HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_06_02 Town Board Minutes 187 OF TH- JOIFIT TO 7'1T BC)2;RD OF MAIDAROY.7,CK, IT. Y. held. ?.Monday, June 2. 10,30. t 9 P. The m=eting Na s called d to order by Su-'oe -�Tj 2 0 r Burton Present: Supervisor 3-LLvton Justices Boyd. Leeds and Messerami-ah. SUperi&knaent Of High7ayS, Coles To-w'n Clzx-k 11arvin th For the Village of Mam,-rona ck: I Trustees, Ancl_= and Th e !Dresence was also natled Of 7ngineer Foote. S`U] 'sOr Bloxton explained that the purpose of the 13 e r-7.1 mesting was the Joint consideration between the Town Board, the corl-mittee of the Board of Trustees Of the Village of lia-mia-roneck and Hr. Ira A. Lurie, of Joseph P. Day, inc... Ne':- York rsaltors represe-nting the o-;,7np-r of the Peti-or -pro-per-tT -y I fng to the west 4 , of the high school. He outlined briefly the -oroposition Wnicn the Town Board and ldr. Lurie had tELntativel-V agreed' upon at the meet.izi-- of LT—ay 21-st- Trustee 'Rushwortla stated that he understood the situation ar.d a general discussion follo-wed. The Clerk read a -0e t 4 �,j - -i names, - -U". . signed by thirte,--. inciudl-ng a number of residents of Orienta Point, making 4 I - request identical -,7ith that made in the toe tion read at the meetinc. of I - the Joint Town Board on May 15th, asking for"a street between Palmer Avenue and Boston Post Road ilrx.'Lediatelv adJacent to the hest side of the -present high school buildin-g- s-ite" -Cl ul-iia.rll"Free School ITc. 1, To,,,,in of Ylama-ro-neok:7 subs-�-ntj a, y 2,as set forth on _ 7 I blue print. hereto attached and made a part there-of." After fur-Ulner discussion Trustees Rush'�::ortI.L and declared they understood thoroughly the -pro-position fa,,rored by the Tmm Board- and 11r. Luri= and said they -"-Ould pre sent -it to the Village T r us te e e at ti,e 2.r me e-'-i ng on TLU-1 e 3rd. The Tom Board agreed to consider the matter further in the li-9111t of the acti=-' to be ta�en by the Village Trustees at the meet Jrig of the Town Board on Tuna 4th. Superintendent Coles requested the api:)roval of four change orders for Contract F, Weaver Street and a-'ter discussion it -was upon roll call unan"Imcusly I that the change orders Nos. 1, 2, 3 p-T-- 411 for Contract- F, Weaver Street Sidc7.-ialks, granted to L'al loy Brothers, be and they t a reby are approved or the recori-mendation of Superint- endent Co-les, said c"n order -s being as f Clio-wa i. Filling anJ m-ai-zIng tem� zorary road bed at- Yortheast corrL- O.L PalMer ;7e-.nue and ';'leaver Stre-st, as per order ol' Super,7i sor Burton. Force AccoUnt. Total $64.46. Lay (881) feet of 1211 V'tr'fiEd f P a!,.-a e-r Averiue�, 7, 10,i p e d ra-i 0 n rTo h d i ast of Street. To'mn of -ijarr 10 z1a the -Oipe. One furr Dollar r 0�n e ck Per !in, ft- Total I Furnish and lay 2411 Reinforced concrete pipe; including all. excavation and bacffilling. (North side of .sorest avenue 7,ast of Weaver Street, in place of 180 pipe as called for on Contract Drawings).. Four dollars and seventy—five cents per lin. ft.. ( roci: excavation excepted) 130 _in. ft< Total '8gi?.50, more or less r4. Lay Colprovia paving -here directed on Lansdowne Drive and Orchard Street.- and Ti-here by the Engineer.eer. One ngin dal?ar ---nety-cents ($11.90) per square yard. Upon motion the meeting adjourned at I0a20 F. 11. Town C1erk I — I I