HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_06_16 Town Board Minutes TCIITT To,FL�T 3C!M, TO-VIT OF ITLIL�Royt- held June 118th, 1930. The meet-i-nS -qas called. to order by $u-pervisor Barton Present: Su ervisor Barton Tllst4oes Boyd, Leeds and Idre S 2 e rS,.jj 4 Su-e-in'erdentl of Highl.vays Coles Tvwn Clerk Ijarvin The presence :L7as also r04ed 31- Coun8elor Gamlblle. The Cleik read the rninute3 of Y-ay 7t'-- and June 4th "which w-ere by rescjulu-jon By re-solution the Board voted to dis-pense with the regular Ordez of business in order to hear thosc -,-rao -,aele -cyesentl and dezirous of addressing the Board, Hr. 1 L-i a m L a-,,,s o-r, of L a r ch-Lr on t Ridge r o nia Ce an oraj r e q u e z t fCr a n e--c t e n s`o n. of C-1 4-n c h Hauer -,aa i n. 8 -,e t north along Oyff-rd Rcad, f-�Qrl the nresent. end of the mapin to serve Ict 341; arid 2510 feet 2Io-,j5 Lohegan Road iron Duiadee Road -^C}7-t(1 -o a point O1JID084 te Io'L 56 is to be served. L-r- : , L agree_ 'cc, guaTa n� tee an 87� return on the cost of these (2:ztens ic-as. Upon Mot L Crn duly Se conded., --I t -,<-as R-ETS,0=74-D., this Board the L Lp-stallai-ion of 6 fnch -,water �main, 80~f eet- a7ong Omforid. •Rj� -ro the -resent + � .a 4 -1-i- - . I Sc? 21-5 se, �e lot 34; and f e e t a 1 o nz. lug .eta Road fr,,�.,a -Dundee Road nor:,- 'h '� �. t o a POL-It QDi?oaitle lot 56 vIlch is to 'be Se=Gd; there-forE be it FT,SCL=, that the `,'.estchEster Joint, Vcx` YO. I, be and it hereby is au--no-,---' zea and elm-Dc--Nersd to -I.-istall for the To-qn cf LTF-marc,nec{, said main and to chame the t"-e act"aal cost, the--neof as ascertaincd� and by the Beard. of T �7- I— -j - i Trustee=' of said --.Vestclnestler Joint -,.iaoc- �dcr'-Ks, 7.1o. 1, the understanding that -11r. ia:v.son „Ereez t'; gl�-rant=e an E% re .urn 0�11 the oos' of these extensions. A ommuni,,�ation vas reo-c-ived frol-r- jTo-gard P. Baez, I -h Drz-;�,uty County 7-ny-ir- Eer -r� --`2iFard to 220di-Jed CoSt to she T 0-cv n r0 `'_r County Road Yo. 67-2, PaIner of its shaie of e n s ozi. 0--,ring te. a in -the New Rochelle - 1,17a1'aroneck boundary -as slrlo-,,--.rn on the _may s -:�e-paredl bj- the County ire e Z,I s Of-L il ce, 200- 11,11ore f e c-t, o if the road Y,ill Ibe I oca te in the Town of Ka--,-naroneck thar, att firs to shown, necesSitat��ngL add-LItional cost to the tojr. o-f The original ccst- to the Town was :Lazing the total act,-,a.1 cost- ,7,000.00. ii-3cussion it -,vaE upon rriotion duly r-ade and s e c o-nd d a-por, roll call mianLm-cus'--Y E1713OZ77-D, that t7aiz Board hc-reby aut`n-c-rizes the a PZ,--r c-cr 1 a t4 on D-p �-` 7,000. as its share of the Cost. -0 f Pa_'-_c r 217E:-T.�e E tens Ii on (C 'o unty Roan ITc, (37-2) and +11,Lat Cloxaael be d ir e 3 t e 61 t -p-rc-pare -- o-per rcso�u tlio-n in LI - - - - conv-�ctj-o-,_ 4G4 --tIn the i---cna to ralse this an-o u n. --- ------- 213 Another c o.mmunic a;ti on W as T'e ce ived' from Hx. B a rniE s n ragas to hurray Avem: _r'1"prG7,ef11cnt, requesting Certification by the To-un that the neceesary rights-of-way have been reZeased _-S to c t trU t4 n s ta Une MatteD., referred to S-p ial C Ga�rliardi. L, c cim-=J cat 4 oin ,acts -;-=c s 4-Ted fro a s 1 Lia c :Dona­� Coum-�y Engireer, =e,_,ucstl4n z once ngain tilat t'ne LG-g,2 Board app c-te m Guying 111�­opozn, �yste, O-�, C - _,3 shoTw - " -, _1 � o un Roaaz" as ado-oted 'by the Bcard Of Su-Perviscrs or June 14th, The connam-n-ication -zras ord_red received and -placed or. 14 L. A 1-st-ter from IZr. Lee Reh"Llil, 297 Rcckj2.­-,s-'1:)ne A­enu,65, I Larchm-orit, cc7mplainFd of 'the -2-nadequate -,,rater su-Qp-,,T on Rco'cing- 2"One _'Verue Fxuens_ion. By reeoiutlon, -tlnz matter was rsferred to the '.-Tater Board the request that the Board sub­a�Jt an estiltal'e of the Cost- OIL laying -a larger main, A 'jetter from ,1 ' - d. Lloor ly, pres�,dsrt of Po_,_jkjzn Uler i _, no., L-eo_I;L�­-ted thz Board to es tend the izater ma:.n at corner of RoxborouEbj. Road and Domnie Briar Lane im a southerly di-rectim alc-n.g RazlocrouS-h .Read to con-nect-im Tnuith, a large ,,joijze -UniCh is bey n-2 built in that location. UPC" mot-JorL duly made an-d sEcoilded, it was ixom roll call unan imo as ly 110SCLVEM, 'J=jTRMLS, t'hi' s Board rec,-nes-ts t1ie e-M-Lens-ion of the ',--,ater main at t,-,e coTnei� of Rc:-,boro-ugh Road and Ec-nniz Briar Lane in a SO I direr ajon_- _jorb-0rough R 02d f o_- a d.is tan ce of-' no t, less than 50 feet thtc_efcre be it RESCL77D, that- the -'Iest-chester Joint '01a ter 710!-ams, Yo. 'be and -.�-L hereby is ' oriz suted - n and em-POTvered to install -for the Town wf lfamai'onecI: said ma-in and. to Charge �Ihz TQ,�-m_ of Ylamaroneck the -m-lu'al cost thereof as ascerta-ined and F-P-pro-,ed by the Board of Tlrusttees of the '.7estc!aes1E:, Jo-Int Water _%';'0rkzz No. 1 and the actual lEngth of said ea tens i-on oe left to the d41sc_-etic.nL of Supel.-Tntendent Coles. A letter v,ras_ from. Gerald D. Helier, !9 st-one-side .y I D-_i-vs, La��chx:�ont, com�plalning Of tthe cracked and brokEzi side7wall: fl-oi­ of his ho-me. On roll call t1ne matter vias -,-manLimous7y refE to 3-11-.&--rintendent Coles tvith j)o�,e •. S-X_z,E::_J­1ts-ndent Coles Dreselnted a cO=-X,,1-icat_Jon from Ltir. A. T. Foote, Enginee-r, in regarl ".Is drainagme situation im the Howell Park area, iu acccrdance with the Tesclut-JILon Passed at a pre,.T-Jous -_n..etinlg. A C O-aS 4 derable UiscuosJomn or. this mat+e- the u-pon roll call u n a.n Lrja u s ly -, _E_ d o queztio-:7� -.-,7as resolut 4 011, Sups rinten-en t Cc'e s _ej, -re t, -jo ,-as-'ins to re�ool-t back: to the Board w-lth recommendat-ior.s. C!Eric if the committee in regard to the _e arld i ! taatiom had any repo::" to -make. Cha-1maii Leeds rej_�!J_Ied LI!at 7nglLnesr 3oo-Le viou-id ,aave a, report .a"Y es--imia-te ready -,-Or the -rasEti:n.- on the follox_Jng day. T. he irIve-st-1--ated the Coun2=-lor C-a-m"ble repo tea th a tra--ric ifght at the -pos-1- p atter o�- �, Hcad and Di-110n, been :�e-Perred; to_h�Jm at, a Road -�Vlnich had - Cull ­lEet-U-2 anal said that under the the Tuwn have to geT ccnaent of the State author- ti=s such -a li-oht. II He `I-hat- in �i_is o_'cin-JLcn it iir0 71d be 7,,Yi!je i0 t. t 2 I-a 11 _n Ii-ght at this -point until the Pcsst Read iideninc and im,P" avlm_g WS commlete,_3. The Cierk incui-red J-? the Boar�, Oosc-d -o a u,-_torjze I the c ompl e t i c n o f W e a ire r S tr, e S id e vi a.!k rprogram by there in the !a-,,ri n • of s i o"_q !'-"Y r 7 a B r.U I e- �rardz to La�Irz- -nUe + that 11r. Tar es Prrct3r vi ho I1Ved' in tha- He Sa4d_ blocId was anxiQ-uo �1_0 have the in in -P" n C house. Th e ma t"-L,e r -z-s je o t f his e-Tred to 311.,perin-LIende-zit Coles. u.perintezldent Coles -'e-7JOrted 0r Ha stc-F-d Avenue Br -;"ilic'n is be rebuilt ir ccnnsc�tion -.,-;I�h the iallzt.ea-d Avenue i--' -PrO7e--nOn'L as County Road Yo. 60, He suggested that the Bri�ge abutt:-f'�ent-s on eaoh s ide of the R-L-,Ts_r be located so as to a uninterrunte,3_ and of v�:nat=r. He sa"d that the c=mittolle a-�)-oo-inted to loch into this matter consis�t`n- of Justices -Soyd L - I - and Leeds, Engineer Foote and himself, had eT'Pam-mnzed the: -oremise__ Ulocr, T-lotion dull_ made and seconded, it RF-S 0 L-T-M D , that "h c re-00rt Of the 0 a 7-1-ri 4 t t e e h E Halstead Avenue Bridge be rECei Ved and th2t the matter be referred to Su'Per?inte-ndent of Highwaayz Coles tiitP the Tecommen-datioil, that Esc and 7ngi nee"- '20tt-_ ohEc'k -a-p the pro-posed changes %-,it:r_ the cc_,un-L,, Y-n-ineel-I's C-7f-L-e and report back -".o this Picardy Sup ErVisOr 73ur-IM reported that, _-oendln.� the issu=.nce 0-f' bonds a certi-ficate of indebtedness J-r the amount of :$4s,70oo needed IF= the cost 0 th I= _VL7a-,_,le Hills im-o f 07 S G n iT o o in- u Y e a n j- -9 e c iD nd E d t a s u p.Pal r^_!- c 2,11 un a n 4'2m.o i). U L LI by an of de_- olf thiw Board made and a d o-p t,e d at a meeting held on July 1 0. -_,929, Bocird was duly aut7n-cr_ized :°.n L=.OrO_e Dant,c A7enue,, Aje.__ju-, Dimit-i Place and By"rron Lane in said Town of ITamiaronec!: wilh a pen-nar-ent co-,-crete -oa,._ement, curbed or- both sides thereof and a concrete si_,deoalk o earl sake o f said streets; and tie 0 0 S 0f su=O',' J'mj):,?,:)ve.msnt and dare expen.ge thereof to be assessed unor, the fronting or abutting' upon the saici portions the--eof, as pro-.'rided by Chapter 54-9 of the Laws of 1226, as amended; a n d, S '01a 7 of Cha-_�ter 542 of the La^'Ts of e�­_ 1:261 as ame-ded, _.Dr07Jdes that after the Tovm Boa re 'n._as ascertained the a-opro7_im_-t-- c-cs-' of- thc prOvelnent -it may borrmw upcn the credit of said To-an by cart--Kate I �,f 1deb L edness a sum, ecual to the total cost t'he-r­cf f L--- a o e r i o d not ezcee,_Jfnz one year; and TIM' E'PakS, this Board has ascertained the appy cost of said i=provement and the Cy'-I'ense thereof to be 'It'nz su—m of appr05:imats-iY and `7HERT-AS, th=- sum of K'350,000­^C has already have r;rcV­- -d nor and raised by the issuance and •s_-le OE PI te�7�orary aert-ificate of _12adebtednesa s 1, ador,-te­1 Oy tri August 21, 19299 Board on 21,E 7F"-MFAS� it. is the de-sire of this Board' that + 6- -be the addi"icnal sum, of $48,00%000 is. sad by a tem-purary certif-ioate of indebtednesta -pending I_ssuaxi3e and sale of '_hondi� and/-3*1, the cc:7 act, on Of assez-sz-­ents Io be _,,rade and le;r' as rrov, A e a'. by- Chap t.,_ 549 o: Las of 1926-3, as al-fle-inded.- naa there:fore, 1t is RFSOL�71)u by this Board that the Superv'lsor be and, hereby is authorized and eM:PoWe�erj to borrow umon the faith and credit of the Ton of. T:-_,ma ran e c'k the 7 additional eu of '048,000.00 fo_r which sum he shall issue ln "he zia,-.ae and under the zeal of said Town a teL,&arary c-e7tfflcate of indebtedness in '�on of the co17eC'jon a,-- 1,he assessF CI+s to by' made and levied aZailnst the lots -_P_-cr.t.,na on Dart= L-no•;-,*r as Upr_, en D 'r I Place and Byi c----. L aa e ILr t h e_ Town of llamamroneck,, TTBe York and/or the iss',;--ice and sa-lie o*F' bonds therefor to -pay tha (-,OSI 0 4 Mj�r07ing �aid s -re as DrO7,--ided by sad Cha-rte„ 594 of the Laws of 1926 as amen.:leo.- and it -Ja further g 7 F-SCT= that shall be SoI5 RTD- not e s s than the -oar value thc-eof, h - - sal' bea i-n- . , ­rESt-at a rate not to exceed 6% 1?er annUM and S,�all Lm-,_U-.,:7e at such time as the SuEel2VISOr Ma-v detc--r--ine -no' e ho�.,,,ever. one ,can th's dat's thereof; an,.. further 7I-SOLVED, that _,ajLU certz"i_,4 i-ate shall be paid __ thz amic'unt _-Ea'"Ieo frc= the assess merit coilscteay. to be made and le--ipd i,� - - re Mar. me by Chapter 549 of the Laws of 122S., as lot fro,= the --proceeds of the sai,�� of bords3 as ti-Ie-case' L'I,a7l be, as 101007-ided by sald 3aw; and it is fur-I^ U _r=1, HTSCIII-TDSher that the Su__QerV_Jsc_r and To-,,,or. C!.1�erk be an' their —by are authorized and er'1`00- .4,n execute DaDerz as I je-ed 'C e''7 :May be tc,, o'_ v., sale Of said certiflc a-tF,, of the ad.option, G- ­i-e -rr-,:�ambl=s and rcsO U,t 0 n z -,.,,-as I)Z:'t to _- 7.70;nom„ -::h i 3 h resU71sd as fojlosTs Ayes: 6 IToea: nonp T 'e - L Una-nim-ol' ly d S:, adn r t,,-- n efv scr Barton rE.)Orted t1nat the addit- s!:,m of CC! i-S quired 16 o -oaY the Oa JaT the cost Of grading -n-_ t-I ng s a 10,13 wea7�P r S+ .e t. and for a aqu-, and. 0 a .2 Ce C,f the necessa2:,y -Orr.,, r- , 0 e L7 t, f �L -,112,3 the Tmrm Lav; an,, Ovil dsd b A c 2 a .3 f req�ufred for th---t _Ou�',)Qse, as 2 _ suggested that tal)s be talcEn 'a provide the zai L 'D Ir, a tG.m­_)oa­ry er i by the issuance and sate - �-i5'icate cf lzmdebt�,cl ✓ _yjasa t sale of Sidewal.1c dfat-nj,_t boaci,� --Oa Ion o-P E he amo-unt to-be raised sin'�e,�-a,lk assessLijarit, s ed by Fhereu,�an the foijo-�,,F,­r f f TaztLice 7-"sseraMith and seconded by JustLes Boyd: 21 5-9, a t a ee ping ng held by this Board on m J-,j-7y IC, 1929, this Board authoriZed the Crad-ing and construction of sidewalllca along 'Veaver Street and the acquisitism Of the necessary property required for that ose as-provided by Art-icie !!-a of the Tc,-,vT- Law; a ,�JLEREAS, this Board has azce:,.-tla`�_I,:ecl, t7o.a ppro iMate coat of said 4 =pr I and the e7_pense 'hE_renf to be the suM Of aPpro-x4matelly t5Z5,C0(,,_.0o the b509000-00 having already been raisred by a te-MI00rarY certifficate of iade-Dtedmess; this Board desl_-es tr, the add t'L c n a-! s tLlm 0 1_5,0 0 0.0 0 b_y t s u a n. and sa!E� of a � e_, i G-CM-0 C r,-_Xy C e r t 4 fj e 0 p­o t UrIeS_S IoErcl' qz h- Ind- walk district e issuance anti Sale of side- L 'bo-Lida and/or the QQj-icct_- sire.,, azsersmet� to - -0-0 0�- be I-Made arc. lIRvj - - 2S Dr07-ided by e CIL _e 11--a Of `L-Ihe Town La�, IT ,ow, -herefore. i-t is R2,30LVEDI '--y t"Inis Boar._ that. Sft]pervis_r Burt 10= and heielby is autho-rized and directed to bOr-f0:V7 upon the faiti-I anc. ored-it of the Tc-jv,- Of Ma-ma-1-oneck t1ae sijz�j of ,ZI�000.0C, for -i7,,hich he sha7l in , I - _L , the na-nie and under the seal of said Tc-,vn a temporary certificate of irdebted- I Ile2s -for a Sum no m 0- t exc,�Cdimz t"ne Sam _F -.-,-h-ich sha'-I interezt- e�, a ra.ze hot to excspd C-15 er ann-air- aMd to c�ture at time as LaE S_i.!;Ervlzcr may determine, _Ot e=cee - and it is f­,:,rth__r - R�?SCLSM­D, that said certificate sli a 11 be _� Li With the P_-_a^+ .n reallizsci fron,. -ne as,,5e-e:.,,j ts L - L, s e n I e Lra d e and e V_J aa; ice? t h m,a-,,:n e-r -0r0- id e'd b y Section 253 Of the Town Lalz and/rOr from he proceeds of side-galk district bonds be' sold as I'Dr ovide d by sa,iz-L and -�- ; I, -z further RTI-30 .�TLDJ, that saif oer+ifi,_ GL e gha.11 lbbe so fo_- not 7esq- than tae -oar va-I uE thereof and the Supervisor and Towl-1 'Lie and hereby are authuxlzea and to sign, eacute and -Lv ��c!4 el- such -pFp , _pers as ma be necessa,��y tc the the sale of --aid The Q_uEsti= of t ado-otior, c, ,,I ne -cregoj L ing rESOLLdt'C;; Wras ?.alit_ to a vote V-7-12 21 ch T e;-:u I t d a s -1 o-U s Yoe S: none The Chair declared the resOlutio-na u1nan-r-10-0-sly adopted. Jr-0:1 n`0 "On the meetuiny adjourned at '_TC,:50 p. IT. U