HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_12_09 Town Board Minutes ri
held December 9th, 1930-
The following members were present:
William A. Boyd g
William D. Leeds Justices of the Peace
Wesley U. Messersmith
John L. Coles, Superintendent of Highways
Walter R. Marvin, Jr., Town Clerk
The presence of Frank M- Gagliardi, Special Counsel,
was also noted.
In the absence of Supervisor Burton, on motion, duly
made and seconded,. Justice Boyd was selected to act as Chairman
of the meeting.
Justice Boyd took the chair and stated the purpose
of the meeting.
The chair reauested the Clerk to read the call of
the meeting.
The Clerk aid so, and on motion duly made and seconded
the call was approved.
Thereupon, the chair stated that the Board would be
glad to hear anyone in regard to any matter relating to the
proposed enlargement of the sidewalk district
As none of those present. expressed any desire to address
the Board in regard to the proposed enlargement, the Board
proceeded to consider the matter before it and after consider-
ation, on motion made by Justice Leeds, seconded by Justice
Me'ssersmith, the hearing was closed.
"Thereupon, on the recommendation of Superintendent of
Highways Coles the following was offered for adoption by Justice
Messersmith and seconded by Justice Leeds:
W11F,REAS, by an order dated November 27th, 192a,
this Board after a public hearing held pursuant
to the provisions of Section 250 of the 7-own
Law, duly creatted and established a sidewalk
district within the boundaries described in
said order, designated therein as Weaver Street
Sidewalk District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck,
New York;. and
WHEREAS, this Board deems it necessary and proper
to extend the boundaries of said sidewalk district
so as to include the lands and premises hereinafter
described,, which are situated entirely within the
unincorporated part of said Town outside of the
Villages of Mamaroneck and Larchmont and which are
sho, Fn an a certain map entitled 'lUap_ of proposed
extension of Weaver Street Sidewalk District No. 1,
in the Town of Xamaroneck, Westchester County,
New York't made by A. T. Foote Engineering Gorparation
dated June, 1930 and filed in the office of the
Clerk of said Town, to the end that the comfort,
convenience and safety of the
within the persons residing
proposed extension may be promoted; and
WHEREAS,, by resolution/adopted on November
12, 1930, this Board directed that a public
hearing be held by and before this Board on
December 9,. 1930,, at 8:15 otclock k.1L at the
'Own Rooms, No. & Flm Street in the Village and
Town of Mamaroneck,. pursuant to the provisions
of Article 11-a of the Town law and of Chapter
470 of the Zags. of 1926 as amended, for the
parpoee o�f hearing all persons- who might appear
and desire to be heard in respect to all matters
relating to the extension of said sidewalk
-- district;. and
AREAS, it appears to the satisfaction of this
Board that notice of such hearing ha-been duly
given and published according to laver; and
WHEREAS, this Board has met and convened for
the purpose aforesaid at the time and placa
stated in said notice; and
Tn7FIEREAS, no one appeared in opposition to scicl
Proposed enlargement; and
WHEREAS, it appears to the. satisfaction of this
Board that all the property within the boundaries
described in the aforesaid resolution of November
12, 1930, and which is hereinafter described,, will
be benefited by the extension of said sidewalk
district and that no property other than that
embraced within the. aforesaid boundaries will be
benefited by the proposed improvement; now therefore
it is
'QRDRFfM,- that Weaver Street Sidewalk District No.
I of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, be and
hereby is d.ccordingly extended so as to include-
therein the following described premises.
ALL- that tract of land situate, Tying and being
in the Town of Mamaroneck, County of Vestchester
and State of New York, bounded and described as
BEGINNING at a point in the easterly line of Murray Avenue
where the same would be intersected by the southerly line of the Cross
County Parkway and running thence southerly along the westerly
boundary of the Weaver Street Sidewalk District No. l as shown by
Map bearing the following title 'Xap of Weaver Street Sidewalk
District No. 1, in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New
York,," made by the A. T. Foote Engineering Corp. dated 0`ctober 21,
1918.; running thence as fallaws: southerly along the easterly line
of Murray Avenue to the northerly iine of forest Avenue; thence
easterly along the northerly line of Forest Avenue to a point where
the same would be intersected by line parallel with and 1.00 feet"
westerly from the westerly line of Daymon Terrace (Senate Terrace);
thence southwesterly by a line along the rear of lots lying between
Kurray Avenud and Senate Terrace, as as shown on "I&ap of Colonial
Park filed in the Regist.erts office, August 3, 1906, on pa#e 21,
Volume 23., said line being 100 feet westerly from and parallel to
the westerly line of➢aymon Terrace (formerly Senate ITerraceT
to the northerly line of Colonial Avenue; thence crossing Goibnaal
Avenue to the southerly line of Colonial Avenue by line at right
angles to the line of Colonial Avenue; thence westerly along the
southerly line of Colonial Avenue to the easterly line of Murray
thence southerly along the easterly line of -iiiurray Avenue to the
notherly line of Homer _`venue; thence easterly along the northerly
line of Homer Avenue to a jDaint where the same ;could be intersected_
by the -esterly line of Orsini drive ; thence southerly al0ina' the
west=rly line of Orsini Drive to the northerly line of Maple Hill
Drive; thence vresterly along the northerly line of haple -rill Drive
to the easterly line of i'mers,on :"-oad; thence souath=rly along the
easterly line of 7merson road to the northerly line of •dgevreod_
Avenue ; thence easterly along the northerly line of Zdgeuood venue
to a point ,ihere the s�,e oovld be intersected by the easterly line
of Taylor Place; thence southerly along the easterly line of Taylor
Place to the northerly line of L yrtle 'svenue; thence easterly along
the northerly line of T:'yrtle :',venue to a point where the same mould
be intersected by the :,resterly line of Thomy,,son street; thence
southeasterly along the westerly line of Thompson Street to the
southerly line of Laurel Avenue; thence westerly along the
soutEnrlV line- of Laurel avenue, I)roduced to the `LOV,`n of Tla..,naroneek
Sever F,asenient; thence southeasterly along the Town of ua=roiieck
Sewer Masement to the northerly line of the New York, New Haven and
Hartford Railroad which point is the northeasterly corner of the
Village of Larchmont; thence southwesterly along the northerly
boundary line of the Village of Larchmont to a point 100 feet_
southwesterly from the vresterly line of Chatsworth Avenue; thence
northwesterly along the line parallel ;'rith and 100 feet westerly
from the westerly line of Chatslrorth Avenue to the northerly line
of Tlladison Streets thence westerly along the rear of Lots 17 to
33, inclusive, Block 203, and also along the rear of hots 18 to
25, inclusive, 31ock 201, on the 11I1ap of Larchmont Fills, Subdivisions
2 and 3;1' to the southwesterly corner of Lot 18, Block 201,
Larchmont Mills; thence westerly along the southerly line of prop-
erty now or formerly of John 1. Lambden to the boundary line between
To ,n or ?'Dmaroneck and the City of New Rochelle; thence northerly
along said boundary line to the southerly line of Cross County
Parkway; thence easterly along said southerly line of Cross County
Parkway to the easterly line of L-urray ;`venue, the point or place
ALSO ALL that tract of land situate, lying and
being in the Tc-mo of Yamaronec'h, County of :lest
ehester, State of New York, bounded and described
as follows:
Bl'GIT1?LTG at a point in the northerly line of Pa.Lner -1.venue,
where the same is intersected by the boundary line bets;,een the Village
oflarchrnont and the Town of 1=amaroneck and running thence the follo,.r-
ing courses; easterly along the northerly line of Palmer Avenue to the
boundary line between the iotrn and Village of liamaroneck; thence
southerly along the boundary line between the Toi-rn and Village of
Hamaroneck to a point in the mean highwater line on the southerly
side of Pa3.mer Homtmocks; thence westerly and northerly along the mean
UcEhlaater_line of Palmer Ho=. ocks; to the center line of East Creek;
thence northeasterly,- northerly and northeesterly along the center
line of mast Creek and the boundary line between the Village of Larch-
mont and the Torn of Tiamaroneck to the scutherly line of the Roston
Yost Road; thence continuing northwesterly along the boundary line
between the Village of Larchmont and the Town of Hamaronec'�: to the
northerly line of Palmer Avenue, the point or place of BzGzjjriTT'iTG.
Both of the above tracts of land are shovrn on a certain reap
entitled FclrIRp of Proposed E ter_sion of leaver Street Sidewalk District
vod 1, in the Tovan of I'damaroneck, i"estchsster County, i?.Y."' made b
A. J. Foote -engineering Corporation, dated June, 1930 and filed my
the office of the Town Clerk of said Town.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution
uras put to a vote which resulted as follows.-
Ayes; 4
Noes: None
The chair declared the resolution duly adopted.
A claim was received from W. E. utconnor, 134 Harmon
Drive, Larchmont, in the sum of 6--00.€10 for alleged damages
caused by Contractor when putting down new roadway on Harmon
Drive. The matter was ordered referred to Counsel.
The Clerk reported that he had made a formal request
upon the authorities of the City of New Rochelle as directed by
the Board at its meeting on December 3rd to permit the town to
use two hydrants an the New-Rochelle Mamaroneck boundary line.
He thereupan read the following communication.
December 6, 1930.
Walter R. Marvin, Jr. Esq.,
Town of Mamaroneck
Siz Elm Street
Mamaroneck, New York
Dear Sir:-
Enclosed herewith, please find a copy of a report
submitted by the Water and Fire Hydrants Committee, and duly
adopted and approved by the Council at a meeting held December
5, 1930.
This report gives your Town the necessary permission to
use the two hydrants for fire protection when necessary.
Yours very truly
Eugene M. Heiney
City Clerk
December 5, 1-930
The Honorable Council
City of New Rochelle-,
The `Down of Mamaroneck has reauested this City, through
the Ilayor4 for permission to use two hydrants in the City of
Drew Rochelle near the Tocvrn line, and he has referred this
matter, to the Water and Fire Hydrants Committee.
rt appears that the Town of Mamaroneck is installing
new water mains, but until said mains are in service the section
of the town at- the Boston Post Road will not have sufficient
water for fire protection, and the Board of Fire Underwriters
have demanded better water facilities.
Your committee has taken up this matter with. the Chief
of the Fire Department and with the New Rochelle Water Company.
The Water Company has answered that they will be glad to cooperate
with the Town of Mamaroneck in this matter, and that they have no
objection to use of these hydrants by the Town. The Fire Chief
has also stated that there would be no objection to the uxe of
the hydrants by Mamaroneck.
rt is therefore,. recommended that your Honorable Body
approve the use of the hydrant on Boston Post Road located
two hundred feet from the corner of Dillon Road,, and the hydrant
on Chester Place about two hundred feet from Dillon Road, by the
Torn of M-a aroneck for fire purposes..
The communication was ordered received, placed on file
and entered in the minutes in full and the Clerk was directed
to acknowledge it with thanks.
The Clerks presented and read to the Board a letter from
Ear. MacDonald-, the County Engineer, advising that bids for the
reconstruction of the Boston Post Road through the Town of
Mamaroneck were to be received by the State Highway Commissioner
an December 19th and requesting. the Town of Mamaroneck to deposit
with the State Comptroller the estimated share of the construction
cost to the Town of Mamaroneck, to wit, $28=200, so there would
be no delay in awarding the contract
The Supervisor stated that this Board had heretofore appr-
oved of the reconstruction of the Boston Past Road having adopted
preliminary and final resolutions and now that said contracts
were being advertised for bids, the Board should appropriate the
sum. of 128,200. the amount requested by the County Fngineerrs
office and being the estimated share of the Town and should auth-
orize the Supervisor to deposit; same with the State Comptroller.
Counsel recommended that the Board authorize the
Supervisor to issue a certificate or certificates of indebtedness
in the amount of not to exceed $28,200. the proceeds of which
certificate shall be applied in payment of the cost of reconstr-
uction of said Boston Post Road.
And that it further authorize the Supervisor to deposit
with the State Comptroller the said sum of 028,200. as requested
by the County I'ngineer pursuant to the estimate of the cost of
said construction, which payment must, be made prior to the
awarding of the contract,
Thereupon, on motion by Justice Nessersm ith, se.donded
by Justice Leeds, it was upon roll call unanimously
RYS03,VETD, that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized and empowered in accordance with
the Highway Law constituting Chapter 25 of the
Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, the
Town Law constituting Chapter 62 of the Laws of
the State of New York, and the General. Municipal
Law constituting Chapter 2.4 of the Consolidated
Laws of the State of New York,, to borrow upon the
faith and credit of the Town of Mamaroneck the sum
of not to e=xceed $28,200. and to issue a temporary
Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness in said
amount'., which shall bear interest of not to exceed
d% per annum payable at such time or times as the
Supervisor may advise, not exceeding, however, 18
months from the date thereof and to sell and dispose
of such Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness
for not less than the par value thereof, the max-
imum of said amount of such Certificate or Certif-
icates of Indebtedness to be hereafter refunded by
the issuance and sale of bonds; further
RESGL�`D, that such Certificate or Certificates
of Indebtedness shall be in substantially the follow-
ing form:
Gertificate of Indebtedness
Issued in anticipation of the sale of
highway bonds to pay for that portion of
the cost of reconstruction of the Boston
Post Road improvement through the Town of
Mamaroneck, which is chargeable against
the Town of Mamaroneck as provided by the
Consolidated Navas of the State of New York..
BTa. B.F.R.
The Town of Namaroneck, in the County of Westchester,
a municipal Corporation of the State of New York, hereby ack-
nawledges itself indebted and for Value received promises to pay
to bearer hereof, or, if the same be registered to the registered
holder, the sum of ($
Dollars lawful- money of the United States of America, with interest
thereon from date at the rate of four- and one quarter (4 ) per
centtm- per annum, both principal and interest being payable in
lawful money of the United States at the office of Hannahs, Ballin
& Lee, New York City.
This Certificate of Indebtedness is issued pursuant to
the provisions of the Highway Lave constituting Chapter 25 of the
Consolidated Laws of the State of New York and the General. Municipal
Law of the State of New York, and the Town ?law constituting Chapter
62 of the Gonsolidated Laws of the State of New York, and in strict
compliance with the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Neva
York and by virtue of a resolution of the flown Board of the 'Tovm of
Mamaroneck regularly and lawfully adopted December 9th, 1930.
It is hereby certified and recited that all the conditbnsr
acts and thugs required by the Constitution and Statutes of the
State of New York to exist, to have happened and to be performed
precedent to and in the issuance of this Certificate of Indebted-
ness exist, have happened and have been performed, and that the
issue of Certificates of Indebtedness of which this is one, to-
gether with all other indebtedness of said Town of Vama roneck is
within its debt and other limits prescribed by the Constitution and
Laws of this State.
IN l•.IITNFSS WHEREOF, the 'Town of Mamaroneck, through its
Town Board has caused this Certificate of Indebtedness to be signed
by its Supervisor and the corporate seal of said Town to be hereunto
affixed and attested by its Town Clerk, and this Certificate of
Indebtedness to be dated this day of; 1931.
Town Clerk
=0I M— , that the Town of Mamaroneck hereby
covenants to pay the prrripal and interest of
said certificate or certificates of indebtedness
of the amount herein-aIrove provided as the same
shall become due by levying assessments upon
property in the loan of Mamaroneck at such time
or times and in such amounts as may be necessary
to pay said principal and interests further
HESOLVF.D, that the Town of Mamaroneck hereby
covenants further, in case of a default in
carrying out the foregoing covenants, the said
Town will raise by taxing all taxable property
in said Town of Mamaroneck from time to time
the sum or sums sufficient to pay the principal
and interest of said Certifif-ate or Certificates
of Indebtedness as the same shall become due.
TSpon motion duly made and seconded the Board unanimously
re solved to adjourn atL TO p`y_
Town Clerk