HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_04_22 Town Board Minutes 147 SPECIAL MITE-TIXG OF THE! MIXT TUdY, BOARD TO91T OF YAX RC--r\--,TCK, N.Y. held April 22nd, 19-30. ICI The meeting was called to order by Justice Boyd at Present: Justices Boyd, Leeds, Heasersmith Town Clerk Marvin Superintendent of Highvvays Coles The presence Of Counselor Garfole svas also noted. Owing to the absence Of Supervisor Burton on account of illness, Justice Boyd was unanimous ly elected to the chair. U, por mono;, duly made and seconded the minutes of the meetings of February 5th, 18th, and April l5th, 1930, were aPp-roved as submitted by the Clerk. The application of Joseph P. Dayjj .Inc., jTeV7 York City Realtors,- regarding the subdivision of the PrztigOr property lying LO the west of the High School, was presented to the Board by L' the Clerk in accordance with the decision reached, all the previous meeting to tane up the matter at this time. ar,ing: to the absence of "tejn. Ira Lurie, a representative of Jos. P. Day_ , Inc., vrith whom the Board v ished to the matter, no action s:.,as taken at this time and tlae Proposition was laid on the -able. A commoun-ication fror� the Larch:,7,,L=t gardens Association in regard to the same matter 'Was likevfise laid on the table. A Communication from Howard P. Barnes, Deputy County Engineer, advising the Board that the City Of New- Rochelle had approved the plans for the improvement of County Road Nc. 67-2,, (Pal-Tier Avenue extension), -ryas ordered received and the Clerk directed to acknowledge receipt of the letter, The matter c c-as by resclt'ticn rrcferrcd to Superintendent Coles, acunselor Gamble and Supervisor Burton. A corznun4catian from Charles llac Donald, County Engineer, advised the Board : I i that the Board Of SUP-eizvisors: had adopted a program of county road construction which includes the improvement of KamaronecTl, Road (old rhite Plains Road), designated Road No. 25. d _Z as Coantv By resoiutian the Cleric Was directed to acknoviledge receipt of the letter and to inform. Lr Mac Donald that the Torn Yamaroneci-, is Pre-Pared to -participate with the County in this ir-uprovement, according to the teens Of his letter. in accordance U the action takeri. at the meeting of the Board an April 2-d-t-hg the GUeet4on 0,1 - L f the vvidening of Hurray Avenue next brought u-p for consideration. Justice Leeds said he objected to the sipEoif'Cations as proposed by the County ;�l I svj j7 - te pavement at an estimated cost - n� fn either (a) c`oncrF- t 0 t h e o"T" of 14ama r 6 n e r-k of $1--1 asphaltic 31000-00 or (b) bitultithic Or pavement at 81'6,506.0o. He -lared that truly cc,-,- 1�etitive bids for all declared , able types Of Pavemient should be sought because he thought betz 6L er prices could be obtained thereby. Justice lZeUsErsi,-,ith said, he though-, it was ot, 0-0i ' &mong the people the consensus of his neighborhood that a black top 'Pavement was z) L more suitable fo- a re-13-identip-L dj concrete sufface. than a 149 After considerable discussion, it was upon motion duly seconded and upon roll call unanimously P-7SOL11F.D.- that the matter of the -widening and improvement of 11rarray Avenue in the Town of Eamaroneck, kno-�'.,n as County Road No. 74 be referred to Supervisor Burtoh, Superintendent of Highways, Gales and. Counselor Ga-mb"­ to take up with County -Tngineer Charles Zaa Donald, in order to obtain modification of s-cecific- ation's, and if possible alternative bids; and they are hereby M-POWered and directed to proceed with preparations for the work which is to be done at a cost not to excee? $113,000-00 for concrete pavement or S136,50().Oo for bitulithic or asphaltic 10averient, "and to issue certificates of indebtedness for the same as needed; and Counsel to prepare the necessary papers. Hr., A. H. Stevens, Cha-J.—man of the Park Commission, appeared in person to inform. the Board t'111-at the Park Co_Ym-_4i-sic_r desires black-top ]pavement on Yurray avenue to match the present black-top pavement around the Park at the Station. He also presented a loet-ition signed by 12 taxpayers ovming -property U abutting on LTurray Avenue, reciv-esting the Town Board to favor black-top pavement an said avenue, He said that -many more sig- natures mould be obtained for this -_oetition if more time -;yere available. A letter leas received from A. C. Campbell of 64 Villa Road, reauesting approval of a slight change of grade desired by him a-� L d U the north end of V-111a Lane, a road which he is constr- ucting on his property. Superintendent Coles informed the Board that he had investigated the matter and approved the p-roposed change. Upon -Motion duly seconded, it V,.Tas unanimously REFSOLYFIM, that the Board hereby approves the change in grade at the north end of Villa Lane as requested by Mr. A. C. Campbell and recom- mended by 1-Jr. Coles. The Clerk read a letter from IL-. 7, A. Do-,unes V,'IIEY Stream Road, "regarding the possibility of getting Valley Strea_nai Road on the east side 'of the brook put into good condition,. and also referring to the Side;7alka and trees shich he said had been damaged during the recent seer construction. The ma+.tr::r was referred to Superintendent Coles and the Sewer commission. letter V.-Tas received from Specia-, Counselor F. Y_ Gagliardi in ran-Ich he reported that he had c'oM-01 otiations �Yith Harry C.reported his neg- Duelfer for the purchase of a strap of containing land L� 26.95 square -Peet, located or- the viesterly side of weaver Street; north of Colonial Avenue, which is needed in connection • itlj the sidewalk: im-oroverLLe,.r,�, that as a result of such negotiations 11,11T. Duelfer agreed to convey the same upon payLaent of $18.90. 11r. Gagliardi requested that his action be approved, that he be authorized to complete at, t al'I'Diete such purchase and he Supervisor be authorized to pay said sum for said lands Justice Leeds offerec) for adoption the fc 0 1 U t i Q i-42- 151. i RTSOTVTDI g that the action of Frank H. Gagliardi as Special Counsel in negotiating the purchase Of 26.935 square feet of land Owned by Harry C. Duelfer required in connection with the ccnstr- "adt?on of a concrete, side�tralk along.leaver Street at a cost of !?18-90 be and the same hereby is approved; and it is furthad ?-SOIN-7D, that this Town acquire title frcm said Harry Ca Duelfer to t'ne lard mentioned and described in the report of said Special Counsel at a cost of $18..90 and the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and empower.d to pay said amount, up on receipt of a prover affidavit t of clam therefor subject to the auprova;Ll of Special Counsel. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolu- tions was put to a vote which resulted as -follows: Ay=a: 5 !'Toes: none The Chair declared the resolutions unanimousi-7 adopted.. kno Cher communi oa ti on from Mr.. Gagliardi informed the Board that he had completed negotiations �7ith Lirs. Bernetta Bo-Niar. for the pur-r2hase of a Lriangaalar Strlp of !arid at the coiner of l urrar and Forest Averaes, needed in conrnectiar with the Forest Avenue _mprove}nent, and that. Hrs. Bou;Trian :^!add agreed to convey tame to the Town for to sham of35Q.00. Justice _reeds offered for adoptions the following reSODAtionsS - RrSOLVEID, that the action of Frank T,;i. Gabliardi as Special Counsel in rzeootiating L;,rith ITrs. Bernetta Bouaimn the purchase of 239.39 square feet of land at the southwest corner of Hurray Avenue and Forest Avenue, in said Town, required in connection with the ?rnprovemex?t of Forest Avenue and T_7urray Avenue at a cost of 8350,00 be and the same hereby is apprOlred; and it .is further ?7-SOLTE'D, that this Town acquire fro m said Bernetta BOLJmaYi title to Said 4reirii Ses at a cost o �3FQ.�iQ and that the Supervisor Ire and hereb-y is authorised and empowered to pay said Barn upon rec--ot of a proper affidavit of claim subject to approval of Special counsel. The gidezti4n of the adoption Of the foregoing reSOlLStiOrS 1'ras _out to a vote Which resulted as fcllorrsz ---'.yes: 5 IToesa none The Ghair declared the resolutions unanimously T , "��- Qy adoauei. � Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 4®10 P. !. I