HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_12_24 Town Board Minutes 4- 1
held Decernzber 24th, 1930..
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 3 P.H.
Present: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Collins, Leeds and lIessersmith
Superintendent Coles
Town Clerk Yarvin
The presence 7,7as also noted of Counselor Gamble and
Special Counselor Gagliardi.
The Clerk reported that he had received a telephone
call from _:Irs. James E. Clark, 17 Huguenot Drive, Larchmont, in
vrhich she said that a water pipe projected about 10 inches above
the level of the ground in front of her property in a place where
she wished to construct a driveway and. that a water hydrant was
also located 7,rhe-re she swished to construct said driveti-ray. She
requested that the pipe and hydrant be moved.. At the request
of the Supervisor the matter vras referred to Supervisor Burton
and Superintendent Coles with po-�,rer, the former stating that he
vras familiar vrith the request.
Superintendent Coles reported that Joseph -:'alters, a
builder in iNlew Rochelle, was planning to construct a house on
Garden Road and that there was no water connection for the lots
He reauested permission of the Tavm Board to allow the Westchester
Joint Water Works, No. 1 to cut into the concrete surface of
Garden Road to install said connection, and said that he would
see to it that the pavement was properly replaced. The matter
-vas by resolution referred to Superintendent Coles.
The 'Town Clerk reported that he had received the
following telephone message from hirs. Grace cracker of Vine Road,-
"1 wish as Torn Clerk that you would tell them all that I am
bothering you repeatedly and that you should get some action."
The matter referred to was Yrs. Wacker's request for information
concerning the ownership of a part of vine Road. The Clerk
was directed to reply to UIrs. cracker that the matter had been
referred to Counselor Gamble and that Counselor =amble would
report as soon as he had completed his labors in connection v:,ith
the Post Ro-ad improvement, the Pine Brook drain and the pgxellel
route improverzaent, all of which are now ayra.iting closing of =ontract.
Special Counselor uagliardi addressed the Board and said
that a temporary certificate of indebtedness vvas needed in the sum
of 897,505.47, pending the collection of the assessment to be made
and levied and/O3 the issue and sale of bonds in connection with the
improvement of Dante Street, formerly known as. Dimitri Avenue,
Dimitri Place a:ad Byron lane in Maple Hill development: Town of
Mamaroneck, as provided by Chapter 549 of the Laws. of 192°.
After dix-cussion it was upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded
by the 'Town Clerk upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, WFIT-72AS, by an order of this Board made
and adopted at a meeting held on July 10, 1929, this
Board was duly authorized to improve Dante venue,
formerly Dimitri 1venue, Dimitri Place and Byron Lane
in said Town of Yamaroneck with a perrianent concrete
pavement, curbed on both sides themof and with a
concrete sidewalk on each side of said streets; and
Ti° `?'_'AS, the cost of such improvement and the
expense thereof is to be assessed upon the
property fronting or abutting upon the said
streets, or portions thereof,. az provided by
Chapter 549 of the Laves of 1926, as amended; and
WIT Fx..AS, Section 7 of Chapter 549 of the `ati�s
of 1926, as amended,: provides that after the Town
Board has ascertained the total cost of the improve-
went it may borrov-:T upon the credit of said Town by
-- certificate of indebtedness a sum equal to the total
cost thereof for a period not ezeeed.ing one year;
:'r'HEPMAS, this Board has ascertained the total cost
of said improvement and the expense thereof to be
the sum of X97=505.47; and
V,IRE AS, it is the desire of this Board that a temp-
orary certificate of indebtedness for the sum of
::97,505.47 may be issued and sold pending the collec-
tion of the assessment to be made and levied: and/or
the issuance and sale of bonds as provided by
Chapter 549 of the laws of 1926, as amended;
IM"' TIER P R�, it is
RFSOLYEIM, by this Board that the Supervisor be
and hereby is authorized and empo'.Jefed to borrow
upon the faith and credit of the Town of Mamaroneck
the sun. of 897,505.47 for which sum he shall issue
in the name and under the seal of said Town a
temporary certificate of indebtedness in anticipation
of the collection of the assessment to be made and
levied against lots fronting on Dante Avenue, Dimitri
PIa ae,. .d Byron Lane, in the Town of 11, aroneck,. and/or
the issuance and sale of bonds therefor to pay the
cost of improving said streets as provided. by
Chapter 549 of the Laves of 1926, as amended; and it
is further
RFSOIVPID, that said certificate shall be sold for
not less than the par value thereof, shall bear inter-
est at a rate not to exceed 6% per annum and shall
mature at such time as the Supervisor may determine
not exceeding, however, one year from the date thereof•
and it is further '
RTSOILV?D, that said certificate shall be paid with
the amount realized from the assessment when collected,
to be made and levied in the manr_er provided by Chapter
549 of the Lays of 1926, as amended,, and/or from the
proceeds Of` the sale of bonds,. as the eaiae may be,
as provided by said law; and it is further
R7SOBVED, that the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and
they hereby are authorized and empuuered to sign
and execute such papers as may be necessary to
effect the sale of said certificate.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing yea gut
to a vote which resulted as follows :
Ayes: 7
Noes: none
The resolutions were declared unanimously adopted..
Special Counselor Gagliardi addressed the Board and said
that a temporary certificate of indebtedness in the amount. of
$60,019.72 was necessary pending the collection of the assessment
to be _Wade and levied and/or the issue and sale of sidewalk dist-
rict bonds in connection with the grading and construction of
sidewalks along ':haver Street in the Town of Ij"iamaroneck, as pro-
__ vided by Article 114 of the Town Law..
Upon motion by Justice Deeds seconded by the Clerk,
it. -was upon roll call Ufanimously
R-T-SOI TIM, MYR727'•AS, by an order of this Board made
and adopted at a meeting held on July 10, 1929, this
Board duly authorized the grading and construction of
sidewalks along weaver Street in the To-wn of L"amaron-
eck and the acquisition of thq/hecessary property
required for that purpose, said property being
shovJn on a certain plan made by A. J.. Foote Engin-
eering Corporation, Civil -Tngineerz, as provided
by Article 11-a of the Town law; and
UHTR7'AS, the cost of said improvement and the
expenses thereof is to be assessed partly upon
the property fronting or abutting upon said `;weaver
Street and partly against the sidewalk district.
as provided by =article 11-a of the Town Law, and
WFUM-TAS, Section. 253 of the Town la-w provides
that the Town Board may issue temporary certificates
of indebtedness wjhich may be renewed from time to
time pending the issuance of bonds as therein
provided and borrow upon said temporary certificates
Of indebtedness a sum or sums not exceeding the cost
of the improvement; and
'I B•AS, this Board has ascertained -the total cost
of said improvement and the expense thereof to be
the sum of :60,019.72; and
rFI 7TAS, it is tnd; desire of this Board that a
temporary certificate of indebtedness for the sum
Of ;:60,019.72 be issued and sold pending the collection
of the assessment to be made and levied and/nor the
issuance and sale of sidewalk district bonds as
provided by Section 253 of the Town Law, as amended
by Chapter 2.01 of the Laws of 1927;
110W TIMTRIT-70777, it is
? SOTZVF"D, by this Board that the Supervisor be anA
hereby is authorized and empowered to borrow upon
the faith and credit of the Torre of Yamaroneck the
sum of "P60,019.721 for which sum he shall issue in the
name and under the seal of said Town a temporary
certificate of indebtedness in anticipation of the
collection of the assessment to be mane and levied
against the property fronting or abutting upon
Weaver Street and against the sidewalk district as
provided by Article 11-a of the Town. Law and/or
the issuance and sale of bonds therefor to pay
the cost of regulating, grading and constructing side-
walks along :Weaver Street and the cost of acquiring
the lands necessary for that purpose as provided by
:article 11-a of the Town Law; and it is further
RE'S0=0, that said certificate shall be sold
for not less than the par value thereof, shall
bear interest a;_tta rate not to exceed 6j, per
annum and shall mature at such time as the Super-
visor nay determine not exceeding, however, eight
months from the date thereof;. and it is further
RETSOLVED, that said certificate shall be pa--id
with the amount realized from the assessment to
be made and levied in the manner provided by
Section 2.53 of the Town La-v and/ok from the proceeds
Of the sale of sidewalk district bonds as provided
by Article 11-a of the Town Law; and it is further
RESOLVEM, that the Supervisor and 7o-,m Clerk be
and they hereby are authorized and empowered to
aign and execute such papers. as may be necessary
and proper to effect the sale of said certificate.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions
was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Ayes: 7
Does: none
The Chair declared the resolutions. unanimously adopted..
Justice I,eel-, on behalf of one of the committees appointed
to consider the Dillon Park fire situation requested that the Board
take immediate action,in view of the imminent improvement of the
Boston Post Road, on the matter of installing a 10 inch water main
under the Post Road to serve the Dillon Park section. The Clerk
reported that he had not yet. received from the Westchester Joint
Water Works, Yo. I an estimate of the cost of the work as requested
at the meeting of November 19.th. The Supervisor said he thought the
-- installation should be ordered at once in an vent so that the
work may be done before the Post Roa $s° Kent
Upon motion by Justice heeds seconded by the Town Clerk,
it was upon roll call unanimously
RE-SOL'V ED, 75=T AS, this Board requests the
installation of a 10 inch water rain with proper
gates and/or fittings on both sides from a point
on the northerly side of Hartung Street to the
Boston Pow Road,thence westerly along the Boston
Post Road to a point opposite Dillon Road, thence
under the Poston Pos=t Road to a point. on Dillon
Road which point is without the line of the
Proposed Boston Post Roa.d improvement; therefore
be it
R7SCLVH-'D, that the -7estcnester Joint 7,Tater ivarks,
ITo. 1 be and it hereby is authorized and directed
to install for the Town of Mamaroneck said main
and to clarge the Town of Mamaroneck the cost.
thereof as ascertained and approved by the Board
of Trustees of said 7Jestchester Joint ;dater "i:rorks
ITo. 1.
The Town Clerk as chairman of a special committee appointed
April 16th, 1930 to consider the matter of fire protection for Dillon
Park, with particular reference to the fire house in Dillon Park,
Presented, a report t.,rhich was read, ordered received and placed on fi]e.
Superintendent. of Highways john L. Coles presented his
1931 To«n Superintendent, estimate for highway purposes.
After discussion and consideration it was upon motion
by Justice Leeds seconded by the Clerk and upon roll call unanimously
TMOL'TED, that the following amounts for the res-
pective items in the Torn Superintendent's estimate
for highway purposes for the year 1931 be and they
hereby are allowed and approved:
Item 1 :45,000..00
Item 2 a?500.00
Item 3 1,500.00
Item 4 11,500.00
After the adoption of the foregoing estimate and the
approval of sane,. the Board then ,.roceeded to sign the necessary
forms furnished by the County --Tngineer.
Supervisor Burton said he did not T;ish to let the year
come to a close without. expressing his appreciation of the splendid
,r(ork done by Superintendent Coles in maintaining and extending
the highy;ay system of the tou,rn.. Be said that Yr.. Coles had done
his work most. economically and efficiently and ppitted out the
decreases of the 1931 estimate as compared with the one for the
previous year. The other members of the Board also took advantage
of the opportunity td compliment Hr. Coles on his successful work.
Upon motion duly made and seconded the Board unanimously
resolved to adjourn at 3:50 B. Y.
To, Clerk