HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_03_18 Town Board Minutes ,., -H,TI=TG OF THFT JOIFT TO-WT TO—WT BOARD
fi0vd?lY OF ill. Y.
held Harch 18th, 1931
In the absence of Supervisor Burton the meeting vras
called to order by Justice Boyd at 8:40 P.E.
Present: Justices Boyd, Leeds and biessersmith
Supefi.ntendent of Highways Coles
Torn Clerk Marvin
Yr. ,5illiam H. lavrson addressed the Board and requested
installation of a G inch ,rater main, 282 feet on Oxford Road and
071 feet on Lonegan Road. An estimate was received from the -� est-
cheeter Joint -:Yater ':',forks, No. 1 for this work in the amoii t of
After discussion I:s. Lawson agreed that a shorter main
would suffice him for the present and upon motion by Justice
IIessersmith, seconded by the Clerk, it was upon roll call unanimously
RFSOL77D, that the Vi'estchester Joint Vater
Works, 17o. 1 be and it hereby is authorized
and directed to submit to the Town Board of
the Torn of lYamaroneck an estimate of the
cost of installing about 525 feet of 6 inch
water main from the end of the present -main
on 11chegan Road to a point where it can serve
Plot No. 36A on S' chegan Road, 11ap of larchmont
Mr. Lawson then submitted plans and specifications for
the improvement of Avon Road in larchmont Ridge, said plans and
specifications having been approved by Superintendent Coles.
After considerable discussion in winich the Board and
ITr. Lawson ;,,e re .unable to agree on the amount of Ywor: to be done,
and the amcant of the cost to be borne by him, Iir. Lawson departed
-without coifing to any agreement with the Board.
Two communications were received from the County ingineer
dated I+ascn 7th and Parch 12th in regard to the bridge over the
east branch of the Sheldrake River on Rockland .avenue and a refund
from the County due the to„n as its share of the unused balance of
the cost of improving hurray Avenue, County Road '74, respectively.
The oQmmunications were ordered laid over until the
return of the Supervisor.
The Special Committee to vrhich vas referred the matter of
the assessment of the cost of improving Dante ?,venue, Dimitri Place
and Byron Mane, presented its report which, after it was read by
the Clerk, on motion made and seconded, v,as ordered received and
placed on file.
Thereupon, Justice Lessersmith offered for adoption the
RES01-7ED, that a hearing be had upon notice to be
published and posted as required by the Tzaneral
District Maw,, in the matter cf allocating, apport-
ioning and assessing the cost of improving Dante
Avenue, Dimitri Place and Byron Lane, az provided
by Chapter 549 of the Laus of 1926,. as amended; and
it is further
R:TSCL:T_TD, that. said hearing be held on the
14th day of April, 1931, at 3.00 o'clock
P"37 at the Torn Rooms in the Village of
Mamaroneck, 1,TeI7 York and that notice thereof
be published in the Daily 'Times, a newspaper
published in the town of T amaroneck, Few York,
once each v:eek for three consecutive weeks and
that a copy thereof be posted in four conspic-
uous public places within the proposed assess-
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions
was put to a vote which resulted as folloo.-s:
Ayes: 4
Eoes: none
The resolutions were declared unanimously adopted.
Justices Leeds and Hessersmith declared that in signing
this report they did so .ith the understanding that the written
approval of the Board of Se :cr Commissioners of Serer District 'yo. 1
be attached thereto. They said they had oral assurance of the
Seger Conunissionerst approval but wished- it in writir_g also as a.
matter of record.
The Clerk reported that he received a telephone call from
J. 11. Seidenberg of Sideson Builders, 4 'i7irginia 'Place, Tarchmont
:questing the installation of about 1500 feet of rater main along
Villa Road from Vine Road to Boulder Road. Dr. Seidenberg said he
was building three houses on Villa Road.
The Clerk was by resolution directed to request yr.
Seidenberg to submit a written request for this extension and to
appear at the next meeting of this Board on April 1st to give the
Board any necessary information concerning the proposed extension.
A communication dated February 20th, 1931 was received
from the Boston Post Road Association suggesting the use of quick
setting concrete on the Boston post Road improvement project. the
communication vram ordered placed on file and acknowledged.
_' communication was received from. the 11estchester Joint
Water ':works , X30. 1 returning to the Board a claim of p. p. TeGeough
for °,or : done on the service line at 395 ':leaver street. The mater
Company declared that the claim should be paid by the town. The
matter was ordered referred to Counsel.
The Cleric reported that he had been served with a copy
Of a summons and complaint in Re: Dillard 7. Smith Company vs.
Beard of Sewer Commissioners, etc., relating to an action against
Dandry Brothers, Contractors for a sewer job. The matter was
ordered referred to Counsel.
Justice Deeds presented the folloW ing communication,which
he said, he, on behalf of the Special Committee of the Town Board,
had mitten to tYe -Westchester Joint plater ilorks, A7o. 1 in regard
to the installation of Tiater min across Boston post Road to serve
the Dillon Park Section:
Larch 7, 1031
Ustchester Joint :Fate- i'orks, IIo. 1
284 IFamaroneck Avenue
Kamaroneck, I?. Y.
Attention: I1r. F. II. Sherman
Iranaging Clerk,
The Town Board of the Town of ?J?amlarcneck have authorized
and requested the installation. of a -rater main from Van gilder Street
up the Post Road to Dillon Road. :rill you please advise this Board
=ghat steps your company has taken to install this and give the
present status of the work.
The Contractor on the Post Road is now working- at that
Point and tive are fearful that the road may be completed -without
this installation having been made by you. Consequently we -would
suggest that you give this your immediate attention and advise this
Board of the progress you have made and intend to make.
Very truly yours
for the committee of the T otirxa. Boaro.
T;anaging Clerk Frederick K. Sherman of the Westchester
Joint Water Works, To. I was present and addressed the Board in
regard to this matter and said that the resolution of the To��n Board
directing the installation of this main had been presented to
the slater Board -i,,Iich- had referred i t to the Supervisor, at his
request to take the matter up tirith the officials of Larchmont
Village and that the Supervisor had not
Board. yet reported to the eater
He declared that at the last meeting of the ';'later Board it
,%as recommended that the Hamaroneck Town Board have
by the Contractor for the Boston Post Road. improvement lunder ntheid
supervis of the :later Board as the Toren had done in the caseu of
the Water main running south from Fifth Avenue across County Road
After discussion it was upon motion by the Clerk,
by Justice :Lessersmith, unanimously seconded
RFSOIVFD, that the Special Committee of the To7m
Board composed of Justices heeds, Lless.ersmith and
Collins, together ,-,ith Superintendent Coles,
heretofore appointed in connection with the
Dillon Park FirE and ;later Situation, be and it
hereby is authorized and directed to have the
necessary spurs for water mains laid across the
Post road at ttifo place•'4= by making a separate con-
tract With the Contractor for the 130StOn Post Load
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board unanimously
resolved to adjourn at 10 P. I.
Torn Clerk i