HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_04_16 Town Board Minutes 141, OF THE T-0T_TTT TO,.,,.]--,T 30 P_D TO',.-,`IT 077 LUITTAR-01-7-CK, iv. Y. held _,!:or_il 16thl 1930. The zneetin2 -,,,.,as olled to order by Su-oe--'v-L,.c-- Burton at 10.2)o P. 11. Preserta Supervisor !urton Justices 3ovd, Leeds and Ifessersmith Su-oerintendent of Hizh-ays Coles Tm7,,n Clerk Ma-711. Col.,.n7zelo- Gamble U, por rfioticr, duly made and seconded, it voted to- dis-cense -ith the readin-7 of the minutes of meetings not yet approved. A certified copy of a resolution ad-o-oted by the Board of Supervisors on A-Pril 14th -as received from the Clerk of the Board of Sapervi,=s informing the town Board that the estimated cost to the T-o7..-:n for tr,e construction_ of liurray Avenue as Coa-i-It-yr Road No. 74. t.,euld be (d) concrete -oavera=_nt -p113.000; (b) bitu­_ lithic or asphaltic pavement X136.500. ActJcn on the matter -,uas deferred until the special meeting on April 22nd.. A letter fror. 7. R. Van Si-k-le, 500 Weaver Street call-2d. the Bo-ard"s attention to his claim for $1500,00 for "damages occasioned by the change of grade of '!'L'eaver Street resulting from re-construction of the stone Tice rmtter -vas ordered referred to Counsel. LTIr. Schram. elaz of 32 Fernwoccl_ 'Road raised the ouestion of the suit regarding the- pro-Qer-ty at the corner of FErm,!ocd Road an ''Meet 3rooLn-side Drive.- Ere an Fcu=e angle causes 9, bad traffi- conditior. he said.- As a re-cresentative of the LarcIamont, Ga_-dens Assoc iat-'I.on, he declared he -v,7as Eiuthorized to suggest that the To?-in buy the enti'�e -niece of -_opertY in order to round out the corn-7r and sell such Dart of it as is not needed for highs rray purposes to the owner of the adjacent piece of property, wllo has declared Ins vrill buy the -niece. ire Assoc'^ticr­ said -Kr. Schramd,; is vrill-irg to go on record in favor of this -pr,:DpOS4ti on. BY resolution the matter .-Ps referred t2 Supervisor Burton and Superintendent Coles for recommendation and report. Ir1r. Sch-amek. in the second ­olane, incuired vihat had been Clone about changing the grade of Clover Street, --From Fernwood Road to Garden Road. The -er,­e9t Was referred to Superintendent Coles, The To,.-.-n Clerk inquired whether he should -file in the Co,1�n 4.7 R e g is t a r I S C f f i c E the original t r a c 1 r g e n t i t 1 e rl I I in.d e x 1-1a r, of Land Takings along Street for Side',nralk Pur-po-_es. 11 The Supervisor said that since lines had been established along ,,eaver Street he thought it z-cold be to have this matter looked into carefully before the Town committed itself to anything by -filing the mao� Tloon his s,,_-gestion the M&tter 7?s referred to Counselor- Garible. .A. co=nunicat ion from Special Counselor Gagliardi reported th�'t he had completed his negotiations -,.',-!th Harry C. Du,�lfer for the purchase of a strip of land corit3in.,Lng 26.95 squ_are feet, located on the -esterly side of 'Weaver Street. north of Colcnial Avenue. vitich is needed in connection the sidewalk L--apro-ement, that as ,a result of such nezotia.tions Hr. Duelffer agreed t.o convey thF- same u-oor- -u2ynent of 318.90. Mr. Gagli rd i requestEd, thot his action be that he be eu..thorited t:D c,-m-o L. le e such purchpse, and that the Supervi_,= be a-,.)tro-_i7ed to -o;--y sFid sum for sain- land� At the request of the Supervisor the matter -rag referred to the Supervisor and Surerir_tend.ent Coles. The Clerk presented the bend of the Su-,oerviscr -oursi=t tn the provisions of section 104 of the Highway Law in the sum of w116.,000 and said that the approval of the Torn Board 7*as reGUired by law for this bond. The Supervisor withdre7 from the chair, and upon motion. duly made and aeconded, the bond was unanimously 2pAroved on roll call, the Supervisor no'= voting. A n_ etit_on signed by 56 residents of Dillon Park. Pryer Manor and vicinity ";'aS recei--ed asking the State Hig w8y Commission through the To-:.,n Bcard for a: traffic light at the corner of the Flo--ton Post Road and Dillon Road. Counselor Garble informed the Board_ that several bills had been passed by the legisiatu'=e at k1c ny dur _nw the recent session relating to State L?iLhraays and traffic lights., and suggested that they be looked into before the Board take any action u-pon the pe tit i on. Upon motion. the matter was referred to Counsel for investigation and reply to theetiticners. Several letters from c. _,% Ikoedy, President of Rouken Glen, ]:no. , ^sere read to the Board by the Clerk, in which Hr. iiood_y inouired -vahat action ivas being taken in regard to street lights in the Bonnie Briar Section of Rouken Glen and asking if it would- be possible for Kr. Coles to repair the holes in the street in the Hurray Avenue entrance of Rouken Glen and whether or not Dire Coles mould have his men clean out the drainage manholes. All these matters :Nero referred to Superintendent Coles A copy of a letter addressed to the Zarc'hmont Village Clerk eras received from the office of the County 7ngireer in F;hick the ^ngineer informed the Clerk of certain recent developments and plans for construction of County Road No. 67-2. The letter was referred to Counselor Gamble. A communication from S'pecia.l Counselor Gagliardi informed the Board that he had agreed coon a price with LLrs. Bernetta Bowman for the purchase of a triangular strip of land et the corner of hurray Avenue and Forest Avenue, needed in connection with the Forest Avenue improvement, for the sum of $35Q.QOF The matter vras ?eferred to Sn_cerintendent Coles for report at the s�=cial meeting on April 22nd. A letter 7,as read from Joseph Yl ere-dente of V'leaver Street, requesting, that the name of the street kno..r- -e Den-,' e Avenue be charpad to Dan te Street, The e,.; r �uest vv-as referred to a committee CGnBiStino Of JuSt1CesleedS% TL�eBSer°m?"`_h a.nd. Su-perintendent ColFS. ii U=S �c raC�-'7Gd from T, ijc,^— -E��c ^a L '?.Yl9el to the Westchester Joint ;dater �.Jorks, No. 1 informing the Board that 1t ':;gas IT;lperative that the Board_ `aka steps t0 have a. cleuSe ineerted in all contracts for pubic vrork involving excavation to the fol?_o-:in effect: The Contractor .,viil be held responsible for damage tO ';.Fater pipe, and it is mutually agreed that the municipality may a-, any t1fAe sdttle a!'-I c'a_a_s for such dama ge and deduct the same from any payment otherv,ise due the Contractor. " The matter rTas referred to Counselor Gamble. I A co=unication from the Board of Se,, er CO��_.issicners Se�_­er Dis trice, ITO. 1, advised t hat th? Com:missicr• has recently oioened bic_s for the construction of se-rers unIer Contracts 20, 21 and 22, and requested the issu-noe of arid sale of Certificates of ind_ebtedii-ss aggregating this amount: Gontract 110. vQ 845,000 21_ 55,000 22 40,000 The letter i,,Tas "referred to Supervisor Burton and Co_,n`elcr Gamble. _ 146 The Clerk reported the receipt of still another communic- ation from the office of the County . ngineer_ reouesting the approval of map showing "proposed roe.d syste?r adopted by the hoard Of SuOervisors in I929m " The ry �= Su e p__vivor said he thought no action should be taken at this _ti-me arc'_ the matter was laid -aver. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at I0;�5 p, LZo To- r ? i i I _ I i i