HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_11_12 Town Board Minutes (3) 99 701-T' t7 q CK bra held YDvey2be-l- 121th, 1029 The i-_qeetin. vias called to order b-,,T SIx_QerV_J ocr Burto• a", IT> Present, Sunc_ sor BI:,-,tcr F-o-,.-.,,ell and Lee-Is Suy,8­irtedent of Highways Coles i� - To-nn Clc_k Sherman Upon ,ac ticn, duly seconded, i t ,,as voted to dim-oeylse 7,v4-tI, L -1 -- - _133 Of the rM."11-11-ee cf meeting n o t. 7',e t rE a d-'I s a Dro cr'. The Board tocl- up- foi, consideration ee ag- ­-F mcn t, for LIIA - the expenditure o-- HJ_II,7h-.,-;P_y TROnE-1,7s for the yee:�� 1929, �-,hich ,vas P t e d' b-Y S UIP 6 d ✓ e n,+ c. H h-4,,,a y s C o 1 e s The agree-_,nent ,,aa read and after due considerat ion. the following resolution -,.ve_2 presented: 77SOLV7K). that the agreement for the ez_Dend- 4Lu_re of HighvL,ay moneys for the year 1929, as presented and read, be and the sane hereby is a-o-,groved by this Board; and it is further R77SOL71M). that P_ copy of said agreement be filed -,-iith the Clerk of this Board, and the '_Ir-_rk is in-structed. to Fcr'vard co-=ies of the same to the County Su.De-r-interdent. T'ne question being taken upon the adlcp-ion of the fore- going !-=solution, t'-_e same -vaz upon rcI2 cal' , unanlrlous� adc-pted.. Ecard '1h.cn rrcoeeded to execute the agreement as The Eoard then took u-0 for cmside2ation the reso!ution adc-0ted by this :3oa-_,.d or, October 24th, last, referring the matters of +'-= Improve-ment of 11F.- _p-,e Hills, Hyrtle venue F C r es AvEnue< ,_TUr mue n r Str - �, 71 1 ray Avr a 77 e-a v c to Counse-, or Gamb 1 e. 7'-m SUOerViSo_ E 'ated that 74d no- th,! k i -.7a s t oro-�)er subst4 4 ute !'o,=se' -,.vhen +,he afozemen'lioned -projed-psvere more tl­,an com, �Dieted, in -,,-.,hic`,D stateyacnt justice !�Ced_s concurxed. The Cl-_rI7 again stated. his objections to the method of e M�_,I c n_o, S�,-.ecial Cc.unscl, at -.rihic'a he called the Bcardls o a u tert­ .- .--o tlae e:=essive amo ,nt of fees that being cut r c-r, the ermpIoynae-nt of S-oEcJal Counsel, and state,4, L as las ojp2mion that if the legal ,vork. of the To-,v-a was confined to the Coi_rnseL a-c-poInzed. by the To*,,:n 3oard, the disbursements for said legal v.,or!,c 05 is be�ng expended at the i' less than v,,hat I oul d e be at last -=-sent ­me. e fu_rther stated. that in his o-,D inlon the -fe T- S 7 a.-- said S.,,c-cia Gou-se= foz, the yea-- 192-2, -,70uld S_­,cEed the 2 0- .C GO v C.0,, re as 'ha d the Dr-l_ be en be rforme d by the d-u.I a,)I.,oJ_ntcd Ccu-nsel, tIne s-ai2-.-_ could. --probably Taa7e bee� done at an ex u.L " e-n tui re of After a full discussion of t.11c sa-bJect matter, it apo-n =notlon, of justice Leeds, 5ecorided 'by justice HFS01117D, -LIL-at the ac—lion of this Board dated Ccto'D.F_r lath.' in refe-rrinf, all 1 e S- 1 1v 0 to Counsellor G@ rfb I e be 3.-.,1 d e s a ss e c n d e d y a n.a it -.Vas fu=thm-_- 71-7--S C17,77D that S-o-e 0 ia i vO1iPSei Ga il_-"a-n-I i be an,-' he hEreby' -is autnorized, and e.a_p-.7,7ered t 0 e 0 07L - - - - ql . -1 P_ t�3 all c-,- the irSal lr 1 orl-c co=enoed by h L,m- The qf_UeSt'. o'YI cf the adoption of the fore-,-oi= rcsolutir,'.-I DLIt to a vote am' the Sa-e upor roil all adopted, the -voting no u-ocn the resoli,,Aion and stlati­.� hJ s 115 f �-O Vot_'Lrgd S--pecial Counsellor --ported that it 'oe ne c e 6 . sa ry to ccndjc`I- a 'n�_arl-ng upon the costs of 1,-Ie yj nade j T,ai?! s Fills- LT -tlrz a'nd IvTad-1son A.venues. anC u-,,D or in o M, it was FESOL-77)7 that this Board co-jaduct a hmar,,ijE L Yo-,ember 27tj,�, 1929, at 2 ololocll: 2� If_ far - .he o-f In E a r ^_- and iiii,ng objectiicnE t7 t=e aio-Dr.—ti c-nment and -oro_aosed aSSeSS-f ,je,a'S jr 4 ni- the arnoun' -hereof in c)n T the i-m-o r o-,j-e-fi E n f U a-0 1 e, 1 H i I s ony.-Le c and Hly r t I s .end. I Ila d'—s a n A-,Te-_­uE s and that the noL.ce of Said- hearing be publisloed tzri-ce i'M the Larclmaont 'T i2ncs� Th-_ question of the aao-otior of the foregoing re olution o a Vote an d upon _011 c al,I the Same �-,ra s a d-o io tee the Clerk voting no u-oon its ado7orion. S­oecial Ccunse Ino r Gag'- -Jrss sented the ­,-Ia tter ---f the 4 - i tening Of Fores- Avenue and 1-urray iVenue, and den-inEr and straigh the f--*,-?st cresented thot o-' Tohn 3o-c.,man a,.,i,-' ',J'ife, as' lc ferre d 10 C, the SU-:0c r7 1 S Orq Saperintendent of z _srd S-.'ec_`­al -'-ii 'h r to act therein, the Cles_-I� vc-Ling no on "'lie adoption of t?.e resolution. S-Pecia1 Coulnselio_- Gagliard-i- then reco=.ended t1ne -rjurcc nase of a DiEce of -�roioerty '-for.,a tTi, RayLqor nd Y- -Ltch _Il, consilicti-ng of fee' a- an ex.,end-iture of L_-�25._00; the yarcnase frm,i Har-r-Jett 2ishton of !12,34 feet at I sC 0 -0E r fO 0 TI; t12 e 1DU.CnESe irCCn1 Fr a-,IIC T,® z of 143,63 fact a" a t 0 ta 1 bum c f x',125.0)0. U-p o r m a-t on, d.u i,v seconded, i t a-T S CL I=1 t in a t "he 2'o 11 1 n£7, �)u r c ha s e s b e ma,de for the of Forest �veue e; H. 11a Ym c n a' I_'i t c'Li e I I, %4.75 e c-v, 425e00 Harriett Ashtor, 412.34 feet at `1.00 -oCr fle. 7T_pjj]f 7-. 17 fee,, _'orj_L Th-c qqi:estion of the ,-2Loj0t-' o-_,I of the forogoin- r- 1 i n L I = - m -so ut_o o--It -o a voZe and u--,n =^,l1 - - a-.-: :ra s a,f o-p-�e d L c rk 7 +4-a-�- 110 u-�p or ­ t,-e ado-oticn z)_-F the resolut' j.,3 n fter t7, E reso-l-,)-ion had adopted, the Cl_­__ st-.7-- th4a t ina sm-a ch as _' 3 oa r i! Im s n c*.-., e_-._o z�d e al the money f 0 4L n J ng of Forest. 11-- he 0,,7- - '! i nf o-rnna_t 4-_n as t C I-I Jw t'-.e _'-.c-ney vas g,o-4 nZ be ra s C d a' d out f k t fund s -L"-e s af-i e zas going to be 57C al Cc-a-asellor Gag'_, J_ardi tIrIE mone y o n, c b e r a I sad u, endeqt 0- aeon ai- oral_ of tae Sub Int. H, Sec` c i if t h c 1 E' h- c .0 r a's-_r v,r a F to _be 103 The CleT], then asl-ccd the onestion "=_-er d tIe e--ocidit-u-fe of the -�'Urds O. -_ a,;-+e::; shoula ce f4 4- r +0 n'r IL .",a s z I C c S s S a y tc this c .pen ulturE und- Se c t io-n 8_1 of -.'.Iic La7,-,,,, ,lihen the Origz" inal ap­o-priation o:: thz im.-pi-avement of said street -,,,as authorized unde-2 a."I entirely cliffe-cent- section of the Lan, and he further ,Mated that he couIdnit see the _-eas:.jn for a-uaili-n I e S I . ou r s E T t o se-oarazle eections of the La,,,.,, and for that r=ason votinv -Iio liJC the yro-posit-Lcn. the 'Su-oarvisor then stated that the ClerR_- -ust- eome "_reason for voting no a^cn the -,ro-positions and t1 a C t 4.L 0 1,1 C)n t In e ,D a t4 b o n s e ---e c n i cl t'r a t s s c a C o un s e 11 o r Gagliardi Ice directed to -Qreserit, tb,-se matters in --gular for.-. Sp ecial Counsellor Gaglia_rdL that hae nEgot-iatei :iith the follo-:zing -.p�c-le in co-nnection the for th_= _WeaVcr Street S-ide,,valks. Carol' Holdirg Co. 'Csoldman ro C, or i L U,:--)n L-i c)t i o n, duly seconded, _t .v_a 77'301!�77D. tha"u- t­= fo" o,,T,,`nz -eco-minc-nd-tion or fn-� .!ea mr St-rect Side­lrall{ or�la 4 C-ironda 40C.00 _-0 C"o-r 359.-95 b e --nd the same '.-.creby are a-o--ro,�rs'd and the Su,--.a-­7i=or is autho--ze,�- and r -%uin c to _)a,,T out t1he aforc=. tionea s=s r ar,d c a - �E --e�C., e c -pro-p r a`p: ro7a' az 7- a e `he mea-ting adjourned at 12:20 P. I.T.