HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_07_02 Town Board Minutes 237 T 1NG OF THTP. JOINT TgWiX BOARD TO-WTT OF MATILkROITECK, N. Y. held July 2nd, 1930. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton 9:10 P. LT. PRESENT: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins, Leeds and Kesseramith Superintendent of Highways Coles Town Clerk Marvin The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble. The minutes of the meetings of June 18th, 19th and July Ist were read by the Clark and approved as amended. A commuLnication from Emil Zvirin, Larchmon't., in regard to street lighting in the Mlaple Hill Development was referred to Superintendent Coles. A c.ommunioatioa from Howard P. Barnes, Deputy County Engineer, in regard to approval of plans for the improvement of Halstead Avenue known as County Road No. 80, was referred to Superintendent Coles and Supervisor Burton. A communication from Philip Newton, Ti. D. of Iarahmont, in regard to a dead tree, was referred to Superintendent Does. A claim submitted by A. T. Foote Engineering Corporation for "engineering services rendered in connection with making a study of development Of Pstigor property between the Boston Post Road. and Palmer Avenue in the al1r.oun;- of $300-0011 was upon roll call unanimously approved and ordered -paid. A letter from the Board Of Sewer Commissioners of Se,,xer District %LO. I was on motion by the Cleric seconded by Justice Leeds ordered spread -Q the minutes because of the grat- ifying promptness displayed an the matter in question, The letter foll-owa: Board of Sewer Commissioners Sewer District ITc. I - Town of Uamaroreck Offices F-dgewood Road 2'. 0. Address: Larchmont, X. Y. Larchmont, IT. Y. Tune 24, 1930 Mr. Walter R. Uarvin, Jr., Town Clerk Town of Hamar one ck TUIP-maronealf, ff. Y. Dear Yr. Ya rV4r: 'We acknowledge vith thanks your letter of .pure 23rd advising us of complaints from residents along Valley Road. Disinfectant Was applied liberally Yesterday, in fact not long after your To-j,rn- Board meeting, and steps are being taken to have the houses along Sp:--ruce Road connected to the sewer without further delay. Very truly yours BOARD OF SFWER GOjWjSS-.0-r7 BY R. H. Stevens, Chairman 2'9 Superintendent doles reported in regard to the storm water drain situation in Howell P4rk. He said there was need of constructing the drain at the earliest possible moment as laid down in the Plans prepared by Engineer Foote. After discussion it was upon motion by justice Leeds seconded by justice Boyd upon roll call unanimously RESOLM, that the questiGn of the drain in Howell. Park be referred to Superintendent Coles who is hereby authorized to proceed vjith Vne construction Of Sections is 2 and 3 when and as funds are available for the SU3erv-I'L sO!' Burton sugEested that the regular order 0+, u Gusiness be suspended in order to hear l'those present who wished to address the Board, and upon motion. b jua by Justice measersmith, y L.tia e Cciline seconded it Was so resolved. Frank R. Richelson Of :Boulder Road appeared on behalf o-F, his Wile, Bertha E. Richeizon, owner of 10, iont, concerning an alleged encroachment —2 0 the Woods of Larchm and 6, block 3.2 affecting lot yo. ca. After discussion the matter was referred to Counsel. Justice Vlessersmith urged upon the Board the necessity for a guard in front Of a lighting, Dole at No. 2 N. Chatsworth Ave •ue,. Larchmont. HE said that cars backing in to Park frequently struck the Pole and broke the globe. ZJessersriitr After a lengt-by discussion it was upon motion by Justice seconded'-by Justice Leeds TCHSOLWD,-that the ratter- cif a guard for a light- ing Pole at NO. 2 IT. Cha+,-,9vorth Avenue, Larchnon-, be referred to Superintendent Coles v-4 .Ith poTer. Supervisor Buxton brought up the question of land takings LI along Rockland Avenue at Avon Road, Stoneyside Drive and Dundee -Road in connection with the Proposed improvements Of that Avenue. After discussions seconded by it was Upon notion by Justice the Clarki unanimously Co'Llins R?-S0LTVTD* that this matter be referred to Superintendent Coles and Supervisor Burton for further investigation and report back to this Board. The Clerk said be had beer, requested by Prank F. Lyonw of I-archmont to eypedite the matter Of installing a Water main in R 0 0 d Place. After discussio ,, seconded by the Tdiscussion.,.,, it was- upon motion by justice Leed-,,, P -1 u--On roll call. unanimously BE-SOLVEED, 7MMXAS, this Board requests the install- ation Of 300 feet o-- 6 inch Pipe on HillwOO(i Place, beginning at the intersection Of Rock'and Avenue at an estimated cost Of $1,26,6.73, according to the estimate supplied, by Westchester Joint Wat No. is therefore be it ter Plonks No,SOLM that the Westchester Joint Water Works, . 1, be" and it hereby is authorized and directed to install for the Town Of Ma-Maroneck said main and to charge the Town Of Mamaroneck t:ae actual cost thereof as ascerta Trustees 3-12(ad- and approved by th-4 Board Of of saia �'V'estchester joint Plater W this I ork authoa�'z---tiGn to be subjec,, to _'I No. S up r.L the app-poval Of e Jnterdent Coles and Cou'se n ',Or Gamble, LTI)On motion the Meeting adjourned a",- 10:50