HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_09_17 Town Board Minutes C
held September 17th, 1930.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at
10:45 P. Iff.
Present; Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Leeds and Uessersmith
Town Clcrk Earvin
The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble,.
The minutes of the meetings of August 20th, 25th and
September 3rd were read by the Clerk and approved as read..
Counselor Gamble informed the Board that I'lary J. Norwood
Realtor of Larchmont, was submitting a claim in the amount of
100,00 for services am appraiser in connection t1,rith the acquisition
of land for the �.er Avenue Fxtensi on (County Road No. 67-2)
and that he approved of said claim, which, he said, he had intended
to speak of at a previous meeting when other similar claims were
submitted to the Board.
Upon motion by Justice Deeds seconded by Justice Boyd,
it ryas upon roll call unanimously
RETSOLVIM, that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized and directed to pay the claim. of
_ ::ors. Mary J. Nor-wood for services
in connection with the acgaisitionofaproperty
for the Palmer Avenue 7Xtension (County Road No. f7-21-
when same is submitted.
The Clerk inquired if the Board intended to do anything
further in regard to the proposed improvement ,with County aid of
Old i'dhite Mains Road (11amaroneck Road) as County Road No. 95,
a matter which had been laid over at a previous meeting. The
Supervisor Baas by resolution authorized to appoint a committee
to investigate carefully the matter of this improve;ment and the
lance takings needed therefor. He appointed to this committee
Justices Lessersmith, Boyd and Collins.
A claim was received from Ross: LeB and Kenneth B.
Daggett R only heirs at law and next of kin of Arthur B. Daggettt
deceased,, which had been approved by F. IT. Gagliardi, ,Special
Counsel in connection ;.Iith the hurray Avenue improvement®
The claim is in the amount of X3,772.00 in payment of purchase
price of . 1,092.56 square ,feet of jar
d and other costs in
N,ith this improvement. The Supervisor said that this
was one of the Most satisfactory settlements that the Town had
made along 1_urray Avenue-. Upon motion by Justice Kessersmith
seconded by Justice Leeds, it was upon roll call unanimously
RLVSOLVED, that the above claim be approved
and ordered paid..
A letter was received from Thomas. L. Zimmerman, Jr. of
551 Fifth. Avenue, Ives York Ci;.y, attorney for the Hillard F.
Smith CO. ' regarding moneys paid to F
done by him on server contract. Fred Lux on account of T,ork
referred to Supervisor liur;;� zr-06. The letter was or
n and Counselor Gamble.
Villa g A petition Was received from Alexander C. Campbell, 67
high;; cad, bell Lane requesting that the lotivr� accept as public
.nays Caz�pbel? Lane and vi 13µ
referred to Counsel Lane. The ,etiti I,
° _ on spas
A letter was receivedfrom S.. A. Coy'kendall, Jr. on
behalf of TIfary E. Coy'--endall of 235 Forest Avenue, Larchmont,
regarding a claim against Petrillo & Bianchi for X200.00 property
damage allegedly suffered by her as a result of rock blasting
adjacent to her property. The matter was ordered referred to
Superintendent Coles
A letter was received from Lylian 11. Glidden and Daniel
A. Glidden, oviners of property on Colonial Avenue, requesting the
installation of water *ruins from Senate Place to Weaver Street on
Colonial. Avenues
Upon ?notion by Justice 1,,1essersmith seconded. by Justice
Boyd, it was upon roll call unanimously
RESCIV7±'D, that the "'.'estchester Joint -Water
V orks,_ No. 1, be and at. hereby r is
and directed to submit to the Tovm Boardgofd
the To.:n of LIP-maroneck an estimate of the
cost of installing water main on Colonial
.Avenue, from Senate ?lace to :Deaver Street,
said main to be placed in sevaer f
tr°i1C�f2 bEtOre
seWer trench is backfilled.
The following letter was read by the Clerk.
September 13, 1930
Mr. 'Walter R. I-4kzrvin, Jt.
Town Clerk
Dear Sir.
Replying to your favor of the Stn inst.., could say
the depression in sidewalk has been put in order and looks well.
Many thanks.
Very truly yours
John T. Murray.
The letter was ordered received and placed on file.
A petition was recei ed signed by 10 owners of
Property on Briarcliff Road requesting permanent surfacing and
new sidewalks on said road. It was referred. tc Superintendent
A letter was received from George Seimer, 48 Valley
Road, Larchmont, requesting the removal of a dead tree located at
Fern and Valley Roads. The ,natter vas referred
Coles. to Superintendent
Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 11:25 P. K.
Town Clerk