HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_04_15 Town Board Minutes 9 I =F,T I I'G OF Tip H JOINT T 07.1M B C i=!) T07%TY 0" T P,C'T'CY, i'. Ti. held April 15th, 1931. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 8:40 P. W. Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Leeds and Kessersmith Superintendent Coles Town Clerk ifarvin The presence of Counselor Gamble was also noted. Upon -notion duly made and seconded, it teas voted to dispense `ilith the reading, of the minutes of meetings not yet approved. In view of the presence of a number of persons who 7rished to add�c"ss the 3card the regular order of business was suspended in order to hear those present. Hr. �.iilliani lavrson of Tarc-t�mont "'idge appeared in connection v.ith his request for the installation of about 550 ,feet of 6 inch =rater main on ;.Tohegan Road from the end of the existing rain on this road to the Middle of lot 36A. An estimate was received from the ';uestchester Joint ,later 'i'IcTks Zo. Z in the amount of ?29676.80 as the cost of installing this main. I r. La-wson agreed to guarantee an 87, return on the actual cost of this construction. After discussion it was upon notion by Justice iessersmith seconded. by the Clerk, upon roll call unanimously RB'SOyVTD, vTrI^R?'AS, this 'Board requests the installa- tion of about 550 feet of 6 inch crater main on 15ohe gan -Pond from th= end of the existing main to the center of lot 36.ik; and 'tv'HERFAS, Hir. ';illiam Lawson has agreed to guarantee an. 8% return on the cost of this installation, therefore be it RT'SOIVED, that the ':7estchester Joint vatcr Works Yo. I be and it hereby is authorized and directed to install for the Tovan of 'Damaroneck said main and to charge the To,: n of Mamaroneck the actual cost thereof as ascertained and approved by the Board of Trustees of said Westchester Joint Water uiaorks, No. 1; and be it further � I R"S0LVFD, that the matter of installing a hydrant on this extension be referred to Superintendent Coles with 'po7v7er to take up the matte: -:.ith the '::restchester Joint T,.,atcT -,'orks iTo. 1. Kr. C. Steviart Comeau, President of the Rouken Glen Civic Association appeared before the Board to request information re- garding ownership of the streets in Rouken .glen. He declared that C. 'J. 1,loody, developer of oui:en Glen, alleged that the streets had beer. taken over by the toWn, but that he, �1`r. Comxeauy, had been in- formed by Town officials that the Town had not yet definitely accepted the streets. i Supervisor Burton declared that Superinter_dcnt Coles had reported that objections had been iaade to '^im by residents of Rousen Glen concerning the drainage situation and that the town was un- willing to claim title to these roads until -t;,--is situation had been satisfactorily adjusted. I r. Thomas N. Yorris of Rouken Clc-n, `rho declared he was ane, of tLe first residents of the section, addressed the Board and said he Imew of no unsatisfactory drainage situation. 1r. Comeaux said he believed the residents of Rouken Glen were satisfied with the drainage situation. Supervisor Burton suggested that in that case the Reu'_.en Glen Civic Association shy),j.ld write to the Town Board stating that the residents of that section are satisfied -Tith the drainage and he named a committee composed of himself, Superintendent Coles and Counselor Gamble and Gustice Yessersniith to meet frith representatives of the Acsoeiatien on Saturday, —pril 25, at 2:30 F. H. , to take up the matter at greater length. Yr. Comeaux also spoke of the paving of Knollwood Drive and Locust Ridge Road, which work, he said, gill be done in ILay by the Occun ?Realty Company and. which he is anxious to have performed in accordance with the wishes of Superintendent Coles in order that there flay be no difficulty at a later date in having these roads accepted by the torn. Superintendent. Coles said he s:ould keep in touch with the situation. Tyr. Trar_k R. Richelson of Boulder -oad addressed the Board in regard to the alleged encroachment of the sideyfalk on his pro- - perty at the corner of Villa Road. The Board discussed the matter at considerable length assisted by a survey prepared b the A. J. 7oote engineering Cor- poration in accordance with a resolution heretofore _passed by the Beard and finally resolved to refer the matter to a special committee composed of Superintendent Coles, Counselor Garble and Justice Yessersmith. ?ZIr. R. C. r'rgels of the -�Io-in Corporation demonstrated before the Board a small model of a street cleaning apparatus and urged the Board to purchase one at the cost of 46,600.00. After disucssion the matter vas referred to Superintendent Coles. Superintendent Coles reported that the small dump truck used by the Highway D=partmer_t had .-reached the end of its useful life and that he needed a new one to replace it. After disci3ssion it was upon inotion by the Clerk, seconded by .Tustice 1-essersmith upon roll call unanimously RESOLYTD, that the matter of purchasing a nevi small dump truck for the use of the Highway Department — be and it hereby is referred to Superintendent Coles ,with power. Superintendent Coles also reported that the present road roller which has been in use for about 11 years was ;worn out and that a new one to replace it was necessary. The matter was referred to Superintendent Coles to prepare xeco emendations and report to this Board. I i A claim in the amount of M0.88 m as received from Fred L. Griffin of Stamford, Conn. , for cost of replacing a broken spring and incidental charges due to a defect in the ost "oad in the Village of ":amaroneck. The matter -as referred to Counselor Gamble. Victor Dvorkovitz of the Colony Home Builders Corporation of Few York City and Bertram Yarcus of the Charmarc Realty and Construction Company of Z?ew "-'ork City presented a release of rater -ray easement in the L"aple Hill section which at the meeting on April 14th they had been directed to present to the Board. Counselor Gamble said 'he Trlas familiar -;pith the agreement and recommended its adoption. Upon motion by Justice Hesseremith seconded by Justice weeds, it was upon roll call unanimously RFSGL7TD, ==TiIS, the Yaple Gardens, Inc. has hereto- fore caused a certain map to be filed in the ;estchester County Register's office on the 9th day of June, 1927, which said m.ap was entitled "Second Amended Subdivision H'ap of 11aple Hill., in the lotvn of 11'amarone ck, ' e stche s- ter County, New York, made by Fia.rd Carpenter, �; �d w S. , dated Fray 26th, 1927, and vhi ch said 4,aap was filed in the said 7egister's office as !Lap #3159, and `THEREAS, certain easements -were shown on said map and in particular a certain easement for a five foot pipe drain was shorn as running thu-ou h and along the easterly line of lot #387, on said map, and THERE^S, under date of May 15, 1929, by an instrument in .,:it.tng, ITaple Gardens, Inc. , as the party of the first part and the Town of i-amaroneck and various other individuals and corporations being then the o=ers of various parcels of land shown on said map, created a certain easement for draining purposes through the -westerly portion of lot #387, on said map, it being then and there the intention to abandon and release any and all right, title and interest shown on the loaner easement for draining purposes on the filed --map, and 7HER7,S, Colony Nome-Builders Corporation is now the owner of said Lot Nc. 387 and desires to have the afore- said easement through said Lot cancelled of record, R7301VT'D, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver an agreement in form satisfactory to and approved by Counsel -whereby the Town of Uamareneck releases all of its right, title and interest of, in and to the said five foot drain easement shown as running through and along the easterly line of Lot #387 on said map entitled "Second emended Subdivision Trap of 11aple rill, in the To;m of Lamaroneck, 'Westchester County, Yew York, made by '.yard Carpenter, 0. 7. i.. S, dated 1,1ay 26th, 1927, " the same raving been substituted by a certain easement for drainage purposes through the .westerly portion of Lot #387 on the aforesaid map by agreement dated May 15th, 1929, bet-�°reen Maple Gardens, Inc. , as the pasty of the first part and the Town of 1tamaroneck, et al, which agreement was recorded in the office of the Register of Westchester County in Liber 3155 of Deeds, page 274 on January 20th, 1931, -which aforesaid memorandum of agree- ment in so far as it affects the property uwned by Colony Home-Builders Corporation is hereby ratified and confirmed. I Provided, however, that Colony Home-Builders Corpora- tion on its part and -in ccnside_a.tian of the release of the aforesaid easement releases, remises and forever dischargss the 7ovvn of T,"amaroneck from any claims alai._ ct the Wo',vn of ___amaroncc?: by reason of the use and/`or abandonment of the old aforesaid drain and/or the use of the new drain in and through the respective casements hereinabovc sneci: ied. Upon notion, duly rate and >_cconded, it was unanimously -resclvcd to adjourn at 10:15 P. ; Town Clerk. i i i