HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_11_19 Town Board Minutes 7GIEETnTG OF THE So= TOOT BOARD
held November l9th, 19a.o.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 8:40 F.H.
Present: Supervisor Burton
Sustiees Boyd, Collins, Leeds and Messersmith
Superintendent of Highways Coles
Town Clerk Marvin
The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble.
The Supervisor suggested that in view of the fact that
there were a number of persons present who wished to address the
Board, the regular order of business be suspended in order to
hear those present.
Grace Z. Tacker of 22 Vine Road addressed the Board and
requested the improvement of the sidewalk in front of her property.
The matter was by resolution referred to Superintendent Coles.
The Clerk read a letter from Tlrs- Wacker in which she requested
written confirmation of oral statements made to her by Town offic-
ials,, she claims, to the effect that the Town did not own that
portion of Vine Road in front of her property. Mrs. Wacker in
person confirmed the letter saying that she wanted to know who
owned the road. The matter was by resolution referred. to Counsel.
Counsel submitted a form of resolution certifying to the
fact tha.-t .Alexander G. Campbell had performed the conditions and
terms of a contract heretofore entered into with the Town of
Mamaroneck an July 24th, 1929, which resolution was moved by
Sustiee Hessersmith and seconded by the Clerk, and upon roll call
unanimously approved as follows:
AREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck heretofore and
on August 8th, 19219, entered into a contract with
Alexander C°. Campbell, under the terms of which
the parties agreed to the taking over by the Torn
and the dedication by Campbell of two streets in
the development of said Campbell known as Campbell
Lane and Villa lane described in said contract., and
WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Highways reports to
this Board that the said Campbell has duly performed
the terms and provisions of said contract to his
satisfaction and it is recommended that the bond
filed by the said Campbell for the faithful per-
formance of said contract may now be cancelled,. and
WH=AS, this Board duly adopted a resolution on
August 7th, 1929, providing for the taking- over of
Campbell Lane and Villa Lane as described in the
aforesaid contract and resolution and under the terms
and conditions therein set forth, and
WH, AS, in the aforesaid resolution Campbell Lane
and Villa Lane were accepted and declared to be a
public highway as in said resolution provided, and
WIM.?,EAS, the `EOvm of Mamaroneck reserves the right
to revoke and cancel the acceptance of same should
the said Campbell fail or refuse to carry out the
terms of said contract dated duly 24th, 1929, and
W=Aff, the said Campbell has duly performed the
said contract as aforesaid, therefore, upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent of highways,
it is
RESOLVED,, that in the opiniozr of this Board the
said Alexander C. Campbell has performed the
terms and conditions of the contract hEretofore
entered into with the Town of Vamaroneck on July
24th, 1929, and it is further,
RESOLVED, that the bond given by the said Campbell
in cunnectian with said contract, to wit, the bond
of the Fidelity & Casualty Company of New York in
the sum of $5,000. dated July 16th, 1929. should be
cancelled and terminated, and it is further
RE803,VF.D, that the Town Clerk forward to said
Surety Company a certified copy of this resolution
which shall be the authority of said Fidelity & Cas-
ualty Company of New York to cancel the aforesaid
band and to release it from its obligations there-
Michael Doherty o-f Dillon Park addressed the Board in
regard to the question of adequate water supply and fire protection
in Dillon Park. He was requested by the Supervisor to confer with
Counselor Gamble.
There being no other persons present who wished to address
the Board the regular order of business was resumed.
A communication was received from Charles IacDonald, County
F-ag-ineer in regard to the improvement of Weaver Street from the
end of the concrete pavement recently laid within the Town of
Mamaroneck northerly to Old Mamaroneck Raad in the Village of
Zcarsdale, known as County Road No. 19. After disc-ussion this
matter was: by resolution laid over to the next meeting.
ffpon the recommendation of Superintendent Coles: the
following resolution was moved by the Clerk, seconded by Tustice
Boyd and upon roll call unanimously
BF-SOLVF-D* that change orders Kos. It 2, 3- and 4,
Goatract, *V� Petrillo & Bianchi, Inc.,, Bungalow
and Fern Roads Improvement:,, for 'the purpose of
1 c-onstrue.ting a inch sidewalks at driveways;
2 furnishing, placing and rolling top soil, in
back of curbs an Fern Road; (3) furnishing.
rolling and spreading: Colprovia. in gutters along
Fern Road; (41 furnishing and spreading cinders
on Bungalow Road as approved by Superintendent
Coles and Engineer Foote, be and the same hereby
are approved and ordered paid..
A. communication was received from William IBC. Barrett,
attorney fox John G and Bernetta, Bowman, owners of property located
at Forest Avenue and Murray Avenue, inclasing a claim in the amount
of x$300.00 against Petrillo & Bianchi, GanWractors on the Forest
Avenue Improvement, for the use of this property for a period of
about one year. The claimants allege that the Contractors had
stored machinery and building materials on the premises and had
caused "very great damage" to the property. The matter- was
ordered referred to Counselor Gamble and Superintendent Coles.
An estimate was received from the Westchester Joint
Water Works, No. 1 in the amount of $3,405.24 for the install-
ation of a 5 inch water main on Colonial Avenue from Senate
Terrace to Weaver Street together with one hydrant. The estimate
was ordered laid on the table.
A communication was received from Warren & Scott,
attorneys in White Plains representing Luigi Leone, owner of
Property on Murray Avenue, requesting information as to what the
town intends t.o do in regard to the fact that the street level
has been raised some 9 inches, in front of his property, which
leaves his building low. The matter was ordered referred to.
Superintendent Coles and Frank 11. Gagliardi, Special Counsel in
connection with the Murray Avenue Improvement.
The Clerk inquired if the Town Board proposed to. take
any action at this time on a communication of August 19th from
Charles MacDonald, County Engineer,, in regard to the proposed
improvement of Gld White Plains Road Mamaroneck Road) County
Road No. 95. The matter was ordered laid overt
Supervisor Burton presented a letter dated November 19th,
1930, signed by Messrs. Foote and Gamble on behalf of the Pine
Brook Drainage Commission, presenting plans and specifications of
that part of the Fine Brook Drainage Commission program in so-far
as they related to a proposed water main to• be laid from the
present main in Fifth Avenue opposite the Palmer pr_oerty southerly
across and through the lands of Palmer, Westchester C-0-unM Park
Commission, the New York, New ILTven & Hartford Railroad Co. and to
the southerly side of its right of way, which plans and specific-
ations the Board examined in detail.
Supervisor Burton further stated that LECr. Foote*s letter
advised that the Pine Brook Drainage- Commission would be agreeable
to advertising for bids for the said proposed new water main as
they b-elieved that if this water main construction was included in
the Pine Brook construction contract, it could be done at a lesser
Price than if the Westchester Joint mater Works, No. 1 did the
work or the Board let the same to another contractor.
Supervisor Burton stated that in his opinion. it would be
advisable to have the Pine Brook Drainage Commission advertise for
the bids on the work and thereafter the Board could request an
estimate from the Westchester Joint Water Works, loo. 1 for the
purpose of comparison.
He stated that the water main, pursuant to the plans
would be laid in the same trench as the drain and that- where both
crossed under the New Haven right of way the water mains entered the
drain and ran inside of the drain to the southerly side of the right
of way where it again emerged. The Board determined that it would
be wise at this time to continue the water main from the southerly
side of the New Haven right of way Over to Echo Avenue and thence
along Echo Avenue within the Town of B4-imaroneok to the southerly
side of County Road 6.7-2 so that a connection could be made to carry
this pipe on to Dillon lark without having to tear up County Road
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOIIW-D, that the letter of the Pine Brook
Drainage- Commission be received and filed,
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized, empowered and directdd
to write to the Pine Brook Drainage Commission
advising that the plans and specifications of the
aforesaid water main are approved subject to the
following terms and conditions,.
I• That the mater main be extended from its
— present
atior_ as shown on the plans, to wit, the aoutherly side of the
right of way of the Neer York, New Haven & Hartford Right. of way
to the nearest point on Echo Avenue within the 'Zown of Mamaroneck
and thence southerly along Faho Avenue to a point southerly of
County Road 67-2; that gates be provided for said water main at
Pifth Avenue opposite Palmer property and at the southerly end of
the same at County Roall fi7-2; that fire hydrants be placed along
the right of way of the land of Palmer and that an additional fire
hydrant be installed at the intersection of echo Avenue and County
Road 67-2; further
R S0LVED, that the Supervisor on behalf of this
Board request the Pine Brook Drainage Commission
to advertise for bids for the proposed new water
main and that upon the receipt of bids that said
Commission submit the tabulation of the same to
this Board for its consideration and that the
Commission provide in its specifications that a
separate contract may be let by this Board or by
the Commission to the successful bidder; it being
understood that said water main will be- constructed
at the cost of the Town of Mamaroneck and under
the supervision and to the satisfa-ction of this
Board and Westchester Joint Water Works, No. 1;.
-- RESOLVED, that this resolution will be the author-
ity of Pine Brook Drainage Commission to acs advertise
for bids on behalf of the Town of 'Aa.maroneck; further
RBSOZVBDs that this Board reserves the right upon
the receipt of bids to determine whether it shall
accept the contractor determined upon by the Com-
mission or whether it will have said work done by
said Westchester Faint. water Works, 140. 1.
Budge Leeds on behalf of the committee heretofore appointed
to look into the question of adequate water supply for Dillon Park
recommended that a water main be laid under the Post Road before
the Post Road be permanently improved. After discussion it was
upon motion by Justice Meseersmith, seconded by Justice Collins
upon roll call unanimously
RE'SOLVE'D, that the Westchester Joint Water forks,
YO. I be and it hereby is authorised and directed
to submit to the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
estimate of the cost of installing a 10 inch water
main with proper gates from a point on the northerly
side of Hartung Street to the Boston Post Road,
thence westerly along the Boston Past Road to a point
apposite Dillon Road thence under the Boston Po-st:
Road to a. point at Dillon Road which point is without
the line of the proposed Boston Post Road improvement..
Counselor Gamble reported that the hearing in r-egard to the
New York, New Haven and Hartford Rail3toad Gom
Town of Wamaroneck had been adjourned from No pany bridges in the
following week. vember 20th to the
Counselor Gamble reported that by way of information he
had learned that Mamaroneck was not the only Community along the
Post Road, as had been claimed by the Blue Club Coach Lines,. Inc.,
which had not yet granted permission to the said B1uez�Club Coach
Lines, Inc_, to stop and pick up passenge
eck. rs in the torn of Mamaron-
Upttn motion the meeting adjourned at 1-014