HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_06_19 Town Board Minutes 223
S p 7.-c 4 1'.7 =T7-1'7G C7 T_F_— j'Cll—]T
TC'.*iT' C__El
Incli d T-un-, .9 th-, 7_9Z 0
The _neetin.g cailed to o2�r_ier by l3ui�cn
at 0 F Y.
Pr-,sent.- S-u.-o s c r 3'uri.on
,Tuati;r,es Boyd, L-eds and
Oer"Inte-nden" c- HisL='ays Coles
I ,im IIET`s:
S- n e e i, mote a.pEa--r_d be-forE tt,- Board and .;nitrcd�.ce;-_'
d "n e 7,0 ,;
ard the question of the
- bri 'cs Or�Rlstead C2 ILma2oiec fo= t'nc bo"gdr-
1'_ne be+'o';een the T c-,-.-nz
and Rye -v;-hioh ET,-erue
as Count-_v 7cad l7 c. oC. is tc be
The SJ-o E S 0 r s-
al 7a-rads �nZ to "ne noi+h of
I - _'y
_LdZE _d
sa* 2,- OU,
s t E S b e F;-1 0 0 e fl, 'C, + "Q o 7,T 6-e--
f I c, -n g _J t s bani-Is and t",,at he dJ,_J rict to ha7C the TC)7-,-n a
-C T)r 0 71-o
ll"�s _olans- f�r the bridge Jf there --las any -Dassiblili-y that th,=_
abattments 'mig'—, be _,es-ponsible t h i Z; fl,o rj 6,ir,Iq-
He s a id
h c vi_J s'n e d th e C ca yj n 4
-I n e e z c u,n.cd E s t a c that. si'n�=
1 a
�1 n-s fo-- the and i ts a':,tt ents had beeyj "re-oa--ed, b--'T
C�17i e e r s of e the To-on wlJzhed 13 -gut' itsel__° �_n
co s 1+1 io.n wla e:�E s t Sage arl d 'ha— -rc,,r,,. -any C'..? ^r
ml S 1
of any na tlure or c.na a c+E r h a s 0 G v e-r -L-n a
L se
+ c: a bi:I fzp a-.�:' ts
abu—n-rts, a-77t�-4r- 7
e -or-
ra— nct- i"r'St_�-nd_-'lg.
he G El-s--nee-s Pro' thE County I's o-r- ce 00+
z_nid "he-,, ullcde-_�strjod 1per-fecttly the o-- n
f3'm a, C, that
8y _"l 0 u"' r- mal-,E ETE-Y cff-rt to see +na- the ],,lans. for "hz
jdEc 'be tlnc cc'-cSe o,
Ccunselc-_, Gazllia��di re--poxted 11-n c'c's-In=-otion
the T-lu ray 1_—prove.-_,ent' that Ln -Of thc ded'o-
atlon to the T-_wn c=_ ,
- ain landE needed for thJz
I - -I _,',c
_ , b-"'r
T0s8-_';h llirerc�aaante of _.Teaver StreE t, t1ha t t'nis ag� - I
�s -nart -_f ag •PC"�l=nt the Z=
-on MQTlon, `uly made ....'nu aeoor.C.ed, it -,,,as unanlmcuslv
T P A G 7,
that "i-le ra-pert of IT-C. Gagliardi be
and the sEmc here-by Is and spread on
ni"nutes' and it is fur the-�-
a Off'r of Ile rc a d
an to
ccnvey lo the To-'
for -purpose,
the ncm_nal cc)-zinsideraticyl Of -',-.e +
tic BaStzrl_) s'de 0- 74.-, ray —7-crue
squa-re feet, bE and
al,'16 it. is
z-.a at t h Board e7:tend to M_r. HE:2'ca`_-r.te
his an-d
anu It
R21150L= that the S-,u-per-,T_jsOr be and he
h=elby is authoriz6d and emporerec to
15'r. dante ar araclant, Sufficient
"i !)Fy the cost oi' e�tend_ing the '
s-Qne v:" T?
along ',`.,ea7er Street and "ne -petty belonging
the CUeS ior
1 01 the ad:-otion of +,'r= fo��eEoin��
--as PUt to -�otrz -..hich
1y Gve
Sa 1r
.�,Er - ter,_',ent Go-es r=_,Dortec_'
.L to -t'?,e Bea--d that he
the extensi-,_�-�j cf t"-e -aistrict-and. sa id tha t,
certain ma-:Ds he necess ::`i -n C 0 T-T-olo-n zmot:.on
_LS Cor.
V -1 t -
i�ia d e and seconded, �L ,-,as uoon, rc':'t
a o us 1-y
=HISCIL17D. that Sur)eri-,_'enden.,' Coles by a lid r-,n
Is Va"norized and direc-ted to engage
an 7-n's-inESi- to make Such -LaPs as he SuDe z in,
endent feel", necessaz,;- f rh
�s 2-rn ccnnectio�:
,-LIE a:o-oosed -_tensi on Cf t"ne sildewal1c distric ws
U100T1 Motion the Lneetom= a7djoufned at 5 -P,
T C C e rt_
ter. Gagliardi reported in the matter of the
acquisition of land necessary in connection with the iMPr07el-ent
Of Hurray Avenue, and stated that llr. Mercadante, or, behalf of
Yaple Gardens, Inc., of which he is President, uhas ex-pressed his
willingness to cOnlreir to the Town Of ILamaroneck for the nominal
concession of $1.00 the two parcels of land situated on the
easterly side Of Hurray Ave,Lze and its intersection with the
northerly and southerly sides of Homer Avenue, containing an
area of 1156.80 square feet. Mr. Gagliardi added that Mr.
Vercadante bad decided to relocate his driveway from -,'veaver Street
to Dante Street; that relocation would necessitate the
extension of the wall along H-z,. Yercadant.Ols property On Weaver
Street so as to close UP the driveway, and requested that the
Supervisor be authorized to allow LLf-. Idercadante the cost of
extending the wa!! in question so as to conform with the present
wall. Kr. Gagliardi estimat4d the cost of extending said wall to
be the sum of a];pro.�:imately $50-00, making in all sa49.co ( sum of
$799.00 having hereto ore been allowed in connection with the
VVeaver Street Sidewalk Improvement).