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1930_05_15 Town Board Minutes
(/ 167 j SE'CIAL D7T-:'TIAIG OF TIC• TC HIT T07,71 BOAFM i TO'WIT OF 1ZAI',L1°Cidr is, N. Y. I held May lat_"i, 1930. The meeting was called to order by Super visor '_Bilrton at 2:50 F. 11. Fresents Su-cervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins, heeds and :Lessersmith Surierir_tendent of Highways Coles Counselor Gamble Town Clerk Mary in The presence of Special Counselor Gagliardi 1,ra2 also notsd. he ST;pErvisor stated that. the meeting '.,vas ca'led t0 consider the Yarray Avenue Imrrove.r,en.t, in accordance with the resolution 1:)assed at a meeting of the Joint 'lovrn Board on I':iay 13 t1h. Mr. Gagliardi, s-oecial counsel in connection -;14-n this i_Rprcvei"_1Ent, re;worted that he had con ers:eC. with 11r. Charles Mac Donald, Co,,rnty Engineer, from %whore he had Obtained revised ipla s,. and reams. -a letter—iron Dir. Barnes, Deputy CoU.Rty F:Rgh-ear. outlining tre changes rfiacLe. Tine Board examined the plans care- ally and after discussion it i,,ras upon -1c do i by ,Tuatice T esser- i s_ith seconded by Tustice heeds unanimously -- R7S0T_=I , that. this Board_ go on record in favor of tae follmwina soecifications in regard to that part of Ilurray AveLiuz lying between ldrjrtle and 7dge':9ood Avenues 2.5 foot s are? with 6 feet of -caved side'.°,talk; SOU�Ce='uv`�:: t11tilFYdtr -to st.,rk at the Leone b�.'_dir_gg and 20 foot traffic lanes or, each side of the iala.nds. The Board then .considered the euestioa of the sip takings n•ecersary along Murray Avenue , giving particular attention �o the situation at the Corner .:here are located t prOLcrtic of IIrs. et.e-e-:,,s and IL Hat.__icti. Because of the dangerous grade for Kt' . S Leven s t -.,,,Auld re slll t from the Street lines as yoroyaosed by the County 3ngineer it ddas decided that a co=ittee should confer °vrith him before the final aVprovai is jltien the _lan- u;,)on motinn b-f Justice T"Tessersmith, seconded by Justice Leeds.i it 7-as vper roll. call urapii -,o as?-L P�i,S.GL7FD,- t r a t tIne i<_1 e r-,i s c _ c�• appoint- a c m- mitt-e with po'� er to take up the question of all takln4;s on Y-array Avenue with the Cooney F`r:�.-,ineer and 11-0 S E t,t.ie such auesLions tO the j best- interest of the Ton. J ' _x e Ervi Or trErEU' O i appointed to t'_nis cer,rnittee Justices Leeds and Collins, 53u-oe.=intendent of Hign- ,vvays Coles and rimse�-1. Justice heeds urged that ttopen Taidding" Ibe _07i ded in regard to the type of caveme•r_t, saying that bids should be received for any and al types of black. ?cl, pavement. Superintendent Coles agreed that lower bids would probably be obtained as a result. i Upon motion by Justice Hessersmith seconded by Justice Collins, it was RF.SC1_V '3D,TT_zT ST is the sense of this Board that bids for the Piurray venue I -ro d ement be obtained on any and all recognized types of black topioavemen1 the bicker to submit his own specif! ation= therefor. The Clerk pointed out that according to Trra -Earnes'* letters the Town.fs estimated share of the cost of the improve_er_t s?ould have to be deposited with the County- Treasurer before bids rare called for Thereu:�.on Justice Leeds offered_ for adoption the fcllo,;® ing resolution.: 4 BkAS, by a petition dated 1'ATan7 28, 1928: this Board applied to the Board of Supervisors of Westchester Couny to designate fo-r construction as a county road, T'_urray venue, be tween ' eaver Street (1:no�.,n as cep nty7 higla%vay Igo` !645) on the north and ChatsF'orth ??venue on the South, in the �ov,n of Tra ronECk, thew York, aria _=RFAS, the Beard of Supervisors of 'guest-chaster County at a meeting held on July ?6, 1928- by -resolution adopted on that day d;:1y granted the petition of said TouJn Board and aut'nor•ized the construction_ of said hurray der the t visions ra- _. the County ?Oad 1 ct; and - 7>74-77"P,&S, the County Bngineer has rrepared and sub- mltted far the aaproval Of this Board- plans and S-0 „icna for the improvement of said urray Avenue, together 'v ith an esti*_,J'ate Of the cost thereof, from which. it appears that the datimatsd L cost of said 1m1?_oye11ient, chargeable to the 'Tovr'n o ?ia.arcneck- �ti y�I48-000000; and it axrears from said plar_s that six (6) additional parcels Of land are necessary to be acquired- for the purpose of , idenin and stra ight- eninghsaid Ururra.y Avenue throughout its entire the gth, the cost of „hick has Yeer. estimated at �c�r ^T� � $32,000.00; nova, therefore, it is �..7 L'LjP D_ that the olc_ns qr - D ecifi ca.ticns and eS 1Gat - fOr the Aden=n- ' CCr_str .0 tiCn ^� cs S uraightening and sect- ti Prlurray Avenue from its in+er- - oTO',nh Chatsworth Vent e t6 uY'6dt[er Street =n' the of Mamaroneck r, the County ngineer r, 7e York- s1.:.br'1itted by o_ stchester County, be and he Same hereby are _._ all respects ?pnrc rec and it is further R_, CLVDD, that this Roark acquire byr purerase ar eondema anon the parcels Of Nand sho.,:n and des- cribed on the plans aforesaid; and it is further 17-7. R-SCLVND, that this Board petition the Board of SU]Per71dSGrS Of WeStcheSter COanty, pursuant to Chapter 17 of the laws of 1905 as a?vended by Cha_o'.er 383 of the Laws of 1918, for authorization to borrov4 for and on the credit of the To-an of Yamaroneck, the sum of one hundred and eighty thousand ($180,000.00) dollars; for the purpose of -paying the Cost of vridening, Straightening and improvin.- Ti.lurra;' Avenue, and to direct and provide -,,,hat par'. of said Tovvn shall be liable to taxation to pay the cost of said improvement; and it is farther R-7SOL TD,- that upon the Board of Supervisors aderting an ap�)ropriate Act authorizing the Town Lo borrow; the aforesaid szi of money and directing what part of said l'o•wn shall be liable to taxation to pay tie cost of said im- iorovement, this Board Shall issue and sell Highway improvement bonds of the 1©wn of ! a_niarcneck, in the said qu-M of OmIBC,CCG�a Tor the purjDOve of paying the cos:: of straightening, vridening and iMProvxn_g IlurrGy ;;venue as he_°ei.nabcve described; and it is further FTSOL=, that said bonds shall be issuedin the name and under the seal of said To.,ran of Uarnaroneclr in der ouir_ations of 51,000.00 each, numbered 1 to 180 includive dated Tune 1, 1936 and shall be parable it equal annual instalments of nine thousandY ( 94,000.00)dollars each, t'r_�e first ins-alment to be due and payable on Tune 1, 1931 and annually thereafter =til Tune 1, 1950, with interest. thereon at a rate not exceeding Gr, per annaM. payable or, the first day or DeceL-ber after the Ci t.e thereof and serii—annually thereafter Until 4,P".e principal sum is fully paid; and it is further lSOTuT1�l3, that said bonds shall be signed by the Supervisor and attested by the To*an Clerk of said Town under the seal thereof and shall be coupon bonds kith the privilege of registration im accordance tivith the provisions of the General. Municipal La-vvz and it is further HTSCL7D, that the interest coupons shall be a fined "r:ith the fac- Simile signature of the S" cerviao= and both principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable 'n gold co,n Of the Uni ed States of rmerica Of the present standard weight and fineness, or its equivalent in lay. u., U money o the United States, in Nevi York e.7-change, at Trust Cc.Taary of Larchmont. Larch ont, Nelw York, Or a u Bankers Trust Ccmpany, New Yo rk City, New York, at the option, of the holder: and it is further i J -SOLV-"D, that said bonds shall be sold to the person :ho will take them at the Ix_, t est rate of intere8t and for not 'Ess than the par valile the re n,1 and shall be in force substantially as follows, the blanks therein being properly. 417Mdg Tit: -- UNTTF-D S TS S Or Ai=-'-RTCA STATLT m, i7mv v-OP HTGMIlAY !ILPR01,TT53IyTT BvND - X93.0 (Hurray Avenue} I I KNOW t T T, 1,71T BY TT7SF I'_RESERTS that the 'To>>,n of Ilamaror_eck, a mun5ci-Ca1 Corporation in the County of �€restcheste r and State of Ne ' York, hereby ackr_•owied. its ir_debtednese and fCr va=ue received promises to pay tC bearer on the !st of June, 19 the svz! cf. Ohl' THOUSAND � 1,000x00}ROIL i�S together viuh interest. thereon from the date hereof at the rate O- per C8n Um 'per annum, payable semi-annually on the 1st days of Decenfoer and Tune upon presentation and surrender of the annexed interest ccupQna as the sable respectively mature. Beth principal and inte_•est of this bond are payable in gold coin of the TTnitcd. States of lexica o2� the present standard weight and fineness, or its equivalent i1a lawful money of the United States, in ye-o Yorl{ exchange, at Trust Company of Larcrmont, Larchmont, York, or at Bankers Trust Company, Net. York City, New York, at the op• ._on of the holder. This bond is one of an issue of bonds of like date and tenor exee_ot as to date of ma turity aggregating the sum of 1180,000 and is iss-iZed for the ur p .�ose of .� improving r�ving Liurray Avenue, it the Torun of 11aP_aroneck, 1Teiv York, pur-s cart t0 and in strict CO I ianCe ?itl'1 the CCnS tltuti Cn _r, a d statutes e- he State or Ne-, York; in cludirg, among others, Chapter 29 of the Lames of 19 the General � 09F kno�;n as sanicipal Law, Chaapte r Z& of the Laves of 2909$ Two aG.the Ceurdty Lar7 Chap-€r -JO off'. he Laws of 7-909- kno'rjm as the Highvray Law, and Chapter 17 Of the Larbs of 1905, as amended by Chapter 383 of the La,,,,,-- cf ?918 and an act of the Board of Supervisors of huestchester County duly adapted on June 2, 1930, by the affix aI-ve i'Ote Of tv-'c-thirds of all he me:?llVers e'ected t0 Said Board of Supervisors and pursuant to proceedings Of the Tom Board of said TQVyr, duly had and taken in ail respecter authorizing the same It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all aC�S, conditions and tYlingS rccluired to exist, to hapic.en and to - perfcrmed -precedent to and in the issuance of this �' band®. e xis t., have happened and have been _-Performed in due tide, form and manner as' required by IaFra that the iSSUe Qf bonds of ,which this is ore, tcrnether ;rith all Other indebtednEss of said is 1tC iY1 ovary d k t Ga 1G 'TOwn_ debt an ,,.her limit prescribed by + t and Laws of the State the cn has been of I�Te-ru York, and that due provision has been aace for raising annually by tax on the taxable property Of said Tevur a sum sufficient to pay the '_principal and interest of this bond as the same respectively become due d ,, � The l faith any �ayab_e. t.. f�_1 and credit: en said To are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctLal payment or the principal and ?r_terest of this bond according to its. terms, This Bond may be registered as to principal only as yell as to both _orincipal and interes . in accordance vJith the Provisions of the :general T2unicipal Larne. If this bond be registered a` to both principal and interest,. the interest hereon at the reCUeHt of the 1'eg1 Stered Oiner viiZ be York exchangeo re?QrttEd by mail in 1Te`s`! III WITITESS V7 _ gnOF, tt_e said Torun of I"amaroneek has caused this bond to base cerperate seal of sa i l gneu by '`ts Supervisor and sealej -,ith the interest Tcvin, attested by its Town Clerks and the cosy ons hereto annemed to be signed with the f- simile ; signature of its Supervisors this im-le Zst day of Tune, 193 pa and pond to be dated as of the TO-Vj OF M�T u'-1�OI s I?a Y. BY Otte st` since rvi son To-,era Clerk (FOnuT OF COUPON) No �=ayr.e Or. the ist day Of Decerabe:r, 19 the To:an of I?amaroneck, Westch=-ster County, New York, will pay to bearer the sum of ($ ) dollars, in Neol York exchange, at Trust Company of Larchmont, Larchmont, NETT York£ or at Bankers Trust Company, Y'vi York City,. York, at the option of the holder,. being six ronthsr interest then due on its High-May Improvement Bond- 1930, issued to pay the cost of im-proving .Turray A,;enue, in the '!Qz,n of Iuarcaroneck, Ye-T; York, dated June 1, 1930, Ifo.. ^Svoe rvisor C2RTIFICAT-7 OF FFGISTR:ITIOBT AS TO P.INCIPAL C= This bord may be registered by the owner in his name as to yorincipal ender the signature of the Town Clerk of the 'Tour of 1,'La2:^_araneck, County Of Westchester g. New York, Or other Registrar, beloz, and shall thereafter be transferable ohly upon the written assignment of the registered Q :ner or his attorney, du?y aok xo :- led'Sed or oroved, such registration and transfer to be mads or the books of said CIeTI{ or Other Pegistrar, and a notation thereof t0 be made hereon. Such transfer may be to wearer, after 7q-hich this bond shall be subject to subsecuent registrations and transfers as before. The coupons will re Lair payable to bearer notwith- standing such registration unless t'r_is bond slab be converted ins a fully registered bond by the surrender and Cancellation of coupons, vrhich surrender and cancellation shall be noted on said books and LlpOn this bond. The 'princi_Oal Of this bond, if registered will be payable to the registered gamer or his legal representat'DES, successors or assigns. Dr TL' OR REGIS=: TT^_ OF R7GI3'TF'R O'JIT-IR; STGNATIM7 OF HFGTSTR_IRs CFRTTFTC= OF COI?'VH.TjSION A FULLY-:REGISTERED BOND. Upon the smi tten requesu of the pi nes of the within bond. for its coal-version into a fury registered bond ? off and deetro ed s have t? is da�r out y� coupons annexed to this bond aggregatiz g (.. de_lars.,and the interest On this bond at the rate and .....tE'Srai r, was OY'CQ'.T.�ded by t',e coupQris as tier aS L�1 Z�V �„? C2�i recf 1 _ea.fL r we paid to e Fr Giyr reyOresentati,r eS SAGGESSCrB legal ' or assigns, at the place of specified therein, or a= payment U the TeO-Uest Of he r EgiStc^red owner. interest r ill be re witted by mail in New York exchange. � the hereafter mill be transferable _ e T , 1G' bond on books of the iQL: C erk of Rc SO?r- �GCY1,Za O QYECke, County O �7e_stch°suer, I%e . York Or Other -e auly a.cky0.-lc;�remeoto•.i0i1 of E Sa__'le till4r2 G flr7tt. I u wed Or _Orovew. n a^SSig.x- Dated, 19 (Of`i::ia? Title I I 177 DL 'TE OF Iff-CSTSTRY: 19Yt17 OF ?:T-GTSTFR.FD UVTF71-p$ SIGMA IIti?F OF P:77G1STP. Rt Ar?d it s fu-r the r RTSOT7T7-D, that said bonds shall be sold upon sealed Proposals,. upon notice published at laas.: five days before the date of such sale, at beast once, in the Daily Times, a nevrspzpEr published it the County Of a7estchester in v:hicri County said bor_d.s are to be sold,, and in the Bond Buyer,` a financial newspaper published in the Ci o ' Nev> Yorke as put to The "Jest'on of the adoption 0f the -Ore _n rES0latzons emote ri ich resulted as fc1107,se Ayes: 7 Noes: none The Chair declared the resolutions duly adopted r Sherira.n. Clerk of the Westchester Toil-It eater ',corks i`?o. ?, addfresse(j the Board and asked that a the contract clause be inserted in regard to the liability of the Con a&mage d011e to tJatBr pipes during t, y s e actor for h a��r s the course of the �;ark. This ,,ras in ?ii7e with a COmr1unica¢.LGn to the same effE^t reCerlriV received from the ':cater Board and referred to Counsel. Healso asked by trhat process of elimination the Toti:n Board Sai making l L)-ra aZrEnUe a '201nty High-way" By P t parr of the Town Would bear the of this iT�??roV8n'teYitd G�CU*1Sel0r Gag--` replied � CSt ould be ? a that the cost levied on the u.nlrCGr'i��rated section only and T'Are_ ai2Sl":e .eC that lie tilas satisfied. Sfler�n 'r 7- S'.n�Yerllan Presented a claim fro he i7ater w in the a.moant c� works rrain y�v���.2� for "rE oving and replacir 6 en Rockland -?v r= )e, between Hu's r inns due to change a en Street and Forest A�e.�ue in grade of the Street." h g street The SupErv�sor explained that this .ark had bee'. necESSa„ in correction r;ith thepre�ti*e- ment cf Rockland Avenue and that it was by SuperinterdEnt Upon motion by JTustice Leeds; rlied by Justice Boyd, itrs upon .roll call unanimously s�cc FSSOLVED that + u70r,`c yrtlV claim emo the llEStClieSter Joint I Water ��s I`� 1 for r 7uater inn on Rockland Avenue, and re p�acirg 6 inch and Forest AVer_uc, due to chanobe r�ee� Hudsflr+Street . t.reet9, �.� file amOJrt �1f nGL grace O y"le nereL -sSS «23, be and the sarne Y zs aprroved upon= the recommer.•da-f-. of Su,^er� intende:t Cc_esm I 1' 4ARUrton and 1:r, Sh.ermar then spoke it the same ��ir "egard to 'Ie claim in the amour t 260 c mains in connection rith the :leaver Strut r ^ oy JJS n Leeds e rr. t ?g p. _ C Cr re-laying Ulanl' CJSIy C "�eCi by JustiC BOj;a QVc?ent. Upon 1T:Ctior 'u as9 upon roll c a1_ 179 ? S°?LVET1, that the claim of the ':iestehes ter Joint. ,rater ':7or]ss, Yo. 1, is the amount of �l 250,24, for re—moving and replacing water main on `Jeaaer Street, in connection vrith the i=rovement of said street, be and it hereby is approved on the recor•:mendation of Superinte-ndent Coles® Mr. Sherman also submitted an estimate in the amount of 57,063.66 for laying 10 inch -:eater main 1675 feet: along the Boston, Post Road the end of the -present 10 inch pipe near the Red Lion Inn to the boundary line of the Village of Larchmont, vlhere it CO?)ld make a connection ::ith the Larch_m.ent Village line; together with an C inch spur bading to the Homaocks entrance, and connecting all side streets... The Purpose of installing this pipe Tine, he said; is tc increase the veluze of water to Weaver Street, Locust Street and Larchmon Knolls; at the present time this section is supplied by a o inch piyoe a'oproli:Ca ely 5,0003 feet. for:g. The increased volume :4rould offer better fire prctectim , elplained,and the connection ,vIth the Larchmont. Village line i -mould help both the Village and the Town. althou�h there .could be no revenue deri;red from this line, he thought it v:1ould be a ?xenefit to the To-vvno Upon notion by Tustice Leed's seconded by Justice ?" essersmith, it was upon roil cal? unanimovsly S07'= YPAS, this Board requests the installation of 1675 feet of 10 ne':h pip= and "5 fee' Of 8 inch nipe on the Boston post RDad, frog the Tend of the existing 10 inch pipe near the Red pion Inn to the Larchmont Village Lire with an S inch spur leading to the Ii'llage L entrance and connecting all side streets at an estimated cost of 57,065,66; therefore be it RFSCLV_TDL that the Westchester Joint ,`a r 'I K-n 1TC. 1, be and it hereb is +, ra� te_ = autr�o_�6ed and erpowered to ir_stall for the 'y'orsr, of Llamaroneck said main and to charge the ?own of ivlamaroneck the actual cost thereof as ascertained and api ro red by the Board of Trustees of said Westchester Joint ,n'ater l''7orks, I?o. 1. The Clerk rE gquested authority of the Board tC purchase t, o additional c ha irs f and Cot:nsel a' Joint. Board�nn us Ci the SUperi'P_t9 Ceent Gf this^S7ayS Seconded and pup --c e t.ingS anClUpon ?rO ti on, duly made and x on roll call he .vas anani pUS J authorized to purchase said chairs. — The Clerk wa.0 by reSo'ution on roll , - authorized —to have c—lt Lz1ar='3lOLSiy eye the flag pole in the square in the Villa of T,la.:�arorec?c pair_�ed and the cost t r Village hereon made a proper towrn charge® Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 5:50 P. If. Town Clerk i