HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_01_21 Town Board Minutes 1��'TING OF 1'E JOINT T9,IT7 BO.= TO-WY -F IL '��ROT�CkL, ir ' YORK held January 21st, 1931. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 9:05 P.M. Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins, Leeds and Yessersmith Superintendent Coles Tov,;n Clerk Marvin The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble. On motion duly made. and seconded it was voted to dispense Frith the reading- of the minutes of the meetings not yet approved. A communication was received from the `keaver Street lire Company, dated January 20th, 1931, in regard to a new hydrant recently installed on Hurray Avenue near the Pelham-Port Chester Par'=ray bridge, which hydrant was reported to be too low to permit its use by the Fire Company.. The Clerk reported that this fatter had already been called, to the attention of the Town Board and that Superintendent Coles had been empoTered to have the hydrant raised. A communication was received from 7ill.iam K. laws.on, President of Fenimore Cooper Estates, Inc., requesting early action on the improvement of Rockland .Avenue , from Torest Avenue to Avon Road, a distance of about 1000 feet. The letter was ordered received and placed on file and the regular order of business was suspended in order to hear Ifs. Lawson who vrished to address the Board in person. Kr. Lawson made a strong plea for this improvement and was supported by Philip: Zvirin, who likewise addressed the Board to the same effect. After considerable discussion it was upon motion by Judge Yessersmith seconded by the Clerk,, upon roll call unanimously RFSOL'JFD, that Superintendent Coles be and he hereby is authorized and directed to request the county engineer to prepare final plans and specif- ications for a bridge over the east branch of the Sheldrake River at Rockland Avenue, and be it further RFS0LS1, that Superintendent Coles be and he hereby is authorized and directed to confer y:7ith the county engineer relatinik to grades and 7aes on Rockland Avenue from Forest Avenue to Avon Road in co-ordination with the bridge over the east branch of the Sheldrake River at Rockland Avenue. Mr. Lavisen thereupon thanked the Board for its action. A communication was.-, received from Honta C. Smithson, Corporation Counsel for the Village of yarchmont, requesting cancell- tion of the 1930 School and Town taxes on certain lots ovrned by the Village of Larchmont lying in the bed of County Road 67-2.. The matter was by resolution referred to Counselor Gamble. A communication eras received from the vestchester Joint later corks, i?o. 1, dated January 19th, referring to the installation of a 10 inch later main on the north side of the Boston post Road from a point near the Red Lion Inn to the Larchmont Village line as requested by the Town Board on 1._-ay 15th, 1930. The communication re- cra=eted the additional authorization to install certain service line connections. After considerable discussion it was upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Collins,. upon roll call unanimously P-SOLVED, W REAS, the Joint Town Board at its meeting on Maay l5th, 1930, authorized installation of a 19 inch water i7ain on the north side of the Boston post Road from a point near the Red Lion Inn to the Larchmont Village line; and 74TF=AS, the Westchester Joint Water ,Yorks, 1%ro. 1 reports that additional authorization is necessary for the installation of service line connections to replace old lead and iron services in order to .safeguard against any leaks that may occur after the new road is completed, therefore be it FLTSOL772D, that the Westchester Joint •;8ater '::arks, yo. 1 be and it hereby is authorized and empowered to install for the Town of Mamaroneck and to charge the Tovm of rariaroneck the actual cost thereof as ascertained an r3 approved by the aoard of Trustees of said Westchester Joint Water Works, Teo.. 1, the necessary service line connections at a cost of not more than $40.00 for each cannection and a total cost of not more than N500.00 therefor. ^rederick E. Sherman, Managing Clerk of the 'iiestchester Joint eater ;locks, Z\,o. 1, addressed the Board in regard to a claim of the Water Works against the contractor for see=rer contract X15. Counselor Gamble requested Yr. Sherman to submit a duly verified claim in the proper form. A communication was received, dated January 19th, 1931, from the Parent Teacher's Association of the Murray _1venue ;school enclosing a copy of a resolution by the Association in regard to certain traffic lights in the unincorporated section of the town. After considerable discussion it .ras upon motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice 1essersmith unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board favor and approve the stand taken by the Parent-Teacher Association of the iuurray Avenue School in regard to traffic lights near the school, and be it further RTSOLVL'D, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Parent-Teacher Association and to the State H-igh- i7ay Department, and be it urtYer RrSCLVTD, that this Board use all honorable means to have the request of the Parent-Teacher Assoeiation granted, and be it further RHSOLVP'D, that if any further conference-on the matter is necessary this 3oard .rill be glad to meet with representatitres of the Parent-Teacher Association and to that and the Supervisor is hereby empowered to appoint a committee to meet with and co-operate with the Parent-leacher Association: The Supervisor thereupon appointed to this committee ,Tustices Yee�sersmith and Boyd and Tcvin Clerk 11arvin. i A com-munication was received from Charles $. Beckwith, Inc. concerning bills rendered to the Town and still unpaid. after dis- cussion the matter was upon motion duly made and seconded and upon roil call unanimously referred to the Super-visor vrith pa,°Ter. The Clerk reported that he had conferred with Superintend- ent Coles in regard to certain street signs and that ?�':�r. Coles ^^ recommended tnat trese signz be acquired. After discussion it vas. upon motion by the Clerk and seconded by Superintendent Coles, upon roll call unanimously RITSCLVED, that the matter of obtaining certain necessary street signs identical with those at present in use for replacing missing signs and for- certain new locations be referred to Superintendent Coles vith power; and be it further DSO'=. that the matter of obtaining artistic signs,. marking the toT-m boundary along the highr-rays be referred to the Clerk, %rho is hereby directed to secure sketches from local artists therefor, and be it further RESOLVED, that the matter of a special sign at the corner of 1'_urray Avenue and Chatsworth Avenue be refe_�red to a committee composed of Superintendent Coles, L,'r. A. h. Stevens, Chairman of the Park Commission, and the Tobin Clerk. Upon notion duly made and seconded the meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.I . i 'Iotia Clerk II i I I