HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_05_06 Town Board Minutes 1, TTIi3G Or Tim J0INT TO"i- •; BOARD TO'm 0 1'. Y. held 1-Fay 6th, 1931. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 2:30 P. . Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Leeds and ?:lessers,ith Superintendent of High,rJays Coles Town Clerk Larvin The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble and Special Counselor Gagliardi. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the reading of the minutes was dispensed ,,•rith. In view of the presence of several persons uho wished to address the Board, the regular order of business was suspended. J. K. Seidenberg of g Virginia Place, Larchmont, ,addressed the Board in connection :with his recent request for the installation of a ;:rater main on Villa Road from Vine Road to Boulder Road. After discussion it eras upon ?notion by Just-i.ce Hessersmit?2 seconded by Justice Leeds, unanimously ^FSOLV71D, that the -. estchester Joint ',:rater "or'ss, '_?o. I _ be and it hereby is authorized and directed to subunit to the To7n Board of the Tot,,:-,n of 'riamaroneck, an estimate of the cost of installing a 6 inch v.ater main. on Villa Road from the existing rain on Boulder Road to Vine Road, toSether with the costs of connections for houses now being served by a smaller :lain. Jules H. Werner, `!ngineer for the Occum Realty Company and the Trevor Land Company, owners of property lying north and north- west of Rouken Glen, addressed the ?Board in regard to the proposed imj?rov-anent of Locust Ridge Woad and Knollwood Drive. It was decided that the Board ,,.culd meet vrith lair. ,Lerner on Saturday morn- ing, Lay 9th, at 9 o'clock to inspect the property. The Clerk was directed to request the Server Coiirmission to have a representative at this meeting. firs. A. 7�-. rose of 133 Harmon Drive addressed the Board and requested that action be taken to keep heavy trucks from using Harmon Drive. The Supervisor pointed out tc her that the town had no authority to do this but added that he 1vould look into the matter f ur th e r. There being no other persons present 7,1110 wished to address the Board, the regular order of business was resumed. A communication was received from Thomas F. Horris of 19 Rouken Glen_ West Drive, giving notice of his intention_ to remove the noz,r existing drain pipe at the point ,,There it enters his property. The matter ,ryas ordered referred to the Special Committee appointed on Ipril 15th to consider the matter of drains, etc., in Rouken Glen, consisting of Supervisor Burton, Superintendent Coles, Counselor Gamble and Tustice Yessersmith. I .2 1: A communication vras received frora Ls. -A. Sterling ,Smith of 294 ';leaver Street dated Eay 3rd, tha.r_king the Board for its action in remedying the noisy operation of buses on •:leaver Street. The communication vras ordered received and placed on file. The Clerk reported that he had been called upon by I:ir. C. B. Lyon, Superintendent of the County Transportation Company, in regard to the discontinuance of service of the I.archmont Station - - Rye Peach line. He said that Er. Lyon had explained that service had been discontinued owin'- to the torn up condition of the Boston Rost Road over wh ch i4 'ua-s impossible to operate and that no alter- native route -vas available since the company already operates on Palmer Avenue. He quoted !,,Tr. Byon as saying that the Company would resume service as soon as the Post Road is open "or traffic. The matter was referred to the committee appointed on April 29th in regard to the same subdect consisting of Justice I, essersmith, Superintendent Coles, Counselor Gamble and: the Clerk. The Clerk also reported that ILr. Lyon had assured him that the County Transportation Company -,.as doing Lts best to main- tain quiet service on ':leaver Street in deference to the request of T.irs. Smith. The Clerk x•eported that he had received a telephone call from. C. W. I;ioody of Rouken Glen; in regard to a proposed map shoeing drainage, grater and sever mains and other utilities in the Rouken Glen Section and that Ir. ILoody wished to know vfhether he would order this map made, or .whether the towan would do so. The Supervisor said he thought a map of this sort would be an advantage to v e ton a.n^_ suggested that the cost be borne jointly by the torn and Hr. Llcody. Yost of the necessary data, he said; are -on file in the office of Ir. Foote. After discussion, it was upon motion by Justice reeds, seconded by Justice Ifessersmith, upon roll call unanimously R SOLVED, that a map be prepared by T::Ir, Foote cover- ing the _rouken Glen section of the town, showing /. drainage, dater and Sewer Maine together with other utilities and easements, and that the cost of insert- ing on the map the information concerning utilities be paid for by the tc-wn and that the cost of showing the easements be paid for by ,Tr. I,Toody; and be it further R'TS0L7TT1D, that this matter be referred to Supervisor and Superintendent Coles :iith pottier. The Clerk also reported that Yr. TToody had informed him that a crap had been prepared sho7,wing "plans and profile of suggested paving in Donnie Briar ?ane" which lane 2Tr. T,.i=dy offered for dec�ica- Lion to the town. The Board resolved that -,,,rhen this ::yap is received it be referred to Superintendent Coles. Counsel _orecented a copy of a letter wl-lich he had written to Frederick L. Griffzn of Stamford ,-'rich matter had been referred to him at the meeting of the Joint 'To'��dn Poard on a-rril 15th relating to a claim for damage alleged to have been suffered by an automobile ovrned by Yr. Griffin. Counselos communication stated that there is no liability on the torn for this damage. 23 Counsel's report Was ordered approved and placed on file. A communication dated cri7 14th ,.,as received from I_rs. L'.. Coriell, 93 ':Traver Street, La-rchmont, requesting installation of sewer, mater and gas to serve her property. It �;7as referred to Superintendent Coles for recorti.endation and 7,aritten report. The Cleric reported that he had discovered that confusion existed as to the proper name of the street formerly kno,,in as 7dgewood Place and then changed to 77merson Place and/or 77tcrson Avenue. He suggested that that portion of the street which is a continuation of Maple Hill Drive West to ?s_urray Avenue be renamed IEaple dill give for the sake of uniformity. The T;r.tter 7,:as ordered referred to the Clerk to secure the consent of the affected property ovrners. justice lZessersmith reported that the 'Tillage of IarC`;mont had appointed a co*�mittee to confer with the Town in regard to possible joint action on an Lncinerator Plant and- that the Village sug-ested t n o. Ana the loan Board appoint a co!rrrittee to work riti the Tillage. T'ne Supervisor sug-gested that the- Lillar-e 0 Ti ma2cnr7ck be inn--. dedvin the proposition if ti-,is 'Tilla,gs cared to do so. upon -motion by .;ustice Yessersmith, „as second= by the Clerk it unanimously �-,73CLV7D, that a committee be appointed by the Supervisor to confer iith committees from the Board of Trustees of La rchmont and 1^amarone ck Iookir_,g to�rarc s a joint study Of _;ossible joint action in regard to an incinerator Plant to Serve the three coi.maunities nand to irk e recommenda- tions thereon, and be it further '7SO'YTD, that the Torn Clerk notify the Board of Trustees of the Villages of Larchmont and I-amaronec� of this action. The Clerk present ed a nuanbcr o-F claims rroTr the 'c estchester Joint :'eater iior-s LTo> 1 for the cost of installing various mains in the To-L,:1. of T-amaroneck. He added that among the claims was one for installir_g 1064 feet of 6 inch main on Colonial Avenue from Senate Place to '::'saver Street vihicn installation gad never beer authorized, the .Latter having been laid over at the meeting held 7`-ovenber 19th, 1930. - After d_iscussior, it ;,as upon ^Lotion by Justice Tliesse_s_rith Sc001-lded by Justice Boyd, upon roll call unanimously 7,7 SO i7"D, that the above :mentioned clai-ms of the estchester Joint ;Later `:or'_LS y . 1 as specified below, be and they 'hereby are ratified, a-pproved and ordered paid: 1064 ft. 6. inch main and hydrant on Colonial 'venue from Senate Place to ',,eaver Street.. . .. , . , . .. > p2,122.67 7.eMcving fire hydrant on Huguenot Drive. . . . . 13.J2 1175 feed, IC inch main, 54 feet 8 inch main and44feet 6 inch ruin or Boston ?ost. Road. . . . .. .. . .. . ...... ...... .. 9,563.12 256.9 feet 8 inch pipe, 26 feet 6 inch -raain and five hyd.rant,s on leaver ,street frorn e<',isting rmin to Scarsdale to,:`n line.. 506. feet 6 i ach i-_a i �-, n rd. one hydrant on� ?oclainEstor_e. Avenue' from -?ores' Avenue north. . .. . 2,094.76 253 feet 6 inch main on HillvroocT. Raad. .• .. 462.55 766 feet 10 inch main and 140 feet 6 inch.=in.and one hydrant c_- _`err 7e.°ue no-rth of F;yrtle Avenue.... ..... 5,235..93 2349 feet six inch rain and 8 feet 8 inch C. I. pipe, and three hydrants on Stoneyside ';rive... . .. ... . ... . .. . . ... . 8,193.36 li 126 .-hi,fter diSC ES 0D it as Upon TIlotion 'Dy 7 lu St;Ce t;µeSSerS?;?I.tY1 seconded by 7UStiCe ?oyd upon -roll call. Unanimously R7 3 D, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized aad_ d.irected_ to issue and :ell a cer- tificate of indebtedness at a -rate of interest not el-ceediZ'S 6% for a period not eXceeding one year in the amount neaessaz7y to pay the above described V clams of the estclnester 70int ;;;'ater '•,Torks i'To. 1. upon motion duly made anJ seconded the ?oald unanimously resolved to adjourn at I I I I I I I