HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_05_13 Town Board Minutes `=��
9PECT_.�- 7�2j 7 113G OF TNT' JOINT T07,,LT 30-ARD
held Uay 13th, 119306 j
T?h�e meeting ras called to order by Supervisor Burton
a t- 2:15 P. 14
-- Present: :Supervisor 1burton
Justioes Boyd$ Collir_s, Leeds and Hessersmith
Superintendent of Highways Coles
ineer A. J Foote
Town Clem Marvin,
Upon rr_otion duly seconded, it ea as ;noted to dispense
4aith the reading of the minutes of Meetings not yet a.Pproved.
The Supervisor stated that the meeting had been called
for the purpose of discussing the improvement of the Pet?g or
_property lying to the ,Vest of the high school property as
resolved at the meeting of the joint town boazd on 1Tay 7th.
He said, he thought the Proposition v,as of Sufficient importance
to the 'Town because of the close proximit�r of the costly high
school plant, to merit extended consideration.
c The Cie r?s thereupon read a petition signed by 15
names including members of the Board of Zducation, Suxierintendent
of Schools and others re Questing the Town Board and the
of the Tillage of Eamaronecy " r Trustees
to P_ovide a street between
Palmer Avenue and Boston Post Road imediate'_y adjacent to the
west side of the Present high school building site of Union Pree
School District No. 1, Town Of hanlaroneck substantially as set.
forth upon a blue print hereto annexed and made a part hereo3.,'
�:1r. Ira. A. Lori 2 re-� re ?_
s p_ se._t'xg Joseph P. Dad;-, Inc.,
Yew York City realtors,
ixt charge of the Proposed subdivis=or,,
aPPea"red In person and said that his concern ,,as anxious to have
the orOPerty improved th
that-i+ z e costs to be levied against the ProcertYm
L ' liras ,,7ill'ng to agree to almost any street layout accept.
able to the Town] and that it hoped for speedy action.
fir. A. J-, Foote, Engineei-, who had been requested to
attend the meeting, was present and supplied teehnioal informtioa�
in regard to proposed street layouts.
After considerable discussion it was upon motion du'y
seconded and upon rc11 call. unanimously dui
that 11r. A> J. FoOetm
be authorized
anti directed to _?jreware a tentative layout
rho,, ing tro mail street 'Qet=reen th Bosto
Post Road and palm=r Avenue, ons to e
the high school property to the
atl_ _ ?o east,
e.- adjo?n the Bir_gha.a Propertytorjthe
tesi,, together v�ith Interior StrPet-s and
tentative lot lines, and it ,,vas further
RF'SOIZT-D, that the eet again Board m b�_rt E it
Lurie ar_a Hr. Fouts on r1 onday, 1
consider et. t
2 P. Ptp to cc er the ?utter fu�f',�rP' a
Gagliardi ;- regard ='orted that he had been In to', t,
the P � rH �i a r and had bee
zni0rred that th°rl�'ar_s ,the ilurra�' :yen- r P^oy:em_en±
following day.
- ould not be ready Urit3L the
After discussi r r_ it I 7 s Lt0on met on, duly mare and
seconded unaniMously
F7SOL7;D, that this Board meet again, on
thursday, 'aay 15th at 2:30 P. K. to consider
further the matter of Marray Avenue Tm
me nt.
The Supervisor read a letter froze County 7ngineer Charles
rTac Donald, reouesting the approval of certain_ charges in contract
K, sorest Avenue lmprovement, issued to Petrillo &: Bianchi.
Superintendent Doles informed the Board that he approved
of the changes. Upon motion made and seconded,' it leas, upon roll.
Cal! unanimously
=SOL77D, that four change orders, Fos.
1, 2, 3 and 4, acted Deee_ibe-r 3rd, 1929,
February llth, 1930, April 11th, 1930
and April 10th, 1930, respectively, con-
cerning contract Kn forest Avenue Improve-
ment, Torn of Hamaroneck, issued to
Petrillo & Bianchi, be and they hereby
are a-0proved on the recommendation of
Superintendent Coles.
The Clerk reported that he had been requested by a resid-
ent of Homer Avenue to a,zk for the installation of a "Dead Ind
St Lreet" sign at the entrance to Homer Avenzue. The ?Batter was
referred to Superintendent Coles.
A copy of a resolution uras received from the Rouken
Glen Civic Associa i0E7 adopted, by the Association at a recEnt
m2etang, registering 'nits ezT,pi.atic protESt to he use of the
Pelham-Port Chester Par'�nay by Comjyiercial vehicles and trucks
and hereby requests the proper authorities to adhere to the
ori.g4 na_1 of confinins the use of sad pari:zay to pleasure
vehicles." The resolution -W s Ordered received and placed. on fiieg
Tn T A letter was received from, the Blue Club Coach Lines,
C. , saying that the companti w-=' st ni an,,ious-tc have the
consent of the Town for the "operation_ of our line to -oick un
and pUt down passengers enroute to I?ew York,g" adding that. it-
now has the co:sent Of each and every To-on and tillage between
Porgy Chester aild eL°J York vdith the exception of 17Gmaroneck.
The letter was ordered received and placed on file.. -
The rleetinb adjourned tt 4 'lap n jay 9th.
7 �F. to znse� ag4i ht� 1