HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_02_18 Town Board Minutes (2) J1 T11]:
-A! =T7_T V3
T-C-v"11i OF
he 7 d
The meeting called. to order by Su-pe-vi so-- Bu,-tor-
2r e s e n t: SupFrvieor Burton
Justices Boyd, Leeds and. Eesser-smith
Superintender t of I I
-ys Coles
Town Clerk L-lar-Tin
r,'ou-nselor Gamble
SIP e 0 1-1 CO-Gmse!or '-a-Nardi.
Su--Oervisor :ELi---Lcn arno',unced that tlh-c- 73o=1 �- had met fo-
,,ae 'Dur�ocse of hcFaring uDor- the
cat-cn of Rcul,:eyj
ulE7- Inc.. ,
n e t -al for the im-Q-cvemen , of certain s-re e ts Lrnd-Er
Chwoier 549 of the La-,7s of 1-92-6 as amended and stn ted- that he ,T-ulal
en t e--t a_-*,n - motion tz 'na7e the .;Ierk read the call-.
�VherpU-Don, on mo --Jr�n of JustiCc Boyd_. secO n2ed b- ju,s-i
lie S s e r sm i-'.11
RP SC71%Ti D. the t the C1=r'_c read the t'a-'I Of the
me e t 41 ng.
The Cle--k did so and an -nnotion, dull' nz'.de and
sleconded., the CaI-! a-01:)r07ed -a
as red'.
Clerk re--)o--,ted that the Eoa-rd of ,)�ssessors had filed
him a certil.
certifying that said. Det-it-ion ',,-!ad b-eer signed
e re meet the 0'.--e— Of -oro-Perzy on a -m -Ority o-F' the lineal fe t - n+4 17�g
i - - , ,
n the streets p- -ro-posed to be it as reau-i -cd by La:'.
11C .
The Su-perVisor thereupon stated that he o u 1 C' —a-0
17no desired to address -rd in 013posi ,n t.co the a�-01-1 -ica t'
e -av'
and th=n on
or of -he ao-ollca---ion -w-Dluld be h^a--Id.
Sol Rabin. an attorney of 17e7T P o c h e 1 71 c.. ITe ,- o Tl-
,amoeared ends
stated tn-t he represented hiss LIar-r 017e411 th e
O-,T ner c land
- frontJng on 3onnie 3riar Lane having a frontage of
abcL�z 50() ffeet, th�r e 0n. ayl-I
- - - declared that his client U
"Tas unalterably
O.-Poosed to the imp-oi,,erjent.
He' also stated the t -LIhe layout of the
str4ets had been changed ''� 6 fthout his client's consent -,vhich would
effect the va-lidit-v of the bonds if
" bonds ,uere to be issued in
IP Of the cc-- of the im'D-rovement'
t'nat the assessment
a e� U-POn tlle --Pro-oertv -.-ners a tremendous� bu--den 2--eld that the
a ub-Cl 1-,F4 ' -
I on s of sj-,-h a Tly'Oe or ch-aracter, ha-,ing
real pro.,.-jert-y restrictions, that in his opin� in mind the
nc -on thE
--I be IJU-Stlif'ed in -uttin-g in the im7crove.rnents P- for
n-L S "F-. o be .-�a-J,-� by a s s e s srde,r t -if such
1dr. G29' iiardi there-o'oon add2essE�
r - t1E BO -i-n su-pport of
the On Pre stated thFt t?iE only charge -cnaoe on the Street
ines 7ras made for the Purpose Of PFIrMitting the construction
Of Street intersections --r-e---p-by
r-I eet nE ��nZ-es. tha'- the layo-LA O-�- tr:e streets had no- been
cnanEed e--,7-Celt e.s sttle� 7 ri -
4 te - ;2 � - a. o-; anf tl-2.t such cilhan�-es as to street
— --secticns benefi--ia�j to all -.he -p
received he "'c- -'Tal '-p - - --rOPEItY and� had
C 11 C-s e 1, �'� r
t L am CQunse7 of ',,est-
_- -, e Trust Com')any�
on Rea'_ 7S+,-tp Ta�. F c0. n i z c G" as a r mn,h-0-C i ty nC
the bene-�
be from t.-'� inr:rOve.ments Fi.-r_1�7imz I-Or n 2 e o u s t e d Eh
Boa, d. to grant the a'D---, j
..I-cat ion.
C. W. I11cody re-oresenting Pouken Len, inc= also
ap-,-OarEd and �Cldressed th2 Ebard in support cf the a-^,-,Iica t--',on and
�n:e,,7,erect varJous cac-'sticris -p7000unded to hire, by the Boe-rd.
- I-- - - L
Lir. A. J. cote who had beef em-ployed by the S-pecial
Corl.,�ttee of the To-n BrD.-rd fcr t-e -,Durrose of cc!lectirg var-l'ous
Grata. in conne.—L-lion with - he -orc-oosed -ir.11-0YO'7erqEnZ was pre-,Ert and
_-e-oo-fted an the Cost, o--F' the -Fa gas, se-vcr and various t-y-pes
of pavemcnt.
+il—reu'pon, after the matt�= -ryas diScu.ssed f-rom va--r-ious
3s regularly -moved and seconded that the hearing be
ciosed-� and it -,was fur-LhFr
F7SOIHD. that tIhE 3-p--c-Jal Cormrnit tlee here to-
J-c--e aco-oointed by the ijerVZSOr be continued
a.r6 that the entli-e rneitter be referred back
tC Sal,' S-OECi-7 COTI-,14tomeE -F'D-z -nei- reconmend-
a t i on =.nd 2"e-Dort.
c-.ues'4cn of the adc-o-icnof tcie forego--n� resolutions
?",ra s "put t o a Vole ch resulted as --Pollo?7s- Ayes; 6, Noes: rove
The chair deci�=ed the resolutions ado-oted.
J�,Istice Ifessersmith on behalf o-f a s-r,=-c i&I c o(3Il,j t t e e
o::,e e r t e d the e f c i I o i,-,1,-I g r e o o IL
7ebruary 13. 1930
-h= Honcrable
Ihe Spec u_ Co=-ittee. consisting Of Jutiti.-es LE=ds
I-Essez-s-n-It.1a, and Coles, HigYr-a-v Commissioner, z.. -.,.-holf,
JnF,� beer referred -,-h= Petilticn --a-- Chant-e in the mirt�.r of
Glen Road' and Po-rest Z,,venue, to D-*=hl-ield Road,
re-port that after cor.sJi - L-
--era�� on of the mc-tter, an,9
a��)�pm-7rirg that all --he c--,-.TnerF of -or=erty c-Q nE roact na7e si=nsd
Lhz- the-v reco-mmend -1hat the "Petitiori fo- ch-rge of n!a,�ie
be granted.
Res-pectfull-7, sstbmmitted
S!.7':'f Jdi. jfH7SS7PLS7�.TTq
U,Don mot Jon duly =-.de and seccnded, the chFno— in
S'77 a,
S u r,e r il n t e n d,E n t Co 1.ES e s e n t e i the -f J-n c o:-m-,u n 4 Cali
c th do'::n }7 0-�--d: I on
TO the zicnorable 130F,,ra of the
of EPMF: onecI-,.-. Ilo, York:
L n�er da�e 0- October 264 2.925, 1
Vcna 1_ D os to - to Your
tal,�c -o-ICceedin-s an�! adopt s--ch m,ep---u-Es
orders as n---JZ-h, be necessa.r-,, and jorojoer to end ',hat Tju.r�ray
417enue from
Q Ijun Sc,--th
its 4r-erF,- C-r� 4 1 7; —1
,VenUE, I 'cl �
ir t"I� be 4A
e C 4-
c t
�?ccoidnn(�e --o ^nnexed to m- 21 ir
estima'-ed the test of acquiring tir rcyoertt; necessary
"or the -,�=T—)ose of carryinc- cut sai' izrproverner_t at <^Q8,50O.00 a.nd
Lherea.fter and on October 23, ILLS. an Order ",4as made by your 3oard
di-ecting th6 a:COUislLio'fi Of said. lands and. app Ouri3Li:lp ne surf
F' : AS,50O.00 to pay there= --
Th.erea.fter= OUCh 7J3-0 Ceedin�;S '+re-re had. aaYid taICen
by i--ect o of VOUr onmfcble Doard that B'-,j tha _pr0_oert
uECESS.:.' for S-^ u. _=rOvernceni, was 'ncr Lui_^e( exce_Gy 0
One c=F ,iCh 9s forrCerl'� O'.--ned b,�i Lil7 -'�n r. Daggett and the otC!er
oy Flora B. C ii7; nE C iatimns fo-�-' the vU=Chase Of which are
8�ill -oending..
Hiwh7,?v bonds ir_ the amount of '°48,000.00 r",e^e sold on
`Tp-r �, 1926. and the ji roceeds thereof ?',h'ich. inC .udin^ -orinci-0°l
a-cc�_ accrued interest amount to '-49,244.4 � �r _ _
Of 6 OOO OC J O O tYl 71°.1 l E SL'1Y
a received from the INe-ry :�avcn Railr^v3d CC many for
daLriap•eS caul-ed. by -E2son Of the chpnFe Of grc..C,.e Qf 1:'iyrtlE �iEn u.E,
Were used in the -curchase of sai � lands, and th s1 � of 456-,075,3b
..^s used in conned lion with saic in
?rovezr.e n''.
f_ bricge 18 be'ng constructed alon lrlurra,y AvenUE
paining the prcposed Pelham-D ort Chester
in cons.e a r.ce
C' . hich the grade Of ;--Urra-,l yvenue ias been changed.. 3Y reason
Of such change Of grade the nouSe mined by F,.osario Decicco has
been raised and the t',-ro outbuildings belon_4ng to Luigi Leone trill
also have to be raised in
L. ;rdEr to meet the ne,,a grade, The -cork
occasioned b the ra.icj
Y _ng� of said buildir_Es has heretofore been
a.UL'Clorized by y0u_^ Honorable 73o-rd and the agreements entc—T.ed into
Zh Said Decicco end Le0nc^ call for the p?rforzlanee Of Cert2.in
0_l. and the f'�Y??eni. Of a lum;O eur in' satisf-^.C'; C'P_ Of ?'P_yr dai--PaEes
7'r,hick they may sustain by reason of SvCh Change of grade.
It 1S es-uismted_ that the additional Cost rm-(, -- d 'C
pay for the E .,?enses Of accuiring lands aril gra.ding�and --e+c
Said Ouse s d Outbuildin�•s till am0un t0 the si,T C.
"1F,OOC•OCa 17
takr -Y rc r-ac.CeCtf)llV Y'enilest,, i,ha, such Sie7JS be
by VOli HonOra.ble :So -Cure
��, -Curs u_.nt to the ,���•c�ri s -ores of "t_
L.-12 8-a cf � �.E Hirz1-ZV 1.�a^TM',I aS may be n'ccess2ry aYCI 'J',r,'0-Oer 10�
T,._2 end �,h2 the a_dd.ii-i0na SU1Yt Of lS.rnQ,QE
the -log.%- roses stated- above, ma., be obtained for
As stated in my appi,icat-on of OCt0bEr 23 -1 ' 5, th
volume 01° trcffic 0ver 1!7Ur1-ati Avenue betr`een _idge,r,rc.od 7enue an,�
Street. '.':'�Ci''i7 in Use. h�S .S0 increased as t^ r
et ender -raffle
Cprtc.lr- •lq " g C hF `a,7 U.n2afe anrl_ t -n of the Opinion that
the best- interest Of the '7c --:ill be —echo e
_ bY st?_ch im-_-t^cvE�nent.
7Ebru?ry 1'"
Re s_C e c Gfully SL_bruit,'ed
�v�H•l T. CG��'S
SU-L'R:_ITT FT°r^`^'r CF HIGH'-s_f�ys<
Thereu_,on. upor. motion by J-USt-ce Boyd. seconded by
Ju-tice I:=esse.rsnmith. i-
' - -R:_XS w the �I..Q';""E"1 SUI✓c r } Yi`? n L „f.
7-I l 1 _in 2-_ e �'_
t rd for the add-
i Tonal sub cfl.Si5x0O0.0O to Awl for the cost of
aCc-airing I and_S necess^rV for the ,,.,i-'ef.ing Ci
-7 ra•,r _vcn e `nC f 0- the_ COST. Of grading 1,,=ray
r_venuF anal raj the C
s'--n zhe bui 1 _~nTs fronting therEOn
_n C-r_av Lo e r
m_E% L ra de
l^�a n.',;,d e . an
W'17R7_ S.
' . h_3 -0=d is satisfied that -,-) )b7 i
convenience demands th-,t said high,,7,ay be d.,Iaened
2nd 9-c-aded IDUX-Sualit to the a-Q]plication of said
Town 3w.peTintendent of -,-_Ii,_7hways as h-retofore
ordered and in accordance -v"ill-h, the map/ made by
_. T. Foote, 7sc..uirc, Civil Engineer and Sur-,,,eycr
dated___ - -1 -30, 1925, annexed to the a-o-olicatior
of said To-,7n Superintendent- of
HighsNays dated
Cctober 23, 19225, and filed with the Tc--M Clerk
Cf this To-.-n.- ',Ic',--- therefore it is
R7-SOL71FD, th=t. said sun be and
the same hereby is ap,,:ro-o-icted. for that
1Pur'_00se, ayld it is _Furth-r
FLESOL=, th_. t 1-ighy-my bonds -Jr. the sun of
000s00 be sold by this Board fo-- the
purpose of -paying the cost of aco - ing
the lands and premises necessary for the
'Tidening, of said Hurray for grading
said Lurray Avenue and for ra-isinz the buildings
frcrting tu"nFrem in orde- to m--et the new gradd,
as aforesaicl: and it is
PLTTS0I_',,T,D5 that the Supervisor be and hereby
i,--- authorized and to borrol.-: upon the
faith and, oredi-t of the To-,.rm - I
Of Iiarp=cneck, t1l-
sum of ,,p!5,000m00 fo, .1i4ch su-2 hE shall issue n
the n?,me and under the seal 0-,, said TO__
orary certificate of indebtedness -nep,�,Jng
s s ia�-nce and sue_ of sa id higlrjZ-,ra.y bcnj;; t?,:at.
seiid certificate be sold, for not, less than the
-0a:r value thereof, shnil bear interest at a
rate not to exceed 6% -,o°r annum, arc-_ shall r,,.atu,_e
at such time as the SU73e_--viscr miair determine. -
it is and,
17S07=D, th--t s-id -E-ti — ca
ze sh2li be
out. of the proceeds of the saie of sai6 highway
bonds; and == is further
R.E.S OL7t7j-) t h E S u"o e rTr r
and. _o,!7n Clerk be
hi-2-c-by a_-E authcrized anf,, er.,1-00-Ered -0
and execute such -pa-Ders and documents aI s m�y r, I
necessary and -_o:oiler to effeCT the sale of said
C e-_t i f L te.
as The r.-u-Etion of the adO-O ion of the foregoing resolutions
_Oat to -_ rote 7hioh resultecl as follo-•s :
,A-v-S- 6
does: none
The Chair declared the resolutions unaniYaousi-,;, qdcj?+Gd.
There being no furth-r busines s before irjc_ :7rjc_e-i-r,_
Upon nriotinn, second led. the meeting adjourned. at :45 ID. �;Im.