HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_05_20 Town Board Minutes 2�/S J'S �T T;TT'TIl�:'s OF Tn' ' JOl'iTT 10;'71, BOA20 i held I.Iay 20th, 1931. The meetin,, ;ras caller to order by Supervisor Burton at _ Prese•r_t: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins and Feeds Superintendent Coles To?-,in Clerk 1.1-arvin one presence Z-:as also noted of Counselor Carsble. In view of the presence of several pecple who wished to address the Board the regular order of business sras suspended in order to hear them. T-"rs. 11vah -. Parent addressed the Board, saying that there rras a leak in the -:'ater line at the house she owns at 316 wleaver Street. and requesting that the ,matter be taken care of. Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Ccles it we s upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Leeds, unanimously RT'SOLVBD, that upon the recommendation of Iir. Coles the application of Yrs. lvah :'. Parent for a change in the location of the curb box and shut-off at 316 eaver Street from its present location underneath the side-vraik to a point outside the sidewalk- be and the same hereby is approved; and be it further _ R;SOLV71), that the `JEstchester Joirit ,rater -corks No. l be and. it hereby is authorized_ to perform this work at its expense. I Yr. Harry Loughran addressed the Board on behalf of 1 r. 'ohn 7. Iambden, Few Rochelle Realtor, requesting the installation of a i7m ter ma ir, on Fa rdscrable Road. iter discussion it was upon motion by Justice ?Boyd seconded by Tustice Leeds, unanimously ?�'S01 D, that the ';estchester Joint :'later Llorks 1,,c. l be and it hereby is directed to prepare an estimate of the cost of installing about 220 feet of r;ater main on riardscrable Road running 5:.,esterly from its inter- section with Huguenot. Drive, (a) cater Com-pany to open the trench and install the ~ruin and (b) the :Developer to open the trench and the V:atsr Company to install the pipe. A co=.iunicaticn was received from Ho,.,,ard P. Barnes, dated Yay 18th, addressed to the Supervisor asking if the Board proposed to take any action in regard to County Road A95 (Old 7',"hite Plains Road). The Board felt that the com_leticn of the imareve_ae±_t of 1gaver Street as far as the toisrn line should take precedence in the order of iza_orovements at this time. The communication was ordered referred to the Supervisor, Superintendent of Hightirays and Counsel. i The Clerk presented to the 3oard a letter from the Board of Sewer Comrniss i one_.s of Sec er District '-o. 1 O the of xitamaronec:k a.dvizing the Board that the Commission had received bids through Rine Brook Drainage Commission for the construction of a sewer line from ;'ifth avenue southerly through an easement obtained by the Toren of Iariaronecv from 'rrilliam I. Palmer, said sewer line � to. e costructed contiguous to t'•lle Pine _- rook Brain and that in -� having the ?yri, done in connection :?ith the l=ine Brook Drainage job and by this contractor, the Commission felt that it was effecting a saving rather than having it done later by an outside contractor. The latter advised the Board that based on the bid the cost of con- struction of said contract, to ,-.it, contract lba, including the engineer's fees and other necessary e-r,penses, ,,,ould be approl:imately X10,000. and said Setrer Comr_mission therefore requested the Board to authorize the issuance and sale of Ceritificates of Indebtedness from time to time as payments became due under said, contract in the said sure of :fp10,000. '-.11 of said certificates to be issued by the Supet•vi scr as -or•ovi ded under the y Jrovisi C31S Of the :i'OS?n raVl. Counsel advised the ,oard that he ,„,as familiar with the request and had discussed the same zrrith the Board of Sewer Corny:issi_oners and that it was in pr•epe-r form and that the 'Ty7rn Board was in a posi- tion to authorize the issuance of said Certificates so that the e;ork under said contract cull proceed. Biter Ci_LS CLISS?On, upon _cGtl On duly Seconded, It i%,aS R7SOLT7D, :;' 4R,,gS, the Board of Sever Corntnissicners Of Sevier District �70, 1 of the Tour_ of Mamaroneck have estimated and reported to this Board the es- timated cost of construction of Contract 108 deter_ mined as required by law; and =R 4`S, pursuant to lays the Tour, 7oard ;hall cause Certificat s of Tndebtedness to be issued, the same o 'oe a �_o,,•in charge, the proceeds of which Certificates shall be applied in payment of the cost of construction of said part or portion of such Sewer District as is so requested by said Sevier Commissioners; TH-R7F0P_', BT' Ii RESOT-77-D, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and ernpotrered in accordance ,with the law, to borro�l upon the faith and credit of the To�:n of Ka:naronec'_:, the sum, of not to exceed 20,000. plus interest 7,tlich riay from time to time accrue thereon and to issue a temporary Certificate or Certificates of indebtedness in the amount of not to exceed ,10,000. plus interest ,,,,hich froc time to time may accrue thereon, ,which shall bear interest at the rate of not to exceed siz per cent per ennui, payable at such time or times as the Supe=rvisor may fix, not ex- ceeding, ho:=never, eighteen months from the date hereof and to sell or dispose of said Certificates of Tndebted- ness for not less than the par value there©f; and I1' I3'?R R SOZ_T^D, that said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness shall be in substantially the follow- _ ing form: No.. _ M,ITFD STAT-TS 0^ r' RIC I STA•;M• OF 1TT 'i Y0RZ C TJI?TY 0 'r',7STCt1^S^17'R C"RTIFIC TT OF IrD23-p D17 5S, Sla?R DISTRICT yo. 1 OF i`h, 10',:71; OF - Series lne Torn of .Tuamaroneck, in the 'County of ;testchester, a municipal corporation of the State of Yeu York, hereby ackno,rledges itself in- debted. and for value received -promises to pay to the bearer cf this certificate the sum of ($ on the day of 193 , with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of ( %) per centurn per annum. Both principal and interest of this certificate are payable at the office of Hannahs, -2allin and Lee, Yew York City, in gold coin of the United States of America, of or equal to the pre- sent standard of weight, and fineness, or its equivalent in !awful money. This certificate is issued pursuant to the provisions of the To7n law, constituting Chaper 62 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of ,Teti. York-, as amended, for r.-oney borrowed to pay the cost of the construction of a part or portion of a sei,rer system in Seger District. T,-Il in said Town. It is hereby certified and ecited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of 7_e7., 7cY•k to exist, to have haa.a�pened and to be _performed precedent to and in the issuance of this certificate, exist, have happened and have been performed, and that the issue of certificates of which this is one, together with all other inde=rste.dne.ss, of said Torjn is rrith+n . every debt and other limit "prescribed by the Constitution and 'Lar�s of said .;tale; and t•IIe full ait•L: and credit of the Town of Yamarcneak are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of this certificate, according to its terms. Iii '�'rlT SS -�1JTiTROF, the Town of Iiarnaroneek has caused this Certificate- of Indebted»e s to be signed by its Supervisor and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its Town Clerk this day cf 193 . kttest: su_aervisor Town Clerk 7- RTFH+'R t71.SO=71), that the To-�rn of i anaroneck hereby covenants to pay the principal and interest of said Certificate or Certificates of indebtedness in the amount hereinabove provided as t'.:_e same shall become due; by levying assessments on property of Sewer District 2;o. I of the Tobin of hramaronec;:t at such time or times and in such amounts as ::may be necessary thereafter. The �o,�,n of Yamaronecl_ .further covenants in case of a de- fault in carrying out the foregoing covenant, theisaid Town will raise by taxing all taxable property in said Town of ==.amaroneck froL-r time to time the sum or sums sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said Certificate er Certificates of Indebtedness as the same shall become due. A, communication gas received from the Village of Llamaroneck j notifying the Board that the 3oard of ^rue-ees aTpointed a cornittee consisting of Trustees jnclam and Sanford and the '"orporation Counsel to confer ith a committee a--Dpcir_ted Lay 6th by this Board consisting of Justice Yesserslith, Superintendent Coles, Counselor 'amble and Toirn Cleric Harvin in regard to the application of the County Trans- portGticn Cor.pany to discontinue temporarily operation of its route. -he communication was ordered received_; placed on file and the Clerk v,ras directed to arrange for a: meeting of the ti:,o committees. i i i i Four co_xaunications dated I;=ay 7th, 8th, 12th �;nd to trl Were received 1!-om C. W. goody, President of Rouken Glen, Inc., in regard to various matters concerning Rouken Glen. After discussion the cor.nunIcations were- ordered re- ceived, placed on file a-nd referred to Superintendent Coles and after further discussion, it was upon rmotien by Tustice reeds seconded by Justice Collins, upon roll call unanimously RFSOL-77D, that the Supervisor be and he he_eby is authorized, empo•.vered and directed to employ an 7ngineer to _;repare a map of Rouken !:lcn sho Jing the easements, drains, Property lines, street lines and all utilities for any and all purposes required by the town and be it further RES01-11 D, that the resolution passed by this Board at its meeting- on 'may 6th in regard to a similar_ map of Rouken Glen, the cost of which was to be borne in part by I;s. Toody, be and it hereby is rescinded. I An estimate -uas received from the '.Westchester Joint ':rater -.corks, 1,1o. 1 for the installation of 385 feet of 6 inch water main on Villa Road in accordance with the rcaues.t of this Board made on May 6th. The estimate was in the amount of f?�2,195.78. An alternati-ve estimate in the amount of £ 500.00 for installing 150 feet of six inch main to serve all properties requiring vrater was also submitted. _zfter discussion it bras upon Motion by Justice Leeds seconded by Justice Boyd unanimously RFSEILV , 'RAi, an estimate 'Paz been received from the estchester Joint `, ater l orks, e;o, the amount of X500.00 for the installation of 150 feet of 6 inch water ira i n on Villa Road running east frown the intersection of Boulder Road to connect with the existing. tEO inch main on Villa_ Road; therefore be it R7TS0'VTD, that the 'Testchester Joint- =eater "Works, 1T0. 1, be and it hereby is authorized- and directed to install for the Town of Ir"amaroneck said main and to charge the- Town of Mamaroneck the cost_ thereof as ascertained and appro-7ed by the Board of Trustees of said ':Westchester Joint :rater '� orks, I O. 1. A communication dated clay 13th was received from r±mil Zvirin of -Boehm & Company of Larchmont, asking if the town vrouid - take action in regard to cleaning up certain lots in 11aple Hill on which rubbish had been dumped. The Board felt that there were a number of places in the town which, should be cleaned up and after discussion it was upon Y-notion by Justice Leeds, seconded by the Clerk upon roll call unar_imcus ly i RF•SC VED, that the sum of 41,000.00 be and it hereby is authorized for the removal of obstructions and encumbrances on highways and streams in the Tovrn. of Yamaroneck and be it further RTS01=1, , that this matter be referred to the Superintendent of Highr:ays with pomr.er. 137 A cammU:nieation dated JZay 19th was received from Fo4:ard B. Barnes, Deputy County `nginec-r, reporting on the bids received Yay 16th for the reinforced concrete and stone masonry bridge over the east branch of the Shcldralke River on Rockland -Avenue.. Upon motion by Justice Leeds, seconded by justice Boyd, it was upon roll call unanimously P, SO-'VF,D, that this Board approve the recom°nend- ation of the County engineer that the contract for the construction of a reinforced concrete and stone masonry bridge over the east branch of the Sheldrake River on Rockland ,venue, Torn of Yanarone ck, be awarded to the love bidder, LIalloy Brothers, Rye, ld. y. , in the amount of $15,550.00; and be it further R�•SO1zTEB, that this Board authorize the award of this contract as above specified. Superintendent Coles presented plans for the improvement: of Ra-ckingsto* Avenue which had been prepared by A. T. Foote in accord- ance with the resolution of the Town Board on Mrarch 20, 1929, auth- orizing the Supervisor to have these plans prepared. The Board considered the plans and after discussion it was unanimously 71 SOLVHTD,, that this Board do and it hereby does meet at 9 �. ICI. Saturday, Kay 23rd at the inter- section_ of R:oekingstone Avenue and uourtain Avenue to inspect Rockingstone Avenue preparatory t.o approving plans for the improvement of said avenue. The Supervisor reported that the Village of J concurred with the � use o. eck had setting cement in ce�tain portions of therBoston4PostcRoad of quick ance with the action recently aken b this Board. ,fin accord- setting y _oarc Be added that the expense to the Tovrn for the use of this imately "1,000.00. cement 'rould be approx- Upon motion duly made and seconded the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn at 4 I I Town Clerk I i I I I i I