HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_04_22 Town Board Minutes St ECL?1 =TTIT.G cF TLS^ JOINT MUTT BOARD T0'7I' OF iT�LA1GF?rC �, iI. Y. held April 22ad, 1931. The meeting was called to order b�r Supervisor Burton at -- 1:45 P: ::I. Present: Supervisor 'Burton Justices Boyd, Leeds and Yessersmith Superintendent of High,;aays Coles Tovrn Clerk L_arvin The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble. A communication dated cbruary 4th ryas received from I!Er. C. C. Lewitt reauesting information concerning possible im- provements at Colonial Avenue. It was ordered --eferred to Super- intendent Coles for reply. Superintendent Coles reported that it had been suggested to him that the name of that portion. of Crescer_t Road lying between East Brookside Drive and the point vdhere -hest Valley Stream Road begins be changed to -West Valley Stream Road so that the entire strip of roadway on the �,est side of Valley Stream ?Road, parallel- ing East Valley Stream Road; be known as ',Vest: Valley Stream Road. The matter ras ordered referred to Superintendent Coles and the To-Tm Clerk -q�,ith power. claim i,*a s received from John Maori, Contractor, in the ariount of 7296.10 for the installation of two vrater main cross-overs under the Boston Post ='oad to _serve the Dillon Park section, one of 10 inch pipe and one of 8 inch pipe. The claim bore the approval of the sAoecial committee heretofore appointed to consider the vrater situatioc in Dillon Park. Upon motion by Justice Yessersmith, seconded by Justice Leeds, it r,a.s upon roll call unanimously ?E•SGL,7 D, that the claim of aohr_ llfacri in the amount of x;296,10 as described above, be and it hereby is ordered paid. The Clerk presented a request by J. H, Seidenberg of r°-- Virginia Place, larchmont, for the installation of water main on Villa Road from Vine Road to Boulder :=toad. The Clerk 77as directed to request Iilr. Seidenberg to present to the -.Board a petition for this installation signed by the other interested taxpayers on Villa Road and to appear at the meeting on May 6th to discuss this matter with the Board. Justice LTessers-with reported for the coranittee on traffic lights in the neighborhood of the hurray Avenue School that there had been a conference this morning v-ith County Engineer UacDonald, Supervisor Burton and a representative of the Liurra.y avenue School Parent-Teacher Association and that judging by the conference he expected that the request of the Association would be complied with in regard to traffic lights. A communication dated A-Qril 22nd was received front Mr. v11illiam TAT. La-uson, President of the Fenimore Cooper 7states, Inc. , Larchmont, requesting the acceptance by the Town of Avon Road in Larchriont Ridge. I:r. lua- son appeared in person and spoke on behalf of his communication. after discussion it eras unanimously resolved that the Board Z v;ith !fr. I,al,Tson on oturday afternoon, April 25th to inspect the propc rty. Police Officer George Gale of 'Ya_�?a-roneck addressed the Board and requested permission to build a flight of stairs and float at the town dock- located. at the entrance to Harbor Island. He said he had first ,seen the Village Clerk about this matter and had been referred to the Village L•ianager ~rho referred hi,.rn to Ylayor Gedney ,rho referred him to Superintendent_ Coles -r.o -referred 'nim to the =own Board. .After discussion the ;ratter vras referred to Superintendent Coles, Counselor Gamble and Supervisor Burton. 11Ir. C. Hoag of the _pus tin tiWestern ?cad T-1achine addressed the Board urging the -eu-rchase of an yustin road ollerpak1y at the cost of f�5,n50.00 less an allowance of f�550.00 for the old roller or a net cost Of _4,900.00, f. e. b. L- marcneck, to be paid in three equal annual instalments without interest. Superintendent Coles said this was the roller he desired to have the town purchase and that the machine and _price were satisfactory to him. after discussion it eras upon motion by Justice TJessersmith seconded by Justice Deeds, upon roll call unanimously RSOIVED, that Superintendent Coles be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to Purchase the Austin goad Roller above referred to at a cost of $5,450.00 less an alloirrance of $550.00 for the old roller or a net cost of $x-,900.00 f. c. b. ?amaroneck, to be paid for in three equal installments without interest in accordance with the contract of the Austin Company, the terms of said contract to be approved by Counselor "amble. a communication dated Harch 7th was received from toward P. Barnes, Dc-Duty County 7ngineer, in regard to the `ockland :::.venue bridge together with plans for this bridge. The communication was ordered received and placed on file and the plans 1:rere examined by the Board. _after (discussion it was upon 'motion by Justice IesserEruith seconded by Justice Boyd, upon roll call unanimously R-TS0I717D, that the plans for the Rockland Avenue bridge as submitted by Deputy County �'ngineer Barnes be and they hereby are approved- and be it further RFSOZY"D, that he be requested to prepare detailed plans and specifications for bidding= and be it further R=SOy?T D that this ratter be re 9 (erred to Superintendent Coles, y j Upon notion, duly, made and seconded, it was unanimously resolved to adjourn at 3 .30 P. I oarn Clerk. I �— —