HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_05_07 Town Board Minutes 5 i I-„=,T!I%G OF Tom` J0INT TOVIN BOA-;D OGdt? OF is AIIAIIROI�T,-CKb N.Y. e'•d flay 7th, 1930. The meeting 7as called t0 order by Supervisor Burton at 9 s0 P. i Present; Su7Dervisor Burton Tustices Boyd, Collins, Leeds and Idessersmith Torun Clerk IRiTvin Superintendent of Hig,,,lays Coles The presence of Counselor Gamble was also noted. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was voted to dispense tiv?th the reading of the ?minutes of meetings not yet approved. Supervisor Burton reported that by resolutions of this Boarw adopted or July 10, 1929, he was authorized to issue a ”, sell a temporary certificate of indebtedness in the amount of �50,00O.00 in anticipation '-of the sale of sidewalk district, bonds and of the amount to be a4sed by sidewalk assessment, to pay the cost of graal i—ng- and constructing sidewalIcs along Wea Jer Street and to acquire the necessary property reouired for that 3u-reose, ad provided by Article 11-a of the Torun Lair. That pur- suant to said reso'Uti.ors he did sell a temporary certificate of indebtedness in the amount of . 6Q,QQQ to Trust Ce_tpany of Larahm nt and that pursuant to the terms 'hereof said certificate --- became due on H-i Ly 1, IQ?O y that altho the S i''.e` alk -! prov eiaent is practically complete, no bonds have as yet been sold or assEsz- inents evied, and reccL"1TFiendeG that .:ap-o opriate adtion be taken by the Board to the end that said certificate may be renewed for a period of f0 r months. The Supervisor also added that before the end of the ney.t four months he expected the to be entirely completed, the cost thereof finally deter-mined and e bonds Sold, 'he roceeds of '.'hick Pill be used to pay the certificate in question. Whereupon Justice Leeds offered for adoption the follo — ing resolutions: ?F1'u'e-o this Board desires to provide t're sum- of $50,000.00 by the issuance and Sale of a teypvrary Certi-LI..2 cf indHbtedneSS to pay temporary certificate of inC:e,ttet'?ness No. 5 in the an.sunt of $50,000.00 dated July 16. 1929 which beca5Yle due and payable on IiF.ay is, 1930, said teraporary certificate of indebtedness having been issued for the purpose of providing funds. rit11 which to ;pay the cost of grading and con.- structin- sidewalks along Weaver Street and for C ner purposes, as provided by Article l? oy the Tc:dn iauvy now therefore, it is bv Rr.S0Lr D,'AbIs Board that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and directed to borrow upon tl`lefaith and credit of the `j'o n of Mamaroneck th= said of R5v QQ-gO f which he sh4iI =slue .n name a?�i unaer e seal of said Town a teMDQrary certificate of indebte+dness for a suer no_ e-Xceed-ing the a-aid sum of y50,0O0.00 55 :,'hich shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 511r, per annum- and to mature at such time as the Supervisor nay determine, not exceeding, however, 0-ctober 1, 1930; and it further 'SOLVED, ghat said certificate shall be paid u'Tlth the amcun t realized from the assessment to be made in the -rather Provided by Section 253 of the Town La7u -and/air from the proceeds Of side -alk district bonds to be sold am provided by said la r; and it is further RJSOLITED, that said Certificate shall be sold for not less than the par value thereof and that G G the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and hereby are auth=- prized and empowered to sign, execute and deliver such ;gapers as may be necessary and proper to effect the sale of said certificate. The quEStiEn Of the adoption of the foregoing reSpldtiOnS was but to a vote Which resulted as fo11a*as° .kye s a 7 Foes: none The Chair declared the resolutions duly adopted- The Clerk presented aclaim. an the amount of $1,842.10 from the 'elestchester .mint 'Water Works, N0. 1, for -work done in `�10:�rering main on Forest 4vetlue and re-connecting services due t0 Change in --:cade of street. The Supervisor explained that the :pork had been done during the past fall in order to c-ear the way for the improve- ment Of Forest Avenue and stated he thought the bill rbas a proper one and should be paid. ' Upon mOtaon by the 01 erka seconded by Justice Boyd a... Up.fln roll Call 'diElaniMOUSly ,,SOLVED, that the claim o_' t'le Testchesi-er Soint Water Vlorks, Ido. 1 in the amount oi $1,842.10, for lowering main on Forest Avenue and re-connecting services due to change in grade of street, be paid. T'r.. La:ason Of winged Foot grave h perso�z and addressed the Board on e . Larch ont, appeared in behalf Of a re Quest for an extension of water mains On Oxford Road from Dundee Roads aPoproximately 510 feet from the point Of beginning, �, g . He said that the erection of four houses depended Q.a the extension Of the "lain and urged the Board ice. the interest of the gro*rrth Of the TO:n to i Tyr. Sherman, Clerk of the .later Board, appeared in person and said that the estimated cost of the e:xter_sion was $2,,723-00. Y Ir.. Lawson agreed to guarantee per ovally for one year a2aY. of ClenCy tile_ ' l.ht be in case the return t0 t e r � 1P2.te" :50ard as a resui of this extension should. net ? than an 8lv,' Of the monely ex-pended therefor=. The Board being satisfied that the in:Testment 'Wculd not justice be unprof, table, it as upon :notion by Cler!Ly seconded by Bo d up or r T the Y O.. o," Call unanirously I i RF`SOLVI'D, VIII NMAS, this Board requests the installation of 510 feet of E inch water ma_n on Oxford Road from Dundee Road to lot No. 24 'arith one hydrant, at an e s- mated cost of ,$2,723.B°, therefore be it F7SOLVG'P, that the Westchester Joint -Jater :corks, No® 1, be and it hereby is authorized and emxro::rered to install for the To-an of Iaroneck said main and hydrant and to charge the Town of Triamaronecl- the actual cost thereof as ascertained and approved by the Board of Trustees of the Said UpEstchester Joint Tater clerks- No. 1, v.ith the distinct understanding that ?'fir- William Y1. LaY;son agrees to reimburse the 71ater Board for any defi.niency that may recruit from the irsta1/'lation, in case of a recurs Of less than 8r,. Yr® Ze H. Stevens, Chairman of the Park Com,ission,, appeared in ;person and submitted a map in conneetien Tith the landscaping Of the "sweet. potato. " 'i^ e matter -as referred to Superintendent Coles and Chairman Ste lens.V U-r. rM A. Lurie of Joseph P. Day, Inc. , appeared on behalf of the application todevelap the Petigor property lyin to the ',,`Est. of the high school. Jus,ice Tdessei�s:�ith said that the Board of F-ducat on 'alas interested in this deve?Cement and had sores Suggestions to :Hake. He praiaosea therefore, that the Town Board meet as a L'em12 i tree of the rhoie to go into the matter t'nraaghlva By resolution the Board decided to meet on Tuesday ay 13th at 2 P. If- and the directed to -request -T gineer A. J. Foot; to be present. A letter .vas received from Joseph Mercadante. President of Laple Gardens, Inc.., requesting that Dante Streets Dimitri Place and Byron Lan- be covered ;with black tops instead of concrete. There :vas considerable discussion on the matter, the Board feeling that since the contract for the work called for concrete and since the contract had been let itaaul� be unfair t0 change the S_GeC fi^^dtiOY S after the Work lad already been started. Super-- Burton said he feared the t^oi n ..*culd lay itself open to criticism by making such a last minute change. Uron motion duly seconded, it was upon roll call unanimously HTSaOLTIMI), that there be no orange in the contract for Dante Street., Dimitri Place and Byron Lane and that Kr. Hercadante;'s letter referred to C Ounsel for rvp1V. A letter Naas received from County 7ngineer Charles TL',cDonald; dated April 2 th. in regard tc the plans for construct- ing Hurray Avenue frow1 myrtle Avenue to Weaver Street aS Count;;s Read ITO. 74x Counselor Gamble reported that since Hr. Gagliardi had had charge of securing the land necessary for the wideni and other preliminary details, that he felt all the legal st s in c:.on section with this improvement should be handled by Kr. Capiwardi ant not_ by himself as ciirectcd by a resolutjov of the Board ©n April 22nd. After as upon motion, dilly �.iSCL1SSiOn it C' seconded and upon roll call unz anizrlously Eff-SMM, that the resolution adopted by this Board at a meeting held on April 224 1930, in vvhl ch, a2ron�7_ L other things, it was -o-1-o7id"ed that the matter of the Vvidening and imDrovement of l�urray Avenue and the securing of changes of the L specifications be referred to the SUD _Ervisor ard others, be and the same hereby is in all respects rescinded; and it is further _TSO=:D' that Count;~ Enginee-r be and hereby is requested to change the plans for the improvement _It of said -Hurray Avenue bet-'�!Sen its intersection With 4vrtle Avenue and Edgeirgod Avenue -OrOV4 �Ue So as to �de tWO traffic lanes each a width Of 25 feet, separated -cy a 10 ft. Strip to be _plotted> landsua-oed and otherwise beautified. in the center of said roadway and that P-rolrls-Lor. be i',nad.e for a 10 ftn sidewalk on either side of said high-wayz and it is further R7-.SOL7!!D, that the specifications for said 4m- prove_ mant be so modified as to provide for a 7o concrete base to be covered with a 211 asphalt or other black SUrfaae top thruoUt 41S _Lk' entire length from its intersection ,r;ith ILTYrtle A7elalae to Weaver Street: and it is further ET.SOL=. t-l"lat this matter be referred to a s­oecial I committee to be appointed by the Chair and Frank 11. Gagliardi as Special Counsel. and that said Special Committee be and hereby is au' 4thorzed and empow ered to take such steps as may be necessary and proper to the end that the property required for said im-�rcvement, as shown on -planz +0 be prepared by said county 7.ngint-er, be acjuired either by private purchase or by condeiraiation. `file question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutiaz -gas Put to a vote which resulted as folloge: Ayes: 7 Noe S; none The SUPE=Iscr suggested that the Joint ToF.rn Board meet on U'LaY, 9th at 3 P. IL at which time he ",rouli appoint a special committee called for in the resolution. Justice Leeds re-poxting for the Special Comnittee named L To consider the matter of Onang'4'_-9 the name Of Dante Avenue to Dante Street said the OOTmittee -favored the change®. Upon motion, d,,)Iy made and seconded, lit Q was R7-,SC)T—VF,D, that the name of Dante Avenue be and the same hereby is changed. to Dante Street L,-1 accordance =with the report of the Special committee. Counselor Gamble Said he had two matters on vrhi2h he wished to report, (1) In regard to the Palmer Avenue extension, he said, he had authorized FF-nginEer A. T- Foote to make a nerve survey wh_�_foh had been found necessary for part of the work. 11 (b) Again in regard to Palmer Avenue extension, he reported that certain togs o,.rned by the Tol�,,�n as the result of tai: Izens foreclOsures :sere needed by the Village of Larchmont as part of its right-of­,aay. He requested that the Supervisor and Counsel be authorized and empowered to negotiate for the sale of these lots to the Village and to re-Dort back to the Board for its ap-ar oval a Upon motion duly seco:xded, it was upon roil cal? uunanimously RESC.:JBI3, that the Supervisor and Counsel be and they hereby are authorized and empo,�vered to net_obate with the village of rarchrnont for the sole to it of said lots in connection with County Road ITc. 67-2 and to report back Z-o this Board prior to e-KeL'..1t3t1� contract covering said sale Upon motion the :meeting adjourned at 10:55 P. IT- W To���n Clem i