HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_09_03 Town Board Minutes 3(� 1/ fT TI'TG OF THE MINT TOVIIv BOARD DYWIT OF TAIi ROTTH`CKs IT. Y. held September 3rd, 1930 The meeting vaas called to order by Supervisor Burton at 9:05 P. IL Present: Supervisor 3urton Justices Boyd, Leeds and I:Iessersmith Superintendent of Highways Coles Town Clerk Marvin Upon motion, duly seconded, it was vote. to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the meetings yet approved. The Clerk suggested that because of the presence of several people who wished to be heard, the regular order of business be suspended in order to hear those present. Iur. A. C Campbell of Villa Lane addressed the Board in connection with two letters which the Clerk thereupon read, The first letter requested the To,rrn to accept as torrn roads, Villa Lane and Campbell Lane. This was referred to Superintend- ent Coles and Counselor Gamble. The second letter requested the Board to establish lights on Villa Lane and Campbell Lane. This matter was referred to Superintendent Coles. Supervisor Burton and others took advantage of the opportunity to thank Hr. Campbell for the fine quality of the road he had built in his development. Ur. Frank R. Richelson addressed the Board in reference to a street light on Boulder Road which he said had been ordered several years ago but had never been installed. He declared the light was badly needed. Upon the recomnendation of Superintend- ent Coles, upon motion by Justice Iilessersmith, seconded by the Clerk, it was unanimously R-TSC VE'D, that the :natter of this light be referred to Superintendent Coles With power, sub;ect to the receipt of a request in writing from Fur. Richelson. There being no other persons present iho wished to address the Board, the regular order of business was resu-med. The Clerk read a letter from Frank D. Gironda, 11 Cabot Road, Larchmont, requesting that a "SLO' CURVE sign and street light be placed at or near the intersection of Cabot. Road and Myrtle Boulevard. The matter was referred to Superintendent Coles vaith ponder. Communications were received from Philip Newton, LI.D. of 301 Hurray Avenue, Larchmont, and C. W. Moody, Rouken Glen, rch- wont, in regard to the removal of a dead tree situated in the blind end of East Drive, Rouken Glen. Upon motion by Justice 'ilE'sserssni th seconded by Justice Leeds, it was unanimously RESOLV2.D, that the :natter of this tree be referred to Superintendent Coles with power with the distinct understanding that if this tree is removed by the Town, it is done out prejudice to the position of the with- Town in regard to the oc*Jnership of the streets in Rouken Glen and done in the interests of aalic safety only. p A communication was received from :�mi? Zvirin of Larch- mont urging the installation of street lights on Byron Lane and Dimitri Place and Dante Street. .After discussion it was upon motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Leeds, unanimously SOLVED, that this Board authorize the installation of street lights on Byron Lane, Dimitri Place and Dante Street, under the direction of Superintendent Coles. The Clerk read a letter from John T. Ifurray, 2 Boston Post Road, New Rochelle, concerning a hole in the sidev�alk in front of his property. The matter was referred to Superintend- ent Cfll^S ^v th power.i A cOMMUmication was received from George Bayer, 432 'eeaver Street, Larchmont, in regard to a grater pipe which sticks out from the ground and forms a traffic menace on a driveway to the rear of his property. The matter was referred to Su erint- ndent Coles. p claim was received from Gladys Gould Bor en of ;leaver Street in the amount of r19Q*C2. as the purchase price of land taken for sideuyalk purposes and for moving a hedge. Upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by the Clerk, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVrD, that upon the approval by Super- intendent Coles of this claim,_ the Super- visor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay same upon the receipt of the necessary releases. The Clerk presented claims by certain realtors for services as(County appraisers in connection rrith. the Palmer ,venue extension or l Road o'7-2) and said that the Board of Auditors desired a formal resolution approving C these claims before they could be passed. Upon motion by the Clerk seconded by Justice Boyd it was upon roll call unanimously R-TSOLV2,I), that the claims of John T. Breunich in the amount of 4300.00, Lester Faurot in the amount of :x-00.00 and of C. C. Lerritt in the amount of 8100.00 for services as appraisers in connection with land takings in the Palmer avenue extenziar_ (County Read 67-2) I be and they hereby are approved upon the recommendation of COU- el. The Supervisor reported that he had been served vrith lcopy of e an application of Edgewater Point Inc. for a grant of and under water far v�rhich a remonstrance must be made on or before October 9th, 1930 in case the Town feels it would he injured by the grant.. The matter was ordered received and referred to Counsel. Justice Kessersmith informed the Board that other similar applications rill be served on the Supervisor in t_ e future and on the recommendation of S h� near upon motion b Justice TapEr�iSOr Burton, it 1'i as Y u BoYd: seconded by Justice Leeds, RESOLVID, that the Su erz; authorized to refer these r_sor be and he hereby is app=ica-tions to Counsel y the't andsother similar them to the Town Board. presenting Upon motictl the meeting adjournedat 10:10 P. Tli. f/I TovJn Clerk