HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_06_04 Town Board Minutes j-CTi%' TO-WIT 302'20
TC)',,q,T OF ITZA-717-4RO-ECK, Y. 7.
held -',`Edl-n=sday, June 4th, 10-30�
The imeetJn5�-7 to cr-�= by S Burton
at S;35 P. Ip:.
Pr=-s cnll, Su-p-Ervisor Burton
lus,ices B oyd, Leeds and Dlessers--iith
Of H-ig13'vays Coles
Town Clerk
The IESST CE was P--Iso noted, of Counselor Gamble a7nd
71-ml-ineer Foote.
The Cl—k read the minutno cf !-,Tay 21st ard June 2n--5
and V;Pczl Motion: du--',Y seconded, they -ue--,p unan-, nously a,,�-Oroved.
The Clerk -resented a le5l-ter from; John F. La�mbdem2:
254 Huguenot Street, Rochelle, requesting the apvprovall of
ma-- -Ree , or 0
0 of his -p�o-pert-,,7 hnc-a-n as c1mi t Knolls, a small -pa-'rt Of
vuhi:h is situated in the Town Of IILP-maroneci�.,. the rem-e-inder be-ing
in zlha City of Ye7w Rochelle.
Su-peri=-tend8nt Coles said he waz familiar vi-I 'll- the nro,-3-
erly and a-c-pro-Iled the ma-p.
Upon moll-Lon by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Leeds,
was u
m a n Lmo u s
P-ESO-LVETO, that the map of the T. F. Lambden
,-E�rty a5 Beeclo-,mQzat
be and, it
h=Irz',by ia a-p-proveld u-pon the rc-co.mmendatior. Of
Coli-as as Lo pc-rtion of the
pr. -oe-2ty zhicic. lies -,:ithin the To ,-,n af IlamarcnEcic-
Mr. Franlc 7., Lyc-ns of Larc';'Mont his requezt
the raee� ing of tae Joint Tovi-n Board on Eay 21st, 7-930
zzde at I- �
-per appz-oval cf- the of H111wood' Place, La--,are-nce H-Ulls" of-f
Rc c',land A-venue, In this connection the Cle-"✓ oresenteC- an
iraate of the `.Vestcheste:: Joint. "':later NIC.. 1 for laying
a 6 inch -:date-1- main arid, Ji-r.stall- S-S hydrant o-. "'a-is atreet as
-equested. at file zama= meetLig or. 1-111jay 2 -st. The stated
_=q - - f� - - -
the figu--e o f as ?he cost of doing th-is vvork.
After considerable discussion, it -,-,as u:pon mot'-on 'r
justice LEedz 5eoonded -by 'Tust-4-ce Dles;se-rsmith, u-pom ,roll call
this Bca;,-' tentatively a-
. J_ "r e j
m,a-n C_ ti=---_,.'cod -2 1 a c e, L Lure-n CE H i I I s, as s-ub ra i t t e d
by 2•-r1r. Fran!c E� Dy an z, sub eat t o sub1mi-zs on rf a
detailed ma-o sha-,.vinl�, oom-,Dliance with cErt-al-1
r e qaa i--e m e n t s i�uade by this Board- at this me-et-i-nig_.
to xc -'a a C L e e d hv'
of dedicat-Ion soJng a
Stl-i-Q of -[-and 1 fect -,wide -,:-eaerved for the T-3-im
�-t th=1 end of the street, adjacezit to the Cross
County Park-,way; further
P&SOLVED, that this Board ao-o_ove the esti-Mate of
t',le -,,-dEstChester Joint 'Yater -Tor'3<s, No. 1 for the
instaL7 -c- of 6 inch mnain and that it
a,u.t'norize thp I-notallation of saame vihen the
d-edi3at-ion is finally ayp •yo-,,-ed.
letter -,-,-as received from DeIDi-,ity County �nmjn e
Howai'd F. Bar nEs,
L3,resenting for the approval of the Board
f Prove, -
or the MI nient of Halstead Avenue as County Road Fo- 80s The
!Ettlelr PoiInted out that the Tmw-L, is interested, in this
1 .1
'o the ex:tent of an Estimated cost of S7,OOC.00 as itu-z one-'faalf
snare of the e 1SE of constructJll 11
R 4 10 i � 9 F_ bridge 'he 11-a-ma-roneck
s tine b c)u n da,ry iYe of the T own s of Ha-r -a r�
_d 7ye.
S-,?-_oervisoi Buz--Uon declared that floods in the
E_" 'Were 1arg=_I,u due to locatian of and constructic'n of the
abut'z-nents of this b3_,J_dgeQ He said the tc va should be care-
not to a-pprove these ,clans until this condition had been -remedied.
BY resol'atitan this mat e- -c-,as referred to 5a-perintenderit
Coles and 7--nginee--r- Fo��te tr-Fether with a cvrlunitt-se to be a-,poinwed
by the SILI-eEr7isor and to report. back t'a thiz Board.
The SufervisQr thereupon a-Dpoint-,LL,,o th 4 S CO=-'+te e
J_Us tic:e s B oyd, Le e_d s a-fid 1�_-j e s-7,e rsy�j*tn.
The declared that recuests had been mad- for
a street, I-Ight at this end olf Rcckinzstone Ave ue e:,-tenslon, and
added that in his oPil—Icza tne Town should initiate negotilatLeons
U -LaIKE over and _Jri.)ro�re this str_.et before installing a 111S',,--gym
U-o c n :m o t-4o n by Tu s t He a a e-sj,-i+,, 5 e c o n dd e d b ly fu Ce
Boyd, t ,-as ul,,on roll ral u-nanimously
=..SCTL T,D. "hat F-ngineei Foote be and he 'n2-_Iby
is a'u-�Ihcrized an--d directed to prej)a2^_ a tentative
a'_Etch TcIl fOr _IMM-rovinE this street, udder the
dil'ection of Su-p-ey--nte-ndent Coles, said skz"ch.
to be ap-pro,,red by Counselor Gan-Ible and it
PMSOLVMDA tlat '(16 question of installing a
1_i_ht at the end of the Rockinwstone
Ivenue extension be -referred to Superintendent
Coles -aith -power.
The Sljr-er_sor also mentioned the demand, for li- is on
uha= cc`rne_- of Vine and �yrtie Ave-nues� --,"-ter discuss Q11, it -..,as
U-Pon roll call una-nJmous-_r�y
RESOLVED, that the question of 1'_,.-Ints at the
acfrler of Vine and 2yrtle Avc-nues be -referred
Ic S-L;-Qerintendent Co_cs the
raoon,nnendation -thau Tiher- the lights are irstalle:,j
e saire standards 'be used as are at -presen-I
yed in the Station Par'--, one on each corner.
I-Er. 7-_l Zvirl-a ap-peared be_fc"e tn)m Bcard to Teouest
street i�hts in the ne-,7, sec t_oil of DIP-ple Hill; in t at gh-
'VaY 4S SeCt4or
th _�_jjjj
soon be .0017-1-oletled and that nn
act had Yn--t be e1 &kc-," n, -eP�ara to straet lights. He 7a�;
instructed to Sub.,
nit a 7ijr-�tten a-piol"I cation -f or 1-hese lights and af tez-
disQi:,ssion, it --7as upon roll calve UnF-
R7.SO.I.V7DE,. that the P_py0l ica t"on for s reef
IiRhts il! the rew, section 0-IF Hapie Hi'?is
w' L
L-,4 ch is to be re ce Ved -rcira 1J-_. F3,_r_iI
Zvi-rin, be referred to Sui:erint=-,--U�'ent CCI_
The Cl-lrl- _-o:,7,asented a clainn frorn Car'PET_iter an-- Duffr7y"
m is S e r s -
0-f -20 Speer Place Mmaroneck, in the amount- of,
ZI ut-JIJ.t-y I-mp showin_g the location of se-�T�-er"
-'a ter and gas r.,ia4ns, also ?7,ryes and gas and water SSr7,Ce
I bc.�:es on Rcc'flandl Avenue, from Weaver Street to Forest _A7eIL;e.
31,-Irton sa-_�d he had oi�dered the ma"-p anci considered it
an imAortant- i,,art of the Town recor_�-s, -,uIle2eupon it
I 13T Tustice Boyd, seconded by Justice T-lesse-remith. u-oon
roil call: -arnan-imously
RTS=T7Da t"Inat the claim of Carpenter and Duffy
in the _-mount Of � descried
�. - �250�00 for the abo-,re descr b'
MaP be and the same he_-eby iz app�'`-�Fv d.-
Counsel. :,:eiDoited that he had had several
with 117r. Smithson, Village _'-ItorneY Of the VillIage of Lax-ch-mont.
_T-eEaa?ding the acquiremen.-L by the Village ` hei
i o rtain. lots -,7hi ch
WOUld 1-e in the bed of Paimer Avenue Zwte-_,Ij
C o,,;n t:, Road
On a d
67-2 and Sts ted that "'r- V;!!age sIne d to acoul re 7-o s 170.9, go
to 103, --IC6- a_-nd 107, Block P malt Of So,,znd Shore and tha part
I 'thin the Read ray and part out. Co, e�
o same i a y e�._j -ir e ly th _Ins
stated lie .-as having the lots
After a-1 s c u s s 11 o n, it 77,a S -a-o on 2o71 Call Inna n i—mi o-0.s ly
TT-SCIL=, th-a 11- the Su_-O e_r7,is or a d Counsel
be u u they he,ebY are authorized a2ad smpo-v�rersd
to negotiate with 1-he Viii-,:�p-e of Larchmont 'or
L - i
the sale to 47 Of said lots in conneotion wit-Yi
Co,,)nty Road Fc. 67-2 and to report bark to this
BOa-r4,-- 2,rior to e.�-ecut-_Jng a contract co-,j-er_.
s id sale. Lrlg
a I
7-mg4Lneer Fccte --presented plans for the side7aalks on
Forest A-enue and said tl;at -thc- street had ')regressed
to SUCI-I -a oclnt th E t the Con t-Ia c to have to 1cnc,,; a t ancE
whEre 0 lay the side--alks. He reqaested :.he Town Board to
struCt him as t-0 7:h a t, he s 1-,o u I d in tali s c o-r n e C t
�.,as uI'Don roll call unan-imou-,siv
R730I_77M, thalL the qr_°_st_4on, Of the or
Forest Avt=-ae be referred to Su-ccrint-e-adent Coles
SU_0er"te,`de-�t COles asked the Board-cha-L, i+-- �,ro_�Osed
�O do �Ln re�zard to the stormi '�-;atcr drain in Fo,,-,!eIj Parj�:. -T,--e
S U, e In v i s o r sad ta a- sr,T-2 S -07-1 must b e -:)r ovi a
ed an,-, t1aat a
proper drain shoi�.Id' be installed in Howell A7�-nUe to le_ad under
,IeaVer StrEet to t-h_e di-is-posal plan to
After d_4sc,,).ssI0j2 it v,,ras uI)on roli
RESCLVEDI, that Superintendent Coles be and he
hereby -is aufaori ze-, t 0 eM110loy an, 7.ngime er
4o make a study of the storm 'wate2 drain
d=tuation, in Holl,.ell Park and to rep=t back
to 'U?e Board.
Thca Clerk informed the Board: thr�,+1 jjr. Gagliardi, S-oec'I@.j
CCU-asel T_
n connection -,:�ith 1jurray 21-ven_Je 1-M-OrOVeMent, had rzport-.,-�d
that t1ne Board of Su-oerv;sors Of '."estchestn_
Ccunty at it s n�eetin
aeldl. on June 2, 7-93-1, ado-oted an act being Act Yoe ill of June 2,
t930,_ authorizingn, the 'Town of 71,ieLmaroneck to borrovi the sum of
780t,000.00 to pay the Cost of 7,,,4
P _dening, straighten-Ir-g and i-m-prov-ng
arrazv Avenue, to Issue its bonds therefor and to provide for- the
pay-ment Of the joriln±-oal and i'I-.sr2st of said bonds, and that by
reason of the enactment of said act it w,,_111 be in order for the
Joint To?in Board to fix a dp+e for
the sale of the 'bonds in C estion.
I _L7,
1_7r. Gag-liard-, al-zc suggested that provision be made to
Jnclude in said. $180,000.00 high7va.y improvement bon5.s the 5alp of
-S13-0,000.0C Town :Park District NLO. I 30nds.
sc I uti-or, Justice Leeds offered for adc-ption the foillcwing�
`-FI7"S zt a special meeting of th!this Board held
0-n May ?6s i°30, the i s s uan a e and sale of 0
? �000-oo
hi-ghway irrp_-ove-me-at bonds for tLan -3url7Ose of paying
the cost of 'dening
at-raightelir.g and iM.Pr07Ing
IlUrraY ".7e-,IUe ir. saad Town, Isas duly aut'ho::i-zed; and
=79AS. by Ac- -Xioe iir ado-pted, at a 1, Fling e4 g held
an June 2, the Board of Supervisors of
1"Iestchester County aut'nor-,
Ized this Town to borro-;v
noon t-s fa_`h and credit the said s=.i of "'Il'l
LIO n_�y the cost of said _21IT-Proveraent and to issue its
bonds therefor; now therefore it is
77SOLV70, that said bonds be sold a" public za'le
to the bidder offering to
thei a the lo-.,rest
rate of interest on June 127th. 1930 at the office
Of the Town. Clerk-, ITO. 6 7 3-
L,reel i
1 n the Villace
1�-nd To%vn Of KamarDneck-, 27ev,, Yorl , ulpon n o' 4C
snall be _13vblis'.aed in the Daily Times, a n e a--p a e r
pubiiSIhed within the County 0 f "ez c h e s t e r .r he
'Ihe bonds ame to be sold, a--nd in the Bond Bu.yer-R a
--nancial ne,�,,,s-Oa-oer published in_ the
C4 of 7
G 7,7
York, which nsv!sjDan ers are hereby designated for
--oz;ro o s e, a t I e a st, on c c;_- not. less than IF-'7C-
e,Y-3 before the date of said a a is, and said no t 11, ce
sh 111 be sulbstlantilall-&r in the follOw-ing form:
ITCT7C7. "iS F--PL=, Y CTl_V7N,- that the Tow-, Board of the
T olf Vamaronack-, I e_�" y0rko '17ill rSCC'7e sealed -oro-oosala! at the
Office Of the T-,wn Clcr-_I,, Ho� 6 'T.lyn Street, in 11
.IE V4".la_,S C_f J;In
zrj,-:, Ne,-,r York, Until 4:00 0 "Clock P.Y. (dayl-iSht savir.-.time) on
,Tune 19th., 7C✓'30_, -for the purchase of the
fC71.,,6r. lbonds y said
-to i?ri,ts
(a) $180,000.00 HiLglhviay 1=pro7ement Bonds of the TIc n of
Har-aroneck-, Ne.o York, --*,T-, denominations of $1�000.00 each, =Tfbeved
I to 21.60, incius172, dated June 1,. 10,301, bearing interest at a rate
of Plot exceeding a% per annum, payable on the fi:7st day of Dece-,711b-v
da'up. tIne re o f and s em iannup,3 7- the-S af ter r acid d iaat u rif ng in
eQaa- 1 annu.ai ins tal=_n+_z of 000.010 each, Vne fJ rst it sta- L L ID
be clue a nu payable On June 1, 1937 and annually thereafter ,Intii
,Tune 1. 150; and
(b) 830,000.100 Town Park D'strict 171c. I Bonds of 'he
TO of Hainaroneck in dr=rol-
Of '1,000
.00 each n,,zrabered I
4 7!e
datEd J�xr,,e -1, bearing interest at a rate
Of not ezceeding 6? -p
-,.er annum payable o-n the first day of December
after the date thereof and semi-annually the_�sa`fte-r and maturing
in equal annual instalraentz Of 51.000,00 each, the first instal-ment
to be due and payable on J-ul,
Tune 1. 196% - L -e 1, 1931 and annually thei�afte_r untii
Both principal arid interest --,-vill be psyabls i17 gold
Of the United States Of ii
E r.L of the tDresent sla"dar�j and
fineness Or its equi7E1ent in !a7,7ful money Of the United States Of
A�,a=_rica, JL12 NeW YOfK exchange T=st Com-oanLy of LarcImniont, Larch-
Yor�c, Cr at Banke 'ust Corn-pany, Fe-,-�r York
York, at the O-�.D�40,.j I.era �,y
- �,_ _ of the ao7,,� -
Said bonds -,vili be coupon bonds and will be registel-able
as 10 Drinci�pal_ CMIY Cr as to 'both principal and interest 2,n accord-
@.-nce v,'ith the -provisions Of the GEnE?-"9.1 Kunic-4-pal Lao'::,
7ach bid MUst be accon-panied- by a certified check -or
n "Iccr100rated bank or trust company in the
''�5,000-00 dra-zn upon a, -
State of XE-,: York, or a Cashier's or other officiairs -check of
said bank or trust comf.any and payalo-�,e "Ito the order of the of
1--a-maroneck, Checks of tl�:,e ursucceqsful bidders -,val'l b.- 'returned on
the awarding Off the bonds. Flo ].Merest will be a"Llowed on the c-rieck.
Of the sUfoessful bidder and said C'�aeC ' 714'1 1
a:opliied in payza.-nt - k — be retained to be
of the bonds or to sec-are the Town against
any loss resul Ting from the failure of the bidde_- to oo7-o,,y 5'ith
to his bid.
erms ol
Unless all bids are -rejected said bonds vi.411-1 be axva-ded
to the bidder comir.-2ying With -Che tc2::,s of sale and offering to
purchase the sFr,!e at the 1OWESt rate of inte_rr-,st r.ct, exceeding
per annua-ii stated in a W 'I t4
�U e Of 1/7C) or 7 th C)
reg'ard'SSS Of --ure JIL-a-
, PrC71-ded h0v,7evGi . that 0_- more
bidders bid for the same rate of-interest, then said -,vi_1
F.,�,rarded to the "bidder offering the hl-h .51, Price the-ref-r at such
lo-,.vestl rate of in-LIerest- No bi-J for 7=s�
S thar the par va7i;.= and
aCcrued interest it be CC 1 iuExcde B
idders ust bid for all of
said bonds and must state a single rate Of interest therefor.
Any bid not coriplyin- U the te- s 0- th s n c z,i c e
be J e c.t e d
Trio ---iSht le 1-eser7eQ- to Te-Ject any and all b ids
The app r 04 opinion
Of KeSSrS�
Clay, Dillon & 77andew�ater,
att"orneys of lie w, York Cit-y� �qi7l be furnished to the ]�-Jrchaser
without charoe.
Dated, June Z, 1930
By 0=FR 017 TIE TMU_,' BOSRO
31_1_11_`.RVIL:1T. J11R.
Bar Building
4te 1-1ains, N
lev., York
The 3i uestion of the adoption of the -. Orpgoing res�:)jjatiors
to a vote --ahich resu7ted as folio-ijo;
`,yes. 6-
Noes; r�one
-,,e Chair declared the resOluti cl-is duly; a�io-oted.
Bu-tc'r re-z,-C `Z' +T'at !,�e
C 0=12-1-cat.-Jor, f-cm, th, Board of Park 002-MI-I s s One s IF T&-,7,,n Pa 1:
s r c 1 0f the Q-T-In Of YaMarcK,ecl-'�, ITe w, Yo rk by wh i ch
thJ POE,rd L :^e-,ue s te d to -or o I d s tlie sum of :$3 0,0 0 0.0,0 to -pay
cost o--F' a c q J ri ngg a nd d e pares purposes a
CL t(_a balance Of the �0 erises authorized to be -ourchaiz�_zd by
reSC!u-410n ado--pted by :t' iz Board on 26. inclu_ _
egal a--,-d Other j- - di_ng
C 4
ntal Charges.
� Burton _reco=Ended that the --recuest, of Board
c_ Palk Co=Jzsj*Oners be Q0=l_Jsd
,,The--C'Woon TUS t ce �-e ss e-
SL,: O-r-rere, for adoption the
_C tii g 1)r e a a n d
Pt 0 S-Pecial meetJn • 171 e 1 d On 1W._or'a
arrong othe things ngs 1 4 Ze
the issuance and sa7� -r, ow' k D J c_�
0 T n Park -
Ecnd2 in the allnc,-;nt of �3285,000.oln for the ja-ur-pose
O f pay-Ing the cost of * i
L,nm-ro-Ting for Par,- acTlir4rg, dC7eI'-)-_0_i2ag and
7ands and
Uremises sit!-'a-ted -,zitP_fn t-he Park Dist37_ic+_; and
'%VYZ.-'R_r-AS,. at .- meet-Jr.- held On Yay S, 1929, Iprm
the Zeco=ierdation; of the Board Of ID2::Ox: COI-Mis'sioners,
2 ,OOOaOC Par'_is Board _PrOv4ded fa:^ the issuance and sale 0-f
34s--" O'
� ITC-. _ Bards 0f
it be4,n_r re-pressr.tE6 -0 said Towa,
.-at said r, +
7,vas sufficient tt that Pay the Cost of
aco - -
the LuJJrnS_, 'ng a-ad -i-In--proving for _Dark purfoses
rcrenlises v.,17-ich the Board of Pa2:k Comm]' -
then determined to accuj-re; all ssicners
said Board of Park CGrmissioners has
rEcIlIcsted this Board to provi de the sum of $30,coc.co
G 'pay the cost vi 2,co u-
- I r;
_n;, deve'ion�fng and ir-proving
for park PUTPcses "Ine premises knomm-as T-Q,,-s 6 and 7
B'ook 78, sec-Lj on
- a.s shc%vn on the assesam-ent ma-.c
Of said To• n, being a pay do Of the -premises auth-
orized to be purchased by th-4- s Z"Card --,)u:-S-Liar.t to
tions adopted on A-,,-ri7 2 -1-e s Q 1
_6. '1 929 1
, -: , including i eg a.7
and other incidental charges; and
t F-_PfDeals to the sa t isfaction Of this
Board that the best in�i,£ree+s Of void -Park
District -o-ill be promot.ed by the acc-uisition and
de-v'e" C,pment Of said -IDemises for r_,a::k_ -ppurp:cses;
therefore it ils
R'SCL? Dg t'cat t'v-',- resolutions ado�)ted by this
Board on A-pril 26m -10,29, Providing for the issuance
and sale of , 28i;'000.00 Par!: Djst_"_jCt
of this Tovn be ard the ssame he-2fEICY is P-mended so
@S to -,JrOV4de that
_0,0()0.00 th
y_ thereof be issued in
of �17 n �d -Lof
dated 'Tur,e
e an
c 30, inc Us i Ve&: and be payable
in equal annual ins ta'_,Er,ts O-F, �,j
Tune _,()o0.0o each or,
-s t in each 0 f the yc ars 1931 t0 1960, bo
nc i• e. tvith uh rz=eEt t e reOn at a rate of not
exceeding 6,%1 ter annu= oil the day Of December,
f 4 rSt A
aftex the da�,-e thereof and serpi_annu.aIiY thErea-;-tel-
-ur t i I the -o r i n c]-Lp va,1, aum ' s fu 1,.9_T
caidy and that ezoe-ot
az hereby Modified and aTqerrded by resolutio-n
Or i4lra.v S_. 1929, t?16 said resolutIons Of
llnaffecter_5; and lit is f'urt�-_,eZ 26: 7-92G,
T SOLVED, thaq- this Town bcrro-,-,r u-con its faith and
credit the sim, of 530.000.00 and i 'c
issue �_t- bonds
'here-Lcr for the -ourloose of de-veloping
and im-protir_ing for park rurrcoses the premises imno'T'm-
as Lots Nos. 6 and 7. Block 7S5 SectJ_on I., as zhcrte.
on u e assessment map of this Tovvn, owned by
B-rordoli and wife, said -oremi-ses being a -QFr,tl of It-ne
ands and orerri ses descried in the
-es o7ut4 oil
adopted at a special meEtir_g of thJ.ti Board held_ on
-oil 26. 1929; and -it is furthe-_�-
1PZ.S01_VYD_ that said bonds be so'd at sale
to the b.Ld1fe_ cffering to take them at the loweat
rate of interest on J-l=e 119th, IS-10 at 4
F.K. 'Co..S. L",) at the office of the Town No.
6 Fim Street, in, the Village and TQ-,,vn of IL-Tarlaron-ec1c.
Yew Yc:r'_-j and that the -011 4 ng notice of said sa=e
be published:.. the !)a ;'-,- T is,ce;s, _- nevsiDa-oer pub-
_'she' in the County of in Vihi.-h C Q"m ty
said bends are tc be sold and n the Band Buye a
f_J n a r c i a 1 r,e 7-4 ap a e r p 1 i b I i s h e_rf in the City 0-1� Nlew
ycrl:, 7LPh-Jull nel.spa airs are hereby designated f-r
Lhat pur-_pose, at least once, not iz_-� than 'i've days
b2fcre the date of saJLd sale; and it is further
S 0 L'.T D, that said bonds shall be in form substartialilv
as f0_12-OWS, the blanks therein being filled.,
v_1 z
TO'.7Y P_A_1K DTST'-RTCT NO. I BOND - 193()
KYOT = 12T BY TIT=7SF. PR-7SMITTS, that the Tcv,,,n C.' LTa na-_cjn
eck, a municipal corpo-r;-a",_on In the Counly cf -%--!estcr.es+er and
State of _ETe7-.,T York, hereby acknov;ledgez its _,radebtednesa and for
"aloe received -p-Tcmi ses to pay to 'bearer on the -1st of Tune,
L9 the sv-T-- OIL* = TEDUSAYD U5,11.000.00) DOT—TARS, together -v.,,-_ith
interest thereon from the date 'neresf at the rate of
-2c-22 ce-Y-_4Lii1 1per annuri, payalble Ee ni- nnim' ly
rr-, P_ Or the 7st fays
of Decen�'ber Prd Tune uqpon --p-resentation and surre-nde_r of the
annexed interest co--cons as the same respectively mature. Both
'ir -Da, -rid s b bond a e 7 e J_
I c -est of ti�� r payab- Jn gold, c-cin of
the Un-Lted St^atti S of -A-m.2rica of t1ne -present standard weight 3-ad
-fl'n,snesE, or -its equivalent in la-�,.rfui r2oney of the United States.
L ta -..
in ITCV,' yorl- e::c hian_ge, at Trust Corzliany of Larchr.,iont, larchn-ort,
',Te-a Ycrl:, or Tlrus" Coq any. NEU' York C_L
' , Yorl- at
the o-_ction of t1,.-,s hc'__-'e::.
This bond iz one Of an issue of bonds. of like tenor
=xcept as to Gate and daLe Of M21tUritY._ aggrega"ing the sum, of
000.00 and JLssvzd for the purpose of -paying y the cost of
ace 4 g, de-i7-elc-pirw and J --or, Jr -urpcsae certain iard�
o�j- _g f or
a-n d I,e mJ.s e--- s i t ue�t e d� -7,-i t h in T o7v-n Pa 2� Di s r i -IT o. I o f th c- T o-wn
c j 1,
of :Kamarcnec1�, ITe7Tr York�, --cursuant- to and in stxict com:.pliam e -t-
the con-stLtut..-ion and ztatu-ites Of the State of Nev, York iinclud-InEz
amomz cthers. Ch--o'er 5114 of -he Levis of the State of 13e7:., York
Cf 15,
as by Chapter.7.07 of the 1,a-ns! -of 192'9 ard 101)-rsuant
- - I
to Droceed44ngs of the Tc-al-2 Board, 0"' Said T(,�vvn duly had and taker
`n all resractL s authoriz4r� E- the SaLe_
it is hereby certified. recited and dec7 red -ha,
all acts, ocnditalons a-nd t-nings - .0 d c e7j t
o 1 s , L ' . n anf
t17 Ic E --ce rIfo=:edL j-'re ce dent to at,d in the issuance Of this *b o hat
e1_ist, have happened and 'rave been performed I'M due t.Jrre, form,
a '171anner as required by la-tr,,r; .,hat the issue of bonds of 7,,,`ich
this I' s one. tosethe2 Tith all othe2:, indebtednes-s Jf said Town,
is 7ithi- eeve:y r debt and othe 1-f-it --Oreso--ibed by the Ccnstitu-
on _=d lav,2 tine S of !\Te-w York,, and tha 'L, due �ro-H s-' on
s -D e e rr P-03L e -or rais-ng annually by taz, on tIl-e tazable 0rCj_0-
of said Tow,-r� a sumi su.-f-Lic-fent to y)P_Y the -principal and
_�ntlsrest of this bond as the sane rssTjectlively becozje due
and payable. The full fait]n and credit of said TO an are hereby
irre-Tocably I)Iedged to the punctual the of-payment -pr4 a' and
interest C I - L, .
tLis b0-nd according to its tel-fils.
This bo-,,:id may be r=__gistereo as to print:pal chly as
�,el lr as both and interest. in accordance with the
-orcirisions of the Cha=_ral Hlurici-.pai a-F. T� bond be
as to both I)rinc�-
Lp�,al and inte_rest, the intere��t 'Inerecn at the
req,U.eZ_t of the re0'!SteTea 0-:7 M 'be rernitte� b-,, rnaJ7 in Nem.,
York ea:chan.-e.
1.711 _T_=RZ-CF the said_ Town of kIaz hIl as
caused this 'bond to be ziEnc-d by its SUyerviaor anti sealed -;,-.,+,h
,,he corriorate seal of sa-d To-,-,,n attested by its Town Clerk, and
the interest cotton-_ hereto a-i-inexed tc be siEned trith the fac-
s Lin i' e s i'u natiire of its OE`;j
2f th v 7o- 'a-ed s
- 1 �rd to be a
c L�he Ist, day of Tune, 7 930.
--,\T7,w Ycpa
Attestor Sulperviscr
_15_nc i_c
Tun e
On the first day of December, 19 , the Tovwrr, of
Kzmaroneck. in the County of
-p ' ',-'!est chrster., l71 e,; Yn
ric T-1-
p ay to bearer, he of
dcllaxa. in Yew York ezclnange, at Zrus, Com-_a.y
or Larchznont, Larchiront, Few Y07_k, or at the Bankers Trust
C c.L-
pany, 1TEW York City, New York, at the oft'on of the Incl-der,
being a im months s-� the n due on its Tojfn parok s tr�j*L ct
Ho. I Bond G-3 G, dated Tune y , 11-930_ 170.
e TriSOr
This bona may be registered by the o aer in 'his name
as to princi.nai under the signature of the Town C-Ierlk of the T-0--om,
of Yamaroreck, Coimt
y of 'c_-Testcheqster. Nem, York,
or Other Reg-_L
T-)e I ow a fU s h a 11-1 th a r e a-t e x be t r a n s f e r ab 1 e o n ly or r t.11 e T;r_J t I--e r.
assignm-er-11 of the reEiStel'ed owner or his attorne-,,r, dialy
3eclged or P:-avcdi sUch registration and transfer to be maide on the
SO 01�-s of said Clerk or other Reo:istr2r, and a nol-atiQn th _-ec`'
be lade hereon h -L- Suc -a
ns•P,--' may be to bearer. after `inch this
b c ri CL shall be subject to sobseauentr registr
before. 'n.e ccu-oons _I;IW;-,-r - -ation-a a-ad as
reMain pay_able to bearer no-,
—L 1� -
such re.--istration unless tnis bond Shall be 00=4ezte,�.
into a fully
registered bond by the surrender and cancellation of cou-�
I ''ona,
Wh'Ch surrender arc! cancellation shall be noted --r. said boo1ze-
up or, The -princiral zf th-�
_s bond if registered;
rays �� to the registerffd Z_ be
successors or assi-ons. her Ir�o r hi s e EEL 1 r e 10 1-e s e n ,,es-
Date of Registry: TIT-ame of Regi ste-re O,,,,Mar: Kg-natu-- of Re--,--'- stmr
,I\ - - =P-7-
Moon tie written recTuest of the o-v:,,ner of the vi't-hin,
bn-rd for its c-mversion irnt-c a flaln,- regist-ered 'bond, ! have
this day cut off and de-stroyed coupors annexed to this bold
amoartinE in the aggrsgate to
�F ) and the intereF5t. on this bond, at th.e rate and on
the da-les as -provided by the coiirons as well as the pri,nci--pal
thereof Will hereafter be paid to
legal successors or assigns, at the place of pay-
s--oeo if-i ed therein, or, at the recaes t of th-e registered.
the i-aterest rryll be remitted_ by in ITe-,,-,: York exchange. This
o-d h,-reafter- v,.T'IT bt transferable Lin -L:ne books C-L the Town Clerk
'of the To-wn of -111a'-maroneck, County, of ""jestchlester. , I-Id7w yorif, or ot'her
Reg=st2ar only of preser-,tation of the sa-mE a assign-
�nen*t duly ackno,,�,-Iedgea Or prove;.
late dg 79
(OffMi-a! title)
Date Of IREg-'Llstry: !T&,ne of Reg-Lb-tered O--rner: Signature of Registrar-,
and it is furthe-r
E&SOII:77--D, that said motice of sale be s-ab-
stantially in the fcilov;ing for-.-
1,T071C:F. OF SA.T�.F
H7771r,'LkY 111PR07EILENT 330IMS
- By t e Town Board of the TO-;m
�.I_a L. n
of Hamaromeck, yorkl- -�jli receive Sealed 2,roposa.'Is at the offi--c
of the Town Clerk, 6 71:7, Street in the V.-;!!- L
I - L --_--e o� Ma--naronec'-%-,
Yor--I,-, until 4400 otclock Pm. HT. (6aylight sa-,Fi�ng on eT;=E
I�th s 10 0 o f or the -o u r c?1a 5 e o-- -(',he following bonds of said Town,,
tt, w
(a) $Iszo,oco�cc Li-izlTvlay Mz-orc,rel ent Bonds of +11-e
S C)-F' �17
0-01n Of Kamaroneok,, 1\71ev York, in rdenominat-Qn' -,000.00 each,
,:UffCeTed I 'LQ 180 1r.,C7US27C- , dated Tlv,-Ie 'I 19:,C), -Dearing- inters
at a rate Of "Ot. exceeding 6�; 13er pa=rable or. the first" "y
of Dece-,ri-be-1- after the date thereof and se- j'
ma� .. ml-anrtill-y amd
UL---1118- Ln equal annual imsta"Iments C-
-�n'. to be due and -�Dayabje on J-,ane 1- "93-1 and annua'-,-t�,- t--
in S alm - $9.000.00 each, the -Jrst
a—eL� UrILI- June and
(10) 130200G.CC Town Park Djs�rj'ct 1v-O. I Bonds 07
10'W22 Of znarcnE c':..: in den.r=l na t-i ons of �,:�'-j,Q�o.0C each
numn cre d 1 "0 _70, 4 usi 7e_ dated T-., c -c ID a a ring
interest at a rate of not e�:ceeding 6,IS' per a.rnv.Lq p2✓-abI6 on
the first --ay of Decerr.ber after the date tuh_r r6cf and sp-inj. -
annually tuhersafte-Z-, and
,,u-rir,g in equal annual instalments
�"'1,000-00 each. the first
_Z,+�7_-je r 4- 'u. -payab 1.e
c n Jun e I, 19 Z,I - U to be cue and
i and annually thereafter unti! June I
Both riYlCi 1)27 and in terc-sll gill be -OayF
b,. in 7d
coin of the united States Of America. o--:' the -present standard
Lsht. and fine.-j--ss or its equivalent Jr. la�� money of the
TTr,i-ted States Of Lmerica, in !Tevj Yoa-k 6-mcharge, at Trust com-pany
of Larchmont, Larchmio'nt, NFE,v Yor_ . or at BP-nkers Trust Con-a-panyT
1TIEW yor1-f, at the O-Ption of the holder.
Said bonds -,aill be cou-gon bonds and be ---en-i-t-
-as to Prircilial only or as to both princioal and Interest in
acn_=daicce the .-L-�rovisicns of the Genera! HT-Wnicipa.1 La-,-.
Each bid must be by a certified check for
C00-00 drawn umon al _fT:c0-__0-,_ted -banh. Or trust cci_---=y in the
State of YorL-, or a Cash4erls or Other official l's check of
said bank of t-'Ust -,O:Mr, nY and ,
a gayable to ''he Order of the Tov�,n
Of Checks o-f the u bidders ;gill be "6tu.rj2dd
e a..
on L,
ding Of tll-,te bonds. INTc in t e r e k-s t -u i 11 be a 17 c-vq e d on the
c-eck of the successful bidAer and, said. chec'- w-ill. be rettaincd to
be a,--�?Iiad. --in part Daya7nent of the bonds bro —*Lc secui- the To":,rm
e IL.
agaii-nst any loss resul—,ing from. the fnlure of, the bidder to
OOMPI-Y -hFith the ter_:,s of Kis bi--.-
Unless a17 bids are rejected sa4d bonds --.uilll be a,,,,;ard=_d
bidder com-p Y L I th "ne terms Of sale and of-er-n to
-ourchase tli,2e saf,,.e at the -owes, ya�C
1p e r an rnun e t e r� - - _ 1_ - e"est not ar-ceeding 6r&
of ir
Ln a mnuiti-pie Cr !/%th Of 1% per �_-,nnlj_-,
:-Z--Fardless Of -premiumn, �ded, ho-cever,
bidders bid for the 4 that f f t-,7o or -Ore
e same aov,es- rate of intere�_t, then qaan bonds
will be awarded. to the bidder offe_'Le:g the 'nighest price
at, such !Owe S% 1-ate of interTst. LTc- �njd for less t,
- I - - ,,an the 1,,a-;,
vaue and accrued interest be conaidere�. Bj.dde-s t rmus bid
_- Or P-11 Of said bond's and r�lu ratio st state z Single t'
therefcr. e of inte-rest
Aml-,T bid not conj�!_-Yinn wit"-. the terms Of this rlotice
be rejected,
The right is reserved to reject any and all -bids.
The a-olp-roTing D-Pinicrn of 1,1tersrs, ClaY, D-41--lion L Van--'--
Tater, attorneys of InTew Yor'_< C1 t?' -,�,,117 be furnizhe,, to 'he lour-
cbaser without- �harge,
Date`, TUrje 4, 7230
By C)RD7,73, OF TIEF TtislTd BO-LRD
R. YL�,.RITTT. j_
Bar B u i I n,g
I.T. Y.
The cll2estion Of tne ado-ption o-f "he -fo�ego_inp, resolution
was PuLt tO a vote rees_,,!_ted as f2ilcvs:
Ayzs: 6
Xoez: none
The chai_r dcclaarEd the reSolut-J, ons dU17 -,ed.
U:por. mmot-J" Qr the meetin g w d lo