HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_08_09 Town Board Minutes 5 XTETING OF T17-P JOITTT TOWN BOARD TOWN OF ''^aa,ROL7T C'1�, DT. y. held August 9th, 1930. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 12:15 P. Yi. Diresent: Supervisor Burton Justices Collins, Leeds and Kessersmith. Deputy Town Clerk Evelyn G. Jacobs Upon motion duly seconded it VMS voted to dispense with the reading of the minutes of meetings no/t yet approved. The follovvving letter was received from the Board of Supervisors, Westchester County: August 6th, 1930 7 ir.. Walter R. Marvin Town Clerk of Mamaroneck Larchmont, N. y. In re:- County Road #95 Dear Sir:- You are advised that the Board of Supervisors at a - meeting held the 4th instant, adopted the following resolution: "RESOLVED, that the Clerk of this Board notify the municipalities below that the respective estimated shares toward the cost of this improvement are as follows: Village of Scarsdale -------------$260,000. Tovm of Mamaroneck --------------- 103,000. Village of Mamaroneck ------------ 47,000. and that. it will be necessary for the money representing the respective shares of the above municipalities to be deposited with the County Treasurer, and the necessary additional land acquired, before contract for the improve- ment can be awarded." Yours very truly (signed) Fred L. Merritt Clerk, Board of Supervisors After discussion, it was upon motion by Justice Collins, seconded by Justice Messersmith, upon roll call unanimously PFSOLVT'D, that the above letter be received, placed on file and the Clerk requested to `rite the County Engineer and have him submit a set of plans for the proposed improvement, to this Board. 2 15 A copy of a communication to Petrillo and Bianchi from F. 0. Parsons of 267 Forest Avenue regarding damage done tc walls of his house occasioned by blasting was received, and placed on file. After discussion, it was upon motion by Justice Leeds seconded by Justice Collins, upon roil call unanimously PESOZSIE-D, that the letter from F. 0.. Parsons- to Petrillo and Bianchi be referred to Super- intendent of Highways Coles and Counsel and that the Clerk notify Mr. Parsons of this action. Specifications for grading and paving, curbing and sidewalks on Villa Lane and Campbell Lane as revised by Super- intendent of Highways, July 29th, 1930, were received from Mr. Campbell. After discussion these were referred to the Superint- endent of Highways with Bower. Mr. Lee Rehill appeared before the Board regarding the extension of water main on Rockingstor�e Avenue from Forest Avenue north to the end of the street. After discussion, it Isas upon motion duly made by Justice Gollins, seconded by Justice Hessersmith, upon troll call unanimously in ^ h Board stalllaation of 600feeof6rinchvaterhmain on Rockingstone Avenue from Forest Avenue north to the end of the street, together with one hydrant along said extension., therefore be it RE-SOLVED, that the Westchester Joint Tater ilorks, ITo. 1, be and it hereby is authorized and directed to install for the Town of Mamaroneck said main. and hydrant, provided however,, that all requirements and conditions as specified by Counselor Gamble and Superintendent Coles are complied with, and to charge the Town of Mamaroneck the actual cost therecf as ascerta;ir_ed and approved by the Board of Trustees of said u'1Testcheeter Joint Water llorks, No. 1. Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 1:10 P. M. i II D pt 6verk u Cl I I l I