HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_10_24 Town Board Minutes (2) 7!2, IT
Cy y
2Ath 1�2,c;
-1n th e a-lbz m--n,c- STi-c
7 ij, c 0 fL CC71
S __t r:cl n H C
,j U-S C- I a f.-ib e
kj,A.,0-L 'rC r L
r 7 -F
t"I i E z hcretlofck not- be an�- t h- e E,1 e
corr:aunica--ion frc--n Hf. n,, a
IT th C=a i.S o-ft,h �-,T,e",,u c ,-,r a s r e CE 7,e d a n d -a a E a i-f�,, ca 1 -f q
a t e r n t h- c v,n f o n OF lo c
i'll f-o-n't o-r,
1_iG c c ru_mn� c a t-L c;n 1.7 S 3 L- 12 -C)7 Cr
__E c_ 0 u-��e i n-e n E n o I -t i S F- T f c :Cis
c ow-r-un C_.LiOL r C,r" tT e s ch e s t p L-g'� 4
a 'I c-
-f c th- n t 1-
_1,,4, C-n -v er yes.
I - an-�� 2 a e
c c. cam :.F a s o r d e r e a c e d, c n 1,
&-na lxy-= thLe 0 f th Slai-%c r JL t n de cf HTIJ 7h-,--ays
%--s du seconded
R`S 0'77- -ha t %h^-. . C-",e Ez+r--- T i g,
-iting Cor_,,-:�any
L t Inc-l-cby i' -s auth ,--iz=-.-- cli-52,cf-
tl-- -Cl7cwnr7 street
c. --o. -�ve.
-g2.n.7 it e by 2 a,.:,tlacrize,-�, ^r-d
L 4 Cr-1� I 1 4
I -.L,-iue n,,i,, s IL-�'E 6 t I i S
....__° 7E lie
+s n t n
2. 0 lly t 1 7 e n Tu
-a n 1% w a s IF u Y t la e 2
t-,nat all r—f the cos-te ir. con--nEction
-'Vit"n I'ric- i-cstliat-Jor a--,d disocintinuancc of the
S a 4 CA a -_tC E I
- I be assesse,-f aga-i-nst
the c-f the j-D2 o-,-:ert-,�T fronti-fig or I-Tyrt- -
=L lfladis�-,-fi -.-n accordance
-and- ccnditionz c--- she 'nc-2e-
,Lfcre izEd-
lcntr-lots for the J -:--07,- m,c n
of . 721'11C rC Un C1 Poacl an Fcrn !Roaf-, cont-facts
-.a.. been =27)a-E6 '07 C 4�" C C - _' I I
-7 _ ---- _-P� a� --a an a�
�T C �', I r-i d st t"nat h e
---a s c c s C-al t c s i = inr s a c 0 111- ot-s um', FSE "ne S n
-Y -001:1+-e a C0-L�.neel c:L- t-E 72ovin, ,ca---,
lf�41 7 cticns +h=
S e C
_- .0- - in C,Ij e S
C C U1 d V-_ -b C a r d C d y t a 1 Y
t_q ICE a"T Ed to Counec 1
"rat i t al c! b e 1'�SC e Sa 1,— 4-
t i t S u F Y!p 7,a
'�7j7l� 7 f i t f e b t Iriecc fo-1- the
M 2 n t s o C_-
"na-I'2 died by S-D��cial Ccur,Ee,
01--rk b,!-c 1"C i o n s ab 0 7,P_ s t 2,t-e(a
and U-Dn mction, cf-,,j_�Y
e C Cn'd P Cd E.
R7 S CTI'IT-7 D trat any and 277 utler,; 'ra
conncctior, v,--_Lfh the Of
HIII-S, 'iVenue a-fid --ifadizo'n _,_ve^;�',Ye.
S t,r e E r 0 7C _Ent be and _he s a_-rL,e-
hereby are Fe r
h-i-- atten-�fon. 2e f Cc-unze cr Gar,,11o1c -fc::
re-pert-_� Erj
RZ S OL77 D that the -f CE--,--L if i catcS
1- _pl = _Iy r- - +I"e
a -
c,nd Darra-Y ',Wideriing, be an-f
�b a- e f e red t C) c c I_;.n S c I I Cr" G '07
S + S uI)
� autho--iZea a
tc b c r r o -u c,n t h ana c::c-dit, CS h
Iq C t LO e7l_Cced i7,.i 1
1 c s In� J a u th o z e
a,�i- in tne a-nd uunder tie zeal O-F the Said
T -.-,,n, -ne c E 1't 1 F J t e s c If i n d e lo t c d n c s
a n t J c I'--o a t i o n c. E,s s c-s s in e r,t b e 2�cl e a r.
c a g a ins t Ic h c s ^;l
HOM�Ra� _`venUc- 02�-ini Dlr'17e and TT ac H'71- D-----'
in the To-�vn ff L-amaa:onecI:, 1% Y., to ti'le co--t
549 cf the Lav:s cf 71�26 -a-, a-'ILcr-ded; and
-L'n s S U13 e 1-v i ✓ a S o f c Ssucd a
C 4 in the a-_�cunt-, Qf :-'ift-,7 Thcusanc
Dalla_--s -��'ch F_ aL
cr June 30th, F;.n..d -� ,y
the OCSt, 0w_Ice t,qE �aj,j
c—n dete=ind as
f Sa I'l S0 t1la", th-i S 3oa_-`c! has rct beer
ab-Ile th-- r-a
- assesss.-mentE c.r to seii 700,.. Z_ as
I _to
e T-a-c.-s of 1926
as aracnded; and
I t 1S d e S-I r e,---,, t c i2sae a 7 iurd11nE c e 1-
Oate cr :2Efurdlng certificates t b _-e f-u n c. said
Q in the aL�_Cunl of, kococ.,
L cTe be i
u ID e 3 0 r b e a n d h e y L
aut-1-iori zed an c.I%O-.,-,:eref,
-Du:�ST,,a.nt tc. o s I c,n E the Stl +_
_o.-oter �-49 of
c'refit C-1 hE thE Z._ua �:f
a r^-^ c f ci,n,
ates c n d e b t E dn E
bcal: I'T- e s t a t ba t n0 t LC E c 4
r a-.-i n um y E,,1� e a a.u c h t e s a s
t I I c U-0 a-r 7 1 S G r:ja y n c c- c e e d J n h o
h E e n n c n th s -f-t4 c-.n the c
S s e OZ -_,a Cri c ^tifaCate GZ c e i f c an,t e S o f i iI�ebtccmcsa or rote F� -PC]:- riot less t'_,-_n -oar val U- t-n"
�'LTPSOL'j7D4 the orcceFds o- sale 0:
0-.- ca--.-Mca ss
e- ,I - - t e s of i n al FI,-c��n s
E- "I n a-at ho r-;z e�� s ha 11 b e Used '_n' th P- ---e-1 un,
ng c-- s--lch certb-L in, -eqness ITC. 4-
n -1 =
a-,,=nt of zef
=d as in said Re�srni -- or C- '15-11
as n 1-110 A 4,f 4 e d; f zl--th,e
RES=77,:), the Tc.-,,,n of Yamarcr-ck
to Pa and. nterest of auch cert
ca t
c C,r C e r ifirma e s C b t c--�n E s z 4 n tn I
t h e J-n a o e -p e a s 82,I:"_° s h F,17
0 e c due as P--07.;def,. by Chz,-pter 549
of the-
Laws of 7-926 as amcn--�ed --an--' -Lc be -a1�j -o-Y the
ascess-'en ts l'-.'hen "ollectsd. to be 2 '
- 4 and I-etie
2 7tC C 7-re- i ..aid Iha e- 5 9 th e
f -c26 as Rmrdsd by the bonus to be sold la,d,-:
-Jr' zaJa act.
Th e qGS-' 4 C-r
f t:
Cf the fcre�oing reso- t;+jor
�iut "Lo a. 0 ch uoon rol7, call un -,1,
ado_ tcd�
he SUIDer-7--or -:,,as her�etofore and on
Jlinc ,t' -'-L�Iy au,-ao jz d
0 'a"th an=! cred,41 t of the of
Ha,M&ror�ck: a sv'zrl not to e--,:cced ITinn-tY-tiaouzand
Dolly s (�'90,000.
) .-h;Ch S n e z aut"CriZed, to
_SSUE in the name and unrder seal of -he
ore or r
,orp ce-,-t
t'n-, asse5s.meylt to be ade and
E71 eci a-ga-ins thE 1 ctl--
n e To _ of iDay tLCLLCCa
Of il--,r:-O:�,� h s a c! s t r e e LS a S -orcv-i ded by
C" e--- 649 of' of Ic-2C,
has hEre�ofcr- i,9sued a
j 0 '10e Of •h ou San
Dollars ','Ih'ch brca.-a�- dine and -3ayabls
on Tun= --Cth,
_ pn4 C ti E CCSt 1t^ YOiTi ti7'e
bas not bec-n -7,
as J 2 .0 -'ed -7n
SO that th,4, S 3oa-_d I
Ia�� fIC, e e.�:
able to Is,"Y the asse-s-s-rilent-s 0--(, Sell bondla
as by said Cna-'j-'er 549
7�26, the La-.vs c--
it is "Leeired to -is2ue a rcfundin�
' -4ca---- or certifioatcs 4c0 refU.rd 2 a-i d
Certificate Yo. in -,�hE amount c- `64C,000� ; there-
_ors- be it, L
the Su1er-,j,-Lsor be and Ine here is
autho:^-Jlzed a-nd in accor��,aac' T,-,,ith and
-,,i a r t t 6 r 0 7 4, n�
'ir of the 7,a:,:c o
State Of and c z icularly Chap r 5g9 f
as ai.,Lendcd, to L-0 '-, e
or Llnz
______th a n d off" the 0-
L r-.n�c 2c t h e
Of no-L, eyceecf-ing the D—inc=al amount of
and to jssj:�.e a Tei_LiOpl'c 3J certif-J,-F
Or ce---ti-fic-a-tes ff indebted-ness. in said
-:ihlich shall b--a-- in'�-ezest a" but nutu to eT-e=d sip
Er. centz (0 S n u--� -p a -b' e at zuch or
e v e r e months -1--ro= -11C
7 E
1-c-reof, and to diS00se of Suc fj l cer— a—j--'
�-' I te 0:2
L -
0 Jnc',elb sc,.n�zs cr notes not
less than jar vall-ae
R-7,S-77171-"-. that the
ff IC
certi--FiCF,te oi- certificates of indebtedness
herein authorized shall be urea in the --efunlft-
-C of such cErtifica+-c- of indebtedness 27jr...
in the of 40°000. -nere-L,o
!or,, authorized
and issued as in saij Fesolu` on of JunE 7 5-.h
?922, -0 o d c-d except, ^s h e re '12 m o d i IF i e d
U r-'n e r
CI-1,77D, t h a t t l'i e T o-,m o f Lfa,,aa c n e c I-,- c o v e n a n-I,s
to -,,j ay the I'D--C 1' n c i a r,d 'n e"r e s 0f s U c III C e-t
7 Ica te o_- ce:St--if-4 ca+-E E of indebtedness in thc
an.curi'L he inabove
- - a., t1am Saf,�� srall
be us P-s „ed by Chalter 549 of
7 c ,,D e
-926 as ai-ne n ced �-n�,,, '-
v aid by the
ccl'cctc-d to be made a-,-, !o7,-� ed
as above iDro-,,,ided in said Cha-titer 549 cT-- t'�j e
La 1S of 192-5 as 1�'T.-,znded "ov the e b s to
sold as --,orovided In s--Jd act.
7'-c -
quest' cr, c,- th- sdc-
n Cf WrE -rc epjc :-Sso U_o-,
as ' o r377 CE - - - �-L
vote ar�,- ul)on ado-c-l"C-�--
Th E °7112,,' --
es u-
111777A, by ar
S, � c:"der of this l3oard -,,maE a-nU
adc-r�ted at a r-,�cetling heIe/--n Tanu.a2c7 Hr��.,
t'is Board_ -,-vas dul-,v autnj�-,ized to 1=0��Cve
YJrtts intersection ra,,ith
A,,enue -,,,sstcr-y -c Bye?0,-n f.
L:��dizon its j L yj Place an v=2section 7'--i th
Ify--t 1E -en,-.e n 0 1-tlralF s s E-7 y -o 7��Ta= e E t
--- said To-,-;n of llariaronsck a -e-rmai-,en-
oave2,,,c-nt, Cu;bek On '00+1" s C:6 of and
"Uh a CDnc--re i.e s-ide-,r,,,a 11K Dn each s i3fE of sa,-id
s tr 2 e+-s nd
Of SUIC"ll - and
oon the
u-po1 s
al � s,
cr -oortiors thel--cf as -01-07dCa by
Cha-ctle-- 549
c as and,
cn O 1
S- SEctif Cha--��ter 549 of the
of L9-'M as am=--qdCd., =ideS tlLat a tE the
v e a n t i t �a b - C !'F�j o- e
y o-jo,,; -h- c t - f th
by c f at.es c f indebtedness im cl
a s , e uall
total cost for a
De Q-7- of ro
the B ,,:._,._ has ascertaiinzd the
cos-L of said iralorovericnt 2,id th,- e tnc-ccf to
suir -of
th-s S fires res to
_o.�Ae the sum
0' • '0,000.CC by the iz-�uance and sale -:)-; a oe-rtif-
ce te of no eb tl'-�-c!�-nzzs tc -,,)ay a 1,&Tt of the 3 ost
0 f s E, 1 ry-1:r 0-T s e r t, r o-,, h e r,e
r., t,
R7S 01-73D bY B oa�d t,"aa-, tr C S e r v J -o c and_
nc -' z autho::Ize^•. -:!!r', di rectEd to OW Ctii -anon
t c Tmvr of L o n e c
sum 0f L3 3 0,OCI C o 0 0 h i cn sure he shall issue
h n a
--mic and unde-- the zea7 Of sai-d -l--- n a
certiflica-Le of indeb-,edness said s,,I:cl Gf
C, C,,0 0
loc-a-� intcres�-- a, rate not to -":)er
ann-am &,nd -o --qa at SLj C i
L n thE Sla-Def lZC il
T---E,Y dete=inc not rz:,-ceeaiy1g� ho-
vever, on�: -i -ar from
thereo-f: an . it i
RITS CL'TED, t'L-,a-L, s a'd c e-1-11 if--o a tle sh a!! be �o a id,
7�iith to c _sa I ized fror.,i the asses ement
tc be --.ads in 'Lhe manner -orovideG by said
o49 c f the La-rrs of as arfended,
and/c _rnm t,,,-- -crocceds of the Eale of h-_'Eh-,,.,ay
bc-nde as t-ias ca-se aaay be a-, ded by saif,
lax:'; _nd il, is further
=0177H.D. 117-at said cert_Jfi cal— shall be so-a
7c not 1-css t-:an the par value thnrr-of and
tLat the S=erviscr and To,,,,,,n Clerif be and tI-,cy
herebv are authorized and emcocwered to sign and ey--
r--cute siich as ma7,, be necessary and -proper to
e wed , t h c Sale o_- 2a id e r t J__-_1 ca-1 e
-luestic-n C.-F, ad-_)-[-,I, _icr of the -"Grego-i-__
a S _-L:, 1c -,,,h-ich aS .1.-7on roil call unan-T.m-us-ly
cm in a e 1 a d7 i s e d_ tI 3 rD a r d. t',,-:a t t h^ 2 o-,,,:n ::-L a-n e ife
ad ccylf,-eFl, 4 t,,
I T:)oCI.-y- Pre S J den'
-f, P C-7 en, 1-nc. , in
-e gar-7 �4 rra-: c) the 3c.nr ie B-J a-, Section c P G'sn,
�rd t- -_C -�na_
ch af� ',,e 2a r ea r c d -aft c c ns-Lil'Ua+1 i or. .:i;,1'! Su-oj
an__ Su.-'e-1-intendent of Cr,2.-,,-;, and that a numbe- of
7 -F at s+" corners and ir-_Ersections had been :rc-mndsd in
accirdalice Of 'L,11S Su-101-rvilso-1, and t,"?,e
of High-.-w-a — He a =,-o by the — J. _Foolc
,Y A ' +
7ngin_ecring C=fcxaticn datc- ScI)+ICM'iDe2:' 1J22,j eta-,�_d t1ria-L
'1 4
-he naric-s -f h�ar_ also bec-,, c1aanged _r accordance
cu.gZestior,s trade, a-nd tnat LTcoJ,,- :--c-cue-steo that the
Su,Oerinzendert of _-LI_Jg'n-.-:ayz 2-,-Id tlne 3 a:ca asEt,,:ranc�s
e --s the 7-al
LEa the s tr=-e+1 na-78, the ,1_11-__ct-; on of the c,�_--_e + -7 0 Ij.+
c s tha-
e re o f a s sh_--m on the afor- nc-_ n uc'/l
t _.Vn a d Y t0 a r.-2 e T D Z t,h e d e d i c a+1 i o n Of e a i a S,e t,
ac_ and if o- red_-_oedf by Rou",cen G'_-_-n, inc.
da. sc-,j_ss ion. u-con moticn, seccndsn_, it
t,,-2at this Board a_-,c-frc-,:cs cf '11—. 'a-;out
of as sho-.-,-n on na-p of Roui-._n allcn,
n c y c-nn�C Brier 3 e c t_J c a a e b J. c e
Ocr-oc_-atlon, dated 1322,
and as -,-Jre�-entcad '.3 this ��oar,_7, and, t-,!c
an a -n a n-,c E of s a i_1 s t T e z t,In E r„On a-n d _J s r a fry t,c
acce-ot tn-_ �e-dice-tic-n of said, -_treat-a, -,.,(lc-n, as
anf if cf:'E d
`-R u cp!1 ,Icn T n c,,. r C) 4 C.
c e -e 2: t h a t n O+1�i n 2 -n t 111 D r c v, sn a-1
r F c,-%n s rued a a_o ---c 7 i i,i g the a d e 01 con d'i t il on
c a_J d st e e s a s t h-1 i n sn c tiT n; it being, under
s t b o 6 t a t a E u cT� t 1:2 e a�� t-In e a c c c L a n c e o-1, s a ia�,
streets J-2- re ql-_c sted, the attE r of grade-s; ty_Oes
of -,:avir
- E-, a-_1d Other im ro rern ti to be i:iade shall
be dcter=iinsd by this Bcard.
U7on mo-licn, tlhE ca-t 5.-30 P. UTo
T n