL_v71). that the �,7estchester Ti n1 J_-rig o,-ni�z ny be Fnj, herc-by is authori_--_,j an^ 77i_-c.cted to n s t c-r:210 0 rP-27Y s e e i nt on -7,or e s t Ten E, be zljreen 11�_urray Avenue and L) a-,- a o i n t t o be designated by Sui�erintend _ej-,t II 127 justice Llesserrmith Dresented. a --petition st8ting in subst:^nce ""ii'c_ the undcrsi,-�ed, be n all the _P operty o=ner at 'UY Ga.?Oi•7 RO^ c -"EEn Glen/arid FQrESt iVEnLl° hETEDy OEti ti On the above To-,-!n Board of R-Ima.roneck to change the name of sai roa frDm 13UngmI,--,7 Road tc Birchiield Road. " 2r_e Petition -v;ras ordered referred to a coEmiittee cOYIl- posed Of Justices ?.eea Lesser,--m, _, i� �,__to and Su_Derintend.Ent moles. U-Don motion, the meeting adjou-^ned at 9:50 P. II.. To-cm Clerk I I I I