HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_07_03 Town Board Minutes .21 2'7.
15-07 --ITC T TOWY BC---
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a Met'l-0-1 recen-,�ly acO-1--ed us, on
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the e a T----z'�:ahce Constx-actJ on cc. y Inc.
S Or Of C OZ+5 0 f 7a r-"OUS t-,,-%E S should be nn-rcde u-.:,,Cn the
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C 8-3 to use as-cl-al,
c cncre+�F '..ear irg Surfa:,e for the ful I e-n q t"in
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S a.r-1-v-i s e a t C-1- 0 1_3 th rl�C--3 o S i-t cf "4S,000.
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a-z the lo-w-ntz share -if: -has �,v=a
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as c ca-n est"am-e e act--;al c sts of this i-2:niDro';e-
Y-ent c- -,,,,e
7 1`ha tl co-+4 -
Ve�:y tn:,ly Yours,
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"essm -o
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tlal's Dca2d cf: t0,"
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u--cOn recc.=7-f�J'ation c
Coles; 11-his Board or an asph-.It c
Concreze Y,.-ear1n- Surfaom- for ifurray
U OTII I 1_"_0-I 4 on,. -'-ul Tiade an,-5 SstCjd_e,i. I � --.,=5 U:^n T
cai l. unammoasT-,:-
this 3ca--c', rsccmierd t'c.,E a c e j:ta r c 5
f "'n'- bid for -fo-- Ilur--.-a y
pr0VCz_-=t 2s 5 ubmi t.t cf- LJ Ya e 0n &
Rose-, inc, iY hs ..moue t- Of "I`Z5,720.r0O, and, 'ha-
SLllc=-�Tisor be Paut'rorized aiid dir=-cted to -,�Cav
-0 2:
c-- T easur--r the Town I$ thiz
to -,.__a ^^ Oc C,a 0 C,
U13on dea', it wa�
whiz 3cta -d alit,-:7c'_17 tl
�z ce n.--,T,-
` M, ba needed at i-ritertsect 'ons,
U-,cc -,.,oticn dial— n-ad e and seconded, it -.vas a-,.,cn -- -;7
the Supe�-,F" zor a,,
-Id Secia' Cc�;--ns--Icr
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r7__G_ di--ect-ld t c
c 7c t a Ln ae SE--,-Vlce� Df -L.,!-:--ec- s'-ce-f- 4 a_._--
S to
eSti-nmts the da--ziages --nd inde.ilnificcatlic=- s a--,L
from "he a 1�41-r.g s 4--n. c cn-n e t,ii c i:'-`''1't 1 tll:
Hr. H. T� z,
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a-gpea--E!d im, --p-=Son an" e d the Boa to male arr*--7n-,em--r tz-:
assist--noe in.: connct-il on ,-:.'Lth the aD.31rc7al of �Ihc 37
�Qr the a�d`�-` ,-n -h� AvenUF SCII-001 t-C 0 111 M 0-U-I C a,u qt
a-.,,id seco'nU ec,- .
v,'as u-30-rl .i6-'i_ cal I
7LT S C i7 D B-aild-L-a-z' 2 c:7:i n Jil s s I c n 0 3.:-...
17-r-mby _S a lh C,r i=e d an d I-re-cted to -ay a
e cl i e nrl -3 al z r t C. On= c t.s c i S S I r)n,c 12 2
in cl-eol,Irg the f or
t C,
Er. ZT a-,- s c
y of 671 Po R �adl,
a do r 2 s s 7-d 'tic B c a rd In c o nr r--c i cn In ti,c gays Or f e-a o_I Ics, anIJ
a S CI
ussion ,-as 11_Dcn and secc-nded.
RT lan a n il'-, S 7
S 2 1-71,771-D t t r o m r c ----e s c ne b 3 all I o ed o S e:7
r rl�:s i-Li th F T o-,,-n t h a-n I-I a v e a 7 r e a d 3 r r e e 1
-Sslorl so +-3 do and -1--.2t th' sa-te
Y - i h
C' r S�n s 1)e p e=i t emu..- ora z im c men 0 r"n
ry.Lass. o-- 7-i=--U on s ti�a- tha t a t- �-a ry c e--t i- -a t I-
I r d e r,, e L-iz s s n�- a,rc,"=nt- c�f COO.0 Q a-,.thc,r ilea' by --re s lvt ions
CC S c a ra' a ____e till E; h e ld, c,.,: u,�,u s 29 ,S -;Day
n +
of the c o St of imjorol,'ing Danz.�- PI
-Lane cc:,i-dano-s 1,-;J t1i tae 54c. of the
f I��2 6 s -a e,�l b e o arn e add a 1,CL 7 a7r,7 a h e _'r...-t-
of Larc-m-Dn" t`ode.-,; t'-a L' the m�Dr�v,�r:ient �las no e t, LEE..
30 d Y:o e t E r,-ii r, ed
OTv_ coat le- c o'- b e d
for +"-e ?U'r-_C nSE _i I e- -a s se s S--il e n --nia� i s Z u I'l nz a
d sel"L."
and t h a t ii t
rie non--is I-or t �a U-r�- ala 3-1 t i On OT __J_._-- a---s e s a e n 41
ou 'b c n.e c e s sa-��Y tc. t--',:e a-ppf 0_.rl,iate st-�- "0 t0 th Ala d "71'at a -n l-
c E r i f i c -01 e m a y Lc a ci.th Di.i Z ,d in the _lace sf the one �- atl is due
j'`,on the fo' offer-ed b7.-, J'u S t c
Sec" -Tust-�,,e .it.
RFSCLVED, that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized and empowered to
borrow upon the faith and credit of the
Town of ILrimaroneck the sum of $50,000.00
for which he shall issue in the name and
under the seal of said Town a temporary
certificate of indebtedness in anticipation
of the collection of the assessment to be
made and levied against the lots or plots
frOnting on Dante Avenue, formerly known as
Dimitri Avenue, Dimitri Place and Byron Lame
in the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, to pay
the cost of improving the said sheets as
provided by Chapter 549 of the Lams. of 1926,
as amended, pursuant to an order made and
adopted by this Board at a meeting held
July 10, 19,29, the proceeds of which cert-
ificate shall be used or shall be applied in
payment of temporary certificate of indebted-
ness No. 6 in the amount c-f 850,000.00 which
was due and payable at the Trust Company of
Larchmont on j-uly 1, 1930,• and it is further
RE-SOLVEI'D, that said certificate shall be sold
for not less than the par value thereof, to
beau interest at a rate not to exceed 6/%' per
annum and shall mature at such time as the
Supervisor may determine, not exceeding, how-
evert one year from the date thereof; and it
is further
RRE-SOLYM, that said certificate shah be paid
with the amount realized from the assessment when
collected, to be made and levied in the manner as
provided by Chapter 549 of the Lays of 1926, as
amended, and/or from the proceeds of the sale of
highway bonds, as the case riay be,. as provided by
said Law; and it is further
RESOLVED, THAT the Supervisor and the Town Clerk
be and they hereby are authorized and em-powered
to sign, execute and deliver such papers as may be
necessary to effect the sale of said certificate.
The questicn of the adoption of the foregoing resol
eras put to a. tote which resulted as follows:
Ayes: 7
Noes: none
The chair declared the resolutions unanimously adopted.
The Supervisor requested authorization? for a renevral o'
a certificate of indebtedness in antici ati s �_ `r
p on of the coi ection of
the State-, County, Town and District taxes in the amount of
$33,-886.54, explaining why this was necessary at this time.
Upon moti
gall unanimously on duly made and seconded, it was ;upon roll
&SOiLVE D, Z1s�R1AS, Supervisor Burton reported
that by resolution of this Board adopted at. a
Meeting held on December 18, 1929, he vices duly
authorized to issue and sell a temporary cert-
ificate of indebtedness in the amount of $58,085.80
in anticipation of the collection of State, County,
Town and District taxes which became a lien. on
April lst, 1929, and that pursuant to said resol-
ution he did issue and sell a temporary certificate
Of indebtedness in the amount of $58,085.80 to Trust
Company of Larchmont; said certificate bearing date
the 19th day of December, 1929: and being certific
No. 8 of said year,. and
rlFOEPRFAS, this Board has -received from the
Receiver of Taxes of this Town a statement under
the provisions of Section 28 of the ' estchestar
County Tax Act from which it appears that on
June 1, 1930 the sum of $332,886.54 in State.
County, Town and Districts taxes which sere_
levied and became 'a lien on April 1, 1929
were still outstanding and unpaid; and
WHERTAS, the Supervisor has requested that
at,propriate steps be taken by the Town Board
to authorize the issuance and sale of a temporary
certificate of indebtedness for an amount not
exceeding the uncollected amount of State, County,
Town and Districts taxes of 1929, viz, the surf of
$33,886®54 and being the amount reported by said
Receiver of Taxes as being Uncollected and out-
. standing on June 1, 1930, as aforesaid; and
VITP-•"AS, this Board desires to comply with the
reouest of the supervisor and authorize the issuance
and sale of a temporary certificate of indebtedness
for the said sum of $33,886.54 t=o the end that the
amount of taxes of 1929 already collected and the
proceeds to be received from said certificate may
be issued and applied in payment of said Certific-
ate No, 8 of December 19, 1:929 for $58,085..80; now
therefore it is
Ry'SOLVL'D, that pursuant to the _pro visions of the
Westchester County Tax Act being Chapter 105 of
the Lamar of 1906 as amended, the Supervisor be and
hereby is authorized and empowered to borrow upon
the faith and credit of the Town of Mamaroneck the
said sum of $33,886®54 for which sum he shall issue in
the :'carne and under the seal of said Town against
uncollected State, County, Town and District taxes
levied on April 1, 1929, a temporary certificate of
indebtedness for the said sum of $33,885.54; that
said certificate shall bear interest at a rate .of
not more than 6% per annum and shall be made payabla
at such time as the Supervisor may deter Lnir e, but not
later than July 1, 1931 and shall be signed by the
Supervisor and attested and sealed by the Town Clerk$
and i- is further
RPSOLVlD, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized and empowered to dispose of said temporary
certificate of indebtedness for not less than the par
value thereof; and it is further
MOLVDD, that the Supervisor and Torn Clerk be and
they hereby are authorized and empowered to sign and
execute such rapers as may be necessary and proper to
effect the sale of said certificate,
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions
'vas put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Ayes: 6
Noea: none
Upon motion the meeting adjourned..
Town Clerk `� '