HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_12_03 Town Board Minutes BESTING OF T=, 10I11T TOWN BOARD
held December 3rd= 1930
t�. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton '..
at 9 .0 w Y.
Present: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Collins and Leeds;
Superintendent of Highways Coles
To�mi Clerk Marvin
The minutes of the meetings of November 12th and 19th
were read by the Clerk and approved as read.
Mr. Michael Doherty of Dillon Park appeared in person
and presented a copy of a letter written to him by the Traveler's
Fire Insurance Company in regard to fire protection in Dillon Park
The letter statdd that protective rates will be published when
work is completed, and antedated to the date of the contracts= on
all buildings within 500 feet of the fire hydrants, the work
referred to being installation of new water mains,and other matters .
Vr. Doherty, whom the Supervisor had at a previous
meeting requested to investigate the matter, said he favored
immediate compliance with the terms of the letter. Upon motion
by Justice Leeds, seconded by the Clerk it was: upon roll call
RESOLVED, Wl-=..AS, Fire insurance rates in the
Dillon Park section have been greatly increased;
R -AS, Mr. Hoag of the Fire Insurance Rating
Bureau has agreed that if a contract is made
between the Town of Mamaroneck and the City of
New Rochelle for the use of Yew Rochelle fire
hydrants, and the Weaver Street Fire District
is extended to respond to fire alarms in Dillon
Park, and also evidence (plans and contractsi
produced to show that new water mains are being
properly installed in Dillon Park, protective
rates will be published when work is completed
and antedated to the date of the contracts, on
all buildings within 500 feet of the Few Rochelle
fire hydrants; therefore be it
RESOI,VFD, that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized to appoint a committee to see the
authorities of the City of New Rochelle. and to
request permission to use the New Rochelle hydrants
at or near the town boundary line in Dillon Park
_ in case of fire and that this committee be and it
hereby is directed to present to this Board complete
report and recommendations on the outcome of its
interview with the authorities of the City of Few
Rochelle and on the matter of having the Weaver
Street Fire Company respond to the alarms in
Dillon Yark.
The Supervisor thereupon appointed to this committee
Tusticea Iedds, Collins and the Town Clerk.
11r. Nathan Sirlin of Mamaroneck addressed the Board
and inquired if the town proposed to install sidewalks and curbs
in Colonial Park. The Supervisor replied that a public hearing
would be held on December 9th in regard to the proposed extension
of the sidewalk district- and requested Ur. Sirlin to appear at
that time.
The Clerk reported that he had received a telephone
call from Howard Barnes, Deputy Engineer, asking if the town had
available the town*s share of the estimated cost of the improve-
ment of Palmer Avenue extension,. (Bounty Road 67-2). The
Supervisor replied that the Town Board had already authorized a
certificate of indebtedness for the proposed improvement.
A communication was received from the Blue Club Coach
Lines, Inc., dated November 255th, in regard to their application
for permission to pick up and drop passengers in Famaxoneck. The
communication was referred to Counsdl.
A communication was received from the Nowell Park
Association dated November 28th, requesting that the Town Board
consider certain improvements in respect to (1) sidewalks, f2)
drainage and E3) roadways, matters which a delegation from the
Association had discussed informally with members of the Board
prior to the commencement of the meeting.
and the follllowing actionl taken sinrregardrtoethe matters
therein:the re in t
(1)• The Clerk was directed to reply to the Association
that the matter of sidewalks would be considered at the public
hearing of the proposed extension of the sidewalk district to be
held on December 9th;
(2). The matter of drainage was referred to Superint-
endent. Coles and the Supervisor;
(3). The matter of roadways wqs referred t-o Superint-
endent Coles.
Superintendent Coles requested. a j
regard to the installation of street lights ponv Murray hAvenueyin
connection with the recent improvement of that avenue,. which matter
had been referred to him aft a previous meeting.
Upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Collins,
it.. was upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the action of Superintendent.
Coles in ordering the inetallat:io-a of 13 under-
ground lights and the removal of 2- overhead
lights on Murray Avenue in connection with the
recent Murray Avenue improvement be approved,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent.
- to Mr. Graham, tanager of the Westchaster 'Lighting
A communication was received from Frank D. Gironda, 11
Cabot Road, Larchmont, thanking the Board for its action in regard
to the street light at the intersection of Cabot Road and Myrtle
Boulevard. The letter was ordered received, and placed on file.
A communication was received from C-. C. Yerritt, Larch-
Mont Realtor, in regard to the use by a number of "wise"motorists
of that portion of the Old �1Ieaver Street, between his property and
TLr. Candela I's to avoid the traffic light at the intersection of
Weaver Street and -Palmer Avenue. The communication was ordered
received, placed on file and referred to Superintendent Coles.
A communication was received from the Westchester Coun-k
Realty Board submitting recommendations adapted by the Home
Builders and Subdividers Division of the National Association of
Real Estate Boards for longer blocks in residential areas.. The
communication was ordered received and placed on file.
A communication was received from Howard Barnes:, Deputy
County Engineer in regard to the Palmer Avenue Extension, (Co.Rd.
67-21 and Pine Brook drain and the additional appropriation of
$9,000 for the former improvement which was recently requested
and later found not necessary. The communication was ordered
referred to Counsel.
The Clerk suggested that an old s-treet sign an Harrison
Drive near the Larchmont Village boundary line which reads
"'Echo Drive"-, the former name of that thoroughfare, be removed
and that a sign reading "Harrison Drive"' be substituted therefor
in order to prevent confusion with Echo Lane in the Town of
Mamaroneck.. The matter was referred to Superintendent Coles_
The Clerk reported that at the meeting of the Joint
change order No.rd on October
cha 'sty a resolution was passed approving
5- for contract K, Forest Avenue improvement.
He stated that this resolution had been passed through inadvertence,
as the work had already been authorized and that the change orders
which it was the intention of the Board to approve were thereafter
subsequently approved at the meeting on November lath, said change
orders being 1,, 2, 3 and 4, contract L. Bungalow and Fern Roads
improvement, and he therefore recommended that the aetio-n of the
Joint- Town Board on October lst be rescinded.
Upon motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Boyd, it
was unanimously
RE&OLVE, that upon the recommendation of the
Clerk action of this Board on October ist in
approving change order No. d in the amount_ of
$12x890.40 for sidewalks and galls in connection.
with the Forest. Avenue Improvement be and it
hereby is rescinded because such approval is
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the Board unanimously I
resolved to adjourn at 10.45 P.M.
W 'I
Town Clerk