HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_04_29 Town Board Minutes 6P4CLAI. KT7T' G OF aive JOINT TOK, BO-;!?.D TOl4'Y 0? r ,i ..i::GT?Chi, Y. held April 29th, 1931. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at Pre sianta Supervisor Burton Tustices Boyd and Ifessersmith Superintendent. of Highways Coles Tovm Clerk Larvin communication dated Yarch 12th was received from Charles MacDonald, County Fngineer shoring that there is due the Town of 1'iamaroneck a rebate in the amount of $7,828.61 as a final account- ing for the improvement of 1furray Avenue , County .woad 7-4T'74, together with recapitulation and financial statement of the cost of this improvement. The matter eras referred to Supervisor Burton with poi^rc r. A communication dated April 10th :,as received from Fred I,zerritt, Ilerk of the Board of Supervisors, enclosing certified: copy of resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors, on April 6th levying upon the Torn of Lamaronecc the sum of $26J,2.04.68, being the share due from T-amaroncck for the right-cf-way. required for the Boston Post load Improvement. ` he communication was ordered -received and placed on file. I A communication dated bpril 9th was received from the County Transportation Company in regard to the discontinuance of service on the Boston Post goad owing to t? e improvement of the road now under Upon :-lotion by Tustice 1%essersmith, seconded by the Ierk, it ,Tas ?7SOL77D, that a co aittee be appointed to cc-operate 1,rit:n the Tillage of I:arnaroneclr in regard to this matter. The Supervisor thereupon appointed to this committee Justice.. I:Iessersmith, Superintendent Coles, Counselor Gamble and Toj,,n Clerk Harvin. the Supervisor advised the Board that the Pine Brook _Con- struction job had novr reached a point ,;There the Board must determine the letting of a contract if it intended to construct a water main from fifth Avenue to the other side of County Road 67-2. He stated that pursuant to prior action of this Boas it had authorized the Pine. Brook Drainage Commission to include in its bids and plans and specifications an item for the doing of this work and at the' ti�e the bids for the line Brook job sere received, itern 20 in said bids- covered the construction of the aforesaid drain. He stated that the Marinelli Construction Cor;}oration as he had previously advised the Board had received contract Section B and C of said Pine Brook drain and that as the °ater pipe- in evestion f'ollo,:[ed the drain in Section C it appeared that it .could be effecting a sa';>in_ to Have this done by the same contractor rather than having it done later by an outside contractor. He stated that Ir. L"arinelli's bid as figured by the -ngineers for co;r_ said item. 20 was �;7781.00. SE'F. PSG? 117 _7MTH3,R R736177D, that Counsel be and tie hereby is authorized empowered and directed to prepare the necessary contracts and bonds and to attend to the matter of insurance. EURTH'1 A R-SOL777D, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empoWered in accordance ,,,,iith the la7 to borrow upon I I the faith and credit of the To;�Tn of iazaroneck the sum of not to exceed .P10,000.00 plus interest rThich may from time to time accrue thereon and to issue a temporary Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness in the amount of not to exceed 4!"10,000.00 plus interest which from time to time may ac-rue thereon, v-;hick shall bear interest at the rate Of not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable at such time or times as the Supervisor my fix, not exceeding, ho�rcver, eighteen months fror:i the date hereof, and to se11 or dispose of said Certificates of Indebtedness for not less than the par value thereof; and FTJRTh�R R_•SOL77D, that said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness shall be in substantially the following form: No. 106 -- 1 810,000.00 UNIT7D ST_�.TI'S CF n S L_z T-T 0:17 COTJFTY OF `,, STCH7STF.'R TO-,'FN OT LT"AOI 4'Cii CT'RTIFIC:3TT OF Ii'07Bi-ED-rTSS, SF,';'a�'i DISTRICT 170. 1 of TIT TO`, C- IA TLr 70?771C?- - Series 106. The To-,,m of -1.arnaroneck, in the County of -:,restcheste-•, a 1 unici-oal Corporation of the State of ?Teri York, hereby acknocrledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this Certificate the sum of T-en Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars on the 10th day of December, 1931, Frith interest thereon from, the date hereof at the rate of three and sixty onc-hundredths (3.60%) per centum per annum. path principal and interest of this Certificate arc payable at die office of I-Zanna:hs, Bailin & Lee-, York City, in Sold coin of the United States of America, of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness, or its equivalent in lawful money. This Certificate is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Tc n Law, constituting Chapter 62, of the Consolidated T•avrs of the State of T7e York, as amended, for raeney borrowed to pay the cost Of the construction of a part or portion of a. serer sysiem in ;Sevier District No. L in said Toy^rn. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution and ,Statutes of the Mate of e T York to exist, to have hayppened and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Certificate, exist., have happened and have been ?�erforraed, and that the issue of certificates of which L his is one, together with all other indebtedness of said Tovm, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and lairs of said State, and the full faith and credit of the Totsrn of V,ama-ronecic are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of this Certificate, according to its terms. TAT i7IT7SS 's'aT'rzpOF, the Tov,'n of :Taraaroneck has caused this Certificate of Indebtedness to be signed by its Supervisor and its corporate seal to he hereunto affixed and attested by its Tovan Clerk this 10th day of June, 1931. Attest: Supervisor. Tc:n Clerk U?T?i R R SO1V1'D, that the Town of I'!amaroneck 'nereby covenants to pay the principal and interest of said Certificate of .^crtificates of Indcbtedr_ess in the amount hereinabbve provided as the same shall become due , by Icvying assessments on property of Sevrer District '7o. 1 of the Tp's'in of 1--amaroneck at such time or tinc�s and in Such amounts as ray be necessary thereafter. The Town of 1::':amaroncck furthe=" C,0 enants in case of a C)e- fa.u.lt in carrying out the f0reg0ing' covenant, the said .own will raise by taxing all taxable pro pe-rty in said ioj n of Ka_m.aroneck from time to time the sv_Ta or sums sufficient to pay the princi^cal and interest of Said Certificate or 'Certificates of Indebtedness as the same shall become due. From Counselor '.,arable ';,aS received copy of a letter dated lurch 28th ,,rhich he had -:vritten to T._r. A. J. Foote requesting a set Of contracts ^,rith i-"arinelli for the construction of the 71ater main on Fifth ,Avc-nue to the southerly side of Palmer _venue extension. The letter from acunselor Gamble ,;,as ordered inserted_ in the minutes as follows: March 28th, 1931. Tyr. A J. Foote, C. F. , 2 TT. Cha t swc rth Avenue, Zarchmont, Y. 1T. Dear Jim Will you please imiaediately make up a set o` contracts th r.;"arinelli for the �=struction of the �;.,Gte-r rain from fifth _ venu to the southerly side of Palmer Avenue ^xtension. The Tom Board approved of the making of the contract L�:,ith !:-arinelli and left it to rie to c-"- out the legal side. I had to confer vrith Joe r•sser about it and I have had a hard time getting; him. r finally got him last night. There is a legal point involved as to .-,rhetner the contract Eh_u1d be b the Toiri of I-amaroneck with ITarinelli or by the V.estchester Joint :,eater ,works District ! o. I due to to wording of th.G ;._aecial uc t :bleb establish,:d the `'iat r District and Joe ^sser Tiants to look this up and let me know. Therefore, leave the name of the party of the first part blank and =hen you have gotten the con- tracts ready send then to re becaume I-r. ---ser -i11 have notified me by that time. There is another question about the To-Tin having the right. to make the -payment for this or through-.:the 'dater _'sstr ict, a!- though you are not interested in this. ZIarienelli called r'!e up yesterday to know whether he eras to proceed :aith this contract or not. -gill ,;ou please advise ::i'm therefore, that he is to do so so that he can go ahead and may not be held up> I tried to get you on the telephone last night but I fear ycu I ad gone to bed. Very sincerely yours, (SIG'1 D) R. A. GAIMI= Counsel. Supervisor Burton reported that he had been in confer- ence �rrith DTOnfro Brothers, Contractors for the Boston,Post Road Improvement and that he had learned that at a small additional cost of approximately $800.00 quick-setting eerie_t co�:ld be used on certain ]parts of the Boston post Road, in a way that would greatly expedite traffic and- hasten the improvement. The question of curbs in this connection bias also raised. The Board felt that the additional Money would be Drell spent in view of the dislocation of traffic being occasioned by the improvement and after discuss ' 11 it Was upon x otion by Justice weeds, seconded by the Clerk, upon roll call unani cusly I i 117 :RPSO ITFID, that the matter of using quick- Setting ceraent upon certain. porticns of the Post 'oad Im rovernc-nt to�e- p nether with the question of curbs be referred to the Supervisor and Superintendent of Hightra.ys Ccles ;noith power. upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board unaninausly resolved to adjourn at 4;30 P. L1. Town C e r'� �— OKISsi'= on The Clerk presented in accordance with the request of this Board an estimate of the cost of installing the rater main - chester Joint -aater _ orks;i?o. 1. Their price eras X7,664.64. "lest ds i`r. Sherman of the 'later Board :rho -Jas present at the meet- ing reco=ended on behalf of the ,ater Board that under the circum- stances the Board felt it would be -~=rise to let the contra to Iarinelli and to have the work done subject to the inspection and approval of the ';later Board. — Counsel advised Y-r. Sherman that the speci�'ication so pro- vided. Counsel stated that he was advised that if the contract was Eiven to 1.,larinelli the insurance companies would place riders on their ,policies including this job so that this job .ou1d also be covered but that a separate bond viculd be required. After discussion, upon motion duly seconded, it ,a s. R-F-8011?±'D, that the Supervisor and the Town Clerk be and they hereby are authorized, enpolrrered and directed to execute a contract with Tlarineili Construction Corpora- tion for the construction of Item 20, Section C of the Pine Brook Commission_ contract, to ,,.nit, a Vvater main from ='fifth Avenue through and across the lands of Palmer, iestchester County -ark Commission, _per York, S?eVr Havers � Hartford Railroad and to a point southerly of v",aunty Road 67 - 2 at the bid price of ::17781. i