HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_12_07 Town Board Minutes (2) MTING OF THE JOINT TOWN BOARD TOWN OF XkV[AROXFCK, N. Y. Held December 7th,1929. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at IT A. BE. Bresentz Supervisor Burton Tustices. Boyd,'Howell and Leeds Superintendent of Highways Coles. Town. Clerk Sherman Counsellor Gamble I Upon notion, duly seconded, it was voted to dispense with the reacting of the minutes of:meetings not yet approved. The Clerk presented a letter from the Sewer Commission requesting advice as to whether Byron Place (formerly Myrtle P1.—_e) and Maxwell Street were town highways or .whether the 'Town intended to take over all or.any part of them in the near future, that they have plans for the sewering of the same. I Mr. Gales stated that he would approve of the taking over of Byron Place, at this time, and of a portion of Maxwell Street, but he did not believe the Board should take over all of Maxwell Street, as it *as his understanding that a part of said street merged into the liners taken by Pelham-Pert Chester Parkway. After discussion, on motion, duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the matter be referred to Superintendent of Highways and Counsel to investigate and report back to this Board. The Communication from FJL. M. J. Jennings was received and read, calling attention to the-condition of the sidewalk ad- jacent to the New Rochelle, Town of Mamaroneck boundary line at Dillon Park. The communication was ordered received, placed on file and referred to the Sewer Commissioners for its attention. This action was taken because of the fact that the side- walk was disturbed by the Contractor in installing the sewer mains. A communication from the Larchmont Knolls Association was received and .read, requesting the replacement of several street signs in that locality. The communication was ordered received, placed on file and referred to the Superintendent of Highways with power. A communication from Mr. John F. Lambdem was received and read, submitting plans of.Hazdscrabble. Road,: and requesting the approval of that part of the road within the boundaries of the Town of Mamaroneck. The communication was ordered received, placed on file and referred to the Supervisor and Superintendent of Highways for report and recommendation. A communication was received and read from Charles Mac Donald, Gounty Yngineer, requesting a program of road improvements for the year 1920. The communication was ordered received, placed on file and referred to the Superintendent of Highways. A communication from mr. C. W. Moody was received and read, requesting a connection to the pole near the stone posts at the Iurray A-venue entrance and also calling attention to the man- hales and accumulation of leaves_ in the streets of &ouken Glen, Bast, 'Vest and-Zouth Drives. The communication was ordered received, placed on file and referred to the Superintendent of Highways for his a-ttention. A: communication from the Larchmont Gardens Association was received and read, requesting the water board to discontinue the replacement of small calibre mains with 5 inch water mains, in accordance with the recommendation heretofore submitted. The communication was ordered received, placed on file and the Qerk was directed to reply, stating that this matter is receiving,proper attention. A petition from the residents residing on Harmon Drive was received and read, requesting the Board to limit the use of Harmon Drive to pleasure vehicles only, baring. therefrom, through traffic by trucks of one ton -or more capacity. The communication was ordered received, placed an file and referred to the Superintendent of Highways who was requested to use his best efforts and take any and all measures to modify the trucking -upon said street. A communication from Xr. R. 7E. Page,, was received and read, submitting the resolution adopted by the Larchmont Gardens Association, protesting the use of the proposed Pelham Poxt Chester Parkway by commercial vehicles and trucks.. The communication together with the petition was ordered received., placed on file and referred to the Westchester County bark Commission for its attention. A< communication from qtr. G. W. Gross, was received and read; submitting the resolution adopted by the League of Civic Associations, Protesting- the use of the proposed Pelham.-Port Chestw Parkway by commercial vehicles and trucks. The communication -together with the petition was ordered received, placed on file and referred. to the Westchester County Park Commission for its attention. The Superintendent of,Righways presented his estimate for highway purposes for the year 1930. After discussion and consideration, it was, upon motion, duly seconded, and upon roll call unanimously B'E`i©LVND, that the following amounts and respective items in the Superintendent*s estimate for the year 1930, b.e allowed and approved. Item 1 $45-,.000. Item 2 5,000. Item 3 3,000. Item 4 13,500. After the adoption of the foregoing estimate and the approval of same, the Board then proceeded to sign the necessary forms furnished by the County Bngineer. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 12:35 P. M. Al," Town Cleric