HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_07_16 Town Board Minutes 241 OF THE JOINT TMUM BO!Mnl TOV-.1-Y OF YAKAROIT-ITCK,N. Y. held july 16th, 1930. The meeting %,.7as called to order by Supervisor Burton au 2.-05 P. if, Present; Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Leeds and Xesseismith S7,1P erir ter- - dent of Highways Coles Town Cler-k •LTarvin The presence of Counselor Gamble was also noted. The minutes of the meeting of July 2nd were read and approved as amended. A communication ;;az received from Howard P. Barnes, Deputy County Engineer, informing the Board thata refund had been authorized by the County to the Town of Mamaroneck of $30,00().100 from the aurropriation Of $14a,000-00 deposited by the Tovm of the imPruvGn-ent of County Road No. 74 (Murray Avenue). The letter was ordered received, Placed on file and at the request of the Supervisor the f011OvYinSf resolution Was moved by Justice Lesser- amith and seconded by Justice Leeds and upon roll call unanimously RE-SOLVE-D, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to issue a claim 'of 430,000.00 against the County Of 'v-vestchester for the refund of that amount from the approp- riation of i�148,000.00 de-posited by the Tov,-n of MamaronecIt for the improvement of County Road Yo. The following letter was. read by the Clerk: Tuly 7th, 1930 Town Board Town of Mamaroneck, !q. Y. Gentlemen.— 7e want, to thank the Highway Department and the Town Board for the excellent road which was recently put through adjoining our property on Orchard Road. Very tru2,v yolirs -Teat & Henry- B. Thompson 81 Garden Road, Larchmont Gardens. The letter was ordered received, placed on file and the Clerk was directed to extend the thanks of the Board to Mr. and lire. Tho--pson. A bill v;as received from Price, Miller and Schiller, Larclbmont Realtors, in the amount of $100-00 for maktg appraisal of the property Of Mrs. Alfred H. Stevens, Wu-"ray Avenue. ' The J- I claJM was Ordered received and placed on file. A copy Of a letter from Mr. F. U. Gagliardi, speciaT Counsel for the Town o-P Yamaronc-ci<: in relation th the Murray� Avenue improvement,.,, addressed to Charles HG Baxter, Tr., in regard to the Daggett property Or, IL'urray Avenue, was received from Mr. Gagliardi and read to the Board. 243 After discussion the letter was ordered received and placed on file and Supervisor directed to name a committee to go into the matter. He thereupon named to this committee Town Clerk. yarvin, Superintendent Coles and himself. Supervisor Burton reported that the question, of taking a certain part of the Daggett property was still unsettled and requested that the matter be referred to him and the Superinterdeit of Highways Goles and it was so resolved. The matter of extending the water main on Murray Avenue from Eigewood Avenue to 1lyrtle Averue across the Parkway Bridge was brought up by the Lupervisor who requested authorization for the necessary installation. Upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by the Olerk, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, h?IAS this Board requests the installation of about 500 feet of :rater =in on hurray Avenue from Myrtle Avenue north to Edgewooel Roads across the Parkway Bridge, to fill in the present uncompleted section, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the V�estchester Joint dater Works, No. 1, be and the same hereby is authorized and directed to instal! for the Town of Mamaroneck said main and to charge the Town, of Mamaroneck the actual cost thexe �f as ascertained and approved by the Board of Zrustees of the [`Jestc-nester Joint Mater Works, No. 1. In vieTT of the approaching commencement of the improvement of the :Boston Post Road the Board felt that a 14 inch water main ultimately to serve Dillon Park should be laid along the Boston Post Road before the improvement is begun. Upon motion by Justice Leeds seconded by Justice 1jesser® smith, it was upon roll call unanimously SOLVED, V1HTRFAS this Board requests the installation of 14 inch hater main along and across the Boston Post,Road to serve the Dillon Park Section, with the vier to, having said main laid before the Boston Post Rcxa d is improved, nod, therefore, be-it i RESOLVED, that the -�Jestchester Joint. Water Works, No. 1, be and it hereby is authorized and directed to submit an estimate to the Mamaroneck Town Board of the cost of said installation and to install for the Torn of Mamaroneck the actual cost thereof as ascert- ained and approved by the Board of Trustees of the l°nestchester Joint Water 'docks, No. 1.. Superintendent Coles raised the question of replacing the two inch grater main ors Stoneyside Drive with a six inch water main. After discussion the matter was referred to him.. Sum ntendent Coles reported on a number of other natters as owst (a) He said he had conferred with Dr. Phillip- Fewtors in regard to a dead tree ors East Drive, Rouken Glen and Dr. Newton said he vouM take care of it. fib; He said that in regard to the takings of the Corwin prapertY on. TYurray Avenue that the matter had not yet been settled. This question was referred Tty the Board to Superintendent Coles and Supervisor Burton. (a) He reported trot a few pieces of retaining rialis were yet to be constructed on Forest Avenue in convection with the improvement of that Avenue. After discussion it was upon motion duly made by Tustice 316saersmith, seconded by Just-ice Boyd upon roll call unanimously. RESOLVED, that the matter of constructing the necessary retaining walls: along Forest Avenue be referred to Superintendent Coles with power. lir_ William Lawson of Larchmont Ridge appeared in Person and addressed. the Board in regard to the Proposed extension of water main from the intersection of 11ohegan Road and Avo3m Road along MoheLkar_ Road to Fenimore Road, a distance of about goo feet,, He said that the sewer main -v-,ras at present being constructed and that it would save about 75%. OIL the cost of laying the water main if the water main Were Placed in the sewer tTench'at this time. He agreed 6 to guarantee' 8/6,"' return On the cost of installing the water mat,.. Superintendent Gales asked him what he proposed to do in regard to storm water cbminsa�ad Mr. Larson replied that he would do anything IfEr. Coles desired in this connection. After discussion it Was upon motion by Justice Boyd seconded by Justice Leeds, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Westchester Joint Water Vrorks, 3-0. It be and it hereby is authorized and directed to subitit to the Town Board of the Town of ]jamaron_ eck, an estimate Of the cost of instaijing about 900 feet Of 8 inch water main from he L intersection of Avon Road and Mohegan Road in Larchmont Ridge along IJohetan Road to Fenimore Road,, said main to be placed in sewer trench ench before sewer trench is back-fiijed; and it was further 1TSC'-rV3D, that this estimate be referred to SU-Der- intendent Coles wher, it is received. Su I had suggested Burton reported that the Larcl-mont Sports d to him the Dassibtity of a 1._: 'k ts Club though the- �9111t-of­--;�,ray from Rackliand though, the Board 2-r Property to Larchmont Gardens and s aid he ought to Zook into the matter. The matter was voted referred to a committee to be appointed by the supervisor who thereupn aPPO' ed Justice Leeds� rsmth LF-essei and himsoelf. nt Superintendent doles addressed H. J. Brewer, Chairman of the Building the Board informal Commission filed by John F. Bowman intended for his property application southwest corner Of Murray and Fares,,- - located at the the Clerk for the purpose of obtaining AvEnues. He z;aa referred to property 9rePared i a copy of a map of said P -A_venue improvement. n connection -uith land takings for the Forest, UPOrl motion the meeting adjOurved at Io..IC P. IL Town Clerk