HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_02_13 Town Board Minutes 59
SPECIAL !-, '11Y,7z CF =7 JOIITT TC''1o71;
held February 13, 1931
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at
3:55 P.L'I.
Present.: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Leeds and Iessersmith
Superintendent Coles
sown Clerk Marvin
The presence was also noted: of Counselor Garble.
A communication was received from Howard P. Barnes, acting
county engineer, informing- the Town _Board that his office was
prepared to complete plans and specifications for the bridge at
Rockland Avenue and to submit ti_'em for the �eard�s approval rithin
a. short time. The letter was ordered received and placed ffn file.
A communication was received from Charles D. Beckuith,
Inc.,, paving contractors, dated February 12, 1931, concerning final
payment for their subcontract for the asphalt top on Elurray Avenue.
:,fter discussion it- was upon motion by Justice Lessersmith,, seconded
by the T"own Clerk upon roll call unanimously
R SC L-IND, �V PTAS, the County _^w_ngineer has reported
that the final payment on the hurray Avenue Improve-
- me"nt County Road 774 is due Patterson & Rossi, in
the amount, of )42,104..62, and that the County 7ngin-
eer requires the consent and approval of this Board
to be given prior to the making of said final payment
and the refund due to the Town of Kamaroneck; and
=T-AS, certain unfavorable conditions have developed
in a portion of the road, which have been called to
the attention of the County .engineer, which in the
opinion of this Board should be examined by him prior
to final acceptance, and
I+ 11 AS, the said road has been in the main completed
so that it does not seem necessary in the opinion of
this Board that the entire amount of said payment due to
said Patterson & Rossi should be held up pending the
repair of said imperfections, the road having been
substantially completed,
T=777 ORS. BT IT
RESOLVTD, that this Board recormends to the County
7n_g ineer,, without giving its final. approval and
acceptance to said Kurray Avenue Improvement County
Road #74 that the said County Engineer retain out of
the final payment now due, the sum of :7500. to be
used for the purpose of repairing said imperfections
being found necessary and that thelalance of said
money be paid to the contractor at this time; further
HTSOLVE.D, that this Board recuests that the Town of
Hamaroneok be reimbursed in the amount now due the
Town of Ymmaroneok as a refund on the basis of the
amount of the contract. as against the amount retained
from the contractor.
Supervisor Berton reported to the Board that in view of
the letter from Yr. Baruea relating to the Ro-ckla2d Avenue bridge,
the Town Board should consider the �22�tter of improving at the same
time the surface on Rockland avenue from Forest Avenue to Avon Road.
After discussion it was upon motion by Justice Leeds seconded by
Justice Boyd, upon roll call unanimously
HTSO 7-TB, that this Board authorize Supervisor
-- Burton and Superintendent. Coles, together with
Counselor Gamble, to have plans and saecifica-
Lions prepared for the improvement of Rocsland
Counselor Gamble reported that a hearing would be held
shortly in Albany on the new Town Law. Last year a committee from
this Board attended a hearing on the same subject, he pointed out,
On motion by Justice Boyd seconded by Justice Leeds
it was upon roll call unanimously
Rs'SO LTTG'D, that the same committee which last
Year represented this Board at a hearing in
Albany on the 8e v Tov,m Law, namely; Justice
Leeds, Justice Hesser-zmith, Town Clerk Marvin,
together with Counselor Gamble, be and it hereby
is authorized to attend any hearings in Albany
in regard to legislation affecting the town, and
the expenses of this attendance be made a proper
town charge..
Upon motion duly made and seconded the Board unanimously
resolved to adjourn at 5:50 p.y,
.I.O' 1`T l�T FRT